View Full Version : Our desire is that our Podcast helps just one person to "Let their light shine"

07-15-2016, 11:56 AM
I am so proud of my fiancee for being so honest about her relationship with depression and anxiety in our podcast. We wanted people to hear our story (to date).... so here it is.

The Yankee & Dandy Show #013 | Depression in a relationship - How to be the person of the person ......... Is avail. on iTunes and Stitcher (search The Yankee & Dandy Show)

In this episode we discuss depression and what it means to the sufferer and the person of the person. We don’t profess to be experts, psychologists or anything more formal than 2 people who traverse this thing called “life” together and in a transparent way. We hope that by raising the topics that we do in this Podcast such as eating disorders, people pleasing, shame, self ridicule, acceptance, establishing boundaries and owning your own reaction - we can, in our small little way help you wherever you are and whatever you are feeling.

07-16-2016, 02:55 AM
I'll assist those who do not use iTunes. I know there are a LOT of us.

You can find the podcast stream here:

You can also download by clicking on the following image and clicking the download icon:
http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/click%20here_zpssowqknkm.jpg (http://www.yankeedandy.com/category/podcast/)
I am unable to review. I am sure there is much on offer. TY for posting.

07-16-2016, 11:52 AM
Thank you Ponder