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  1. Magnesium?
  2. Prozac for anxiety
  3. What an amazing place..I came to help, but I also learned too..COOL!
  4. Back to school
  5. Does eating Red meat (Iron) Cause anxiety?
  6. Worry worry worry
  7. Taste of blood/metallic taste when I burp! Help!
  8. Please help... Every morning i wake w anxiety
  9. Why cant i stop worrying about mu heart???
  10. I'm scared to drive to school or anything else for that matter
  11. Anorexia back again.
  12. A special post, for a person that I didn't mean to run off...Not my intention.
  13. medication to take daily?
  14. Looking for people like me!
  15. unable to accept
  16. Is this bulls**t?
  17. sleeping well?
  18. Is this part of GERD? (not terd) haha
  19. Excuse my language on this post..
  20. How easily are you triggered?
  21. Someone please help me
  22. Anxiety? Scared about my health.
  23. Need advice or help
  24. So..
  25. This eliminates panic attack and anxiety withini 3 minutes
  26. Lump in throat
  27. Drowsy
  28. my oh my oh my
  29. Allergies and anxiety
  30. I found out how to stop chest pain caused by anxiety!
  31. How do i know? (someone please help)
  32. nightmares, food.. good day?
  33. Feeling low & flat
  34. Can't stop thinking!!
  35. A thread TOPIC that EVERYONE can post a reply too..Easy! don't be skeered....:)
  36. Know anything about iphones?
  37. now, this is my last post asking for help. I promise. someone talk some sense into me
  38. Newbie
  39. Procedure today
  40. Not a creature was stirring..EXCEPT FOR A BAT! YAY! Viking Man cometh...LOL!
  41. Wrong move..It returned to visit...no mercy. Compliments of Viking Man.
  42. Something must be done..
  43. Waking up not knowing where you are.
  44. Confusing issues
  45. Eating food and anxiety
  46. sertraline side effects...
  47. health anxiety
  48. problems with the family and friends.
  49. Does playing sports help with stress/anxiety?
  50. Does anybody feel more anxious when they are left alone?
  51. Feeling anxiety , anyone here to chat to??
  52. Anyone awake ??
  53. Do You Resist Life?
  54. intrusive thoughts
  55. slight vibration
  56. hey there dazza.
  57. Bad night
  58. My mind won't calm down
  59. Having a rough day today......
  60. woke up with panic attack
  61. Cant breathe
  62. Who here has young children & how does it affect you being a mum ?
  63. Some words of wisdom..(from a complete idiot!) I can be smart too!!!
  64. I'm going to start a diary on here, just to get stuff out my system.. day 1..
  65. Just a little joke to get the day started!
  66. Irrational fears!
  67. Hurts to breathe, has this happemed to anyone?
  68. does anyone take citalopram for anxiety?!?
  69. Ligyrophobia anyone?
  70. Think I am going to Start posting my daily diary here as well to keep track
  71. Fear of not waking up
  72. Back probelms and anxiety...
  73. Anxiety & funny story......
  74. Anxiety is an illusion
  75. Financial anxiety
  76. How to instantly stop hyperventilation
  77. Big love everyone
  78. Anxiety / work
  79. Anxiety help
  80. day 2.. I'm not mad..
  81. Anyone here on lorazapam /avitan ?
  82. Does anybody get nasal/chest congestion with anxiety?
  83. Who am I?...What am I?... Why am I here?.. I am misunderstood.
  84. Newbie here - am i crazy?
  85. I had to do it!!...sorry, IED! ...he's out of control!!!....:)
  86. Just when you think you're f**ked up? Imagine this...I am too!
  87. I feel like im on top of the world!!
  88. So So Day
  89. No xanax today!
  90. Goodbye anxiety!
  91. If anyone ever needs someone to talk to...
  92. pfffffft.. I hate mornings.. and tuna -_-
  93. Petrified of throwing up !
  94. Weight Loss
  95. Exercise
  96. Bad night bad day
  97. I went out today, rare occasion
  98. Need Help Anxiety ruining my life!!!
  99. Eurgh
  100. When people feel distant/unreal
  101. ...
  102. Do you think this was all I would need?..for 2 months?.....:|
  103. My anxiety rhyme (inspired by Jhunter89) lol...
  104. This was exactly how I felt..after trying Carbamazepine....
  105. gunna post a picture for a bit of advice before I go running to doctors LOL
  106. Sorry
  107. Somebody help!
  108. Leg pain? Blood clot?
  109. Passion Flower really helping my anxiety
  110. Lump in throat!
  111. Helping People Understand
  112. Night terrors? Some other anxiety-induced issue?
  113. My solution for anxiety attack, panic attack, phobias and fear.
  114. day 3.. progress :D
  115. Tingling/twitching in head!!
  116. Zoloft not working anymore
  117. Some insight as to where anxiety will lead you, if you allow it to control you..
  118. Hypochondriac *LONG*
  119. Should I keep taking AD's.
  120. Just dont know what to do... Help
  121. Am I just being sensitive?
  122. Magnesium giving me diarrhea
  123. lingering anxiety after a panic attack?
  124. After two years of denial, I see my doc 3rd Sept...
  125. Tight band feeling around leg
  126. What triggers your anxiety?
  127. Why?!
  128. Still without diagnosis?
  129. Eating habbits
  130. It happened.
  131. Past member, checking in
  132. Success.
  133. Teeth grinding and clenching
  134. Tonight sucks
  135. Quick question.
  136. To go or not to go??
  137. chest pains
  138. Some days harder than others!
  139. Any answers?
  140. Stomach Pains
  141. I wish everyone in here a day free of Anxiety.
  142. fuming and come to unload... some one tell me if im over reacting?
  143. Linden Method
  144. Will this ever end
  145. Asking for meds?
  146. Getting anxious over something stupid???
  147. Hello I am new here! Feeling lost, disconnected, and slightly crazy...
  148. Help again. HAHAHA
  149. Age and anxiety
  150. New school year, hard classes, possible anxiety.
  151. Paxil to prozac
  152. Should I talk to my doctor about medication or do a natural therapy?
  153. Another panic attack, encouragment please
  154. People in the chat room.
  155. low white blood count. freaking out.
  156. Fear of becoming schizo
  157. Blowing off steam.
  158. Who could I be?
  159. a really tough month ...when will it end ....little bit sad
  160. Clumsiness
  161. Panic or bad side effects from Citalopram and Alprazolam ER?
  162. Diagnosed with Lyme and scared..
  163. Totally
  164. Being alone
  165. Self-Discipline & Success
  166. Ashamed. acted like a complete child today. couldn't keep hold of my anger!
  167. 1st time in forum and need advice
  168. Just need people who can understand
  169. Same shit. Different Day. Different reaction.
  170. Grapefruit juice
  171. Anyone
  172. Anxiety friend or enemy? Elaborate please.
  173. hmm.. the chest pains are back? hello old friend.
  174. Is It True That A Trauma Victim Can Completely Let It Go?
  175. New meds.
  176. New member
  177. the Anxiety & Worry Workbook
  178. Need Advice!!!
  179. Why does it feel as though my life is suddenly falling apart?
  180. Helpful hints
  181. Bachs rescue remedy
  182. Help! Please read!
  183. new member...lost and anxious
  184. One step forward 10 steps back !
  185. Have you had this?
  186. Understanding some of my symptoms
  187. Anxiety Disorder - a global conspiracy? Zooikss!
  188. Anxiety in my relationship
  189. Disconnected
  190. My palpitations described. Anyone else?
  191. Heart palpitations
  192. Finally done.
  193. heart symptoms and bowels
  194. Help!!!
  195. Worse anxiety when starting ad?
  196. what causes this?
  197. Umm im pretty scared
  198. Grrrr
  199. Confused
  200. Morning Anxiety
  201. New to forum
  202. sick & tired of this crap
  203. Cant catch my breathe
  204. Brain Fog
  205. Shortness of breath
  206. Marijuana and Anxiety
  207. Anyone relate?
  208. ohhh ohhh somtimes I get a good feeling.
  209. Love (anxiety) is all around me, it's every where I gooooo... (song)
  210. Worry
  211. Feeling better today!
  212. Another thread. Advice plz?
  213. Had an Attack this Am!!!
  214. Freaking out!
  215. Not sure if it is anxiety
  216. What's up fockers! :) E-Man...
  217. peace and tranquility apps
  218. Cherry Juice and phone apps!!
  219. I dont know what "type" of anxiety i am suffering from?
  220. An example on an E-Man IED episode, hope you're ready for this.
  221. hmm
  222. saw a CBT person yesterday, thought I'd let you all know how it went..
  223. feel crap today. not sure what to do with myself.
  224. Obsessive bad thoughts
  225. Left Arm/Shoulder Tension
  226. help,vaccinne
  227. ever make a big mistake? I did.
  228. pulse?
  229. Dissertation study, for anybody who plays games on any platform or console.
  230. Pmt + Anxiety = HELL
  231. Just smile for a minute! It begins an entire internal process..real fast!
  232. Feel like im losing the battle
  233. Hello
  234. birthday.
  235. I've come t complain... again..
  236. Help!!!
  237. Im very new here, but i would love some feedback.
  238. CBT Feedback needed
  239. Triggers/heart attack/help
  240. anxiety over body hair
  241. Can't feel my feet
  242. Making new friends w/anxiety
  243. If i said..
  244. med switching
  245. I am going to try to type a reply ONE MORE TIME to a member about friends!
  246. How to explain what it's like living with GAD to family and friends.
  247. New here!!
  248. Another casualty of a not so perfect healthcare system...grrr E-Man.
  249. Anxiety and relationships
  250. Bit jumpy today.