View Full Version : Excuse my language on this post..
08-15-2012, 09:18 PM
you dont have to read this.. its just me expressing myself.. ranting on and on
JESUS CHRIST. my fucking mom just said she used to have panic attacks. what the fuck mom. you knew about my anxiety and you had me thinking I was the only one with this problem in the family that caused me to think i had a health problem? FUCK YOU MOM. damm. this whole time, you didnt bother to help me or to fucking tell me how you coped with it..
okay im done.. nice and calm...
08-16-2012, 01:24 AM
Only since I developed A/D did I find out that my younger sister suffered similar a while back.
Sis was frequently near or actually fainting for some time - especially in stressful situations (and I never knew)
After a doctors visit, she was told she wasn't breathing deeply enough (hyperventilating) and from that point on she was completely cured.
Anyway... A/D isn't such a major issue. There are a lot worse things you could develop.
It's treatable, will fuck off in due course and you'll be back to being you again.
08-16-2012, 08:25 AM
Yeah I get that... it just pissed me off that she knew and didnt tell me you know?
08-16-2012, 08:54 AM
Trist your Mom may have been trying not to upset you or make your anxiety worse and/or was trying protect you. It wouldn't make much difference as she might still struggle with it and(I think most of us undertand this) doesn't like to talk about it as most don't understand. She may even be in denial you might have an issue with anxiety as parents hurt when their kids hurt so forgive her and talk openly if you can and maybe you'll both benefit. It does confirm or suggest a biological tendency maybe. Just my take. ALankay.
08-16-2012, 11:02 AM
I obviously have A/D and I suspect my 9 yr old Son may as well have a touch of A/D. I love him more than life itself and it hurts to think/admit that he may suffer w this stupid "affliction". I have not spoken to him about my A/D yet, or even what A/D is... partly b/c of his age and partly b/c I'm afraid that if I explain it, he'll develop it further??? In other words... Back off your Mom, as someone else here said in a previous post, if she "had" it, she prob STILL does and she prob simply just doesn't want to face the fact that the son she loves dearly has something that she can't remove for him. I mean think about it, if she can't help herself, she prob feels that she can't help you either? Just talk w her and maybe together y'all can help each other cope? Good luck.. And give your Mom a hug :)
08-16-2012, 11:35 AM
Shes just trying to protect you. I honestly think you should talk and apologise to your mum, seriously. If you said any of that stuff to her you can seriously hurt her and even kick off her anxiety again, in fact you could even make it worse.
She might not of told you because she would be scared of what you thought, it could of brought up horrible memories for her, it might of opened up a lot of questions she couldn't answer and she was just protecting you as you might of worried about her. My mum didn't tell be about her depression till i was over my anxiety the last time, she didn't tell me incase it made me worry further, I'm grateful she told me afterwards to be honest.
Also, she might not of told you because she wanted to forget about it rather than dig up the past she put behind.
08-16-2012, 11:53 AM
oh no i didnt say anything of that nature to her. I wouldnt even do it if I was beyond pissed off
08-16-2012, 12:20 PM
Oh ok, thank god!!
I still think you should talk to her though!! :)
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