08-18-2012, 09:22 AM
Ok so I dont really know how to explain this but for a few years now I know that I have a pretty bad case of anxiety I have intrusive thoughts which I am slowly getting passed, but what really bothers me is an anxiety I have about succeeding for years now ive been playing baskettball and ive gotten quite good but I just feel like I can't get to the next level because I always have this expectation over me that I am very good and its almost like a pressure, so in fear of failure ive been playing less and less baskettball because my mind always seems to run wild when I want to do something im good at. I always get really really anxious and wierd questions come up in my head like why do I excel at this? What makes me different? questions that make no sense and no matter how much I try to convince my mind otherwise my mind always backtracks to the way it was... this issue happes in anythin that I feel I excel at and it really bothers me because it does make my performance worse.. I just wish I could do what I love to do again without worrys or expectations over myself but like I said it just seems like my mind is everywhere and crazily anxious. Also around my friends when I get compliments I almost feel like I have to remain the same and keep up my personality all the time to where i'm actually thinking about what I say and I just cant be myself... I guess you could say I have unrealisticly high expectations of myself. Any help would be appreciated
08-18-2012, 12:21 PM
Hey Hey,
Yes, I'm completely confused too! YAY! I truly enjoy creating organization, out of complete disarray...its fun!..
1. Placing demands upon yourself is fine, it is when the demands you are placing upon yourself to excel or succeed at a much more rapid pace..and you don't, ar incapable, or did not succeed at your requested and demanded goals that creates the problem. You're setting yourself up, to let yourself down..Avoid this at all cost. Be (realistic) in your expectations.
2. Basketball is a game of skill, agility, speed, reflex, quick thinking...and most importantly of all POISE!. Anxiety and basketball are enemys..period. Relax, a controlled calm, in a fast paced game, will allow you to succeed.
3. Accept the fact that you are gifted, talented, more skilled, then others and don't feel bad for them because they don't appear to exhibit your skills. We are all different, and better at some things then others..Accept, recognize, acknowledge, your God given talents...Use them, to suit you.
4. Now, the "compliments" issue is about a different thing all together. It is the fact that you do not like "public acknowledgement" or "public announcement" or "public recognition" for your atheletisism, skill, abilities. You know how I know that? Because I don't either..at my age. Now, when I was younger, I would receive award, after trophy, after plaque, after certificate..with no bother. I was a Champion, I was a Winner, I did command the teams, classrooms, whatever..
This is the one that you, yourself must figure the way to make this work for you.. Maybe "minimize" it within your own mind..even though it seems to be a big hairy deal to everyone else...Say to yourself "yay,..wow...big deal...yippee"...and accept the pats on the back anyway...
Man I wish I was young again!!! Sports are a thing of my past, part of life...but I was good too!
Goodluck to you!
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