View Full Version : Zoloft not working anymore
08-22-2012, 02:25 PM
Yeah. I've been taking Zoloft for 3 months and now I feel like its doing nothing.. I'm back to crying all the time before bed and I feel more anxious than ever. I've always had more anxiety than depression, but they put me on Zoloft cause everyone knows anxiety meds are more addictive and dangerous to take long term or whatever. I don't want to go to the doctor and switch because I feel too needy and annoying.
08-22-2012, 04:20 PM
Leah B,
1. Crying all the time.
2. More anxious then ever before.
3. It is highly likely that you did have only anxiety, yet some Dr's think, believe, or convince themselves that there is some other sort of "underlying" condition or disorder which is complete and utter horses**t. AND, said Dr. may not even have the "proper credentials or certification" to even be able to WRITE OUT a prescription for an (anti-anxiety) medication anyway so they just throw what THEY CAN at people..Another FLAW in the healthcare systems. Just because the sign on the door says DOCTOR doesn't mean he knows his a** from a hole in the ground, NOR can he/she even WRITE ANY REQUIRED PRESCRIPTION OR DRUGS FROM ANY CLASS OF SUBSTANCES..No, I'm not yelling at you or anyone else here but making a clear point, which explains either (1) or (2) reasons why Dr. Dumba** threw (zoloft) at you to begin with.
4. (Zoloft) has a history of "heightening anxiety" is as much as 20% of the people that take it...
5. Who gives a s**t if (anti-anxiety) meds are addictive or not? IF it is what the patient needs to "improve their quality of life" then so be it. The chemist didn't design it, so it wouldn't be used or prescribed.
6. RETURNING TO YOUR DR AND RE-VISITING THIS ANXIETY DISORDER IS YOUR ONLY OPTION, CHOICE, MUST...So, don't close that door or you will live a very long time in fear, panic, grief if you IGNORE this...Trust me..
It is an anxiety sufferers main JOB to continue to need, annoy, seek intervention for this illness or you will never be free of this crazya** "Anxiety Matrix" that you are now trapped in..Go pound on his door, call him every 3 minutes, drive by honking the horn on your car until he either says "I CAN'T WRITE THAT" or "I CAN'T HELP YOU"...Then,.go annoy the s**t out of another Dr. until you get WHAT YOU NEED!...I did yell that last part so you would hear me...
I am kind, caring, compassionate yet when I read post like these it throws my mind into another place that isn't so quiet and peaceful..Dr's frustrate me, which is why I know so much..I find my own answers, or I wouldn't still be here today..
Please follow this plan and suggested advice.
Best wishes,
08-22-2012, 04:38 PM
PS: I have a disorder called IED. (intermittent explosive disorder)..that reply is part of my disorder. It provokes instantanious aggression, yet I will harm no one because I know when its happening and I will lock myself into another room or leave wherever to protect other individuals from me. It can not be predicted, but I can control the result which is why medication is not required. At the moment I read your post, I wished to locate the offices of your Dr. Although one side of my brain screams "irrational!" The other side is saying "hunt!"...
This is a by-product of anxiety that had thrived within me for over 40 years, it will never leave me alone. I must always be aware of this presence.
Go see your Dr.
08-22-2012, 05:36 PM
I was on Zoloft for years (8 years). I was diagnosed with GAD a couple of years ago and Zoloft has done little to help me. I stayed on it because for the first few years it seemed liked it helped and I was getting pressure from family. They said they noticed a difference. I agree it did make a difference at first but it was more like a band aid to the real problem of GAD. Do to my current situation (life in ruins) I met with my therapist today and she said the first thing I need to do is make a doctors appointment and let them know the meds aren't working. I have an appointment Friday to discuss my situation with my doctor.
08-22-2012, 05:41 PM
Enduroman: I like your enthusiasm and yes I know, that part of drs annoys me. The drug companies pay them to prescribe me drugs, thus being why it's very easy for people to attain medication with little info or diagnosis. I'm sorry about your condition. Hopefully my post doesn't aggravate you even more. But thank you for your help.
08-22-2012, 05:55 PM
@LeahB...Your post only aggravated me because of what most Dr's do and how they treat people. Yes, they do get "kick backs" to prescribe certain meds, perks, $$$'s, all kinds of flaky stupid crap goes on behind those doors. Having a good Dr, one you can trust, knows you, listens to you, understands you, is rare..I have had (1) Dr. for nearly 25 years so he knows me well and knows how to help if I need it. Oh, and no shortages of "enthusiasm" when you're inflicted with as many (disorders) as I am..I entertain myself just by looking into the mirror! LOL!
08-22-2012, 06:01 PM
IMHO...Zoloft is a TERRIBLE medication for those with even a hint of anxiety. It increases certain "anxietal brain activity" and I'm not real sure why and neither are the freakin people that make it, which is another topic...grrrr.
08-23-2012, 07:38 PM
Well, for me, Zoloft did help. I was originally taking just Buspar, which is also an anti-anxiety drug, and I was still pretty anxious, all day, every day. My doctor added a very small amt of Zoloft ( it took me months to agree to try it...) and it seems to have balanced things out. I still have tough days here and there, and I sometimes will take xanax, but for the most part, I rarely have to. That small amt of Zoloft really did help.
08-23-2012, 07:41 PM
Oh, I forgot to mention, when I first started to take Zoloft, I had some heightened anxiety and some slight GI issues for the first few weeks, but those issues seem to have faded...and the only side effect I notice is that it makes me very I take it in the evening before I go to bed.
08-25-2012, 07:51 PM
I have been taking it for almost 4 months and I have an appt next week to talk to my dr about switching. I tried taking it before bed when I first started but then had insomnia so I take it when I wake up. Before I started Zoloft I RARELY got panic attacks and if I did, they were mild. But now I feel like I have them all the time... And the only reason I like Zoloft is cause I feel like it controls my emotions better, because I was crying all the time and in public and it was embarrassing and with Zoloft I don't do that anymore. So my depression seemed cleared up. But the other day I had a panic attack in the morning and spent the rest of the day crying in bed like never before. I'm just annoyed of my emotions right now
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