View Full Version : Just need people who can understand
08-25-2012, 03:35 PM
For the last year and a half my life has been consumed with the singular thought that today I'm going to die. I have had an echocardiogram, countless EKGs, MRI and MRA of my head, blood tests...and the doctors have found nothing. And yet, I refuse to believe that they haven't missed something.
I do not have panic attacks very often, but I am in a constant state of anxiety. I am wondering if there are others who experience symptoms of anxiety throughout the day.
I.e. Random chest pain, optic migraines, fatigue, etc.
Every time I experience one of these things, or have any strange sensation in my body, it triggers me to thinking that there must be something fatal happening.
I just want to know if other people experience these kinds of things and how you cope with them.
Thanks, and hope all is well as it can be!
08-25-2012, 03:56 PM
I have a similar story. 10 months of being ill and countless tests and medically the doctors haven't found anything. Ecg and all other tests within normal limits.
It has only clicked in last few days that my constant fears over my health have completely screwed up my logic. I cant walk down the road without visual disturbance, panic, nausea.
I got hooked on googling every possible explanation for my symptoms so after every test came back negative i am struggling to get my mind to accept this.
After collapsing twice in april I started to fear going anywhere just in case something happened. Nothing has but I live in constant fear and i think this i where my anxiety began.
I have accepted i need help, wasn't quite sure how so I have arranged to see a cognitive behavioural therapist on wednesday to see if he can help.
I have just turned 26 and feel like my life is at an all time low. I cant eat out or go shopping or just socialise as my anxiety takes over and I start feeling 'ill'. i stress myself so much it causes diorreah (horrid i know) but thats how bad it has become.
I am hoping this forum will be a support, show that I am not alone and more importantly take the control back.
Do not make my mistake and try to self diagnose, i became obsessed that i had everything from heart problems to fibromyalgia. Support from friends and loved ones will be important. When your not fighting alone, thats a great comfort.
Its not easy to admit anxiety, depression etc but it will help as it is the first step.
I have been everywhere from neurologists to gastrorentologists to cardiologists and I am physically fit and healthy, now my mind just needs to accept that
Wishing you well on your journey to freedom and control
08-25-2012, 04:39 PM
I used to feel the same way.. I feel better now though.. it will pass.
08-25-2012, 05:50 PM
oh i definitely self-diagnose. i have my fiancee and thank god he's the most supportive person i can imagine. i have a really hard time being alone because i am terrified that something will happen and there won't be anyone around to call an ambulance.
do you feel symptoms of the anxiety at times when you feel okay? there are some times when i feel really good and not anxious but i'll get a random chest pain. also what are the visual disturbances that you have? i'm wondering if they are similar to mine.
08-25-2012, 07:05 PM
Yes, I feel like that all the time. I can be perfectly fine and all the sudden my vision goes blurry or I feel faint, nauseated, etc. I'm working on some CBT worksheets that help some and I do breathing exercises. It is the most disturbing feeling - I totally understand. I read a great book by Claire Weekes that said the "fight or flight" response causes your pupils to dilate so that could explain the funny vision stuff.
08-25-2012, 08:59 PM
Seeing a counselor is great. Learn acceptance, as Claire would suggest just learn to observe the anxiety symptoms and accept what comes; don't fight it
08-26-2012, 03:00 AM
I have some suggestions which may help slightly. When i was at my worst I downloaded some free relaxation/ hypnotherapy tapes for i tunes - relax and sleep well and inner peace and calm.
I listened to them every might before I went to sleep and when the panic had set in. They do help you do become somewhat more relaxed. When i start to panic i can either make myself sick or bring on diorreah. As i have gilbert syndrome i produce excess bile so I can keep throwing up.
Cbt or hypnotherapy treatment may help you. i have contacted one from each profession and have a free consult with a cbt specialist on wednesday to see whether this treatment will be o any help to me. Again I would suggest you now not get caught up in reading up on anxiety as our minds both seem easily led with self diagnoses. If possible i will send you the link which the cbt specialist sent to me as this booklet may be helpful to you also to explain what it is, how to treat and the symptoms you may suffer.
Hope this is of help to you
08-26-2012, 03:12 AM
I cant post the website :( but if you go to northumberland tyne and wear nhs website and go to self help - there is a booklet for anxiety, explaining what it is, the symptoms you can experience and help for your anxiety.
Like me, this may help you realise your symptoms are not necessarily as a result of a medical complaint bur rather you are now suffering with anxiety. I have had countless tests and the doctors found nothing so we can safely assume nothing bad is going to happen, no matter how scary the symptoms
Hope this helps
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