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  1. Chest pain
  2. Anxiety levels
  3. Holy basil
  4. bodyaches after taking lexapro? HELPPP
  5. Us as sufferers
  6. scared antibiotics havent worked
  7. Stepping out of my comfort zone
  8. bad anticipatory anxiety
  9. Anxiety Expert help ? Or anyone
  10. Anxious thoughts
  11. Does anyone else NOT believe in taking medication?
  12. Weigh in on my anxiety please
  13. is this normal? please help
  14. Relationships, UGHHH!!!
  15. High amxiety today
  16. Advice please
  17. how do u manage or challange your symptoms??
  18. Chest Breathing
  19. neck pain
  20. really need some help and answers please
  21. Vitamin d questions
  22. Beta-blocker question.
  23. Don't understand
  24. Very frustrated...
  25. Misophonia...
  26. Tired of symptoms ... Is this normal
  27. Chest Tightness and Feeling Airless?
  28. Toilet anxiety
  29. Is it bad to be intelligent..?
  30. Suicide.
  31. scared of sedation
  32. Vials of blood
  33. Can anyone answer this question?
  34. Anxiety this early
  35. Doin well
  36. Stuck
  37. Pains throughout body?
  38. Questions for the ladies!!!!
  39. New here!!! Does anyone feel like have chest pains all day every day?
  40. want to laugh??
  41. Life...
  42. Sex
  43. Feeling dizzy
  44. Coffee..
  45. Does anyone feel strange after being normal...???
  46. Scary morning
  47. Really bad anxiety, need help
  48. General Anxiety
  49. Zoloft
  50. Dissociation constant
  51. Wow, its been a month!?
  52. Medication Poll...what have you liked and what have you hated?
  53. Hi friends!! Need your support!!
  54. Triumph over one now on to the next!
  55. borderline panic mode??
  56. Weight gain on Celexa?
  57. Bactrim = Anxiety/Depression?
  58. Question
  59. Being alone :(
  60. :O long time
  61. Remeron?
  62. Outraged at how i was treated today!!!
  63. Just when I thought I was getting better...
  64. Anxiety making me ill
  65. I found a way out, To anyone going through what I did, Plz read. It will help.
  66. Question for the ladies
  67. Marriage&Anxiety. :S
  68. Home from the psychiatrist
  69. Does anyone here love Animals? :)
  70. Anxiety/Dependence on Relationships
  71. can't stay calm :(
  72. muscle twitches- can anyone relate?- my anxiety story
  73. Kids
  74. Dare I Ask?
  75. Help for my sister
  76. cancelled everything :/
  77. Drawing ideas?
  78. Question...
  79. Idk idk idk idk
  80. Advice!
  81. Breathing
  82. Impressed with magnesium(magnesium chloride)
  83. Triggers at Work.
  84. Happy
  85. Tips on dealing with Anxiety!!
  86. I hate my job.
  87. Forum - benefitial?
  88. Chest Pain
  89. What to expect?
  90. Panicking badly over everything
  91. feeling rubish
  92. Hormonal anxiety at 27?
  93. Periods and anxiety
  94. Sertraline Day 5
  95. Just checking in with you all :) x
  96. Ft. Hood Shooting
  97. Breathing techniques - Nadi Shodana
  98. tight achy feeling at base of neck??
  99. Feeling really bad
  100. Hmmm
  101. Tattoo
  102. Accommodate or fight?
  103. Breathing Question!
  104. Big Changes In Life
  105. Jobs and anxiety
  106. My anxiety is one up on me again
  107. Extreme claustrophobia in lifts: help!
  108. Yet another concern :(
  109. I dont know what to do with myself!?! With my chest pains!!!!?
  110. Update on where I have been!
  111. Is klonopin dangerous?
  112. strange so called anxiety ????
  113. Huge meltdown, help!
  114. obsessing over low heart rate
  115. bad day :(
  116. worrying about rash!!
  117. Hey I'm new here help me out...A hypochondriac :(
  118. Meeting a guy
  119. Anyone?
  120. Heyyy
  121. Holy crap.
  122. Do i have ti take these anxiety meds for the rest of my life?
  123. Here we go :D
  124. Anxiety is Town to be passed through
  125. Please go check out my anxiety blog! :)
  126. These meds are kicking my a&@
  127. how do I stop this dizziness and off balance feeling?
  128. Looking for a root cause...
  129. Windows 8 challenged...help please...screwed up!
  130. Important Effexor Question
  131. Breathing
  132. 7 days sertraline and feel worse
  133. Advice for exercising to help anxiety/fatigue
  134. yes, me again!
  135. opinion please
  136. Help cant breathe
  137. Vitamin B complex always making me feel sick?
  138. Im stuck..
  139. Does it get better?
  140. Obsessive thoughts will they stop?
  141. Gone Green?
  142. Psychiatrists...
  143. Another sleepless night :(
  144. Fear of Abandonment
  145. Citicoline Sodium for anxiety...need ur views please
  146. Holding a speech
  147. Nervous about Dr. Appointment today...
  148. Anxiety About Sleeping - Need help!
  149. Questionnnn :)
  150. sick and tired :(
  151. Panic
  152. worried about fiancé
  153. Need some help!
  154. 27 y/o M Lifelong anxiety, Panophobia?
  155. I wish someone could get it :(
  156. Finally letting one's family and friends know about one's disorder(s)-share stories?
  157. Racing mind
  158. Having Driving lessons with Anxiety!!!!
  159. This is weird..
  160. Shortness of breath...
  161. Need some advice
  162. Having this weird feeling....anyone experience this
  163. Wanting To Give Up.
  164. Stomach Pains
  165. :-(
  166. Return to work/NHS counselling
  167. anyone any idea?
  168. I hate night times
  169. Hey guys
  170. First diagnosis 18 years ago. It's just gotten worse.
  171. back to work
  172. Feeling like sh*t - Some motivation
  173. :(
  174. ???
  175. anyone
  176. Is it bar
  177. Hot flashes / facial flushing
  178. Had the flu, now my anxiety is in overdrive!!
  179. Zoloft Sertraline
  180. PLEASE help me, I'm in so much distress!
  181. Wellbutrin side effects :(
  182. lexapro.
  183. Idiot doctors!
  184. Ouch Ouch Chest Pains!
  185. Is this my meds?
  186. Advice
  187. I keep looking for symptoms!
  188. trying to hang in there
  189. TRIGGERS: anxiety back
  190. Heat.
  191. Heyy
  192. Having such a bad time
  193. Bad days :|
  194. don't know what to do
  195. Anyone ever get this feeling?
  196. Any body else get skipped heart beats of anxiety?
  197. Probiotics
  198. pains in chest
  199. Anxiety Attacks from missing a girl, need help
  200. Update
  201. worried
  202. I dont have anxiety, but i do?
  203. So nervous
  204. anyone please?
  205. Working nights and mood
  206. Fed up!!!
  207. why do doctors hate me?
  208. Does religion help you guys with religion?
  209. Pure Ocd coming back ...
  210. Asthma (reliever inhaler) & Panic Attacks
  211. Intrusive thoughts...
  212. Im going crazy thinking about this all the time!
  213. Anxiety because of someone possible ?
  214. Genetic testing results came back
  215. Anxiety every weekend like clock work
  216. ugh
  217. For Jason123
  218. Do I need to see a therapist?
  219. Anxiety with the city
  220. nauseous
  221. I am so tired of not sleeping
  222. I'm severely underweight, anyone else have this problem?
  223. Does anyone else think anxiety has had a positive effect on you?
  224. Life Update
  225. Myself
  226. Panic!
  227. Another year wasted
  228. Effexor question? A recovery story.
  229. anxiety or heart problem?
  230. Please help me I think im violent and I feel horrendous
  231. Here we are...
  232. Over active thyroid
  233. Having a panic atrack
  234. Just a really flawed time of late
  235. Anxiety in the office
  236. Does this theory check out?
  237. chest pain
  238. Numbness but not numb?
  239. Severe sadness - depression?
  240. Has anyone overcome fear of abandonment or relationship anxiety?
  241. Made it through the day
  242. Shitty day with the pdoc
  243. Just curious... Anyone else find this?
  244. Honestly so scared right now
  245. Advice on wellbutrin :)
  246. Tips for starting an ssri
  247. Am i going crazy?
  248. Sensations on Arms and Wrists
  249. palps
  250. Stuck in a rut