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  1. Partner with anxiety - can you help me?
  2. Is it possible?
  3. I need something, someone maybe.
  4. I did it!
  5. Feel like ceap
  6. Lonley
  7. Help! Not having a good day!!
  8. :(
  9. Ugh
  10. heart palpitations
  11. Tense/odd feeling in head
  12. Not my day today!!!
  13. Can someone tell me what this is?
  14. New
  15. Waking up
  16. very nervous about my food..
  17. Something stuck in throat! Need to burp
  18. Another day, another problem..
  19. Gerd
  20. Symptoms
  21. Have to vent/admit the hidden hypochondria
  22. Fibromyalgia?
  23. Do pannick attacks wear down?
  24. To be your own advocate
  25. Do pannick attacks effect O2 levels?
  26. Real shitty night pardon language
  27. Is it normal with anxiety ro have tingling finger tips
  28. Big heart beat
  29. what do i do? My life is a mess.
  30. Helpful link
  31. New!
  32. What? Me Worry!?! Great links to help with GAD
  33. Did I have a panic attack? If I did, what are some tips to prevent it from happening?
  34. DRUGS? (not the prescription kind)
  35. What if...
  36. Alankay!!**
  37. Panic attack?
  38. Told to get a second opinion
  39. keep seeing things, but then they actialy happen
  40. I
  41. Freaking out about thanksgiving!!
  42. pain in chest
  43. Muscle aches
  44. No appetite
  45. Struggling
  46. Breathing problems!
  47. Humour
  48. Oh anxiety, please go away and never come back!!
  49. What next
  50. Speaking
  51. Lexapro & alcohol
  52. Hurts when breathe
  53. Chest pains. :( feel like im going to die all the time
  54. Birth control and anxiety
  55. Happy Thanksgiving
  56. panic attacks and insecurity
  57. Anxiety depression spiral
  58. Rough day
  59. Upper Left Backpain.
  60. What are your daily symptoms?....
  62. Anxiety on Thanksgiving
  63. Anxiety has gotten worse.
  64. New here! Health Anxiety - Headaches this time
  65. Is this anxiety !
  66. Greeeeat!
  67. Struggling with Eating Disorder and Anxiety
  68. I've had a really bad night
  69. fuzzy head?? anxiety, lorazepam??
  70. Dizziness
  71. Last pregnancy ever!
  72. Heart pains!
  73. Thank You
  74. Should i be freaking out
  75. damn its different
  76. meat intolerance or anxiety
  77. how to deal with social situations
  78. About meds
  79. Being Assertive
  80. Anyone else feel phsically ill due to anxiety
  81. Well
  82. __..__._*__...___ Christmas anxiety ___.._*_.___.*
  83. Has anyone had a heart reset?
  84. How long?
  85. What are your anxiety symptoms?
  86. lets be friends
  87. I really need to talk to someone about this.
  88. Breathing??
  89. Anxiety from Work
  90. Help me
  91. I cant stop this
  92. Interview tomorrow - having a massive panic.
  93. Social anxiety
  94. feeling a little down!
  95. Get Your Mind Right to Cure Your Anxiety
  96. My anxiety is crippling me and holding me back.
  97. Am I alone??
  98. Trying to help my boyfriend with anxiety...
  99. Bad Night
  100. Anxiety Treatment... What is popular vs. What is effective...
  101. Crying
  102. Burping and cheat discomfort.
  103. Woke up crying!!
  104. Where is my mind
  105. School anxiety
  106. Hakuna Matata!
  107. New to this and really need some answers!
  108. I dont understand
  109. drinking and anxiety don't mix
  110. How do you prepare yourself for a good nights sleep?
  111. Grrr palpitations and panic attack
  112. Light brown patches on chest
  113. Sleep paralysis
  114. I don't know what I'm anxious about!?
  115. Help me here please
  116. this is the video i made explaining my story
  117. shaky hands affecting my job!!
  118. High bp
  119. Dizziness
  120. Do not feel like myself, feel hopeless.
  121. I think my spirit is dying
  122. Suicidal
  123. really hope to keep it together
  124. Please help...
  125. Update, sickness and panic attacks.
  126. Scared to sleep
  127. Expecting the worst
  128. Going to the dr, adrenaline rush
  129. Does anyone know??
  130. Never on Meds
  131. Feeling positive
  132. Hello im new :)
  133. Is this anxiety and why?
  134. Got a diagnosis!
  135. Mouth Breather or Nose Breather?
  136. Ugh
  137. Anxiety coupled with something physical?
  138. Heart racing?
  139. So stressed
  140. Things started to get easy and now they're getting hard again
  141. Facebook
  142. Good news!
  143. Tea
  144. Ah date this saturday!!
  145. Let me introduce myself. Hello :)
  146. New here and need advice.
  147. I create profiles/characters/ideas of people I should be - Any help, advice?
  148. I cant cheer up
  149. Panic attacks at night
  150. listening to yourself and LISTENING to yourself
  151. Hi I'm new
  152. My first (very long and brutally honest) post.
  153. Alcohol and Health Effects of Alcohol on the Body
  154. Getting High Quality Walk In Clinic
  155. No one has EVER experienced this but me???
  156. Digestive Problems
  157. Grrr
  158. Totally Out There Thought
  159. new here and to anxiety
  160. What Type of Anxiety? & Help Please
  161. Feeling...
  162. Help!
  163. Extreme nausea/vomiting
  164. The Definitive Supplement Regimen to Help Cure Your Anxiety
  165. Need help with dizziness
  166. Fear of returning home
  167. Lightheaded when standing
  168. Hiiiii :D
  169. Feeling better.
  170. Oh shit
  171. Vertigo
  172. Advice please!
  173. Anxiety about getting sick
  174. Having a stressful evening.
  175. Wtf!!!
  176. light headed
  177. please help!
  178. How to eat when im stuck in an anxiety cycle
  179. Feeling sad and aniexty stress
  180. I hate this icy hot sensation
  181. Chest pain HELP
  182. Im new! Heres my story!
  183. Help!!!
  184. Eye problems?
  185. what if everyone didnt walk around in the world wearing their "normal" mask?
  186. hard weekend
  187. Breathing worries
  188. Just needed to put this out there
  189. Has anyone had or does anyone have blurry vision with their anxiety?
  190. Pressure chest pain
  191. Kinesiology
  192. Anxiety & Holidays
  193. my brain needs an off switch
  194. Just need opinions/help
  195. This is crazy!!! Had to pull over
  196. Heart Attack anxiety
  197. Someone please help me
  198. Life will always get better!
  199. Need a girls advice
  200. New here.
  201. anxiety about getting sick... help?
  202. Questions about Anxiety?
  203. Heart pain!!! Need help
  204. Shortness of Breath
  205. Why would she say this!!
  206. I went to the doc today...
  207. Anxiety remedies
  208. Having A Bad Night - Flu Shot?
  209. Caffeine & Anxiety
  210. Panic Disorder
  211. So whats the difference
  212. FireFighter with Anxiety and OCD
  213. New here - very nervous
  214. Getting help for anxiety - Doctors.
  215. Paxil
  216. Skipped beats and panick at bed time.. Nooooo :(
  217. South Australian OCD sufferer.
  218. Please help!!! Very confused
  219. CT scan
  220. Stop spending your time on this forum
  221. Psychosis ?
  222. Need someone to talk to
  223. Anyone else have borderline personality disorder?
  224. Kava tea
  225. Concert brings it all back...
  226. Feel alone and want to die...
  227. Help
  228. I need someone to hear this and..just say something!
  229. I'm worried someone thinks I'm a cyber stalker
  230. Yucky night.
  231. Started therapy
  232. What is hyperventilation ?
  233. anxiety is kicking my a**
  234. Social anxiety and ocd - ready for fatherhood?
  235. Share Your Anxiety Induced Poetry?
  236. Caffine or soda giving me problem?
  237. December 21, 2012
  238. Eating Disorder effects?
  239. More ectopic Beats
  240. Stupid stuff
  241. new & In Need of Help -- ASAP
  242. I wish us all some peace and happiness!
  243. Anxiety and me where I am now
  244. reliefff!
  245. Internal shakiness?
  246. Anxiety and ocd
  247. Can't sleep
  248. Reading about psychologist's life...guilty, adding to anxiety
  249. Suicide and Crisis Hotlines
  250. Climbing up the stairs, please help!!