View Full Version : Oh shit
12-01-2012, 07:04 PM
So went to be with my family to watch a football game at a block party... Worst attack I've had in weeks, I feel like I can't breathe.. I'm just on my phone now trying to seem like I'm ok... I do NOT want to drink to make it go away... I feel really hopeless and I feel like everyone can see my anxiety on me... I can't go home bc I don't have my car... Riding it out again just needed to write it out
12-01-2012, 07:10 PM
Remember to breathe and keep repeating to yourself that everything is going to be fine.
12-01-2012, 07:16 PM
I'm sorry you're going through this. Counting your breaths can be helpful. I don't want to go all "Captain Hindsight" on you, but maybe you could formulate a plan to deal with this for the next time. Can you call anyone?
12-01-2012, 07:26 PM
I'm doing the breathing count.. 7 sec in 8 sec out... I don't have anyone to call who wouldn't think I was wacko.. And my family doesn't understand. I'm trying hard not to hide in my shell and be normal but I feel like I'm in outer space... It's subsiding slowly thank God
12-01-2012, 07:36 PM
Maybe you should consider going to therapy with one of your parents. This might help them understand the seriousness of what your feeling and how they can help you. We can never put ourselves in someone else's shoes unless we've been through the same thing. You shouldn't have to live with it alone. Keep breathing and keep telling yourself your fine.
12-01-2012, 07:45 PM
I have beer been to therapy... I would even know what type of therapist to consider, I do have insurance just never take advantage of it... Any ideas?
12-01-2012, 07:55 PM
Take advantage of what you haven't your disposal. Not everyone can see a therapist. Go and see what one says. You're worth the risk.
12-01-2012, 08:56 PM
Many therapist deal with anxiety and panic disorder. Mainly because this disorder follows stress. I think you can just start by calling one and see what they say. Before I was open about my anxiety and panic keeping it in when I was having one made them ten times worse. I agree with everyone else. You should definitely talk yo someone about it . Or chose a close friend to be open with about it. It will make you feel ten times better. Good for you for riding it out. Makes you realize you can do it and nothing horrible is going to happen.
12-01-2012, 09:21 PM
Thanks to you all! I will contact a therapist on Monday. I have the luxury of having 6 free sessions through my insurance and I'm taking y'all's advice going to go talk to someone for sure, will send an update
12-01-2012, 09:22 PM
Indeed, I agree with the others, see a therapist.
And are you sure there's nobody you can talk to?No siblings? I just text any of my friends, I don't tell them I'm having an attack though, I just text or call them just to talk. And that made it go away ;] sorry past tense, present tense. All mixed up. I don't get anxiety anymore, but when I did that's what I did and it worked. :]
ALSO posting on here was AMAZING!!!!
12-01-2012, 09:28 PM
My family is very religious and all of there answers have to do w giving it to God. They think my problems are subconscious and not real and that I just need to be I'm church. I'm the youngest of 5 kids. I lost a lot of friends after my divorce and also when I decided I wouldn't drink to solve my anxiety issues. I really have no one to talk to. My parents don't talk to me because ik the only one who did music instead of paid college. It is an extinct of my problems
12-01-2012, 09:39 PM
Your parents are partly right. Pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to make you feel better. At the same time take advantage of your health insurance and go see a therapist. I've been trying to get closer to God and I also started going to a therapist. I've only had two visits so I can't say that it has helped. I know it takes time.
12-01-2012, 09:42 PM
Your family's reaction sounds less that helpful. I'm sorry that you feel alone. You have all of us, so even if we can't talk to you directly, we're here to text. I hope you find some relief in that.
12-02-2012, 07:57 AM
Next time this happens try my Panic Attack Eliminator:
But about your shame. It's really nothing to be embarrassed about. I was scared to show people too, but there came a time I couldn't hide it anymore. The people I showed it too all became very helpful. Nobody laughed at me. I was in seriously bad shape! I could barely get out of my home. Actually, sometimes I could barely get out of bed because just moving would cause extreme anxiety. Your mom may not understand but it may drain you trying to explain it to her. All that matters is you get on the healing path to recovery. Read some of my posts. If you really need to talk on the phone with someone who had anxiety and eliminated it, you can PM me.
Alcohol does something weird after it metabolizes that seems to bring out anxiety. Especially the next morning. I am not sure what it is. But it should be eliminated during recovery.
Let me tell you some times I broke down in public to help you feel less shameful:
I broke down in an elevator once with some random stranger in there. My heart was beating so fast I just started telling him. I told him I was totally freaking out and I needed help. He didn't laugh or anything but took me to the hospital. Then at the hospital he stayed there with me for a couple hours.
One time I was buying juice at a juice bar in a shopping mall. Panic started happening, and I freaked out. I'm a tough guy, and I found myself on the floor holding hands with the guy working at the juice bar begging or dear life while he was trying to calm me down. People came looking at me thinking I was having a heart attack. An ambulance came and 2 ladies that were watching came in the ambulance with me for support. Of course, all tests came out ok.
A bad one was when it happened during a job interview. haha. I was with my friend who knew my problem. And this guy my friend connected me with was interviewing me. While I am talking to the guy the panic came on and I was about to completely lose it. I felt any moment my head will explode. I had to get off this interview. I looked at my friend and he knew what was happening, and then helped make an excuse to get out of there.
I told people when I got at my lowest point. You'll be surprised at how nice people will be when you are suffering. So I hope this helps you and others not feel ashamed. You got an over active adrenaline right now, what's the big deal? But if someone never had a panic attack they may not understand. But they will usually be supportive in their own way.
Now I can look at those hellish experiences and almost laugh at them.
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