View Full Version : More ectopic Beats
A couple of months ago my GP put me on a new drug to try & reduce or cure the ectopic heartbeats I get. For a week after starting the drug they stopped completely. Then they started to come back. I went back to my GP who said I could increase the dose if need be but that I should understand that I didn't need the drug for a heart condition and that this was simply treating the symptoms of anxiety.
For the next 6 weeks or so the ectopic beats almost went away completely, the odd one here and there but nothing major.
Today I ran out of tablets & haven't had a chance to pick up a new prescription. All day there was nothing and everything was fine. Then this evening a couple of hours into my office Christmas party I started getting them again and they've been going on continuously for about 3hrs now. I didn't & don't feel anxious, I was having a nice time to why did they start up again? Now it feels like I can't ever stop taking this drug which them makes me think that there is some underlying condition that the doctors have missed. Just wanna feel normal!
12-06-2012, 05:27 PM
Describe how these eptopic beats feel (thumps, bangs, flutters, wobbles, etc.?). Do you feel pain or dizziness when they occur? (if so, give details)
When they started at the party - were you drunk? had you been dancing? had you just eaten a meal?
Can you remember feeling ANY kind of physical build up to them, or any kind of other symptom at the time they started?
How long had you been suffering these before you started drugs? were they getting worse over time?
12-06-2012, 06:40 PM
Peak, I'm not a doctor, but my guess is that these ectopic beats is how your anxiety manifests itself in you. We all experience things just a little different that others. Talk to your MD and let her know your concerns.
The ectopic beats manifest as an irregular and sometimes fast heartbeat I've had these on & off for years & had ECG's and echo cardiograms which all came back clear. I do though have a bit if a family history of this as my dad suffers from a similar thing.
I'm not really a drinker anymore so only had 3 pints and hasn't been dancing just stood around talking. Food wise just a couple of snack finger type food.
My GP says she thinks its anxiety & certainly in the past I have gone through stressful periods of life but recently I really don't think I've felt anxious but then everyone tells me that you can have the symptoms of anxiety without feeling anxious. Trouble is that then sounds to me like I'll never be 'cured'!
12-07-2012, 01:12 AM
My dad suffered badly around the age of 43 - when my sister was born. My parents ran a pub at the time, too.
He was stressed and actually believed that his palps were going to kill him.
He's now near 70, and hasn't had a palp since around 44/45.
In the case of anxiety, it will pass.
You don't feel particularly anxious, but be assured that once you've developed anxiety disorder, your fight or flight continues to activate for some time after all the obvious anxiety & panic has dissappeared.
My anxiety and panic dissappears for weeks on end, only to reappear when another stressy situation crops up. I'm moving home in a few weeks and have my first child on the way in Feb... AND it's nearly Christmas, so guess what's happening to me, right now?
Yeppp... heart is wobbling all over the place on a daily basis! lol.
And guess where it's happening?
Yeppp... AT WORK, where stress thrives.
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