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  1. Advice for all.
  2. im at the gym!!!
  3. New here...!!!
  4. I feel like I'm in mental hell.
  5. Anxiety, Blood Pressure, & BP Meds.
  6. dont know what to do
  7. Changing Beliefs 101
  8. Numb Patch on Lip
  9. anxious all the time never chill out.
  10. Havent really go anxiety any more but i am getting the symptoms
  11. Obsessed with My Breathing Need to take deep Breaths all day and Hyperventilate
  12. Blood work questions/ bad anxiety
  13. What am supposed to do
  14. In my head
  15. Friend said something inspiring so I will post it here :]
  16. I am not positive, but is there any...
  17. Just some advice please
  18. Vitamin D deficiency?
  19. anyone have chronic chest pain or costochondritis?
  20. ? Has anyone
  21. Doctor visit!
  22. Friends wedding tomorrow, afraid I won't be wanted
  23. seesaw effect
  24. Pins & needles
  25. does anyone else feel like this???
  26. someone help my chest
  27. Not sure what to call this lol
  28. Somniphobia (fear of sleep)
  29. Blurry vision?
  30. I feel like I have no friends?
  31. Advice
  32. Worry, worry, worry!
  33. Advice for anxiety attacks? :(
  34. Issues with movies?
  35. Is this caused by anxiety?
  36. Hearing my voice every time I talk
  37. Palpitations
  38. Wish!
  39. Hotline
  40. could all my symptoms just be anxiety?
  41. Time of the month !!!!
  42. Blurry vision?????
  43. starting intense group therapy for ptsd/panic...am scared.
  44. please help!!!
  45. Erstwhile diversion.
  46. Help
  47. Are There Particular Vitamins Made Exclusively For Women?
  48. weak pulses
  49. Hi All
  50. Fear of accusations?
  51. Living in a dream.
  52. GAD or ADHD
  53. how do I ask for help?
  54. Still pretty new to anxiety...but I'm trying...
  55. My girlfriend has anxiety, I need advice
  56. Im so obsessive and anxious, whats wrong with me? long post
  57. So Anxious That you Dry Heave???
  58. My husband passed out during a panic attack?!
  59. Tight hands
  60. White tongue and anxiety
  61. Does this sound normal? please. I NEED replies.
  62. Magnesium Tablets
  63. Is it normal to feel weird after you eat a lot?
  64. too much to handle
  65. Tired of dealing with this.
  66. Quit Zoloft.. help?
  67. Skullcap?
  68. Anxiety and Depression???
  69. Soooo dizzy and anxious.... Help!
  70. help please
  71. Used to Feel Relieved After Getting the all clear at the Doctors Not Anymore
  72. Incapable of relaxing, I am desperate for help!
  73. Where to go from here
  74. All the symptoms.. I dont know why to do anymore? HELP PLEASE :(
  75. Not sure about this one guys/gals...
  76. Does anyone get a weird dizzy/off balance feeling sometimes?
  77. Voices in my head telling me to do things?
  78. Perfectionism - My Biggest Problem
  79. Panic Attack
  80. Anxiety Panic Attack , CBT, Mobile Apps , Relaxation
  81. Hello everyone, has this ever happened to you?
  82. Bad day!
  83. Worries
  84. Really Discouraged.
  85. Does this happen to you too?
  86. numb tingling arm??
  87. How does your anxiety affect your relationships?
  88. Help pain/burning stomach!!!
  89. Hey guys I'm freakin' out here!
  90. Not Coping! :(
  91. Hello Newbie here- Need help/advice
  92. Does marijuana increase anxiety and stuff like that?
  93. Anxiety disorder sufferers and age
  94. Anxiety at all time high today :(
  95. Hey guys, please help me.. Im kinda desperate for help.
  96. Food Intolerance and Anxiety
  97. help...
  98. reading into a little twinge?!?
  99. I know im healthy but why do I think this!
  100. Heat!
  101. Worryinh what people think of me
  102. First time here
  103. Chest fright & face flushes
  104. Panic mode/stuck in my room
  105. Still worried....
  106. Important information! you'll never believe what I just found out!
  107. am i alright?
  108. This question is mainly for the leaner guys (like myself)
  109. My parents just love F*****G with me..
  110. Hearing things
  111. How can I move on with my life?
  112. lightheaded?
  113. breathing
  114. Tablets
  115. Feeling panicked all the time
  116. Does this happen to you too?
  117. I have health anxiety! HELP!!! :'(
  118. Panic attacks and work
  119. I can't believe I have this again so bad
  120. Help!!!!
  121. Advice please!
  122. Monday, and I am awoken by complete silence. NO POWER! LOL!
  123. WaKe Up In ThE MoRnInG- And I have a panic attack ._______.
  124. Therapuetic...and NO you don't have to be a hard rocker, just read the words. :)
  125. Stopping panic attacks
  126. How to stop the fear of going crazy?
  127. If you get tired of seeing my replies, then just say to quit typin and SHUT TO THE UP
  128. Question.
  129. 5 Essential Facts about Sound Therapy
  130. Another day of "trials and tribulations"...testing...yippee. :)
  131. Please help me with some insight...
  132. here's I little something that helps me :)
  133. Health Anxiety
  134. We are stronger then most
  135. Hypochondria ??
  136. A few words to read, easy..Understand them, live them...SUCCESS!
  137. Ocd
  138. Can ADHD cause anxiety?
  139. Dear Dr. Barely F. Able, I have a concern....:|
  140. Anyone have GERD that can help me?
  141. DEAR FORUM FRIENDS, SISTERS, BROTHER, SONS, DAUGHTERS & 3rd Cousin, twice removed.
  142. ever feel like your just loosing it?? need some answers
  143. I finally broke down and went....
  144. Crap! It's so scary.
  145. ahh, Just some random thoughts before my bed-meds throw me down...
  146. please here me out on this..
  147. Need support
  148. Scared stiff
  149. The what ifs...and what do you do?
  150. the power of thoughts
  151. Incite and help would be appreciated
  152. Takin the plunge!
  153. Can you help ME? I have a weak point too...My last task, correct this 1 flaw...
  154. Arm Pain
  155. If you have anxiety, look into this.
  156. Body Rocking
  157. Is it normal?
  158. Congratulations on your successes! (Our female forum members specifically).. :)
  159. Does Gerd cause back pain?
  160. Need some help sorting out my thoughts
  161. Need to travel again help!
  162. Hyper aware of everything.
  163. I fear that I will young/ soon.
  164. Anyone else have hightened anxiety during mentral cycle?
  165. Any way to ck Serotonin levels?
  166. Going to Challenge myself to Stop What if thinking Just for Today
  167. Short post: Twilight Zone...Welcome to my world. :|
  168. Not sleeping?
  169. Just posting this question to get some peace of mind.
  170. A difficult post. I may be gone on Monday, it will be decided for me..at 10am.
  171. How to stop numbness and pain in arms?
  172. Heart racing and its not love
  173. that time of month and anxiety is flying
  174. Personality traits that are tied to or may lead to anxiety more
  175. A very subtle vibration
  176. Anxiety-related migraines
  177. Where are your aches and pains?
  178. Confidence creates Success
  179. Back to the start, again.
  180. IT'S TIME FOR A PEP RALLY! YAY RAH!.. VICTORY!!! (I know I'm an idiot, IDC!) :)
  181. Anxiety & Visual Disturbances
  182. Got new pills to try? Anyone else
  183. A great article I came across about fear
  184. Quick Thanks to these people.
  185. Stress=anxiety
  186. can't sleep TSS on my mind
  187. Blood Sugar Levels
  188. More tough decisions, little time to decide.My mental & physical health depends on it
  189. The scary moment when there's no panic?
  190. Contention - a promoter of anxiety
  191. quick help?
  192. So angry
  193. What is wrong with this????? is it ME!!!!
  194. What do i do now?...Abnormal EKG...anxiety overload
  195. Anyone have anxiety and get Pregnant?
  196. back in the hole today.
  197. Scared of everything!
  198. Smelling smells that arent there help me im scaring myself
  199. Lung cancer?
  200. When can a person go on meds to help their anxiety?
  201. Yay for 1 week
  202. Anybody get this?
  203. Feel Like ..................
  204. A message to anxiety.
  205. Anxiety and daily workplace bullying...
  206. surgical anxiety?
  207. Expired Food?
  208. it's all in my head
  209. Big decisions
  210. Quick question (not really regarding me)
  211. Restless Arms
  212. My anxiety over the new school year is becoming unbearable.
  213. The Rule: Probability not possibilty
  214. Does anybody know of this/heard of this?
  215. Anxiety, but what is this?
  216. Parents dont like my bf... anxiety through the roof...
  217. Enduronman I know you're online. Help me.
  218. Well its come for me today..
  219. The feeling of your throat closing off? Anyone else have this?
  220. Does anyone have some helpful words or me?
  221. Gay marriage... Whats your view?
  222. Not exactly sure what's wrong with me
  223. Hi. I'm as screwed up as you are..(if not more). BUT, I'm in control..you're not..
  224. Distinguishing which anxiety I have
  225. Question!
  226. Help!!
  227. Anxiety one way or another..
  228. What are the best foods to avoid when you have GERD?
  229. I feel like im about to die!
  230. Anyone on here kick anxiety completely and how?
  231. someone talk some sense into me..
  232. Anxiety attack whie exercising
  233. Is this anxeity or what is it?
  234. How did you get out of the "anxiety matrix" or just the thoughts and fears of death?
  235. Hot flushed cheeks :/
  236. Driving alone and anxiety
  237. Sinus connection to anxiety?
  238. Thinking I am going to die from a brain aneurysm
  239. A weird night...Still can't figure this one out. Not sure of the "purpose".....:)
  240. Food issues
  241. So frickin anxiouse
  242. finally bit the bullet
  243. New to this.. seeking some advice
  244. Acth test anyone? Experiences?
  245. Scolded by my parents, because they did what I told them not to do?...HAHA!
  246. Somebody plz tell me its going to b ok
  247. Question about heart palpitations
  248. What does Ativan do?
  249. please come in the chat :(
  250. Lets get the Anxiety Forum chat up and running again!