View Full Version : Worryinh what people think of me

08-04-2012, 05:04 AM
I worry what people think of me and its stopping me from doing what I want to do. I began avoiding crowded places like town but can sit on a bus with people but i for some reason hate going into town, hate waiting in line and going into places where it can be busy and warm. Oh i hate being warm as i sweat alot and think people will notice and i just want to get out of there.

Sorry for the long post and ranting on but i want some help. I just want to be normal again and do the things i used to do without worrying.

Do any if you suffer this type of worry? What do you do to overcome your worries and anxiety?

08-04-2012, 05:45 AM
John... only yesterday you said this to someone else with a similar issue to yourself:

> Feel the fear and do it anyway! in other words basically just face your fears head on. Go out to town. Take a friend with you if thats helps.

Perhaps you should start listening to your own advice? lol

Listen kidda... I think most of us go through a dislike of crowded places and waiting in sweaty ques around your age.
It's part of being shy, spotty, lost and immature I'm affraid.

You'll find things all fall into place naturally as you age so I wouldn't worry too much for now.

08-04-2012, 06:41 AM
Yes i know lol its funny i can give advice but not heed my own advice. I guess thats y i joined this forum to help myself and others- even if i do repeat myself!

Ive done all that face the fear stuff and it does help but sometimes i still get anxious.

08-04-2012, 06:42 AM
And im 24 im passed the 'spotty' stage thanks lol