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  1. Is this REALLY anxiety?
  2. My Jaw is killing me
  3. The Linden Method
  4. Aching Eyes
  5. strategies to give the benefit of the doubt
  6. Sleeping techniques/help
  7. Does anyone else have thoughts like these?
  8. 5-Hydroxytryptophan or 5-HTP
  9. I Had a Severe Anxiety Attack Yesterday (I need help)
  10. "Night Terrors"
  11. werid leg twitches and very tired help!!!!!
  12. Have you experienced online counselling?
  13. I am new to this site. ANXIETY is getting me down.
  14. someone pls put my mind at rest
  15. flu like feelings
  16. Strange feeling.
  17. Need some help.
  18. Get a cold, anxiety gone... get better, anxiety back. (3x)
  19. why don't I feel right??
  20. Near-complete remission followed by the same "fun"
  21. Just thinking, causes of my anxiety? Maybe school?
  22. Is it really just anxiety/panic attacks?
  23. My anxiety goes incircles and messes my love life
  24. Total relapse.
  25. Its hard to find a good therapist.
  26. please help me.
  27. Derealization & Depersonalization at the same time?
  28. The Media is giving me anxiety, please help me with my fears
  29. what is the point to life?
  30. i need some help im so confused
  31. 146 reasons why you feel bad and anxious
  32. is it coming again?
  33. Just a quick question...
  34. can somebody who's experienced help me??
  35. idk... anxiety?
  36. Anne Hathaway finally got smart
  37. Doc sending me to mental health clinic
  38. i really appreciate any help i can get :/
  39. Feeling mentally numb.
  40. how can i help my fiance
  41. Recovery?
  42. muscle twitches
  43. Hearing Loss
  44. Stopping smoking to end anxiety
  45. Lost Fisherman.
  46. Day-to-Day Diary of Misery and Hope ........
  47. health anxiety!
  48. How can i attach my sig?
  49. Anxiety first timer PLEASE HELP
  50. Curing Anxiety Through Diet
  51. Losing Mind
  53. Very Scared...please help me...
  54. Having a break
  55. Deeply Depressed
  56. My symptoms - recognize them?
  57. Dealing with sexual side effects
  58. Hard break up, dealing with anxiety and depression
  59. mental health clinic update
  61. What is going on????am I going crazy
  62. Did I do the right thing?
  63. I have a problem. Help please...
  64. Strange symptoms, constantly worrying about health
  65. med ?
  66. At a loss
  67. Color Me Pink supports breast cancer survivors
  68. What is going on with me? Is this really anxiety?
  69. I did make a big mistake
  70. sleep problem?
  71. Recent palpitations causing high anxiety - Advice please
  72. dating a person suffering from anxiety
  73. withdrawal ????
  74. weird twitch. help.
  75. Going on vacation next week and am at the HEIGHT of anxiety!
  76. Help
  77. What should I do?
  78. Anxiety really worse when I get up in morning
  79. things that are making you happy
  80. Im feeling better but I need to not give up...
  81. holiday
  82. What do you do to get your mind from racing?
  83. Anxiety from trauma
  84. ok until going home?
  85. could anxiety cause this?
  86. zodiac and blood type
  87. are these symptoms normal
  88. always zoning out?? please reply
  89. vistaril???
  90. anxiety not so bad this week until......
  91. Extreme Anxiety
  92. eyesight
  93. signing out from this forum
  94. Anxiety and Food
  95. Found this article about anxiety and physical causes.
  96. Should I go on medication?
  97. GAD, OCD, Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia, Health phobias :(
  98. Uneven pupils, anxiety symptoms, really worried.........
  99. my magnificent feelingg
  100. nervous wreck
  101. any help on this?
  102. Herbal Phentermine is an clannish formulation, designed to p
  103. Relieving Chest tightness
  104. Any suggestions
  105. Hello, help if you can
  106. Anxiety affecting my relationship
  107. My Odd Phobia
  108. is there any other way?????
  109. I think i need help
  110. I don't know if I should leave my wife or not.
  111. major relapse of panic
  112. how much does your head make up??
  113. herbal remedies
  114. humiliation.
  115. Asthma or anxiety???
  116. my anxiety is alful
  117. Little help?
  118. smoking
  119. Just started CBT!!!
  120. k2626 twitches
  121. anybody here tried EFT ?
  122. anyone wanna chat
  123. I don't have panic attacks
  124. Im so anxious about my period
  125. does anyone else on here have a big appitite
  126. Im scared of everything
  127. Im always feeling anxious
  128. physical exercise triggering panic attack?
  129. Recurrent 'anxiety'.
  130. I've started hullucenating
  131. does anyone else suffer from SADs
  132. does anyone else on here have therapy
  133. How To Help Yourself Through Anxiety - lots of natural tips
  134. Night time...
  135. Im worried that my medication has made my periods weired
  136. Feeling not real
  137. anxiety due to overdose
  138. Major relapse!!!
  139. Need Help.
  140. Anxiety and alcohol
  141. am I ?
  142. Agoraphobia And Anxiety Diary
  143. Anyone else have any of these?
  144. Help please. Do I have anxiety or something else?
  145. A video of my anxiety/panic disorder
  146. Anti-Anxiety Resources
  147. Lets Post
  148. Music Helping Us All
  149. Music Helping Us All
  150. brain fog, anyone?
  151. rumbling puzzle on feat & Life
  152. Lucinda Bassett; Anxiety Expert Speaks Live for Free
  153. Couple of questions.
  154. Hello there, new to this forum
  155. help me please :(
  156. Contributors Required - Panic Attacks / Disorder
  157. Lightheaded and Dizzy
  158. Opinions please... please read. :-)
  159. bizarre episodes of waking suddenly
  160. yellow fingers..
  161. heres my story...
  162. all weak and dizzy...
  163. Do you succed at school or collage with your anxiety
  164. Life from great to down in a few weeks
  165. first post and i am hoping to get some advise
  166. Am I alone in this feeling? (Please Help)
  167. A rather distinct problem...
  168. dry mouth and dry eyes due to anxiety/depression?
  169. Invisible Trembling
  170. I have a strange fear of exercise! It is ruining my life!
  171. Burning Sensation - feels like severe sunburn below shoulder
  172. what is wrong with me?
  173. Need help
  174. Long term??
  175. Can anyone recommend a healthy fast weight loss program or b
  177. Anxious about EVERYTHING
  178. Test Yesterday
  179. The reocurring problem, that is anxiety
  180. Need Direction with Weight Loss!
  181. Lightheadedness
  182. IT came back
  183. obsessive thoughts
  184. Please help me.
  185. Teenage Anxiety (depression?)
  186. Doctor
  187. Why I feel there is something else wrong and not anxiety?
  188. can anyone relate/offer some reassurance?
  189. Major stress problems - Feel like it's a vicious circle
  190. Right Ear Twitching, When I try to relax
  191. so mad....
  192. New here ....trying to get an idea of other peoples symptoms
  193. Update on Me
  194. Panic Attacks
  195. New to the Forum not to Anxiety!
  196. Sad story and (partial) recovery
  197. srs bsns
  198. my skin
  199. Totally Freaked Out!!
  200. Anxiety? what to do
  201. Anxiety at work
  202. New and freaked out
  203. do others believe their doubts?
  204. I feel like there's something seriously wrong with me
  205. Anxiety=Stomach? Or Stomach=Anxiety?
  206. Questioning Reality?? Has anyone else done this?(I'm afraid)
  207. Gagging
  208. high pitch sound in my head
  209. Feeling really stupid :s
  210. advice on herbal remedies!
  211. Feeling short of breath?
  212. What do I have? What Should I do?
  213. Intrusive thoughts...please help!
  214. stupid irrational fears and panic are stupid :/
  215. Thoughts on anxiety...
  216. Going back to old ways??
  217. Losing hope!
  218. Waking up feeling strange?
  219. This is an odd re occuring thing!
  220. General question for anxiety suffers
  221. anxiety when playing guitar
  222. Okay I'm freaking out again :/
  223. feeling unreal anyone experience this
  224. setbacks
  225. How irrational is irrational?
  226. Anxiety and relationships
  227. arms and legs weak
  228. taking xanax the next day after you drank liqour?
  229. I don't feel like myself anymore... (Help!)
  230. not coping well with work at the moment
  231. fighting the "what if's?"
  232. Any value in some soups?
  233. Social Impairment
  234. Do I have colon cancer?
  235. Medical Supply Store in Montreal
  236. Anxiety Poll: Smokers vs Non Smokers
  237. New here, bit of a ramble about problems..
  238. Feel
  239. tightness/heaviness in upper chest/shoulders
  240. A highly recommended book
  241. feeling hopeless
  242. irrational fears/"what ifs"
  243. What next?
  244. All greetings!
  245. Long list of Medications, looking for help?
  246. Are the physical symptoms always there?
  247. What's wrong with me?
  248. Can't believe this is anxiety!
  249. Do Cold Meds cause Anxiety?
  250. No Medication Yet Tiredness Is Getting Me