View Full Version : Lightheaded and Dizzy
11-11-2008, 11:50 AM
I am dizzy and lightheaded from the time I get up until I go to bed and sometimes it gets really bad to the point where I fell like I am going to pass out and I get sick to my stomache. Is this anxiety? What should I do for it, I am going crazy.
11-11-2008, 12:17 PM
hi colinsmom, have you spoken to your doctor about it? if not then it's a good idea in order to rule out any other issues. dizziness and lightheadedness are certainly symptoms of anxiety, but it's really hard to tell if anxiety is your problem from such little information if you know what i mean? perhaps if you tell us a little bit more we might get a clearer idea of whats going on for you? and like i said if you haven't already spoken to your doc then make an appointment as soon as you can for your own peace of mind :)
11-11-2008, 12:27 PM
Okay here is my story. June of this year is when I believed it started. I had to have my gallbladder removed and all the time before the procedure I was scared to death that I would not wake up and woule not be able to see my son grow up. In July my son had a seizure and we spent the weekend in the hospital with him also I had some chest pains one night and that night I remember when I had those that I felt this dizziness and lighthead like I was going to pass out so I went and laid down. I went to the doc. for these pains and was told it was muscular. In September I got my very first headache that lasted a month. I was in the hospital for four days with the running mir, an mra, spinal tap on me to check out this headache. Then one day while I was driving down the road I got this feeling like I was going to pass out so I pulled over and my head was spinning and I was hot and sick to my stomach. Ever since then I am lightheaded all day with periods where it is really bad all most to the point where I am going to pass out. My neuro sent me to a cardiologist yesterday and he did an ekg and it was good he wants to do some more test on me thursday but from what I am reading it sounds like all of my problems are caused from anxiety. I can have these feelings of passing out just laying on the couch, sitting at my desk or driving down the road. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions anyone has. I am a mom of an 18 month old and trying to work a full-time job at school.
11-11-2008, 01:16 PM
wow sounds tough :console: i hope you begin to feel better soon. it does sound a lot like anxiety, but its good that you went to your doc and had other issues ruled out.
have you thought about going to see a counsellor to talk about your worries about not living to see your son grow up? it sounds like a very stressful time when he was in hospital, i'm not surprised you found it so tough. you may find it helpful to talk to someone about it, and also to get some advice on how to reign in those irrational thoughts. i found therapy really great :)
if you want other suggestions on what can help with anxiety then take a look at this post: - i wrote down everything i learned that can help with anxiety in one place for people to read through when they need it, you might find some helpful information in there :)
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