View Full Version : could anxiety cause this?
10-21-2008, 12:40 AM
I was diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder several years ago. Got better...then came back. Then I began experiencing abdominal pain, back and bladder pain all only on the left side. The pain is constant but more severe at times than others and has gone on for nearly two years. It actually coincides with me moving to a new town, starting at a new school and a new jobs....which leads me to believe anxiety could be a factor? I've been to every doctor and not one can find anything wrong. Could it really be all in my head? I mean I know the symptoms are real but could they just be caused by anxiety? I've had every test and gotten no explanation from any doctors.
10-21-2008, 07:02 AM
hi tgr17, that does sound rather strange, i'm sorry it's taken so long and yet you still haven't found a diagnosis :(
anxiety can cause a whole host of symptoms including all kinds of pains and aches, and considering that this pain always seems to act up in anxiety inducing situtations it's very possible that they are connected. it doesn't mean that it's all in your head, anxiety is very much not in our heads, it's a real physical feeling. perhaps the first time you experienced this pain it put you under a lot of stress and worry, and now whenever stressful situations occur your body remembers the pain and now it's grown into a pattern.
perhaps if you tried looking at some stress reducing techniques it may help when you find yourself under duress? or have you thought about seeing a therapist to learn better how to deal with stress? abdominal pain suggests to me that you may also like to consider looking at your diet, this can really help with anxiety. have you tried any other alternative methods like acupuncture? it's all worth considering
i really hope you find the answers you're looking for soon :)
Punk Rock Steve
10-21-2008, 08:25 PM
Hang in there...we're all in the same boat, though sometimes in different ways. Northstar hit the nail on the head (for me anyway) talking about the pain being triggered by stress turning into a pattern. I had a few back spasms happen earlier in the summer while mowing the lawn and picking up a few things (just sometimes, nothing chronic) and when I had a stress meltdown of sorts a few months back it has now become a pattern. ANYTIME that I do something physical or if I'm stressing about something like going into work, I get horrible back spasms that feel like my spine and ribs are being ripped out of me. Sometimes the pain reaches my shoulders and jaw and I swear that I'm having a heart attack...then I sit down with a hot compress on me, have a cigarette and realize that it's not my heart :) The funny thing is that I have good days (only a handful in the past few months) where I don't get them at all. Sometimes if I take two Xanax the same thing happens with my back...absolutely nothing! So while it IS based on a muscle problem I'm having, my mind is turning it into an all out war. I'm seeing a therapist now and it is DEFINITELY helping. I know this is going to take time, but it's hard to be patient or not go off the deep end. I also just started to try meditation. It DOES work, I just have to make sure I put aside time to do it. I'm just taking things one day (sometimes one minute or one hour) at a time...keep posting and listening to suggestions that others have on here. Though I'm having a crappy day today, I know that I will eventually get better!
10-23-2008, 12:07 PM
Hang in there...we're all in the same boat, though sometimes in different ways. Northstar hit the nail on the head (for me anyway) talking about the pain being triggered by stress turning into a pattern. I had a few back spasms happen earlier in the summer while mowing the lawn and picking up a few things (just sometimes, nothing chronic) and when I had a stress meltdown of sorts a few months back it has now become a pattern. ANYTIME that I do something physical or if I'm stressing about something like going into work, I get horrible back spasms that feel like my spine and ribs are being ripped out of me. Sometimes the pain reaches my shoulders and jaw and I swear that I'm having a heart attack...then I sit down with a hot compress on me, have a cigarette and realize that it's not my heart :) The funny thing is that I have good days (only a handful in the past few months) where I don't get them at all. Sometimes if I take two Xanax the same thing happens with my back...absolutely nothing! So while it IS based on a muscle problem I'm having, my mind is turning it into an all out war. I'm seeing a therapist now and it is DEFINITELY helping. I know this is going to take time, but it's hard to be patient or not go off the deep end. I also just started to try meditation. It DOES work, I just have to make sure I put aside time to do it. I'm just taking things one day (sometimes one minute or one hour) at a time...keep posting and listening to suggestions that others have on here. Though I'm having a crappy day today, I know that I will eventually get better!
steve have you ever looked into acupuncture for your back pain? it can help a lot!
oh and you're gonna hate me for saying this, and you probably know it already, but those cigarettes are not good at all for your anxiety :(
i hope you're having a better day today though, i'm glad you believe you will get better, you really need that kind of attitude to pull you through :)
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