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  1. I have absolutely had ENOUGH!
  2. Could I have anxiety or is it something else?
  3. Travel buddy!!
  4. Can you help with a 15-30 minute survey?
  5. Coming back to senses when i'm really close to falling asleep, revved up brain?
  6. Maybe not the place for this problem but...
  7. Honestly, I do I look like I need to lose weight? Really self conscious about weight.
  8. Skype Friends
  9. Sae Smash, Carl the Clot, and My Obsession with Losing My Keys
  10. Feeling great after taking L-tryptophan, B complex, vitamin c and magnesium!
  11. When will the worry and paranoia end?
  12. How?
  13. Feeling cold randomly
  14. Heavy Anxiety induced by drinking once a week
  15. I don't know why I feel like this.(if this sounds like a long rant/mess.I'm so sorry)
  16. I'm not okay!
  17. Clonazapam?!?!?!?!?
  18. One of those lovely "Why am I even anxious?" weeks!
  19. Sweating - Can't regulate Body Temperature
  20. Anxiety and Panic Attacks for five years - caused by hormone imbalance
  21. Help! First time poster
  22. restless legs
  23. Apparent anxiety but where are my classic symptoms?
  24. First Time Poster - Anxiety Over New Dog
  25. Sanity check before I see the docs
  26. Feeling Nervous Today
  27. Managing anxiety about, well, anxiety/getting a good nights rest
  28. anxiety is at a new time high level for me
  29. Anxiety -Uncertainty and vigilant checking
  30. Could my anxiety be causing my stomach pains
  31. Feel like I'm going insane
  32. Hi, newbie here!
  33. Newbie - Having bad anxiety
  34. New To Anxiety. Please Help.
  35. First time poster - work problem
  36. Uni stress
  37. Female/18 years old...chest pain!! Heart problem?!?!
  38. Anxiety about the passing of time?!
  39. can't taper off 3mg diazepam
  40. Biggest frustration with anxiety
  41. Eating
  42. Lost All Motivation At Work!
  43. Multiple Jobs w/ Severe Anxiety
  44. My partner is struggling.....
  45. Sibling rivalry! Sister faking anxiety disorder!.
  46. Work problems
  47. has anyone tried this?? wondering why not.
  48. My Anxiety Story and Diet Questions
  49. Hi everyone (Specific Case)
  50. Relaxtion/ Resting is impossible
  51. My new Dog Has Helped Me A Lot... But Now I Might Have To Get Rid Of Him.
  52. dreams...cant sleep
  53. another new doctor's appointment
  54. Starting a new youtube channel hopefully will help
  55. A little video of chest pain feeling and one way im coping
  56. Keeping Anxiety a Secret Makes it Thrive
  57. hey guys new video p;osted today about driving with anxiety
  58. I am Anxious After Eating when My Stomach Distends and Feel Too Full.
  59. Brain zaps? Or? Escitalopram
  60. Short of breath and tight heavy chest all day long...
  61. Got success in losing weight...
  62. Healthier now, but more panic attacks, what gives??
  63. Will anything good ever happen?
  64. Apparently I have Anxiety according to the Doctor.
  65. Lowest point in my life - the weakest version of myself.
  66. Waking Up and getting out of bed
  67. Mood mapping
  68. How much Diazapem do you take at night to alleviate sleep panic?
  69. Hate Having to Medicate at night to Make it through nthe night w/o Eating
  70. The E-Man is making his return....it is time.
  71. prozac and zyprexa... First day...Need help!
  72. just woke up...the usual (Vol. 2)
  73. Is Emotional Abuse The Cause Of My Anxiety.
  74. Obsessive fear of reality causing depression and anxiety
  75. Free anxiety relief ebook
  76. Dental Appointment to Fill Cavity and Very Anxious.
  77. I've been Paniking During Meals and Having to Choke Up My Meal WHY???
  78. Long time anxiety sufferer, first severe panic attack.
  79. coming down :(
  80. o dear me another day in paradise
  81. Will this end?!?!
  82. Severe health anxity
  83. Anxiety Issues Relating To Competition and Performing
  84. i can't take it anymore.
  85. Anxiety and confused
  86. Are You a Dog Lover? Do you have a challenging condition or disability?
  87. So confused by thoughts
  88. My daughter's anxiety is getting worse and it's scaring me.
  89. Lack of sleep and anxiety
  90. Constant Head Shaking
  91. Scawling on the wall
  92. I get anxiety when I try to tell someone about my depression
  93. Relationship Anxiety
  94. Can anxiety be resolved with the right motivation?
  95. Anxiety Symptoms?
  96. it's been dragging for so long
  97. Bouncing legs feeling is back!!!!
  98. Health Anxiety... I think?
  99. new tattoo spiked serious anxiety that was previously "dormant"
  100. I don't feel like myself (out of nowhere)
  101. Free anxiety relief ebook
  102. Leaving home for 3 weeks
  103. Addictions.
  104. Am I Crazy?
  105. stuck worrying about work instead of actually doing something about it
  106. Can anxiety symptoms change?
  107. almost out of the woods
  108. PhD, medical leave or dropping out?
  109. Can i change my username? Can i delete my acount?
  110. What's your automatic response to feeling anxious?
  111. Feeling of dying, help!
  112. World events - anxiety spiking
  113. Am I dying?!
  114. Anxiety thoughts and could not fall sleep
  115. Confused about relationship
  116. Treatment for a facial vein?
  117. Unusual GAD(?)
  118. Derealization
  119. Meds
  120. What kind of of social support do you need/what for your anxiety?
  121. Advice needed
  122. Hi guys
  123. Sertraline (medication) -opinions please?
  124. Does Anyone Workout @ Gym to Vent of Anxiety Issues?
  125. Losing job AGAIN
  126. Anyone ust wanna rant/talk right now?
  127. Have you been in love with your therapist ?
  128. hypochondriac - maybe my story and thoughts help you too.
  129. How to learn from this situation and let go?
  130. Dreams
  131. Weight loss
  132. New video posted check it out guys this is for you!!!!
  133. Need help ASAP
  134. Looking for answers
  135. Beta Blockers and Anxiety. Safest alternative?
  136. Rough week but i survived and a little guilt
  137. Paranoid thoughts and anxiety of dying
  138. I'm struggling, please help!!
  139. Relationship Anxiety
  140. I have bad anxiety when it comes to my health
  141. anxiety has recently got so much worse
  142. What is wrong with me? Am i really here?
  143. Health Anxiety...normal or should I be worried
  144. MS or Anxiety or something else?
  145. So, what's next?
  146. BAD Health anxiety, Have afew questions
  147. Encouragement
  148. Difficulty finding words?
  149. How do I deal with a person that suffers from anxiety?
  150. why is this happening right now????
  151. Anxiety disorder and having a girlfriend
  152. Is this Anxiety? Someone recognize something?
  153. anxiety/panic worse in the evenings?
  154. Feeling like I'm in constant anxiety
  155. Uplifting realistic reasoning i can apply to this particular Obsession
  156. Irrational fear of violence/home invasion!
  157. Dreams
  158. Do I need some help
  159. Has This Happened To Anyone?
  160. Existentialism/hyper-awareness?
  161. Please help me...
  162. My Morphing Anxiety: Signs of recovery or ruined life?
  163. Fear of driving alone. help?
  164. Natural Remedies For Rapid Relief Of Anxiety, So You Can Live Life More Freely!
  165. Fear of Teeth Falling Out(?)
  166. Can't sleep... Anxious and afraid I'll die in my sleep
  167. Feels like I can't breath properly
  168. Male Hot Flushes
  169. Heart Attack or Panic Attack?
  170. Will losing weight affect my mental health?
  171. Just throughing it out there
  172. Anxiety and the belifs about religion. The true Christ story
  173. Constant Skipped Heartbeats
  174. Anxiety Causes: Drugs (Cocaine)
  175. Ocd???
  176. Gonna be a wild few months.....
  177. Very worried over symptoms of emotional numbness
  178. My written experiences with anxiety
  179. paranoid i have diabetes
  180. Second hand smoke!!!
  181. Love/relationship obsession
  182. Over a year with anxiety
  183. Severe anxiety & FEAR has ruined my daily life....
  184. Went to a job interview and need help, please.
  185. Am I Losing It? Unsure of what to do Anymore...
  186. Hypochondria: Are these phsyical symptoms legit or are they a byproduct of anxiety?
  187. Obsessive/Intrusive thoughts
  188. Body Anxiety
  189. Scared about being bad person.
  190. Does this sound like PTSD?
  191. Escitalopram
  192. blood sugar readings
  193. Paranoia or Pregnant?
  194. Can't stop thinking random words and phrases
  195. How do you know when to seek medical help
  196. Feelings after nap. & depersonalization
  198. Anyone ever have a CT scan???
  199. Cuckoo Crazy Season
  200. Mental Health Workers Should Be Mentally Healthy
  201. How much do hobbies help?
  202. Anxiety and "alternative" lifestyles
  203. Sexuality denial or anxiety/hocd?? **urgent plz answer**
  204. Those With Anxieties Who Give Up On Psychotherapy Too Soon Are Making A Mistake
  205. Shaking head when waking up
  206. Rough diagnosis
  207. Stressed Nerves
  208. Frustrated
  209. Agitated, head empty, heart racing.
  210. Many Mental Health Professionals And Workers Have Been There Too
  211. a website that is worth looking at...
  212. Marijuana Panic Attack?
  213. Ocd?
  214. Why are mornings so hard...
  215. How do your skipped / ectopic beats feel?
  216. Pretty sure my back is to the wall here...
  217. I can't understand why my anxiety won't go away
  218. post christmas new year blues
  219. Fiance struggling with the idea of getting married
  220. Rambling anxiety thoughts
  221. I am cured!!!
  222. How do you deal with nightmares?
  223. I can't feel my heart
  224. Travel anxiety?
  225. Insane guilt/anxiety over mistake from years ago
  226. Last hope :( - Venlafaxine 225mg
  227. Writting as a coping mechannism
  228. Talking about issues only makes them worse...?
  229. Getting obsessive thoughts/Overthinking
  230. Health Anxiety - Please Help
  231. Life on an SSRI
  232. Panic Attack!
  233. Does anyone else feel sick all the time?
  234. Cannot seem to calm down, advice appreciated.
  235. New here
  236. Throat Clicking
  237. I'm on a mind loop
  238. New to the site and looking for help
  239. Making a move
  240. SSRI Withdrawal hell?
  241. over protective
  242. So, any information about dibilitating performance anxiety?
  243. Musicians with anxiety and depression, podcast.
  244. pessimism
  245. Supplement Advice for anxiety / panic disorder
  246. How do I control my obessive thoughts/behaviours without medication?
  247. Hookah intoxication | Anxiety going through the roof
  248. The Stress Reservoir - my little analogy
  249. What age were you dignosed with anxiety?
  250. Does anyone get panic attacks from smoking pot?