View Full Version : anxiety/panic worse in the evenings?

12-13-2015, 05:52 PM
Most recently my anxiety and overall panic has worsened at night time. having mostly recovered from DP/DR, I'm still struggling. It seems like as soon as i see that its dark, my feelings either intensify or it just increases. my existential thoughts get worse, and i feel trapped and closed in, or just panicky.
i also think that I've somehow conditioned myself to have increased anxiety at night time. I had a severe panic attack while riding in the car at night time and I've been afraid to ride in a car at night and to drive. I wish i could conquer this fear, and eliminate my anxiety. I have these awful fears of death and being physically ill. I just would like some advice please.
thank you!

12-13-2015, 05:56 PM
Hey there-I too have worse panic and anxiety at the days end/since I've been in out of hospital for many stock things some severe
I too fear I'm goin to die or have another pancreas gastritis attack-I'm new on here and just trying to cope for now
Therapist doesn't seem to help me much/good luck to you hope we find some advice soon

12-16-2015, 08:55 PM
My anxiety is always worse at night. I find its because everything slows down. There's less distractions and my thoughts take over. Sooner or later I have to lie in bed and face all my failings and short comings.

I have no advice or cure for you. I haven't figured it out myself. I do however find that if I get enough done during the day to make my feel like I've achieved something I sleep better. If I have had a lazy day, I'm in for a nightmare of a night.

12-17-2015, 12:57 AM
My anxiety is always worse at night. I find its because everything slows down. There's less distractions and my thoughts take over. Sooner or later I have to lie in bed and face all my failings and short comings.

I have no advice or cure for you. I haven't figured it out myself. I do however find that if I get enough done during the day to make my feel like I've achieved something I sleep better. If I have had a lazy day, I'm in for a nightmare of a night.

Agreed ! Same here