View Full Version : Anyone ever have a CT scan???

12-28-2015, 02:15 PM
I have had 2 CT scans in my life. One for my head when I was 17 in 2007, and another for my abdomen/pelvis because I had to get my appendix out when I was 21, in 2010. I was just wondering if anyone else has had 1 or multiple CT scans

How many have you had, and when did you have them?

My main question is that I am just worried about the increased cancer risk from my 2 scans. Is it a big risk?

12-28-2015, 02:33 PM
in the last ten years I had at least 6

12-28-2015, 04:27 PM
I have them semi frequently, along with MRI'S when my doctors are on a clot hunting expedition. No ill effects yet to speak of. I have had more contrast and radioactive dyes pumped into me than sea of Japan and no cancer, weird illnesses or, sadly, super hero powers.

12-28-2015, 06:29 PM
I don't even remember how many CT scans I've had, but I do remember that they never bothered to cover my ovaries with an apron full of lead plating. That usually means not a HUGE risk because no matter what I think of them, to the medical community my ovaries are PRICELESS. Even after I tell them "The Agent Orange exposure from my tween years will probably be more at fault here if I do wind up with a malignancy and by the way I had myself surgically sterilized in 1995", both of which are entirely true statements.

My issues with MRI scans came to an abrupt halt the first time I met an open MRI machine. NOBODY is stuffing me in a claustrophobia tube ever again. I've never had an adverse reaction to the contrast dyes.

I've had so many medical tests that if all the acronyms were given to me as Scrabble tiles I'd probably never lose another game. Only the electromyelogram and the (without warning) endometrial biopsy EVER made me cry, I'm proud to say. I often jokingly advise people in casual conversations to avoid EMG tests unless they really, really like needles and electricity--at which point they usually turn kinda green and look at me with a combination of fear and respect.

12-28-2015, 08:22 PM
I agree with Sae, CT scan is nothing to compare how radioactive is our environment

12-29-2015, 01:26 AM
Good point Dahila ... that and the fact that it's often toxic living that puts many on the CT scanning bed to begin with.
Edit - Yea - I have had my fair share ... it's normal in this modern toxic age.