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  1. Not being able to catch a deep breath..
  2. liver failure leading to hepatic encephalopathy..last stage going to coma!!!PLZ HELP
  3. normal?
  4. Frustrated
  5. Out of control anxiety - relapse
  6. My First Big Social Event In Years
  7. Friendship Problems
  8. What living with anxiety is like....
  9. she cannot handle it anymore
  10. Mindfulness
  11. Autocalm-What is it? Is it any good?
  12. Any advice?
  13. parents
  14. My doctor says it's just anxiety, but I'm not so sure?
  15. holding breath in sleep
  16. vitamin D
  17. Cant sleep
  18. Intruive thoughts?
  19. Sleep Fidgeting
  20. Any tips for excessive sweating? Like good deodorant brands?
  21. Quotes To Think About When You're Struggling
  22. Emotinal Inertia: What A Struggle
  23. Benadryl for anxiety?
  24. After several months of misdiagnosis, I am just anxious
  25. SSRI makes me lazy, benzos makes me amnesiac
  26. Need some advice on dealing with anxiety about an ex
  27. Disability benefits
  28. Anxiety is affecting my career...time to change paths?
  29. Not anxiety, just need to vent some anger
  30. I've lost it..
  31. Treating allergies without increasing anxiety
  32. My anxiety is threatening to destroy my relationship
  33. What now..?
  34. Anxiety!!!!!!!
  35. Panic Buddies
  36. School
  37. clonazepam
  38. Larynx and vocal cords always tense and impeding enunciation
  39. imitation of someone I don't like? Help. Panic attack
  40. Anxiety and worry about my job
  41. I didn't ask for this life..
  42. Dont know what to do with those panic attacks or anxiety
  43. Struggling for a while
  44. quitting smoking...
  45. Scared I have PC
  46. Sleepless Over Soap
  47. Happy Ending
  48. What is happening here?
  49. Need reassurance that I will recover
  50. Nearing a year of recovery, we're back to square 1?!
  51. dealing with anxiety
  52. Paranoia
  53. anxiety and youth - please share your experiences?
  54. Afraid of Feeling Tired and the Need to Work Daily.
  55. need some thoughts please :(
  56. A Strange Feeling Accompanied by Likewise Strange Obsessions
  57. Sexual performance anxiety and psychological ED
  58. constant anxiety
  59. Bach rescue remedy
  60. Feeling Anxious over My Newly Bloated," Jelly Belly."
  61. wearing a bra to bed bad???
  62. Weird falling feeling in my head
  63. How to deal with people not liking you?
  64. Really struggling today :(
  65. Please Help.
  66. Constantly focused on breathing all the time.
  67. Anxious about everything after recovering from depression.
  68. Revolving Door Moods
  69. I had to leave work early today because I had an anxiety attack..
  70. What Worked For Me?
  71. A House Without Dick..........
  72. Newbie with anxiety (I think) help :(
  73. Moving with anxiety...
  74. I'm New- Had a question if someone might be able to help.
  75. My first actual crippling attack
  76. Easy 2-Step Plan for Removing Anxiety
  77. Obsession/attachment/addiction over a friend?help.
  78. Anxiety and marriage
  79. New Pet Anxiety
  80. Classic Lit. For Anxious Sorts
  81. Has anyone successfully beat/greatly improved their anxiety? Intro & story.
  82. Im A Hypochondriac...Can anyone help? :/
  83. Anxiety and Avoidance
  84. what happened? racing heart after alcohol.
  85. Suicide.. Please help me
  86. Anxiety + GERDish symptoms + Sinus Arrythmia
  87. Went to the Docs
  88. Not Panic
  89. There is hope - here's what helped me
  90. anxiety can really harm us?
  91. Anxious over WATER RETENTIOn
  92. how do i stop focusing on symphtomes? health anxiety
  93. Back pain
  94. EXTREME Muscle pain? Please help, ALS??
  95. Nearly swallowed or inhaled a coin. Feel traumatized
  96. Anxiety like crazy
  97. When Right Feels Wrong
  98. Coping with mothers suicide
  99. I fear I am on the verge of a relapse
  100. Reversing your Anxiety by Changing your Thought Processes
  101. New to this-- New to anxiety?
  102. First time poster - Heart Palpatations main symptom.
  103. Why can't there be a quick fix -.-
  104. Feeling Accomplished Today :)
  105. Do you feel like the pressure to always 'act normal' too much?
  106. How I recently defeated my anxiety
  107. first appointment with the OBGYN tomorrow...i'm terrified! :(
  108. Another Update
  109. MS fear
  110. Moms
  111. Suddenly visible veins??
  112. Huge Anxiety Spike
  113. This is not a joke. ( i think fruit flies living on my crotch) MALE
  114. Help!
  115. what is cognitive behavior therapy
  116. The Happy Thread :)
  117. Finally taking control of nightmares
  118. Will this last forever? ( unreal )
  119. A life of what ifs
  120. If you could change just one small part of your anxiety experience, what would it be?
  121. Depersonalization ?
  122. What are your symptoms?
  123. Not sure what to do :(
  124. Handling my anxiety better.....But
  125. anyone with kik?
  126. Getting over phobias
  127. Heights
  128. Freaking out
  129. Uni project research
  130. Imaginary heart palpitations and other symptoms?
  131. worried after i hit myself on the head with a golf ball
  132. I would be an awesome person, if...
  133. My Artwork
  134. I'm gonna puke!!
  135. Very anxious about my current situation....
  136. Is this normal?
  137. Physical Symptoms - I don't know if I should seek medical help
  138. Frustrated Ramblings
  139. How are you people doing on medicine
  140. Worried I have colon cancer
  141. anxiety cared i have angina and im 17
  142. anxiety sared i have angina and im 17
  143. ( Feeling Better!! Somewhat)
  144. No reason for my anxiety
  145. Convinced I have a heart problem at 18......
  146. What is going on?!?!?!?!
  147. Constantly overthinking
  148. Anxiety & Marriage
  149. Little Victories
  150. .....very lost....................... =/
  151. Does anyone else have this symptom?!?
  152. I really need some help here
  153. Citlopram & Alcohol
  154. New Diagnosis?
  155. Anxious about moving to a new flatshare
  156. How to distinguish between "health anxiety" and real symptoms
  157. Adrenaline rush
  158. I have a question about anxiety blood pressure
  159. Bad Habits
  160. you threw off my groove
  161. My Friend is Abusing her Power
  162. Hi! I'm new to the community
  163. Anxiety worse in the morning?
  164. Deinstitutionalization
  165. Extreme morning aches and pain. What is happening to me?
  166. Extreme and fearful attachments to peopl
  167. Explaining my anxiety to my boyfriend's family
  168. Baby shower tomorrow!!
  169. Finding a passion?
  170. What this does to my family
  171. In desperate need of help
  172. Afraid I don't know ME
  173. New Here. Need help
  174. Thanatophobia
  175. OMG Please Help I am Losing my mind
  176. I Suppose I ws Wrong.......
  177. Stress problem? Becoming a nightmare...
  178. Recent anxiety!
  179. Don't know how to handle my anxiety issues
  180. Need help (how ironic)
  181. Anxious and very depressed
  182. Is it anxiety, my period, or pregnancy? Can I REALLY trust a hpt??
  183. Suicide?
  184. HIV fear!!!
  185. Having One of "Those" Days... lame
  186. Things going my way
  187. Breathing Problems
  188. Things going my way
  189. The key to survival
  190. anyone have kik or anything similar
  191. Frozen
  192. Severe Bug Phobia.
  193. Facebook
  194. Anxiety or other illness.
  195. Anxiety or other illness.
  196. heart flutters afer lunch?
  197. shortness of breath
  198. Does anyone else have a hard time controlling their emotions in a relationship?
  199. Been over-exercising and dieting and my periods late this mointh.
  200. Is anxiety
  201. Dependent on sleep aids?
  202. The Reason You Think Your Anxiety Disorder is So Complicated Is Because....
  203. Residential Treatment Centers Focused on Anxiety Disorders
  204. Pregnancy and anxiety
  205. Please help!!!!
  206. Is this the end of me? What do I do?
  207. Feel Like I am Losing my MInd
  208. Alphabet Soup!!
  209. Took a break!
  210. Free Book Promotion
  211. Anxiety when it's humid and back problems
  212. Panic attack!!
  213. Everythng in Life Takes Work!- Better to Realize This Now!
  214. San Andreas 2015 Movie Review
  215. Android App Gone!!!
  216. Horrible chest pain
  217. Lymphoma Worry
  218. everyone says I need to "get over it" (porn and marriage)
  219. Anxiety
  220. trying to be optimistic
  221. A Couchy Conundrum
  222. New fear?
  223. Ecstasy
  224. Does Anyone Else Think I'm Suffering is Dangerous, Out of Line, and Nuts?
  225. California
  226. I can't shake this
  227. Struggling with Anxiety.
  228. PANIC ATTACKS, ANXIETY, My 1 Year Story PLEASE HELP im struggling to cope
  229. Am I Suffeirng Anxiety
  230. Confused
  231. Anxiety and Long Term Relationships
  232. KILL, Destroy... Rage...Oh, Scared!
  233. Losing my mind
  234. The constant fear of uncertainty
  235. The Need for Control
  236. Severe health anxiety -- can someone put my mind at ease?
  237. Big backwards step
  238. Feeling blue
  239. Just to release my thoughts... :)
  240. The Fake People on this Forum are Really Annoying Me!
  241. Is it better to be diagnosed with a mental disorder or not?
  242. health anxiety/ payed sex
  243. Sexually confused
  244. Anxiety, Alcohol & Mindfulness
  245. Beta blockers and anxiety
  246. Is this really caused by anxiety?
  247. some help needed please :)
  248. Dealing with obsessive thoughts
  249. Does anyone else do this?
  250. Work