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  1. confused, need help please
  2. Weird head/ brain sensations
  3. Dear friends , this book is a real help !!
  4. Alcohol and anxiety
  5. Fresh new start
  6. Anxitey, fear and depression
  7. Is there a time frame...or not?
  8. having a terrible day....
  9. Caffeine; love it or hate it
  10. Paxil/klonopin!
  11. Propranolol
  12. Head tingles/twitches
  13. Hand sanitizer issues!!
  14. Derealization help!!!
  15. Past experience I would like to share...maybe helpful...
  16. I found something weird about myself.
  17. Fight or flight? anxiety? or something else?
  18. Cambridge diet
  19. Heart Attack Fear - Ruining My Life
  20. Sleep anxiety -insomnia
  21. Bad night sleep
  22. Anyone ever had rib cage pain with anxiety
  23. New here and need help
  24. blue fingernail beds
  25. My first panic attack
  26. Bad day
  27. Heart skipping beats
  28. 5-htp vitamin for anxiery
  29. Laughter the best medicine?
  30. Another Panic Attack?
  31. Do you fear for your health ?
  32. Klonopin
  33. I've got issues too friends..stress, tension, I am not exempt from life.
  34. what the fudge is this?
  35. Ringing in ears
  36. Anyone else?
  37. Feeling weak with anxiety
  38. Hi there - can anyone associate with my story/advise?
  39. Lol!!
  40. Followed e-mans advice
  41. Cooking chicken!
  42. Mind playing serious tricks on me, giving me weird anxiety.
  43. Who has High Blood Pressure caused by Anxiety ?
  44. Having anxiety attack
  45. New here..... My story
  46. Losing it over weird head feelings...
  47. NEED HELP <appreciate advice more than anything atm>
  48. I know we're all abit odd, but this new story is simply just f**ked up. E-Man.:/
  49. Panic attacks, im sick of them!!!
  50. Advice needed please read
  51. My story, please help.
  52. Panic Attack or Something Sinister?
  53. Right leg tingly
  54. Afraid to feel better
  55. New to anxiety
  56. Not having a good morning!!!
  57. Husband has anxiety & won't get help
  58. New here, my story
  59. Arg! More morning anxiety
  60. New Here my story
  61. Anxiety Relapse
  62. Palpitations
  63. Never been so humiliated in my life
  64. Rather Urgent Help Needed For Tomorrow!!
  65. Prickly Heat / Chinese Burn feelings
  66. DermaMag spray magnesium
  67. people threatening me :(
  68. For f**ks sake!
  69. Holy s**t, not again!! Reliving the EXACT same issues with a DAWDER!! LOL!
  70. Feel like you're shaking....??
  71. New to site and been suffering with anxiety for 9 years....Questions about PPI meds??
  72. Feeling a little better
  73. Advice needed
  74. Having a cold makes anxiety worse?
  75. Used to anxiety new to meds
  76. What to do guys :/
  77. Why am i afraid of sex?
  78. well starting to feel better
  79. Advice needed big time :(
  80. passion flower?
  81. Weird unexplainable and unpleasent symptom?
  82. I feel like I can't physically eat...
  83. Moving to another city anxiety
  84. what to do
  85. Anxiety about getting anxiety
  86. help.
  87. How to get over exercise fear?
  88. Nanophobia
  89. Do you ever feel anxious for no apparent reason at all?
  90. Lorazepam effects
  91. Help
  92. Arrrggghhh not again
  93. Lexapro and dark thoughts
  94. Someone PLEASE talk some sense into me....geeze!!
  95. Social Anxiety, Personal Anxiety
  96. A message from an anxiety veteran..
  97. Can't seem to settle down...
  98. Shoulder Pain
  99. Pffft... and it was going so well.
  100. why do i worry about EVERYTHING?
  101. Need help!
  102. Need some advice
  103. Theory about me. Correct, or not even possible?
  104. bloody nose from stress and anxiety? PLEASE help!df
  105. Panic Attacks and Sleep
  106. Sick of my life...
  107. Thinking out loud
  108. Whatever!!!!
  109. Ideas needed?
  110. New to anxiety
  111. something different wrong with me all the time.driving myself crazy!!!!!
  112. Question.
  113. Entirely New Living Situation. Having Trouble Adjusting.
  114. Sorry, I haven't been of much help lately..and here's why.
  115. Pregnancy with anxiety meds
  116. Help/Advice Needed!!!!!!!
  117. Am I the only one?
  118. Opinions please!!
  119. got the doc's today for my eyes I'm craping myself
  120. Please i feel like im gping nuts
  121. Advice and advice needed...
  122. just needed to throw this out.
  123. going on vacation....need advice
  124. Hello everyone i am offering help!
  125. Is this serious?
  126. Feel like I'm insane..
  127. Success!
  128. Ladies....anxiety worse around cycle
  129. Headache/dizzy
  130. Holy s**t these walls are full of questions and pleas for help! I can't think!!! :/
  131. Just had my first panick attack in weeks..
  132. Im taking Buspar.
  133. Vacation Approaching, Major Anxiety
  134. If you take lorazepam/ativan, this is the post for YOU!
  135. Can anyone relate?
  136. OCD is back...
  137. Wtf is this?
  138. Help me
  139. What do I do?
  140. You Can Be Anxiety Free Just Like Me
  141. Goosebumps and chills normal?
  142. Coming off my beta blocker
  143. Citalopram
  144. Has anyone been prescribed Tenormin?
  145. Adrenaline = danger
  146. Finally back to work AGAIN!!..with a new helper too...:)
  147. I need help
  148. New symptom whoop whoop! not a biggie, but what is it?
  149. Things get better, then they get worse/explaining things to a boyfriend.
  150. Am I just maladjusted?
  151. do anyone feel this?
  152. Anxiety Ruined my Relationship
  153. Anxiety and Panik Attacks have left me with no appetite
  154. Anxiety or something else?
  155. Panic attacks and vomiting
  156. New meds
  157. needing someone to talk to
  158. Socially acceptable?
  159. Please advise
  160. Under control.
  161. What a surprise, feeling anxious again!!!
  162. Anxiety is destroying my life!
  163. Help me. Part 2. School.
  164. An entire life, of suddenality...Difficult to deal with, to say the least.
  165. Family History
  166. Anxiety Hell For 2 Years...How I Got Over It In 6 Months...And How You Will Too!
  167. hey guys :) hope everyones okay!
  168. The feelings of unreality are awful!
  169. Health anxiety
  170. Anxiety and Blood Pressure
  171. Going crazy idk watz wrong
  172. High school stress intenae anxiety
  173. to: Enduron.
  174. Of Chemistry and Chimeristry:
  175. Irrational thoughts involving contamination
  176. post anxietic asthma
  177. Having a really bad day : (
  178. Anxiety, cardiophobia, trying to cope...
  179. Im all alone, theres no1 here beside meee
  180. A song for you...
  181. It is what it is..I accept it.
  182. A casualty of..anxiety.
  183. I was an abuser, of the chemical you all run from..I found it, never ending supply...
  184. Every time I eat I feel a panic attack coming on...wtf?!
  185. help please
  186. Someone please help me with all this!
  187. Who takes Lexapro
  188. Just when I feel I'm getting better....
  189. hypochondria driving me crazy!!!
  190. Anxiety or something else? Never been diagnosed...
  191. Remember, there are many others in this world way worse off then we are.
  192. New here
  193. stop and smell the roses...literally
  194. Chemical nightmare
  195. It's gotten worse
  196. Woken up in a panic
  197. Hi all im new here.
  198. A stupid question
  199. It's Over
  200. When I want it back
  201. New & Seeking Advice For Controlling Anxiety
  202. I haven't felt this free in years, free from anxeity. My last post in this forum.
  203. Not sure what to do anymore
  204. Female question :/
  205. common cold symptoms?
  206. Chest pain!!!
  207. Anxiety turning in to paranoia
  208. Beyond repair.
  209. Feeling sick to my stomach before i go to bed
  210. Anxiety attacks are ruining my life!
  211. Monthly period/menses and PA = sick of it
  212. Anxiety sufferer for last 14 years, and I am only 32
  213. Job interview today!
  214. Dizzy spells and hot flashes!
  215. May go on sick leave
  216. Sceletium Tortuosum, aka Kanna Sceletium - Has anyone heard of or tried this?!?!
  217. At the end of my rope
  218. Symptoms of an Anxiety/panic attack
  219. Having really bad morning
  220. Weed?
  221. Enjoyment
  222. Fight or flight and my curiosity!
  223. Does this sound like anxiety?
  224. winter is coming... terrified
  225. About to start my medication, feeling anxious :-/
  226. How to Go Back to Sleep?
  227. Starting celexa been very panicky
  228. What The Hell is Going on?
  229. New anxiety blog, Open to everyone
  230. Anxiety- ASMR
  231. Went home
  232. im needing a full blown vent.
  233. Confused.. Panic/Anxiety and Fainting
  234. Child with Medical problems
  235. New
  236. A change of self and in need of help.
  237. I can sense it coming on
  238. Derilization
  239. Anxiety & Thinking straight
  240. Question
  241. Cant be left alone
  242. Having a really bad time
  243. Always Nervous
  244. Anxiety taking over
  245. Why do I have good days and bad?
  246. its hereeeeee!!!!
  247. controlling relationship triggered off panic and anxiety attacks
  248. What caused my anxiety?
  249. I did it!
  250. Symptoms are killing me!!!!