View Full Version : Rather Urgent Help Needed For Tomorrow!!
Rob Barker
09-05-2012, 12:51 PM
This is my first post on this forum, but it's quite a weird one to begin with. I'm getting on the college bus for the second time tomorrow, but i won't have my mum to tell the bus driver where i want to go this time. My social anxiety is absolutely terrible and i will worry about saying things for hours before i need to, even if it's just two words like it is in this case. (Ridiculous, i know!)
My other problem related to this particular topic is that i have a very quiet voice and i tend to mumble a lot; i am often asked to repeat myself two or three times which as you can imagine is very embarrassing and annoying. Sometimes my anxiety gets so bad i can't physically say anything at all, so this worries me also.
Please help me stop getting anxious about such a small and simple thing, all i need to do is say two words to the bus driver loud and clearly first time round.
Sorry for such an awful first post.
09-05-2012, 01:05 PM
Simple! Write it down, hand it to him..put in the note you have laryngitis so you can't speak at all now but maybe in a few days you'll recover. EASY!!..
Jo Smith
09-06-2012, 04:31 AM
Rob, you can do it, just take a deep breath and say it loud so you dont have to repeat it. Hopefully the bus driver will get to recognise you! How did you first day go? x
Rob Barker
09-07-2012, 03:56 AM
Rob, you can do it, just take a deep breath and say it loud so you dont have to repeat it. Hopefully the bus driver will get to recognise you! How did you first day go? x
Hi Jo, i didn't forget about letting you know, i was just leaving it to the end of the first week before i told you... But it's been going really well overall. I've had a few moments where i have felt fear and sickness building up, however i have used all my power to keep it under control and so i haven't been that bad!
The only problem which isn't anxiety related is that the lectures are so long and boring!
The thing with the bus will be fine now because my dad can take me in the morning just before he goes to work, so that is a relief. My social skills really aren't that great when in situations like that.
Anyway i should be okay, we start the practical work next week which should be really good fun! :)
Thanks, Rob! :D
Jo Smith
09-07-2012, 04:12 AM
Great, the practical work in any course is always the fin bit? Do you do like car mechanics and things like that? And thats great that your getting lifts in to school! Takes the pressure right off. Are the people really nice too? Bet seing as you should all love cars you have plenty to talk about. And lectures used to be hard for me to get threw too, because you find your mind wondering. I solved this by taking ridiculously good notes, so my mind was always concentrating on that instead of doom and gloom!! x
Rob Barker
09-07-2012, 04:46 AM
Great, the practical work in any course is always the fin bit? Do you do like car mechanics and things like that? And thats great that your getting lifts in to school! Takes the pressure right off. Are the people really nice too? Bet seing as you should all love cars you have plenty to talk about. And lectures used to be hard for me to get threw too, because you find your mind wondering. I solved this by taking ridiculously good notes, so my mind was always concentrating on that instead of doom and gloom!! x
Practical work is much better than sitting in a classroom being bored to death! My hobby is made up of going to car shows all around the country but i also do a lot of photography and a bit of filming too. I'm not a massive fan of the mechanical side but i didn't know what else to do with my life so i went on this course to get some qualifications and experience; and it also stops my mum moaning about how i need to get a job! The lifts to college will definitely help to relax me and it also means i don't have to stand at a freezing bus stop in the winter months either. Most of the students are really friendly and a pleasure to speak with which is great.
The 'mind wondering' thing is exactly what i have, the lectures are one-and-a-half hours long so it's really tricky to concentrate and stay awake! Luckily the teacher is great and he likes to have a good laugh with us all! :)
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