View Full Version : Every time I eat I feel a panic attack coming!
09-14-2012, 10:14 PM
I'm genuinely scared to eat because it seems my anxiety gets higher every time I do. Anyone else experience that or have any tips? I have Ativan but I try not to take it. All this came down on me this past week. I've had bipolar and insomnia for 9 years now and I manage with no meds but the last two months I've been real panicky and anxious and Monday I had my first full blown attack which literally came out of nowhere I wasn't anxious but I had just ate dinner and like 10 minutes later I started panicking and puked and went to er and they said it was just a panic attack because all my blood was normal. Now I either feel like not eating like a sour stomach feeling or if I do eat and I feel fine after I eat it's like bam I have to fight the anxiety. I recently started working out more this week and taking a multivitamin as well as 5000 iu of vitamin d3 today thanks to some helpful people on this site. I also just want to say how much of a difference it means to know you're all here and feeling the same. I'm grateful for all your advice and help. Thank you.
09-15-2012, 12:19 AM
It's the change in your blood sugar I'm guessing . It happens to me to
09-15-2012, 02:30 AM
So what do you do to help?
09-15-2012, 12:18 PM
Sodium..evil. Track how much sodium is in whatever it is that youre eating. Also yes, possible blood sugar spikes. I would do that purposefully before I went to the gym a year ago when I was able to lift weights. What is your beverage of choice?...Do you ever drink water? Be honest please..
09-15-2012, 02:20 PM
All I drink is water. Is that bad? I think I might overdo it but all in all some days I don't drink as much but usually about 8-10 16.9 oz of aquafina water bottles.
09-15-2012, 02:33 PM
No, not bad but an expensive habit! When did you START taking this multivitamin and the other vitamins?..More times then many people know, a potent multi-vit taken on an empty stomach is going to make some people sick as hell. Why? Because many of the vitamins in the multi are soluable in 2 different ways. Some are broken down by water and some must be broken down by fats (oils in food).. Also, if the multi has much more then 100% of the recommended daily allowance of B vitamins then that can also cause sickness, flushing, hot feeling, heart racing.. There's quite a few different things here that need be researched but I believe the answers are right in front of you too. LUCKY ZOMBIE!..PS: How do you self cope with insomnia for 9 YEARS??...If I may ask...:)
09-15-2012, 06:14 PM
Expensive indeed lol and yes I always eat before I take anything. And my way of coping with my insomnia is...I gave up lol...I just don't sleep...sometimes a few hours here and there but I'm content with it now....oddly enough lol
09-15-2012, 06:18 PM
Interesting..cope with insomnia=just give up and don't sleep. OMGAWD! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :)
09-15-2012, 11:15 PM
Lol better than taking the sleeping pills and having that panic feeling :/
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