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  1. Scared to death...
  2. Does anyone ever feel like this???
  3. Trouble eating and sleeping
  4. Esophageal Spasm?
  5. Diagnose My Anxiety
  6. preoccupation with death
  7. Palpitations
  8. What the hell is this???
  9. Anxiety From Marjiuana
  10. Has anyone experienced something similar?
  11. I Keep Calling
  12. Help me out guys .. :/
  13. psychotherapy vs hypnotherapy
  14. test anxiety
  15. Awesome Avatars
  16. tight throat
  17. developed a fear of flying
  18. low body temperature?
  19. What are your thoughts on Mondays (UUGGHH!)
  20. advice pls
  21. me again, question for u
  22. Relinquishing control to be able to sleep
  23. Fine, And Them Boom!
  24. Waking with Anxiety
  25. Alone
  26. My Story, please read
  27. Is this Anxiety or am i dying?
  28. Poll - Anxiety Symptoms.
  29. Alright extreme worrying right now, please help and reply!
  30. can someone please reply to my topic i posted below!
  31. Anxiety survey. (please help!)
  32. is this anxiety? gazing uncontrollably
  33. anyone love stress/anxiety?
  34. tell me what you think..
  35. Anxiety Without Knowing Why?
  36. Doctors visit
  37. Do I have Anxiety?
  39. For those who have trouble sleeping:
  40. stress er with choosing TV
  41. Intrusive thoughts, will they ever leave?
  42. Music and chatter in my head!!
  43. life is now - simple key to our problems
  44. Dissociation SUCKS!
  45. Head Spinning
  46. Please help.
  47. Anxiety and Nausea/Vomiting - help
  48. Can anybody relate to this?
  49. In Need Of Anxiety Insight....
  50. My mind is my worst enemy
  51. Breathing issues panic
  52. Anxiety and sleeping problems, pounding heart beat
  53. Participants for Anxiety Research Needed (Please Help!)
  54. Extreme Anxiety Regarding Pregnancy - Please help.
  55. Anyone care to chat?
  56. Of some interest in terms of nutrition...
  57. feeling numb
  58. Please help me
  59. Syncoptic episode
  60. Driving lesson's always give me anxiety,and I have one today
  61. Can You See The Real Me?
  62. fraid of My girlfriend moving here
  63. Anyone been signed off work?
  64. fear of allergic reactions anyone?? please read
  65. is it all about control?
  66. irrational & worrying
  67. My anxiety
  68. Cold and Flu + Anxiety
  69. How bad is my anxiety?!
  70. seeking some help on anxiety
  71. They say...
  72. Was this a panic attack?
  73. Fying tips??
  74. Anxiety and online treatment
  75. How to Be Happy. It's a nice place to be....
  76. The Panic, it Mutates!
  77. Anxiety manifesting as... flu?!
  78. Panic Whilst Walking
  79. Anxiety and Depersonalization are taking over my life...
  80. My Life With (and now without !) Excessive Anxiety
  81. Drugs, the best course of action?
  82. Fear of hurting someone
  83. Stupid thoughts doing my head in
  85. A Really Bad Day
  86. "Substitution" worry
  87. allergies & physical symptoms
  88. Worrying!
  89. Is anybody from Australia?
  90. Help...
  91. Feeling Normal
  92. URGENT.
  93. Any tips for staying positive?
  94. Left side pains and twinges
  95. Regular Symptoms
  96. Something interesting I read
  97. Perfection in My Weaknesses
  98. Dad's Cancer
  99. I hate to ask this...but?
  100. Is this from my anxiety???
  101. Swollowing feeling
  102. Relationship anxiety
  103. Hypochondriasis, and something else?
  104. Anyone have anxiety who has experienced physical abuse?
  105. Worry and Making my self feel sick
  106. Exercise Induced Anxiety and Depression
  107. Scared...
  108. although
  109. Anxiety & High Blood Pressure
  110. changing negative thought patterns
  111. Problems with my wife.
  112. Existential anxiety/depression
  113. Long distance flight: resurgent panic!
  114. coping statements
  115. Time to have a rant......it's long
  116. My story/symptoms - Please read!
  117. Help, these symptoms are really getting to me
  118. I am sooo tired of fighting. please help!!!
  119. Is this anxiety?
  120. Does this seem like anxiety to you?
  121. Anyone tried the book CBT for dummies?
  122. managing anxiety at work
  123. Please help me...
  124. Questions about Zoloft-Please Read
  125. have some concerns
  126. Help! I feel as if I am going crazy!!
  127. Ghandi was anxious!
  128. EYEs driving me insane! need help!
  129. Lightheaded when sitting, among other things
  130. Lupus
  131. Norepinephrine extremely high
  132. Post traumatic anxiety around going out to bars/clubs
  133. Double life
  134. Zoloft and Pot??
  135. Panic attacks..
  136. Dr recommended Endocrinologist for stress levels?
  137. Wondering if I should persue looking into this....
  138. I have fear of dying... and i cant get enough sleep...help!?
  139. yes!!
  140. Recovering
  141. Constant anxiety
  142. Someone to talk to...
  143. Anyone ever tried this?
  144. abruptly switching from xanax to klonapin / clonazepam
  145. Anxiety?
  146. My first post and my story
  147. alcohol = extremely bad anxiety
  148. Anxiety lasting forever it seems....
  149. Bad day question
  150. Does anyone else feel like this..?!?
  151. Anxiety Question
  152. I don't know what to do anymore!!!
  153. Pins and Needle Sensation whats the Cause?
  154. Get Rid of Your Anxiety
  155. Anxiety and love, Love is always in your heart. :D
  156. Doc recommonds a BETA BLOCKER for my stress! Help
  157. my strange anxiety?
  158. CBT in Los Angeles
  159. Relapse!!! Help!
  160. Sleeping Problems
  161. ANNOYED
  162. Help with anxiety attacks
  163. Chicken or the egg - memories vs anxiety
  165. Inconsistent
  166. Beauty Student....with anxiety.
  167. In sort of a crisis mode, can anyone help?
  168. I need some help
  169. When will it get better...Fustration...
  170. Confused which meds to take
  171. Need Help/Encouragement
  172. Is this really anxiety!?!
  173. lack of control
  174. Fear!!
  175. Anxiety? Weird Situation
  176. Anxiety symptoms like heart attack
  177. HELLO
  178. People in their 20's
  179. Anyone feel this way?
  180. Anxiety may be ruining my engagement
  181. Think I have anxiety?
  182. Fear of Speaking
  183. In the OLD DAYS
  184. scared of medication (well nearly everything!)
  185. Anxious and scared - please help me
  186. What if and what shall I do?
  187. Not feeling too good...CONCERNED
  188. love & anxiety such a mess!!
  189. feel like jumping out the window
  190. help me please :(
  191. Afraid to free myself of GAD.
  192. Help???
  193. Positive Reinforcement!
  194. How I Stopped my anxiety for good
  195. Anxiety is back :(
  196. Bad Few Months
  197. This pregnancy and panic, anxiety, and now DEPRESSION!
  198. Anxiety and now sick
  199. Teen Anxiety
  200. Binge drinking and anxiety
  201. anybody feel like this?
  202. Hyperthyroid: Anyone else diagnosed?
  204. Anxiety vs Depression - what is the difference?
  205. Am I alone, am I crazy, am I depressed or have an AD?
  206. I hate how I've never been treated the way a daughter should
  207. Do you have vestibular problems too?
  208. Anxiety coming back...
  209. FEAR
  210. Horrible numbness in head!
  211. Leaving home
  212. I want to get over this
  213. Go Away Anxiety
  214. Panic Away...
  215. Anyone get this or had this, or know what this is
  216. today at the school I work at this little girl who is 5
  217. I get upset seeing and hearing about childrens partys
  218. Loved ones
  219. I am trying to change my user name
  220. Fear of blood clots?
  221. I miss my friend so much
  222. My story ...
  223. I can never discuss with my mum about things that have
  224. my sister once told me that I diden't say hello in the right
  225. My anxiety story
  226. Hello everybody, please read my story!
  227. My Anxiety Story
  228. Countering irrational thoughts
  229. Imagining Symptoms??
  230. I hate psychiatrists!
  231. is there any other medical problem along with anxiety
  232. Anxiety.xx
  233. Help with symptoms
  234. Sick & tired of being sick & tired...... i am there
  235. I Feel LikeA Stranger In My Own Home
  236. Anyone tried natural method to cure anxiety
  237. Anyone else get focused and harder unfocused heartbeats?
  238. Scared of illness and Dying
  239. Nighttime Anxiety!
  240. Afraid of not being able to tell the difference...
  241. Strange symptoms, is it really anxiety??
  242. pain, jitters
  243. speech impairment
  244. am i completely alone????
  245. I am speechless and so confused!! Can psychiatrist say....
  246. Question
  247. Hyperventilation - Useful Information
  248. 23yo male trying to make a start in life plz read
  249. on new years eve I went to Wales with my mum and dad and we
  250. Why?