View Full Version : today at the school I work at this little girl who is 5

02-11-2009, 07:26 AM
kept wanting to be with her mum holding her hand and everything and it upset me because when the little girl next door was 5 she never had this sort of relationship with her mum her and her mum were always arguing or the mother was shouting and hitting her so the little girl was screaming the place down :(

Also there was another little girl who kept wanting to be with her big sister and cryed like a baby wanting to be fed when she had to go back to her classroom and this upset me as well because if I had behaved like that round my sister at 5 she would of either stood there pointing and laughing at me, tell me to fuckoff and walk out of the classroom giving me the V or told me to stop acting like a mong. And would of told my mum when she got home and my mum would of screamed at me in her psycotic way for acting like a baby.
Also when the little girl next door was 5 her big brother was always punching her, kicking her and swearing at her