View Full Version : Worrying!

12-28-2008, 04:15 PM

I wrote on here about a week ago to say that i was feeling ill, with a cold, and i thought i had got rid of it?

Now i am feeling super super tired, been going to bed at 8pm and sleeping thru, my throat is sore and i have a cough and sniffles (still)

am i dying? is it still my cold from 2 weeks ago, or is it anxiety?

Im just worried with the unusual tiredness??

12-29-2008, 04:55 AM
Hi ,

I'm sorry for what had you been gone through this 2 weeks. But believe me , you're not dying , you're not having any decease. It could be the depresion that make you stay ill , I had been the same last year, I threw up everything I ate at first due to my stomach , and i've been worried about throwing up at public or during meeting with my colleague, so i started to stay vomit everyday until 4 months... I went through appendix operation , and also endocscopy , until i found up it is my anxiety / depression made me think i'm Ill....

I don't have any advice , but maybe you wanna try a change today ? Walk out of your room , focus on thing we want , temporary put our ill a side , ok ? I'm also now worrying too much , worrying some irrational facts .. that i might died because of certain thing , I had added you in MSN , so now , we have each other , you're not alone.

I believe the entire member of this forum are with us too. All the best.


Richard Chan