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  1. Bad day at work
  2. Stomache and side abdominal pain
  3. How long?
  4. Tmj
  5. Change..
  6. We all have bad days..
  7. Feel like an idiot
  8. Ibs
  9. so fed up now with this anxiety :-(
  10. Good morning :-)
  11. Ahhhhh anxious about feeling anxious!!
  12. I can't do this anymore
  13. Urgh had to book to see gp today
  14. Fear ( health anxiety)
  15. Tingling in my left cheek and nose
  16. Anyone ever think their Missdiagnosed?
  17. what the hell was thaaat?
  18. Does anyone get this
  19. Anyone??
  20. Scary heart
  21. How long before the nausea subsides?
  22. Horrible night last night :(
  23. Muscle pain and tenderness...here it goes again
  24. General Anxiety
  25. Chest discomfort - Mostly over left side
  26. I don't know what this is and it's driving me crazy. Can ya'll please help me.
  27. Anxiety relief electronic gadgets available
  28. Anxiety playing havoc
  29. Anxiety and brain tumor fear... I want my life back!
  30. Give me a break please!
  31. ran/walked my first marathon today :)
  32. Funny spells
  33. I feel panicked because there's nothing I can do to make things better.
  34. Christmas
  35. Head symptoms?
  36. health anxiety
  37. ~Year of anxiety - here's my story.
  38. xmas and anxiety
  39. Contemplating returning to work on monday...and very anxious about it!
  40. scared of taking peptac liquid
  41. How my head works
  42. How to stop worrying about the future world? :(
  43. 6 weeks pregnant
  44. Grrr!!
  45. Anxiety sucks
  46. Overwhelmed
  47. Fed up
  48. Self hate and realationships
  49. Please help!!! Is it possible im going crazy???
  50. Feels like I can bearly breathe
  51. Cinderella ball
  52. Chest problems
  53. Looking Pale
  54. Gone
  55. Anxiety in the Army
  56. My anxiety Diary
  57. Apps to Help Anxiety
  58. Just tripped onto this info
  59. Been out drinking the last two days
  60. Tmj
  61. Head Issues
  62. feeling a little panicky from ibs
  63. What gives
  64. Ever get scared about making future plans?
  65. Low vitamin d
  66. Insomnia and Anxiety
  67. For the females :)
  68. Advice if you can please
  69. Great..
  70. Face troubles
  71. The Secret
  72. Prozac
  73. Panic and Gluten-free diet
  74. Guess what????!!!!!
  75. Anyone get anxious about eating?
  76. Long time, no post! : )
  77. Propranolol
  78. Mental health is just as important (if not more), as physical health...
  79. Repetative thoughts
  80. Does anxiety give you itesgestion
  81. Blood clot fear!!!
  82. Safest anti depressant for patients with SVT
  83. Experience with depersonalization / derealization?
  84. Extremly scared throbbing please help
  85. Anxiety, pregnancy, and RAGING hormones! :-o
  86. Stress-Echo Test.
  87. Back question????
  88. Hello Guest.
  89. Talking to yourself out loud
  90. time zones
  91. Ho! Ho! Ouch!
  92. Electric shocks
  93. FOR THE MEN ONLY!!! NO EXCEPTIONS!!! SNL, gift idea...LMAO!
  94. Amino Acids, Magnesium and Prozac
  95. I am a coward.
  96. Squeaze-like pressure on head subsided but won't go away
  97. Christmas
  98. staying calm and fighting anxiety.
  99. why I have nothing to say to some people
  100. Antacids
  101. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  102. Pcos
  103. Anxiety due to hyper awareness of your own walking?
  104. Temple pain.
  105. Anxiety when traveling
  106. dizziness and nausea
  107. What foods to stay away from
  108. Freaking!!!!
  109. Electric shick.
  110. Weird Anxiety????!!!! :(
  111. Anxiety and "Dizziness"
  112. Good morning
  113. zoloft??
  114. Anxiety
  115. Hey everyone:-)
  116. hands and feet are freezing
  117. Health anxiety
  118. Lump In Throat
  119. The Un-Naturals...LMAO!
  120. Need some help
  121. Alcohol
  122. Blackmail
  123. Guilt and Shame
  124. Please help breathing
  125. Rabies Anxiety
  126. legs aching anxiety??
  127. Medication
  128. Am I wrong or are the docs wrong?
  129. Scared.
  130. Anger and anxiety
  131. Night time fright
  132. Seeing the ex
  133. Having a hard time sleeping???
  134. Again With the Health Anxiety
  135. Having an anxiety filled night..cancer fear! TMI :(
  136. Is it anxiety or an adverse reaction?
  137. Other people afraid of rabies
  138. Depression Treatment
  139. Menopause and Depression
  140. Head pain
  141. Anxiety when hangover is worse
  142. Starting to feel a difference...
  143. just some fun
  144. anxiety and then some...........
  145. Side effects
  146. Looking for Hope
  147. Relationship doubts?
  148. 2nd attempt
  149. Irrational thoughts
  150. Eight hours after Ativan the Anxiety is back. IS THIS NORMAL??
  151. An abnormal feeling...:/
  152. Hormonal issue or anxiety???
  153. Reading into things
  154. Too scared to sleep.
  155. Energy drink and propranolol
  156. Wooooo hooo
  157. So scared of the future :( please help
  158. Job hunting/Interviewing
  159. Numb lip!!!!!
  160. I thought this may be cool..:)
  161. urghhh!
  162. Ladies- Hormonal Problems?
  163. Worst anxiety symptom !
  164. Anxiety creeping back
  165. Pain.
  166. Grrrr
  167. What happened to
  168. Stomach hurts
  169. always scared of getting sick
  170. Overwhelming feeling of fear
  171. Fear of seizures
  172. Wtf is this?
  173. Anxiety over oxygen level
  174. woke up and feel like giving up
  175. Itchy
  176. My Weekly Progress with Anxiety and Medication (Citalopram and Prochlorperazine)
  177. Just a rant..it helps me.
  178. First day back at work. ZERO ANXIETY.
  179. pains
  180. Scared..
  181. anxiety free..............
  182. blood clot scare continues
  183. No outlet
  184. hyperventilation (OCD trigger warning)
  185. WARNING: TMI..For my women friends!! Please advise!!
  186. Petrified
  187. Major anxiety about burgularys
  188. In a pickle and need help in a hurry :(
  189. I'm worried
  190. Zoloft and hair loss
  191. my past 3 months. Thoughts?
  192. Huge shopping fear...
  193. What triggered anxiety and what triggers an attack now? ..
  194. Feeling great
  195. Dazed
  196. Coping with Intrusive thoughts? Need Advice.
  197. New here and struggling with obsessive thoughts and anxiety (looong)
  198. Stomach
  199. The Holidays..:)
  200. St Nick visits the Anxious and OCD Prone.
  201. So much pain
  202. Yes, me again..
  203. Weird feeling
  204. Siiiiigh........
  205. What is going on with me?!
  206. Blood pressure machine question
  207. G'dayyyy
  208. Someone help me
  209. Helping my girlfriend, relating to anxiety
  210. chest pain when hungry?
  211. Anxiety symptoms, but not sure if I suffer from anxiety. Feel terrible though
  212. Why Are Relationships Too Overwhelming To Have?
  213. Do I have anxiety?
  214. Proporonol
  215. fear iv breathed in food
  216. Does anybody else have this family problem
  217. Sore Ankle
  218. Merry...
  219. anxiety and a pit in my stomach
  220. Vitamins and supplements
  221. Sign of panic attack/anxiety?
  222. Finally!
  223. sick of being scared plz how can I make it stop
  224. Theres always something
  225. TMI warning!
  226. what is wrong with me?
  227. Feeling anxious!!
  228. Wee Question - FYI im intigued not worried lol :D
  229. Stress and Anxiety? What's the difference?
  230. Opinions: Please?
  231. AND..another. FUN THOUGH!
  232. Anyone had this?
  233. anxiety prone personalities
  234. Weird feeling
  235. Werd feeling!
  236. I freeze and run when I get succesful, why?
  237. Recommend some realxing music?
  238. To scared to Google!
  239. too scared to sleep (christmas eve)
  240. merry Christmas everyone :)
  241. Yoga
  242. Feeling exhausted...
  243. Thinking of quitting smoking?
  244. I'm scared of my thoughts!
  245. Hypnophobia and why it is ruining my life!
  246. The "impending feelings of doom"
  247. A great Eve, and interesting news...
  248. Brothers missing
  249. Rough night
  250. Anxiety Feeling