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  1. Changing medications?
  2. Your most embarassing panic attack
  3. What does this dream mean??
  4. Anxiety
  5. Could i possibly have an anxiety problem that i should talk to my doctor about?
  6. Anxiety/Panic and sleep problems - Heart 'shocks'?
  7. Dizzy/Light Headed
  8. Anxiety caused by Hypoglycemia?
  9. Have i triggered anxiety after having a panic attack from weed?
  10. Help
  11. breathe techniques
  12. Sense of reality
  13. Very nervous today
  14. Chest pains
  15. visualization
  16. Can anxiety really be this bad or is it something else?
  17. Can anxiety really be this bad or is it something else?
  18. 100mg zoloft
  19. Back to work today
  20. needs a chat :-\
  21. feeling things on body that arent there?
  22. feeling rage, self disgust, and depression
  23. Anyone suffering anxiety after an addiction?
  24. Tense and irritated?
  25. Fear
  26. Fear of pills / Lexapro
  27. Newbie (past history of chronic pain) - developed this suddenly+ hoping to overcom
  28. Fear
  29. New Treatment & Challenge
  30. Coping?
  31. Lexapro side effects
  32. nervous stomach
  33. Someone help me:(
  34. anxious about my blood results
  35. Things i HAVE TO DO when anxious
  36. feeling disgusted with myself
  37. Quik question...
  38. Started taking Zoloft!!!!
  39. A bit of inspiration for the struggling
  40. fast heartbeat
  41. try this....it really helps
  42. Has anyone else experienced this???
  43. New here - just been diagnosed
  44. Hello
  45. anxiety getting worse
  46. Waking up everyday at 4:30
  47. Shortness of Breath
  48. possible seizure
  49. Talking to your spouse about medication
  50. Things are meant to be ok :)
  51. Heart murmur
  52. Anxiety and stress
  53. Has any body tried the panic puzzle program
  54. Addiction to Zoloft
  55. Heart murmur still bugging me
  56. Fainting, near fainting last four weeks
  57. Jus diagnosed
  58. New to this... are these symptoms?
  59. What ifs?
  60. Strangest anxiety trigger...
  61. Dreams vs reality
  62. what the hell is wrong with me
  63. I really dont believe all of this is anxiety. What do you think?
  64. Does anyone get heat headaches/ pressure in the sun?
  65. Numb
  66. Nights are horrible
  67. hmmm
  68. Anyone
  69. Phobia
  70. what the hell is wrong with me
  71. 3 months
  72. a bit of inspiration
  73. Tightness in throaght while driving..
  74. irregular heartbeats, near fainting and anxiety
  75. No sypmtoms
  76. pressure in my head
  77. Exercise/paxil
  78. There is hope!
  79. totally lost
  80. Lightheaded when standing?
  81. Keeping your mind off sickness
  82. could zoloft cause sun allergy?
  83. CBT specialist
  84. Extreme anxiety when doctors tell me what they're doing
  85. Sleep apnea and anxiety
  86. Can anxiety be treated by just a chang of diet?
  87. Been a while and first actual therapy session is tomorrow
  88. Yay meds kicked in
  89. Anxiety and playing the victim???
  90. Switching medicines
  91. I really need some advice.
  92. Getting it under control
  93. Chest pain shooting arm and leg pain .. Thoughts of heart attack
  94. obsessional....meaning?
  95. Does anyone have scalp problems?
  96. Is Citlopram the 'best' for anxiety?
  97. Weird sensations
  98. Anybody please
  99. Started taking Citalopram
  100. I dont know wht to do anymore..:(
  101. Shooting pains
  102. what helps you?
  103. Bedtime irrational fear
  104. Needing help
  105. Why do u wake up feeling like this(PLEASE READ + HELP)
  106. Racing thoughts and worries.
  107. eye sight getting worse
  108. Anxiety causing psysical pain? please help
  109. I made a mistake, and now its causing me SERIOUS anxiety all day long!
  110. pulse feeling?
  111. Taking meds???
  112. Breaking The Cycle
  113. Too comfortable with routines?
  114. Was it ever a time when it wasn't just anxiety?
  115. Obsessive thoughts.
  116. Coping with anxiety without medication?
  117. New
  118. Visible Pulses. Could this be just anxiety?
  119. Cognitive OCD***TRIGGER WARNING***
  120. What happens when something we have feared for so long actually happens?
  121. Constant Sensations
  122. Very mild anxiety after rough week
  123. Does your anxiety keep you from dating?
  124. How I controlled my anxiety and found tranquility
  125. Weak/Fatigue shoulders and arms
  126. Working with anxiety
  127. Feeling that everything is wrong and I have to fix it now???? anxiety??
  128. feeling of someones hand around my neck crushing my windpipe
  129. Suffererd
  130. How did your anxiety disorder start?
  131. All of a sudden can't breathe?
  132. nothing is right
  133. Pissed!!!
  134. Anxiety app: try this. still anxious? try this...
  135. Exhausted from anxiety
  136. Do you have a fear of getting sick/dying?
  137. Flashbacks and Nightmares
  138. maybe bipolar??
  139. not feeling right...
  140. Visual snow?
  141. Anyone else?
  142. What i thought would be terrible.
  143. Wondering what to do!
  144. uneasy
  145. New to forum need help
  146. Cant stop thinking
  147. I cant switch off!!!
  148. Shortness of breath
  149. CYMBALTA 30mg
  150. My breathing...
  151. wierd feeling
  152. Anxiety or a real desire to break-up
  153. Tired of fighting this.
  154. Can anxiety diarrhoea be controlled????
  155. Guilt - Self Esteem and Anxiety
  156. Anxiety on School Trips
  157. Does anyone have anxiety from not being attractive?
  158. driving myself insane!
  159. The strangest feeling...
  160. I feel I don't even know what's causing my anxiety
  161. Job and Anxiety
  162. Anxious before sleep...
  163. My anxiety is stopping me from sleeping
  164. Finally seeking help
  165. Tired/heavy legs
  166. Cant sleep ruining my life
  167. Are these anxiety symptoms
  168. someone? anyone?
  169. Anxiety comes on during/before period
  170. I need help!
  171. Are low self esteem and anxiety related?
  172. God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
  173. kids in the street grrrrrrrr
  174. Anxiety memory problems?
  175. Is this related to anxiety?
  176. Pmdd and anxiety treatment?
  177. Everyone with anxiety: READ THIS
  178. Nail appt
  179. Totally fine then BAM!
  180. Need someone to relate to, some reassurance maybe?
  181. Anxiety delt with
  182. Unexplained Anxiety, PlEASE HELP ME!
  183. Bruising Easily
  184. Health anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety attacks! Please help me!
  185. Does it ever go away for good?
  186. When someone looks at your post!
  187. Sex = panic attack
  188. help
  189. Please help , Scared :(
  190. Death anxiety
  191. New to this and had a few questions
  192. Alcohol & Anxiety
  193. Lately...
  194. Help (possible trigger WARNING)
  195. help me :(
  196. Dizziness
  197. fear of swallowing food ?
  198. head feels like its going to burst
  199. Paranoid!!!!!
  200. Spoke to soon!
  201. I would rather _______ then live with anxiety
  202. Cant sleep
  203. Go to court?
  204. Work and anxiety?
  205. Feeling physically sick
  206. help
  207. Rescue Remedy - It Works!
  208. Do you believe bullying or harrassment caused your anxiety?
  209. Back at it :/
  210. Ok help plz now
  211. New to chat
  212. My throat
  213. Stomach & eating problems with major anxiety
  214. flu like symptoms?
  215. I know I'm impatient
  216. Question about therapy
  217. Please tell me if this sounds like anxiety
  218. Does your health anxiety make you have a symptoms of a disease or sickness?
  219. Ok plz someone talk to me
  220. anyone use rescue remedy? ?
  221. Need to post
  222. I want the old me back!!!!!
  223. Panic attack!!!
  224. drunk embarrasment
  225. need someone to talk to...
  226. Anxiety/Panic advice please
  227. Scared of aneurysym
  228. Air hunger all day. Help, please.
  229. Genetic
  230. Worried my anxiety will come back
  231. Insomnia May Lead to Higher Anxiety Levels, Study
  232. Trying meditation triggered the worst state of my mind
  233. Heading back to work next week
  234. Can you take cold/flu medicine while on prozac?
  235. Anyone???
  236. Anxiety help and cognitive behavioural therapy worksheets - from professional body.
  237. Help with horrifying intrusive thoughts
  238. What are you improving on?
  239. work
  240. Young and suffering
  241. It has returned!
  242. Helpful website
  243. Lexapro or Patience
  244. Fed up with living like this
  245. Stroke like symptoms for days
  246. Cronic dizzy feeling cant explain... Anxiety or something else?
  247. Natural Herbs for Anxiety
  248. Anxiety during meetings or driving
  249. The worst case of anxiety today!!!!
  250. Paranoia