View Full Version : Has any body tried the panic puzzle program

05-25-2012, 09:35 PM
This is my first time posting or even on this site, so I am sorry if I post this wrong, I had a issue and thought I was having a heart attack went to ER and I was fine, had a advanced stress test with all the bells and whistles, and everything was fine blood work a ok, they gave me Xanax but still did not tell me what was wrong with me, after reading a lot and searching the Internet I know I had a panic attack, has not gone away it's been two weeks, I have downloaded so many different apps on iPad it's not even funny, then came across this place and seen all the people with the same problem, I must say I feel better I am not the only one, come to find out my niece and sister and mother have it, then I seen this panic puzzle and would like to know if it works, I don't want to cope with this I want it fixed, my dr says I have depression, I don't think so, I want to stay away from any drugs that will cause other health problems, would love to hear your comments