View Full Version : Anxiety causing psysical pain? please help

05-31-2012, 05:40 AM

I am having feelings of anxiety now for the last month, everyday. Basicly what started as a small stress, caused a lot of anxious sensations in the body. They went on and I then got this electric buzz/shock, nervous shock, type sensation in my stomach for about one second. Basicly an anxiety symptom. I got the shocks randomly, or whenever I had a random thought which wasn't even a stressful thought, just a thought, or there was an iny tiny bit a tension accumulation, basicly about nothing. I recognize this sensations as a symptom of anxiety. Anyway, the more shocks I got, the more I got worried and started fighting the shocks. Which, off course made it worse. Fighting this feeling all day made me even more extremely anxious and tense. Now I am also stuck with this tense feeling troughout the day. Anyway, after now a month or this going on, I get stomach pain at the place where I get the zaps/nerves, even when I don't have a shock. It is a stinging type of pain in my stomach. So now I am getting really nervous that I ''created'' a new physical symptom. I am afraid I can't stop the shocks, and the stomach problem is getting worse....... and I hate myself for doing it. But I can't seem to stop them, and the more I think of them, the more they come. I am now feeling really anxious all day, afraid of the next one, I have difficulty coping. I am afraid of the shocks, about the pain and about the anxiety itself which makes everyhing worse and now put me in a vicious circle. I am starting to get really desperate. I didn't see a docor yet.

Does anybody recognise these feelings? Is this ''normal''? Does the stomach pain go away again?

What should I do to prevent these nervous shocks from happening and causing pain?

I am so scared of them, afraid they cause me more pain.....help!

thanks a lot....

05-31-2012, 06:39 AM
I get shocks when i have anxiety too. I dont get the stomach pain but pain in my chest. I know this is hard but stop fighting the shocks or pain in your stomach. My guess is you started tensing your stomach muscles as i do the muscles in my chest. Try to accept them when they come. Just say great now i have these for a while and try to move on. You said it yourself when you think about them they come get worse as do all anxiety symptoms. Just say how wonderful body of mine your going to make feel this and try to laugh about it. Its hard but really helps.

05-31-2012, 02:47 PM
Hi Anotherday,

Thanks for replying. Thanks for you helpfull advice.

It is indeed hard to stop fighting, because I fear it. Whenever I think of this symptom, or remember it, or fear it, this can actually trigger another shock. And this makes the circle round. I guess it is the anxiety for the symptom, that causes more of the symptom. Can anybody relate?

Trying to look at the symptom with amazement, like you say, can take away some tension. I think I really have a wrong way of thinking I guess. Instead I think things like: ''why am I doing this to myself'', ''why can't I controle it, I don't want this'', ''leave me alone, let me live my life'', ''I can't believe I am causing myself new symptoms'' I guess it is my resistance which keeps it going :-s I think I have a lot to learn.

thanks again....

05-31-2012, 03:01 PM
I get the shocks once in a while. It's a sudden surge from your head to your toes or vice versa.

Let me ask you something, ever get caught off guard by something and it scared you and you jumped? Next time take note of the feeling, I bet you'll realize that it's the same feeling. The anxiety is nothing more than a false sense of a threat percieved by you. Don't fear it happening, it's perfectly natural.

I'd say the first step is to visit your doctor, have him/her rule anything out (we all do this and 99% of us are as healthy as a horse).

05-31-2012, 03:06 PM
Hello friend,

I too am starting to develop physical symptoms. I have had a few small zaps in my chest and stomach, but they are quick and rare.
I have really strange chest tightness and chest pain from it. I can also feel my heart beating through my chest when I lay down and I get really distressed about that, which causes even more anxiety. This also makes it really hard to sleep through the night, and I often wake up multiple times. I also have loss of appetite and a sour stomach type feeling. I think these are all just the way that our muscles nerves and organs react to the fight or flight response.

The heart rate is a given - the brain senses fear and anxiety, and it increases HR in hopes that you will get the heck out of town.

The stomach makes sense - the primitive brain senses that there is not enough time to eat. You are in a state of panic, and you need to avert the situation or fight it.

These are all normal signs of the anxiety we are going through I'm sure. I would recommend that you go to the doctor and just have a physical. Tell the doctor you are having a really bad time with anxiety, and describe your symptoms. It's not a sign of weakness, they are just there to make sure that you are ok. Even though I have not gotten a hold of my symptoms, I think it is important to differentiate these from actual health problems, it might make it easy for our minds to sort this stuff out. What has helped me in the past is to just let the thoughts ebb and flow through the mind. You can have a small level of control if you just let the thoughts flow through your mind and not react to them. Just imagine you are an observer of your thoughts, and that they are floating by (I think I read this advice on this site somewhere). It seemed to help me today for a little bit. Good luck my friend, I know the pain you feel.

05-31-2012, 03:55 PM
Hey Stuck,I know what your talking about. I have given myself headaches,stomach aches,chest pain and neck pain from sitting hunched over from being so anxious. Anxiety can cause all kinds of weird body pains and sensations. You should never feel ashamed about anxiety! Many people have it,more then you think. It's very treatable. And your doctor has heard it all. They aren't going to act like your crazy or something. It's a hospital! If your not comfortable with your doctor for some reason,you can always switch. These symptoms always go away when your stress levels are lowered and your back to thinking positively. Hope I helped :)

06-01-2012, 06:38 AM
I get the shocks once in a while. It's a sudden surge from your head to your toes or vice versa.

Let me ask you something, ever get caught off guard by something and it scared you and you jumped? Next time take note of the feeling, I bet you'll realize that it's the same feeling. The anxiety is nothing more than a false sense of a threat percieved by you. Don't fear it happening, it's perfectly natural.

I'd say the first step is to visit your doctor, have him/her rule anything out (we all do this and 99% of us are as healthy as a horse).

Yes, you are right, it is the exact feeling as feeling a shock after something scared you. The problem is I got so obsessed about it that my attention goes there all the time now, giving me all these shocks :-S.......I went to the doctor and told him it is anxiety, I am sure....

06-01-2012, 06:43 AM
Hello friend,

I too am starting to develop physical symptoms. I have had a few small zaps in my chest and stomach, but they are quick and rare.

Hello friend,

That's exactly what I have. Glad somebody understands. But with me they are not rare, probably since I have been obsessing about them, giving them more energy into it, trying to fight them.
I am absolutely sure it is due to the stress and anxiety. I went to the doctor and explained. I don't need a physical check as I am 100% convinced it is anxiety.

Thanks for you kind words.

06-01-2012, 06:45 AM
Hey Stuck,I know what your talking about. I have given myself headaches,stomach aches,chest pain and neck pain from sitting hunched over from being so anxious. Anxiety can cause all kinds of weird body pains and sensations. You should never feel ashamed about anxiety! Many people have it,more then you think. It's very treatable. And your doctor has heard it all. They aren't going to act like your crazy or something. It's a hospital! If your not comfortable with your doctor for some reason,you can always switch. These symptoms always go away when your stress levels are lowered and your back to thinking positively. Hope I helped :)

Thanks Brittany,
my doctor was also not surprised at all, totally understands and he is very nice. I just feel a bit stupid to have this kind of problem. I think so too that I need a little more time and positive thinking to get over this.
thanks for your thoughts.