View Full Version : anxiety getting worse

05-24-2012, 03:01 PM
It seems no matter what I do, I can't get control of my anxiety. I have been on benzo's and the only thing that seems to help me feel normal is alcohol. The problem is that once I have a few drinks to feel normal, then I want to have fun with everyone else and that's where the problem begins. I don't want to miss out on the normal activities and celebrations of life, but the only way to participate and enjoy myself is to drink to settle my nerves. I have always been a casual drinker, but now I don't like the fact that I am drinking to calm myself down. Any advice?


05-24-2012, 03:10 PM
Have you tried seein a therapist and psychiatrist? If your GP gave you benzos...that will never solve your problem. Anxiety made me turn to oxycodone to help my social phobia and i developed an addiction because of it. Dont do that to yourself with alcohol. My brother did at 23 and its ruined him. The main cause for substance abuse is people trying to self medicate anxiety and depression.
I promise there are worthwhile helpful solutions that will help. Dont throw in the towel yet. Being an alcoholic will only make you more anxious by ripping apart your self respect and so begins a vicious circle of needing alcohol to calm down yet feeling worse that you have an addiction. Trust me i went through it first hand i kept my addiction private and i had so much shame. Help yourself...do all the traditional options and i guarantee youll find something that works for you!

Good luck you can and will feel better just be strong

05-24-2012, 03:39 PM
I am lost in my anxious world too. I'm feeling immense guilt for it. I want to be a great mon but I'm so screwed in the head all the time I just can't get involved. My life has fallen apart. I can not take being alone because I just cry the whole time. I'm not even dead and I feel like everytime I kiss my boy goodbye it's like the last. I never wanted this to happen. I wish it all away. I don't seem to be able to be strong. I too drink to ease nerves which ends in a horrific day after so I'm presently trying to stop. But I'm so scared I'm dying of something everyday. Really I'm just wasting my life away. Sometimes I just want it to be over!

05-24-2012, 07:46 PM
I am lost in my anxious world too. I'm feeling immense guilt for it. I want to be a great mon but I'm so screwed in the head all the time I just can't get involved. My life has fallen apart. I can not take being alone because I just cry the whole time. I'm not even dead and I feel like everytime I kiss my boy goodbye it's like the last. I never wanted this to happen. I wish it all away. I don't seem to be able to be strong. I too drink to ease nerves which ends in a horrific day after so I'm presently trying to stop. But I'm so scared I'm dying of something everyday. Really I'm just wasting my life away. Sometimes I just want it to be over!

I don't know if I'm using this site properly in just new but kmarie u have made me feel a little less alone I too constantly feel like I'm going to die and am scared every time I have to be apart from my little girl

05-24-2012, 11:22 PM
Pm me anytime I need help through this! Maybe we can talk together. I'm going to a group session tomorrow too.