View Full Version : Dizziness

06-09-2012, 12:38 PM
Hello, quite new to this.

About 2 months ago I had my first panic attack, I think I had every symptom at once, fear, insanity, shaking, racing heartbeat ect, had no idea what was going on, had to go to the emergency room, which wasn't nice. I think the main problem was i smoked cannabis about 10 minutes before i had the attack. Haven't smoked it since. Slowly I think I'm getting better, I had a few attacks over the course of the 2 months. Took a few beta-blockers to slow my heart down and some anti nausea drugs. I work in a chemist so I know the jist of things involving what is wrong with me. Not particularly fond of taking Citalopram due to the side effects it has after the first few weeks.

I'm currently taking prochlorperazine for the dizziness, which doesn't really seem to be helping much. I'm not having any other symptoms at all really, just heart palpitations on occasions. I seem to be able to control it.

It's just the dizziness and fear of fainting which I'm a bit worried about.

Is this normal? Anyone else only suffer from this?


06-10-2012, 02:32 PM
Thanks, hope it does pass.

06-10-2012, 05:57 PM
I'm dealing with the dizziness myself! I don't know if our dizziness problems are the same but mine feels like I'm almost spaced out all the time! Its not like the walls are spinning around all the time or anything its just like...weird, hard to explain. Almost like its hard to concentrate! And I've been getting weird headaches as well! Is this anything like yours?

06-10-2012, 08:24 PM
Hey josh sounds like depersonalization and derealization which are symptoms of anxiety. I went to the er describing it as dizziness because its the only way to describe it. Kind of like you just woke up from a nap and your head is groggy.

Weed gives me panic attacks too. Thats very common. Avoid weed til ur not anxious anymore and really period. I quit smoking after i was trapped in a hell for 2 hours after smoking.

I have random dizziness from anxiety but ive been doing vestibular exercises (google some) that my psychiatrist recommended. 3 times a day in sets of 10, i sit in a chair, close my eyes and rotate my head quickly in a figure eight motion for 5-10 sec. Then open my eyes. Ull be super dizzy and maybe nauseous for a few seconds but it passes fast. As soon as it does then repeat. This act of inducing dizziness trains your brain to find its bearing and it has helped immensely in eliminating my dizziness. Of course make sure your dizziness isnt from a health condition first though, get checked out atthe dr first to rule out anything.

06-12-2012, 10:57 AM
Yo, Josh, seems like you're dizziness and weird headaches are exactly the same as mine. Is that all you have? or do you have other symptoms?

It's so bloody annoying, it can come on at any time.

HopeNfaith88 - might try out them head movements tonight, hope it works for me. thanks.

06-12-2012, 11:13 AM
No other symptoms at the moment but it all started when I started to get chest pains. Doctors told me my heart was fine! Had all the blood tests, urine tested, stress echo. Those all subsided. Then started to get a pain in my leg which I thought I had a blood clot. Then got heart palps and flutters, tingly sensation through my left side of body. But now it just these weird headaches... It's like I'm walking around in a daze almost, feel I could keel over at any moment, like my brain could go pffft and I'll be done. Like I said before my dizziness isn't like the walls are spinning it's more like I can't concentrate with a slight pressure in my head. I dunno it's weird. Everyone tells me it's stress and anxiety but sometimes I think it's more than that!

06-12-2012, 11:20 AM
What about you?

cat eyes
06-12-2012, 11:33 AM
Hi, I am going through the same thing. Josh why don't u like celexa? I think the generic name
Is citalopram. That's what I am taking?

06-12-2012, 12:11 PM
Is it working? I've taken Paxil for about 5 days and I thought I was going to die from it! I started at 20 mg which from what I read is way too much to start on...

cat eyes
06-12-2012, 05:22 PM
I been on it for five weeks. 5mg every night. I swear I have every side effect and google everything. If u can private msg me because I don't know how to check to c of u responded.

06-12-2012, 07:29 PM
No other symptoms at the moment but it all started when I started to get chest pains. Doctors told me my heart was fine! Had all the blood tests, urine tested, stress echo. Those all subsided. Then started to get a pain in my leg which I thought I had a blood clot. Then got heart palps and flutters, tingly sensation through my left side of body. But now it just these weird headaches... It's like I'm walking around in a daze almost, feel I could keel over at any moment, like my brain could go pffft and I'll be done. Like I said before my dizziness isn't like the walls are spinning it's more like I can't concentrate with a slight pressure in my head. I dunno it's weird. Everyone tells me it's stress and anxiety but sometimes I think it's more than that!

Your symptoms sound like mine. I get the pressure headaches. Do you have insomnia too?

06-12-2012, 10:18 PM
I get dizzy as well. Not spinning but almost the feeling of falling or something. I think it's more light headed and the fear or fainting. It comes out of no where and hits me hard sometimes like a smack in helge face. I have been in stores and it got so bad I had to put my head on the check out counter. Super scary!!!! I hate this so bad. I just want a normal life. I no longer go anywhere due to it. I hope u get better.

06-13-2012, 09:46 AM
No I don't have insomnia.

06-18-2012, 03:15 PM
Antk-how's your dizziness going? I gave mine a little time and tried to just ignore it and I've been feeling a lot better! I can still feel it sometimes but I'm just pushing past it! I still have the "what if" thinking but you know, when God wants me then God can take me! I hope your feeling better! God bless!

03-14-2013, 12:48 PM
Hey sorry, haven't been on here for awhile. Still get dizzy spells from time to time, I can shake them off and I feel alright for a bit. That's all I get at the moment, everything else is fine. Been drinking loads of green tea & camomile tea, seems to be helping.

It still feels like the anxiety wants to come out but I'm not letting it, shaking my head and moving around stops it. I just wish it would go away.

Should I not fight it and just let it come out? It's scary thinking about it, but it may work.