View Full Version : Cant sleep ruining my life

06-06-2012, 07:55 AM
I I'm a newbie on here and I just wanted to talk bout my fear of dying in my sleep. I can't go to sleep my mind is racing and my anxiety is keeping me awake. Im going through it right now I haven't slept not one bit. Yesterday I was really tired and about to fall asleep when I felt my heart stop and right after I felt that my anxiety like jumped it back up or woke me up it happened twice in less den 5 min I think and since yesterday I been more on high alert. Since I'm on high alert I can't sleep. I fear that I'm never gonna wake up ... Any help into how to try and get some sleep or stop ruminating so I can sleep
Thank you

06-06-2012, 09:00 AM
Since you are so freaked out by this you should go to your doctor. If you feel there are problems with your heart then they can run tests which will hopefully put your mind at ease. Once you have a full clean bill of health then your mind may begin to relax. People's hearts do weird things a lot- jump, slow down, speed up and so on. It can be scary but more often than not it is nothing to worry about. Dying in your sleep is very rare, I am sure your doctor can reassure you about this. If it's what you focus on when trying to sleep then the best thing is to try and distract your mind- this can be done by listening to music or relaxation/meditation cd's when lying down. I ofetn have intrusive thoughts when I try to sleep so i will play games in my mind or even count numbers, say the alphabet, think of song lyrics, my favourite films and so on just to try and keep the thoughts away. If the sleeplesness is having a mjor impact on your daily life and stopping you from functioning then you could try herbal sleep aids first, then over the counter ones if that doesn't work or even sleeping tablets from the doctor (that should be the last resort though).

06-06-2012, 09:08 AM
Thank you so much for replying. I mean I know I'm healthy but I always had a fear of dying in my sleep, never waking up . The issue that happened yesterday has happened to me years ago I think. But since that happened I'm obssesing right now over the idea of not waking up . When I was a small kid I always had the fear of death I'm 22 and I worry too much about this I just want to sleep good but I can't I'm afraid of using the apps for helping you sleep on my phone or taking a sleeping pill cause I'm afraid if I fall asleep I will never wake up .. It's killing me

07-29-2012, 10:28 AM
Right now, I'm also going through somniphobia for pretty much the same reasons as you're saying. For me, though, I'm not as frightened as you are, I think. I'm not terrified, anyway, but I can't seem to let myself sleep because I'm afraid to, and I'm worried about sleep because it's symbolic of death, and the lack of control one has in the whole idea just BOTHERS me.
Let's see if I can say something to help us both out in this matter. I'll be sort of talking to you and talking to myself about the fear at the same time: Here's some advice: Be in your body. Feel it. Don't be afraid of going into your body to feel the sensations that are taking place there. Get out of your head, and stop thinking/worrying so much. It's ridiculous, right? Allow yourself to feel in control, even in the midst of the obvious "out-of-controllness" of the universe. Please realize the universe is a comforting, safe place, and there's no need to be in fear or feel like you're "out of control".
It's ok to pat yourself on the back and "self-soothe". Things are ok. They're going to get better. They ARE getting better. :)