View Full Version : kids in the street grrrrrrrr

06-07-2012, 11:37 AM
how do i fight my anxiety, when i've got little gits ruining me every single day!?!
i am well and truly fed up with one particular girl in this street! she doesn't even live here, just her dad and nana do.

all of the kids play lovely, until she comes out.
there's a family of 5 a few doors down, and my son and daughter like playing with them. the 2 boys used to bully my son, but we managed to sort it and now they're ok now. one has adhd, but has calmed down alot. plus, they have grown up a bit so are little bit better behaved.

anyway, when this 1 girl comes out. she gets the youngest one out of the family of 5, who is 5 years old. she uses her as her little puppet. she sends her to hit, bite, nip, kick, punch and slap the other kids. mostly my son! but, the 5 year olds sister also gets bullied.

this girl actually stalks my son, daughter and the sister (of the 5 year old). she stops them from going home, she stops them from leaving the garden, she stops them from playing full stop. she won't allow them to do anything.
she gives me attitude. i got fed up the other day and told her off, me calling her a little girl seemed to get to her more than anything (she's 9). she then went and sat at her aunties gate (where i could still see from my window). the aunty came out and she burst into tears, pointing over to my house. my anxiety was already going through the roof. the meds must be working though as i went straight out and told the aunty exactly what was what.
all she could reply with was "do you know your son bust her nose last week"...that was when my son had finally had enough. so i told my son to show the aunty his arm. she was shocked at the state of it, off where they have scratched and nipped him.

the parents are all useless. i am the one not only watching my kids, but watching the sister of the 5 year old. the parents don't do nothing, even when their daughter is being bullied. but, if somebody goes to their door complaining of their kids, all hell breaks loose.
i have been a few times, since i get on ok with them, but nothing gets done.

my kids do their bit, as soon as she comes about they move away from her. most of the time they come into the garden, but she follows, with her troops and just stands there, calling them names and waiting for any available opportunity to hurt them.

i am sick of it.
sorry, just needed to rant!