View Full Version : Have i triggered anxiety after having a panic attack from weed?

05-20-2012, 08:35 PM
In a way, yes you have triggered it. I kinda had the same experience, not really to the extremes that you had. I can't give you much advice as I am still learning about anxiety myself. Don't worry, we all have had the dream feeling as well and it passes. I know most of the everything is going to get better talk isn't going to affect you right now because you DONT think it will get better but it will. Talk to yourself man, let yourself know that YOU can control your body. I am sure other people will give much better advice but as of right now, from my experience, that is the best I can give you.

05-20-2012, 09:00 PM
Sounds like some good pot. Can you sell me some? : )

You got really stoned and you are tripping out on it. Weed isn't a crazy drug that will physically harm you so don't worry. Its not like you took some crazy chemical hurting your body. The pot these days is very strong and can make you feel almost like your on acid at times. It's just a drug making your brain feel like that, and then you got scared and panicked and you had fast heartbeat and stuff.

Now if you are feeling this 2 weeks later, my guess is the weed opened up something in you that was already there. Like maybe you had an underlying mental thing going on, and the weed brought it out. Kind of like therapy can bring out issues. But if all you did was smoke some ganja, don't look at it like you did some crazy drug that harmed your body. Some drugs like pot and mushrooms, and even acid can bring up things in us that we need to work on. They can be scary, but it may be necessary to bring them out so we can work on them. If you were in an ancient tribal time, you would have elders, chiefs, or whoever help guide you with this kind of stuff.