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  1. Trouble with Zoloft (help?)
  2. How do i know?
  3. Buspar - need advice
  4. Documenting my journey on Lexapro
  5. Anyone else ever tried this combo?
  6. 5htp Natural suppl to help with anxiety/depression
  7. natural remedies
  8. Been diagnosed citalopram
  9. The sad truth about anxiety medication
  10. Severe Side Effects
  11. Medication - to take or not to take, that is the question
  12. Best medication?? Need some advice
  13. Klonopin and seizures: Question
  14. I can't get a grip! HELP!!
  15. Anyone ever successfully treated anxiety with medical marijuana?
  16. Anyone with my issue find an AD that works?
  17. 5htp??
  18. Effexor XR 37.5 first week, causing SEVERE anxiety
  19. Taking 6g Inositol every 2hrs. Any advice?
  20. 32nd day on Lexapro
  21. Citalopram wrecked me and I feel like I'll never recover
  22. Question about Klonopin
  23. 2 months ago my periods stopped after I developed exercise bulimia
  24. Buspar experience?
  25. Help , my cat was given his usual meds AM, and now won't get out from under the Bed??
  26. Caffeine and antidepressants
  27. Any users of Cymbalta out there?
  28. Starting week 3 on effexor, now up to 112.5 with 50mg Risperidone
  29. citalopram
  30. My antibiotic med is running me down.
  31. 5 htp
  32. just switched to .5 lorezapam from1 mg konopin can anyone help
  33. Benzos
  34. Propranolol (10mg) and mood swings/depression?
  35. Increasing Zoloft dosage
  36. SRI / SSRI anti-depressants, are they the right thing for anxiety?
  37. Joint pain as a side effect of meds?
  38. Zoloft questions
  39. It's now 12 Midnight and I cant sleep
  40. hemp oil
  41. Buspar effects
  42. Curious if this could be a side affect..
  43. Citalopram and heat hives
  44. Zoloft and Sleep
  45. 7th day on 25mg of Zoloft
  46. beta blockers for anxiety
  47. need some positive vibes
  48. Paranoid schizophrenic with anxiety problems
  49. Effexor
  50. help
  51. Lexapro Increase?
  52. Ask me anything!
  53. Zoloft night sweats
  54. Effexor xr question
  55. Mediation issues/where to go next?
  56. My treatment. It's getting better :)
  57. Ativan Interactions?
  58. Success stories of getting off an SSRI?
  59. Physical Pain and Anxiety
  60. New here and questions about Efexor and Aripiprazole
  61. Pomegranate Juice
  62. I hate feeling sluggish every day.....
  63. scared to take meds again
  64. Want to come off meds.
  65. Stubborn psychiatrist/where to go next
  66. What to expect/look out for?
  67. My experience
  68. Anyone taken Lexam?
  69. Lexapro and Nexium Need Help
  70. Brintellix
  71. lost
  72. Experiences with Prozac (initial increase in anxiety?)
  73. Lexapro (escitalopram) missed dose HELP
  74. Diazepam
  75. Xanax for short term use?
  76. New here question about adding new meds.
  77. Lexapro Withdrawal
  78. WellButrin side effects!
  79. Has anyone here tried Etizolam?
  80. what do people think of clozapine
  81. Nightmares on Lexapro
  82. I'm on sertraline. Should I consider switching to wellbutrin?
  83. I keep forgetting to take my daily meds, tee hee.
  84. Flox, Serenace & Alcohol
  85. Last hope....
  86. FUE hair transplant surgery
  87. Citalopram withdrawal
  88. Anyone have experience with Vistaril (hydroxyzine)
  89. Mental Awakening/Back from hiatus!
  90. I am losing it day five off Cymbalta
  91. Went COLD TURKEY off my Flexeral for 1 week and also on Mucinex and nearly passed out
  92. Scalp is going to have scabs because of too much scratching.
  93. Prozac side effects
  94. too scared to medicate
  95. Problems after depression/anxiety attack
  96. Delayed increase in depression after stopping Citalopram, multiple possible scenarios
  97. SSRI experience
  98. Questions about coming off Zoloft
  99. Valium
  100. Citalpram issues
  101. New Meds and New here any advise would be appreciated
  102. Ran out of muscle relaxant rx, and almost passed out at gym.
  103. Lyrica (Pregabalin) for Anxiety?
  104. Paxil experience
  105. Wow, Heavier Women Need Stronger Birth Control Pills?
  106. Citalopram
  107. What worked for me
  108. Sertraline
  109. Neck is tight , I just took Muscle Relaxant.
  110. Experiences?
  111. Medication stopped working?
  112. My med experiences
  113. Maoi - syrian rue opens emotionally?
  114. Share experiences?
  115. Klonapin is Messing Me Up This Morning
  116. Lexapro and weight gain
  117. Has anyone seen such a profound effect from stopping alprazolam before?
  118. New to escitalopram
  119. Clonozapram
  120. Anxiety, Depression, and Adderall?
  121. latuda and klonopin
  122. Prozac 20 mg questions/concerns
  123. Sertraline early waking?
  124. Zoloft and muscle twitching?
  125. Need Zoloft/Sertraline Success Stories
  126. Thoughts on Wellbutrin
  127. Zoloft - 1st Day
  128. Fatigue/Weakness
  129. Scared to start on medications i need ideas.
  130. Vitamins and supplements for anxiety?
  131. Anxiolytics?
  132. Zoloft
  133. Advice please!
  134. Taking Herbal Supplements w/ Cipralex
  135. Zoloft Higher Dosage
  136. People's Experiences with Taking Escitalopram (Lexapro in the US/Cipralex in Canada)
  137. Effexor, Dosage help
  138. clonazepam help please
  139. Doctor just prescribed Prozac. Should I stick with 5htp or start the Prozac?
  140. Nasonex with Sertraline?
  141. Alprazolam usage over long periods
  142. Alternatives to SSRIs
  143. Back on zoloft....
  144. Lexapro no longer working
  145. Neurontin (Gabapentin) off-label for anxiety
  146. Just started lexapro/celexa
  147. SSRI Advice Please!
  148. Buspirone Group Buy
  149. Help!
  150. This My second day on escitalopram/10mg. side effects aren't bothersome,is it normal?
  151. Stopping Celexa
  152. The myth st John's wort doesn't work for anxiety, why?
  153. Never taking Prozac again
  154. Increasing Zoloft Dosage
  155. Too Many Meds?
  156. Horrific Nightmares... Is my Lexapro the cause?
  157. SSRI discontinuation
  158. Clonazepam vs ???
  159. Trazodone
  160. Luvox (fluvoxamine)
  161. Anyone with experience with paroxetine hcl?
  162. Cannabis as medication for anxiety?
  163. Adding Wellbutrin to Prozac?
  164. Help, please! Escitalopram experiences?
  165. I’m so scared, please help me
  166. What should I expect from an SSRI?
  167. Anyone have experience with Pristiq?
  168. getting back to normal after sertraline
  169. Second time around with Celexa
  170. Doctors and meds
  171. Please talk me down.
  172. Just started on citalopram.
  173. Buspirone Group Buy
  174. Good days and bad days starting Celexa -need advice
  175. 2 years on cipralex/ celexa
  176. Ashton Manual
  177. a short qustionnaire about the conection between cures and eating habits
  178. Rough start on Lexapro
  179. Weight gain since on meds?
  180. switching SSRIs overnight
  181. zopiclone
  182. lexapro feeling disconnected
  183. Taking Escitalopram (Lexapro) for the 3rd time
  184. Goodbye Citalopram, Hello Fluoxetine
  185. labile hypertension
  186. Fluoxetine Rocks
  187. Med question
  188. increased dosage of lexapro, increased anxiety?
  189. Medication Questions help plx !
  190. Coming off sertraline
  191. Lexapro
  192. Has anyone been on too high a dose of an SSRI?
  193. Allergic to Prozac
  194. Sertraline Help
  195. Herbal?
  196. Citalopram to Fluoxetine
  197. Med switch.....AGAIN
  198. New here, question about getting help?
  199. Nausea with dose increase
  200. Fear of starting a new medication
  201. Is it time for me to see a doctor?
  202. Zoloft insomnia
  203. Not Feeling Right. Question.
  204. gabapentin
  205. desperately need medication help!!
  206. Clonazepam and Lorazepam
  207. Three weeks on SSRIs and side effects?
  208. Cần bán Bột cao đạm, bột tăng đạm (dùng hỗ trợ nâng đạm, tăng đạm). LH 0947 222 309
  209. Advice - any one taking more than 20mg fluoxetine a day?
  210. Phân phối Bột cao đạm không nhiễm Urê, LH 0947 222 309
  211. anyone tried this sound therapy for Anxiety?
  212. Zoloft side effects
  213. Stopping zoloft after 2 weeks
  214. Escitalopram??..side effects and success
  215. Need relieve from anxiety?
  216. Valium
  217. Anyone else taking Lamictal?
  218. Thinking of reducing meds slowly, curious about others who have done this.
  219. Adjusting to my new dose of fluoxotine - please help
  220. Lexapro increase?
  221. Taking benadryl for anxiety
  222. Zolot side effects after 1 month :(
  223. Citraplam Withdrawl
  224. Is it safe to take other supplements with my anxiety meds?
  225. Zoloft + Ativan for 5+ weeks- when will I know the Zoloft is kicking in??
  226. Increase olanzapine dosage
  227. Advice on anxiety meds/supplements/treatment and also Hi!
  228. Best Citolopram dosage for severe anxiety
  229. Supplements to help an over-active SNS
  230. drinking after prozac?
  231. Buspar Made Me Worse
  232. Medication with Alcohol
  233. Sam-E with Lexapro
  234. Citalopram Increase
  235. Celexa
  236. The Gut / Anxiety / Depression / Pre-Pro-Biotics
  237. My Celexa Daily Log
  238. The only Natural med that has worked for me.
  239. Benzos Not Working
  240. Medication and Binge Drinking = BAD?!??
  241. Tapering off Zyprexa - having a hard time
  242. How much diazepam should I take
  243. Brintellix questions!!!!!!
  244. Disgusted.
  245. Medication helping the depression but not the anxiety
  246. I'm scared of my Xanax prescription
  247. Issues With Clonazepam?
  248. Tapering off Clonazepam/Klonopin
  249. Anxiety and depression
  250. Prozac withdrawal?