View Full Version : Stopping Celexa

05-11-2015, 09:12 PM
I am new on here and I was just looking for some advice. I have had problems with dizziness and anxiety/panic attacks for many years now. I started taking celexa a few years ago and decided that it might be time to try going without the medication. I have gained weight and my husband and I are thinking about having kids. I also don't want to be on an antidepressant forever (but may not have a choice). I am on 20 mg right now. I talked to my doctor and he said he had been thinking about suggesting going off the celexa with me as well. He told me to try going down to 10 mg for one month and then to stop taking it all together after that. I am terrified of withdrawal effects. Has anyone ever had experience with this? How long does it usually last? I am also worried about my anxiety coming back. I think I will give it a try though. So I guess I was just wondering what anyone's experience was coming off of celexa??


05-12-2015, 02:07 PM
I am new on here and I was just looking for some advice. I have had problems with dizziness and anxiety/panic attacks for many years now. I started taking celexa a few years ago and decided that it might be time to try going without the medication. I have gained weight and my husband and I are thinking about having kids. I also don't want to be on an antidepressant forever (but may not have a choice). I am on 20 mg right now. I talked to my doctor and he said he had been thinking about suggesting going off the celexa with me as well. He told me to try going down to 10 mg for one month and then to stop taking it all together after that. I am terrified of withdrawal effects. Has anyone ever had experience with this? How long does it usually last? I am also worried about my anxiety coming back. I think I will give it a try though. So I guess I was just wondering what anyone's experience was coming off of celexa??


Hello Dizzygirl and welcome to the forum!

I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic attacks, and depression. In the past, I have stopped taking pristiq as it caused me to gain weight. Initially, I noticed my panic attacks came back, but was able to manage them as I realized I was simply having a panic attack and my life wasn't in immediate danger. Further down the line, I noticed I began suffering from heavy depression in which my social anxiety only contributed towards it. However, every case is unique and you may not have side-effects such as myself as I was taking a relatively high dosage during the time (I am currently on Zoloft 100Mg). Fortunately, you have talked to your doctor and lowering your dosage before withdrawing will have minimize the side-effects compared to withdrawing at a high-dosage. I'm not a medical professional and simply giving advice based off experience, but you should also have your husband monitor your behavior and tell your doctor of anything unusual. I thought I could tolerate my conditions without medication, but I suppose I'm not ready yet. considering your dosage is low, you may be ready to give it a try.

Good luck! :)