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  1. Does anyone take Ativan EVERYDAY?
  2. SSRIs and my biggest issue
  3. Does Remeron or Abilify increase anxiety for anyone?
  4. No Sleep is making me crazy- nothing is working :(
  5. Cymbalta
  6. Lexapro and feeling numb
  7. xanax and melatonin
  8. Zoloft.
  9. Benzos cause buspar to work less?
  10. Update on Lexapro
  11. Stopping Sertraline
  12. Medication Update
  13. Paxil
  14. Medication manufactures
  15. Clonozapam withdrawals- lower back pain?
  16. This is very confusing. Clomid temporary anti-anxiety.
  17. Switching meds lorazepam and alprazolam. And a little advice on living with anxiety?
  18. Prozac and motion sickness? Does anyone else have this problem?
  19. Feeling "dead" on klonopin?
  20. Thoughts on buspar or prozac+buspar?
  21. Anyone on this med combo too?
  22. Buspirone( Buspar)
  23. Low, low dose of prozac
  24. I am having luck with Buspirone with Amitriptyline
  25. Best luck with what med????
  26. Magnesium Deficient? No test required!
  27. "high" like feeling on effxor xr
  28. Anyone have experience with lexapro, paxil, effexor or zoloft for anxiety?
  29. Weaning off of Xanax
  30. Upped Dosage ... feeling tired and blah
  31. Hurry through my withdrawal of lexapro or take it slow without starting from scratch
  32. PRN for anxiety attacks
  33. Lexapro for depersonisation and derealization
  34. Wellbutrin
  35. Effexor not for me
  36. Celexa withdrawal help?
  37. Paxil & exhaustion
  38. Gabapentin
  39. New to New York. Need New Doctor. Already take Xanax
  40. New User - Lustral & Magnesium etc.
  41. Gabapentin withdrawl--is this normal?
  42. Lexapro.!!
  43. Help! Tapering off Clonopin and Buspare?
  44. Fluoxetine & anxiety
  45. Niacinamide(B3)?
  46. Questions about luvox + Benzo + Sleeping ...
  47. Anxiety about changing meds :/
  48. Brand name zoloft to generic NUMB emotions??
  49. Mood boost from Ativan?
  50. clonazepam, lorazepam, buspar
  51. 5 htp
  52. feeling rubish with sertraline 50mg
  53. Feeling spacey - Increased Zoloft
  54. Should i start taking some sort of medication?
  55. Lexapro for everything
  56. Visiting a psychiatrist this week
  57. Im buying Xanax
  58. Day 8 on lexapro
  59. Sertraline Tablets
  60. Citalopram
  61. Med Switch- New Meds
  62. Need advice...which more likely to cause high anxiety remeron or abilify?
  63. Prozac question
  64. lexapro(generic)
  65. Tramadol?
  66. How to eliminate anxiety
  67. Citalopram increase help.
  68. Citalopram + Alcohol
  69. Zoloft withdrawal
  70. Xanax
  71. Omeprazole
  72. citalopram and restlessness!
  73. Anxiety making make sick
  74. Went to doctors
  75. Risperidone for anxiety?
  76. Accupuncture best meds ever!
  77. Started my meds today
  78. Lexapro and magnesium!
  79. porzac 5weeks/switch to lexapro???
  80. Beta blockers
  81. Prozac
  82. Zoloft again
  83. Pushing 3 days without Zoloft, a bit worried?
  84. stopping prozac after 5 weeks..help. please
  85. I need some clarity..
  86. I need urgent help!!
  87. Sertraline..
  88. How Long After a Dose Increase to feel Normal?
  89. Psychologically dependent on Xanax
  90. Pregabalin?
  91. Paxil
  92. Zoloft????
  93. Nothing Seeming to Work
  94. Med switch
  95. The Gathering Storm
  96. Medication
  97. Anxiety Medication - No Memory Loss?
  98. Klonopin???
  99. Starting Celexa today/help
  100. 3 weeks into taking ssris
  101. Motion sickness
  102. New Meds prescribed. First time ever taking medication.
  103. Side effects zoloft??
  104. celexa/nauseau
  105. Xanax the day after drinking
  106. Remeron + Wellbutrin XL
  107. Zoloft, busbar, wellbutrion
  108. Modified release tablets have left me in a bit of a mess
  109. Trazodone for Sleep
  110. I believe my meds are making me far more sick.
  111. Magnesium and omega 3
  112. Risperdal?
  113. Viibryd
  114. Afraid of taking medicine?
  115. Weight gain on Citalpram?
  116. Never took MEDS
  117. Do you all think I should up meds? Change? Help.
  118. Advice on meds
  119. Librium?
  120. Need advice or input on anxiety medication.
  121. Afraid to take Zoloft....
  122. Cipralex
  123. Feel like I can't sleep without pills anymore! Please help!
  124. aropax and affects.
  125. Lexapro...best to start with generic or name brand?
  126. SSRI's... What would you recommend?
  127. Effect question
  128. Asking your Psychiatrist/Doctor for a certain medication
  129. Xanax dosage new here
  130. switching meds
  131. Giving up Lexapro cold turkey
  132. Just a question...
  133. side effects of Abilify
  134. Seroquel..
  135. Zoloft!
  136. scared to start lexapro for severe anxiety w agoraphobia
  137. Have upcoming dr.s app. Need advice really bad.
  138. Ativan not working
  139. please help
  140. help freaking out
  141. Thinking about going back on Zyprexa
  142. Just prescribed Lexapro.......
  143. Natural anxiety supplements that are safe to take with Lexapro and Lamictal?
  144. Is anyone else on Mirtazapine (Remeron)?
  145. Anyone taken phenergan...???Need info
  146. Petrified!!
  147. Has anyone taken wellbutrin and klonopin before?
  148. Buspirone
  149. Anxiety with med increase
  150. Is klonopin dangerouse
  151. Trazadone
  152. Question
  153. freaking out yet again
  154. anxiety from moving interstate
  155. Does wellbutrin cause this ringing the ear
  156. extreme nausea
  157. having a rough night
  158. Paxil
  159. Clonazepam first time poster
  160. Where can I find my thread?
  161. Any advice or input would be great...thanks
  162. luvox vs my morning coffee
  163. Clonazepam and Advil? Safe?
  164. lexapro stopped working
  165. Cross-taper from Paxil to Lexapro, progress reports
  166. My experiences with Klonopin (1 mg every day)
  167. Does anyone have any positive feed back about ativan?
  168. Valium Question??
  169. Ondansetron, brand name Zofran - Anyone else use it?
  170. allergy meds and anxiety
  171. Starting Prozac after my old meds were (unknowingly) making anxiety worse
  172. Mild depression and meds
  173. Tapering Zopiclone after 4 months
  174. Serotonin syndrome
  175. Remeron(Mirtazapine) for anxiety.....!!
  176. Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
  177. hiii
  178. Vitamin b
  179. Paxil
  180. Alternating doses of pristiq
  181. Bad reaction to Cipralex Meltz
  182. Question...
  183. Is it normal
  184. Propranolol?
  185. Magnesium
  186. Aropax, Brisdelle, Deroxat, Paxil, Pexeva, Paxtine, Seroxat,and Sereupin.
  187. L-Theanine or Gaba
  188. Afraid starting Cymbalta
  189. Afraid to start Cymbalta
  190. Stress Relief
  191. Afraid of meds
  192. Really need to hear about results please
  193. my opinion on medication
  194. California Rocket Fuel - Remeron+Effexor Combo
  195. Caffeine
  196. meds for obsessive anxiety?
  197. Anyone with Citalopram (Celexa) experience?
  198. New meds - Celexa and Atavin
  199. passion flower tea
  200. How long does it take to build a tolerance to Xanax?
  201. Does anyone have experience with Pristiq??
  202. Does anyone get any relief from Buspar or Visteral?
  203. What is the most number of meds everyone has been on?
  204. Buspar
  205. Remeron
  206. Coming off sssis
  207. Back on Xanax for now, some questions
  208. I cured my anxiety. My anxiety included facial pain, brain fog, eye floaters, etc.
  209. Increased Anxiety with Zoloft 50 mg after 2 months...?
  210. On diaxepam because i had to come off fluoxetine due to suicidal thoughts
  211. Just switched from Tofranil to Anafranil
  212. Whats Risperidone?!?! They are going to put me on that?!
  213. My mum wont let me on medication - i need it
  214. An unfortunate side effect? *Delicate natured*
  215. Is my dosage too high?
  216. Being prescribed Xanax and Klonopin?
  217. was trying to quit cymbalta/DULoxetine
  219. Weaning off zoloft to buspar and pretty freaked out!
  220. Stopped taking Zoloft/Lustral for a month, really need advice
  221. Questions about Klonopin
  222. Best time of day to take SSRIs? (Citalopram)
  223. So frustrating
  224. Emotional blunting
  225. Off Remeron
  226. Jumped off of Celexa for 5 days. Can't get it back under control!
  227. need sum insight on medication
  228. kpin taper
  229. think its time for meds, need advice
  230. Just started zoloft (sertraline) 25mgs 4 days ago. When will zombie feeling go?
  231. Temazepam for Anxiety?
  232. Zoloft at 50 mg and Clonazepam twice a day.. very very sleepy. Anyone else?
  233. Would Like Info on Anxiety and Depression Meds
  234. Libido
  235. Started zoloft yesterday
  236. accidental addict - valium
  237. Common Klonopin Symptoms?
  238. How to talk to my doctor?
  239. Has anyone tried?
  240. HTTP caused me sadness
  241. Citalopram ( celexa) journey
  242. Worried about eye floaters
  243. Marijuana anxiety please help
  244. coming off of clonazepam after about two months of taking it on and off?
  245. Mixing meds
  246. Celexa 20mg no longer working
  247. Effexor
  248. Klonopin ans Probiotics
  249. i've been doing great :)
  250. About to start taking Lexapro, scared :(