View Full Version : feeling rubish with sertraline 50mg

02-17-2014, 08:22 AM
I feel so sick and tired since taking these not even been a week yet hope these side effects dont last long.

02-17-2014, 09:40 AM
Hi Lucy I started the same in December. I felt the nausea and appetite loss for about 10 days then my stomach settled down again. Insomnia was my big side effect which I still have problems with.

It's so annoying isn't it! Hopefully it will subside very soon for you as you have nearly a week under your belt already. :)

Id much rather be sick that feel sick i feel like im getting really bad heartburn to with it like im on fire. I dont want to stop taking it because ive seen its worked for lots of people x

02-17-2014, 09:43 AM
Sounds the norm to me Hun,stick with it as it will
Work and you will
Be happy you did Hun

02-17-2014, 09:50 AM
Take some (omeprazole) too Lucy!! It WILL get better friend....Stay with it like Em and Frankie and countless others did...:)


02-17-2014, 09:59 AM
Thanks :) i will do x

02-17-2014, 02:29 PM
Hi Lucy I am on 100mg of sertraline, I admit it does take a while to get over the initial effects!. But now it has got me into a good place and I am now pushing forward with strategys to eventually control my condition without medication. Try and persevere with it I hope you feel some positive effect from it soon.


02-17-2014, 02:36 PM
Hi Lucy I am on 100mg of sertraline, I admit it does take a while to get over the initial effects!. But now it has got me into a good place and I am now pushing forward with strategys to eventually control my condition without medication. Try and persevere with it I hope you feel some positive effect from it soon.

This is good to hear, as I am experiencing some of the same things mentioned in this post.

02-17-2014, 03:03 PM
Thanks i hate feeling sick especially in the night

02-17-2014, 07:48 PM
Hold on...keep taking it....I felt terrible for the first 4 weeks on it....then I started to get the benefits and feel much Better now.