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  1. Nerve pain in back of head :(
  2. Too Anxious to sleep Took xtra Bennyz to Sleepn Not EAT...
  3. numbness
  4. Anxiety about spending money
  5. Need advice!
  6. The great power of smiling
  7. Panic disorder/Anxiety originated form social phobia - almost everyday
  8. how do you get out of your worry cycle?
  9. Definitely more than anxiety now
  10. to medicate or not to medicate
  11. Questions about prozac
  12. Constant anxiety...
  13. anxiety??? please help new to site
  14. My hangovers eliminate my anxiety 100% I heard that normally isn't the case.
  15. Individual Vs Society and Over Thinking
  16. So ashamed
  17. Strobing/skipping peripheral vision
  18. Tips for falling back asleep?
  19. sleeping but mind alert
  20. gag reflex, difficulty swallowing, acid reflux...
  21. help please
  22. I'm unhappy at uni
  23. Anxiety after baby and moving
  24. headache
  25. Sleep Anxiety.
  26. Anxiety, university, intelligence
  27. Any tips on dealing with the physical symptoms of anxiety?
  28. Cyclothymia? Bipolar?
  29. Just got home and only NOW taking a BREATH of Fresh Air.
  30. missed out on being at ease?
  31. Going to the Doctors
  32. Going to be left home alone for a week with my anxiety attacks :(
  33. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
  34. Feeling spaced out and unreal
  35. Should I accept it's anxiety or no?
  36. Incessant Mind Chatter
  37. Clogged up head
  38. Does Berocca help with anxiety?
  39. Emetophobia is Unbearable. Help?
  40. My health anxiety is nearly debilitating right now.. Feeling really low.
  41. Incredibly useful video for people feeling depressed
  42. :)
  43. Something a little different.
  44. Thinking About My Best Friend All The Time....
  45. My story... a long read but I'd love input.
  46. Anxiety sufferer seeking other sufferers for documentary
  47. i need help
  48. I don't know how much more I can take..
  49. Meningitis?
  50. Obsessive thoughts and worry
  51. How are ya peeps? :D | My 1 year anniversary
  52. Slow, weird heart beat since flu...cause for concern?
  53. im new to this and in desperate need of some support! !!!
  54. Severe eye strain or anxiety?
  55. Extreme avoidance?
  56. I pushed my friend away
  57. weird flutters in my throat like missed breaths
  58. Suggestions Please?
  59. Does writing help your anxiety?
  60. Weird Lump in my Throat ---Anyone else?
  61. Reversing out of a parking spot a car coming in WRONG Direction Scared the S--- out o
  62. Body Image Stinks, and I'm tired of being stuck in this Euro-Hulga Body.
  63. 24/7 anxiety symptoms, but not anxious anymore
  64. Hyperventilating in the middle of a massage
  65. Health anxiety, new to forum, would like help
  66. Emotions running high?
  67. Scared that exercise can cause a heart attack
  68. Starting to have extreme thoughts that are quite frightening..
  69. chest and arm pain ache or burning
  70. I always get bored when I'm alone
  71. Can someone get anxiety when he didn't have before????please help
  72. New here. Hypochondria is back :(...rabies
  73. Opinions welcome
  74. Denying yourself feelings of normality
  75. CONSTANT worry and fears
  76. Headache, sinus pressure and head spinning.
  77. Should i be worried about something serious?
  78. Advice for medication?
  79. hello
  80. College activities fair
  81. food stuck in teeth?
  82. Nearly fall asleep during episodes of anxiety
  83. Please help :( feeling overwhelmed
  84. Pregnant & lost
  85. My Best Friend Doesn't Tell People I'm His Best Friend
  86. Anxiety and chest pain taking over my life!!!!
  87. Back to square one
  88. No medication for a week - send help!
  89. I think I am making progress
  90. Please Help!
  91. My friend is very depressed
  92. Need treatment evaluation and recommendations please!
  93. extreme anxiety over being shot/robbed
  94. Love
  95. Trust issues and anxiety - I think I've gone insane...
  96. How to Improce My Worsening Relationship with My Mother?
  97. cant take no more!!! :'(
  98. should i try zoloft?
  99. Head pain-scared.
  100. Isn't it Terrible when a Soft Innocent Human Becomes Hard b4 our very eyes ?
  101. PLEASE HELP! Is this anxiety? I need advice please.
  102. Wicked cocktail
  103. New around here
  104. Another visit to the psychiatrist!
  105. anxiety! panic! after taking slimming pills
  106. Hello Everyone
  107. crazy anxiety
  108. Anxiety affecting recall memory
  109. Overcoming Anxiety
  110. Small noises when working - drive me nuts
  111. Bad Weekend.
  112. Characters and Marriage
  113. Women problems.
  114. What's happened since I arrived in Canada….
  115. Temple pain??
  116. anxiety
  117. Feeling Anxious and Wound Up:
  118. Smoking and anxiety
  119. Extreme Morning Pain
  120. Mood swings...
  121. New path for anxiety
  122. Does anyones anxiety get worse after exercise
  123. Doubting Knowledge, Thoughts, and Reality?
  124. Speaking
  125. Does anyone else seem to have set periods of time for their anxiety
  126. Is it safe to go without treatment?
  127. Is this anxiety related
  128. Recent Relapse of Anxiety
  129. Need anxiety advice please.
  130. Anxiety.. the devil inside
  131. Progress
  132. Venting..
  133. How did your anxiety begin
  134. PLEASE HELP ME--idk if my symptoms are normal...=/
  135. Terrified I have a brain tumor or something else life threatening..
  136. I a bad way with Anxiety & panic
  137. Abandonment anxiety
  138. Best Friend is Suicidal and I am intensely scared
  139. So scary
  140. .
  141. Much needed advice
  142. Malnutrition? Or something else?
  143. tokophobia
  144. Hormonal Change With Pills? Or Something Else
  145. Dealing with disinterestedness for eating and anxiety while doing it.
  146. curious
  147. Panic and anxiety help
  148. Did ya Know that You could Trick Someone Underweight into Gaining Weight:
  149. Head pain again!!!!
  150. Citalopram and fertiliy
  151. Help: ER trip from anxiety symptoms
  152. Sore tongue
  153. My Cat's Scratching My Neck and top of Shoulders Currently:
  154. Getting anxiety under control and question about nighttime tremors
  155. Waiting and Anxiety
  156. First Panic Attack?
  157. Constant Health Fears
  158. Have had anxiety for 7 years and still can't figure it out.
  159. Dating with Anxiety Disorder
  160. help
  161. Social Anxiety/Depression ?
  162. Girlfriend with GAD/panic disorder. HELP
  163. First post: Currently feeling bad anxiety, please help!
  164. Anxiety about my cat
  165. Weird pukey feeling coming from throat...
  166. Just in for a little support.
  167. Problems with carrying tasks/hobbies?
  168. just a short question
  169. Anyone ever had anxiety start with a health issue?
  170. Crap weekend
  171. Shortness of Breath All Day!!!! Anxiety??
  172. Overcoming GAD
  173. Weather Today is Excellent but i Feel Blahhh.
  174. tell me
  175. Day filled with Anxiety for seemingly for no reason.
  176. I Couldn't Get My Computer to SHUT UP!!!!!
  177. Seriously trying to get off the meds
  178. Vision related issues (GAD)
  179. Molestation, physical, mental, verbal abuse- and more! Yay me!
  180. Tackling A Core Belief
  181. The Fear of Cancer.
  182. Hot Weather in CA today is Making Me avoid the Heat.....
  183. Advice for dealing with heart palpitations?
  184. How do I let go of my anxiety?
  185. Crowdsourcing treatment for mental illness?
  186. General questions for anxiety that is affecting work
  187. New person extremely lost
  188. Newbie here, majorly suffering with anxiety and sleep
  189. I think I'm going mad. A new fear has started up..
  190. What we Carry
  191. Nearly Cured
  192. When is it the worst for you?
  193. Breathe!!
  194. another day more anxiety
  195. My tips for anxiety - you might be surprised at them!
  196. Really Ruff day....inspiration and advice would be great
  197. no help from doctors!!
  198. I need help Ive lost control
  199. dizziness and a feeling like a vise squeezing my head
  200. Just need some reassurance....going crazy.
  201. Best jobs for people with anxiety?
  202. I"m new here
  203. Starting EMDR soon
  204. 30 year old male, anxiety over always being single.
  205. Are anxiety and addiction related?
  206. What sets you off?
  207. I Forgot How Much i Enjoy Eating Sugar Coated Spearmint Leaves:
  208. New person here.Can anxiety make you feel this bad?
  209. chest pains
  210. Hello, feeling very in need of some support
  211. Take Part in an Anxiety Social Learning Experiment
  212. Hypochondria
  213. Terrified of possible bat bite
  214. Traumatic hospital visit, back to not sleeping again
  215. I don't know how to get out of this situation.
  216. Help! Unable to attend CBT session because of Agoroaphobia.
  217. Funny how parents always know wrong thing to say
  218. Heart flutter?
  219. Is what I have Anxiety?
  220. School and awkward situations...help
  221. Intense guilt over past mistakes
  222. My Girlfriend has Anxiety
  223. Is this anxiety or should I go to the doctor?
  224. Is it possible to cure from Anxiety for good?
  225. Horror films and Anxiety?
  226. I don't understand! Why?
  227. Very strange/scary thoughts before and during naps/sleep.
  228. Nee some help and support with anxiety
  229. GAD induced IBS?
  230. Please Help Me!
  231. Coping with life changes
  232. Word game - new and improved!
  233. Sudden anger or rage
  234. Heart flutter still?
  235. Need advice, this is driving me crazy
  236. Need urgent help.. dealing with panic during a crisis
  237. This is so hard!
  238. fear of sleep
  239. the need for expression???
  240. Can anxiety be ''contagious''?
  241. Difficulty working
  242. Impediment
  243. Insomnia?
  244. Anxiety / Depression / Life
  245. My Repressed Emotions - Removing The Mask.
  246. Anxiety about decisions I have made in the past....
  247. Mental exhaustion at the end of each week. Any thoughts?
  248. Therapy going awry......
  249. Have trouble opening up
  250. First week of meds almost over