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  1. oh GOSH im so mad HEAD PRESSURE by temple
  2. How to eliminate anxiety for good
  3. Brain zaps?
  4. Is it anxiety?
  5. Scared to get the flu shot
  6. I need a nice chat with someone who cares
  7. Lingering sense of agitation/anxious
  8. Happy days!
  9. Weird headache
  10. Fear of being without my Husband
  11. Bad panic attack
  12. Pulpitations
  13. Balancing life..
  14. Numbness and tingling, how to get rid of it without medication?
  15. Up date so far :)
  16. Really Bad Friday
  17. Help me please. I need advice..
  18. Heartburn?
  19. I hate anxiety!!!
  20. A short poem on anxiety and fear...
  21. Weird anxiety O.o
  22. Health Anxiety; women only please!
  23. Why do I get tremors all the time?
  24. Interview!
  25. OCD and anxiety
  26. I feel like I just hallucinated???
  27. Want to cancel holiday due to anxiety
  28. does anyone here understand....anyone...
  29. Relationships when Dealing with Anxiety
  30. Lost my job today
  31. going to work tomorrow . :(((((
  32. depression or anxiety
  33. I conquered one of my biggest fears today!!!
  34. What irritates you?
  35. tension headache grrrrr
  36. Anxiety
  37. Help!!
  38. Is this anxiety???
  39. I think i am winning
  40. once again i cant do it..
  41. Need advice from the ladies (Possible TMI, Health Anxiety)
  42. Really struggling :-(
  43. Numbness and tingling, how long will this stay?
  44. I feel alone and useless!!!
  45. Really great commerical I wanted to share with anyone dealing with anxiety..
  46. A mess today need support
  47. A Little Help?
  48. Just a ramble... (I'm new)
  49. Anxiety and Fear of failure
  50. Info for a Story
  51. New here
  52. has anyone else gone trough this?
  53. Do I really need medication do overcome my anxiety?
  54. swallowing issues especially when eating
  55. Exercise Question
  56. Know the difference...
  57. ?
  58. hit my head. afraid of concussion
  59. Had a horrible panic attck..
  60. Need ome reassuance
  61. Need Some Reassurance
  62. Am i stupid?
  63. Chest
  64. I was told I may have OCD that triggers my anxiety, if this is the truth, does that..
  65. A night of bolting awake every 5min
  66. Want to scream.
  67. linden method
  68. i dont know weather to stop my medication
  69. Good bye - Thank you all! :)
  70. Odd Feeling
  71. Sad
  72. chronic nasal congestion...
  73. Good Morning
  74. Could be triggering (please avoid reading if so) - sexual incidents during childhood
  75. anxiety advice
  76. Anyone tried this med?
  77. Dread Going to Work
  78. Would you pleae consider doing somthing about this.
  79. Back to square one....
  80. Have you ever felt like you were over an attack
  81. Meditation
  82. Advice? :(
  83. really in need of tips
  84. Prozac
  85. Anyone else?
  86. Feeling out of it
  87. :(
  88. Not having a good night :/
  89. eyes playing tricks on me
  90. Its Back AGAIN!!!!
  91. Migraines, Eye pains, and Face pains
  92. Dont know how much longer i can take this
  93. Something to think about...
  94. I hate this so, so much
  95. Muscle Fatigue
  96. Night 4 of little sleep
  97. worry and obsessing over poor decision regarding co worker crush
  98. Broke down..
  99. What could be the reason
  100. Herbs
  101. Vivid Imagery
  102. Just getting through today
  103. What's wrong with me!! I feel full of anger
  104. Derealization can suck my d***
  105. Embarrassed
  106. Hi i am new need some advice
  107. Do you all call your pdoc?
  108. Anxiety causing feelings of Unreality
  109. Feeling really proud :-)
  110. please tell me excessive worry is causing this
  111. Starting Lexapro....
  112. Sleep monster
  113. My hairs falling out! (Yeah, literally)
  114. Feeling really anxious
  115. wish me luck!
  116. Will it go away
  117. Wicked headaches
  118. I Feel Sad
  119. sore calves
  120. religion ...
  121. Lover? Fighter? both?
  122. How to get rid of anxiety vision symptom?
  123. Moms with panic attacks
  124. Recovered finally
  125. Itchy skin
  126. Realising what may triggee my anxiety at night
  127. Nicotine Withdrawal and Anxiety
  128. New to Lexapro
  129. Fear of sleep advice for all sufferers
  130. Fear of exercise/meditation & yoga
  131. Overcoming the fear of medication!
  132. A fun bit of news...
  133. Coming down from a Panic Attack?
  134. Weird feeling
  135. Is this anxiety?
  136. Normal?
  137. Tight feeling in ribs
  138. Ugh
  139. Blah
  140. Made it through first day back at work......
  141. Finally..
  142. Vitamin D / happy light
  143. Best drugs for depression?
  144. Ok to lighten the mood, i have sex questions!!
  145. Health Anxiety
  146. Tap into your true strength
  147. Blood sugar is dipping LOW
  148. why again why why why....
  149. "Bad" News comes in threes...
  150. Pale
  151. Need some forum encouragement....
  152. Back to Work today. Feeling scared.
  153. Checking in with our Night Owls!
  154. Dreams
  155. Dont want to be here anymore
  156. Laurie. 25. My story.
  157. Mental Health Support
  158. Magnesium
  159. Headaches and pain behind my eyes
  160. jesse why you are sendin messages saying u dnt like me???
  161. Long-Time Lurker, Finally Doing Something About It All!
  162. Always sick or feel like crap
  163. weird feeling when falling asleep...
  164. Gamers
  165. Scared im going to be sick
  166. Trial shift! Stressing
  167. Parental advice needed
  168. Back already, Yaay!!
  169. Feeling good but...
  170. Just curious
  171. Health Anxiety Exposed ....Thread? - Opinions please
  172. Please help!!?? heart attack!!?? 16 years old!!?
  173. Anxiety and depression
  174. Researching
  175. Hows everyone feeling today
  176. Are schizophrenics aware they are schizophrenic?
  177. Anyone else hate this
  178. loosing control and cant find my strength
  179. Just Checking in
  180. google is my enemy
  181. Okay y'all.. gonna sound weird.
  182. My story
  183. Can I Get a Hell Yeah?!?!??!
  184. I don't know what to title this
  185. Brief Loss of Motor Skills???
  186. worry worry worry
  187. so scared right now
  188. anxiety dreams?
  189. coffee??
  190. Did I do the right thing?
  191. To date or not to date?
  192. Can anxiety cause this?
  193. I have decided to get of the forum for a while
  194. Quick question
  195. Can't function
  196. Interesting fact
  197. Help
  198. Feeling disconnected....
  199. why can't I be normal ( how I managed to work myself up over embarrassing event)
  200. What - is - wrong - with - me......?
  201. My worst nightmare
  202. New here...
  203. Just had a big attack
  204. Scared to go out still
  205. OMG. Talk me down.
  206. feeling out of it
  207. Effexor
  208. Frustrated...
  209. Melatonin - Should I take it?
  210. Talking to people
  211. Meds
  212. Sleep
  213. Major
  214. Its back!
  215. Sam
  216. Meltdown
  217. Xanax
  218. Worried
  219. and the sickness continues.......
  220. Having an off day
  221. My Dad's coming back this weekend
  222. What a day I had yesterday!
  223. Heart palps all day, is this normal??
  224. Cant make plans
  225. kidney infection worries
  226. How to deal with sleep anxiety
  227. pain in middle of chest!!!!
  228. A little anxiety humor.. :)
  229. Thinking I'll die/end up a cripple soon...
  230. How is everyone doing this evening??
  231. Visit cardiologist
  232. Nighttime anxiety
  233. Chest hurts
  234. Scared of dying in rabies after possible exposure...
  235. Anxiety getting worse and worse and worse...
  236. Anxiety & Depression questions
  237. Its 1:00 in the morning and im awake :/
  238. Scared of letting go
  239. Sigh
  240. Headache
  241. Suprisingly refreshed!
  242. A little nasty sorry
  243. another day, another worry
  244. Just had to get this out...
  245. Biopsy
  246. Constant urge
  247. Freaking out!
  248. "Friends"! Are they?
  249. BP!
  250. Anxiety and the media…** possible trigger **