View Full Version : News
- Must See Study ... The results will astound you.
- Baby clothes Nairobi
- Jesus Returns With Guitar
- Highly Sensitive People: Dr. Orloff NPR Interview with Larry Mantle on Emotional Free
- Fiji is beautiful this time of year
- Protection log enabled job done
- 2021 will be my last year on here
- Love shopping at Walmart
- 2022 Boston
- Donald Where's Your Troosers?
- A lawyer has been contacted,...
- Lawyers Lawyers Lawyers
- Nemesis556 has left the building...
- Gimpy was in Scotland
- Gimpy is in Scotland Now!
- Gimpy has lived in Scotland for the last 6 months
- Confirmed. Gimpy lives in Scotland
- Gimpy has not as yet made any posters
- Up before the beak
- Dumbo
- Saw a Gimpy from the bedroom window
- (Tell me why) I don't like Mondays (Tell me why) I don't like Mondays (Tell me why)
- Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
- frank anthony thesaunderschild youtube
- channel/UC7IAi1OxEc3RiLZRhfq4grg
- It's just another manic Monday (Ooh-oh) bye bye
- the worst thing has happened for 2022 it has got out
- Frank's train channel has gone. Please bring it back, we love it.
- takealookpedro
- Resident Evil fanboys are among the WORST fans of anything!
- Redcon-1
- Karma Kills RIP
- Complaint Review: Autism Initiatives - Edinburgh
- I hate games, I do not play games, games are boring and stupid.
- The Roast Of Petey The Beaty Woman Beater, Resident Evil Purist & A Crazed Doxxer
- Re: Peter anderson's aftermath of the roast - he's now issuing out death threats
- My world is posters.
- Pot of tea is on, waiting, waiting, waiting, and still waiting
- I will be retiring from forums soon.
- I am retiring from forums 2023
- Watch out children I have some horror movies to scare you to death.
- I am not an asshole
- Spoiler Alert! One of the gimpy's is in Wales
- I have to get a lawyer in Wales to find them.
- I am confused!
- How is thee toy let of James Berich broke ken?
- How is thesaunderschild the best at survival horror games?
- I have no artisitc talent at all
- People say I eat rats
- Who is James Jimbo
- hoot hoot hoot hootsmon
- I do not will never retire maybe one day if ever
- I do not have ginger hair down there
- I will expose jimjams
- I am retiring from all forums at midnight
- From midnight I will never doxx anyone ever again
- From midnight I will treat all women with respect and as an equal
- The Blindman
- Glitch
- Gimpy Gimpy Gimpy
- Redcon 7
- Posterville
- Constable Boomerang
- Redcon 10 we are in full attack mode
- All clues lead to The Top of the Stairs
- We are waiting for you at the top of the stairs
- The Family are waiting for you at the top of the stairs
- Video unavailable This video has been removed by the uploader
- Captured live the sounds of a babbling idiot
- Adultwork Forum > General (Public) > The Lounge (Public) > What a cunt!
- Adultwork Forum > General (Public) > The Lounge (Public) > The Dulvey Saga
- This cat tries to kill people, and he worships Satan!
- Rambo was a pussy!
- Yep. I was meant to see somebody last Friday.
- "TS Rose" (previously Rosie)
- Video unavailable This video has been removed by the uploader
- I am the poster queen
- I am the carrot cake queen
- Phone Chris Moore's mother
- I am the baking queen
- There is a bun for all seasons
- It was not an apple that fell on his head
- Phone Chris More's mother she is waiting for the call
- I keep getting told I am James Berich
- To clear up any misunderstanding
- Sleepless in Seattle
- Melbourne Shopping
- Breaking News: Peter Anderson is a Faggot
- Jam Factory
- Not Perth, not James, not Gimpy
- Breaking News: Trolls Conquer AnxietyForum
- Phone Chris Morse mother again
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Limp Dick
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Stupid Ways
- Peter Ross Anderson and The Dirty Escorts
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Smelly Ass
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Gimpy Pursuit for Justice
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Encyclopedia Dramatica Article
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Love for Penis
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Cursed Life
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Thai Tranny Problem
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Inability for Accountability
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Retarded Face
- Peter Ross Anderson is a Stupid Motherfucker
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Never Fucking Learn
- Peter Ross Anderson is a Fucking Goon
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs Viagra To Get Erect
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Disappear Forever
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Be Banned
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs A Kick In The Face
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs Another Kick In The Face
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs Yet Another Kick In The Face
- Peter Ross Anderson's Problem with Trolls
- Too scared to phone
- No a clue
- Misled by a very naughty antipodean woman
- We are laughing at you, James Berich...
- dum and dummer and even more dummer phone now
- peter anderson phone james now
- peter the huge dum dum fone james now
- peter wees his pants every all day
- peter wanks at the park
- Bogan B& X2...
- peter wanks off in front of schoolgirls at the park
- peter scares schoolgirls at the park
- a selfie
- rejected by ponder
- more whining and moaning and whinging non stop
- watchn out peter is around
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Shitty Movie Collection
- where is that naughty australian frank says scratching his head
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Fat Mother
- doxing
- peter chasing frank into the bedroom woohoo
- Australia is shite!
- banned in australia
- watch out frank conin after ya
- silly mid on Abdelaali Noursabah going to play cricket
- PETER ROSS ANDERSON's Personal Information
- These cats don't really like Australia either...
- banned from entering england
- James strikes again!
- peter shows great anger when he does not win or control anyone
- Da Bogan Exposed...
- da huge fruitcake peter where is da plice you fruitcake
- Peter Ross Anderson is a Sissy
- Time's Up: Peter Ross Anderson Does Not Apologize
- Peter Ross Anderson's Deleted Channels
- Lolcalmdown = Frank Anthony you short bald obese racist white man, you racist whitie.
- All it takes is ignoring 10 user names
- who is at the top of the stairs wooooo spooky
- Peter Ross Anderson and the Kiwi Farms Drama
- Resident Evil fanboys are among the WORST fans of anything!
- I Farded
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Fake Autism
- Peter Ross Anderson Failed YouTube
- Peter Ross Anderson Failed At "Acting"
- peter anderson the biggest loser of all time
- where are the stairs they lead the the clues for a clueless dum dum
- stairs or escaltor wot a delimma
- important announcement to make it clear once again
- This sex worker complained that I harassed her and doxxed her. back to jail pdero
- I was let down by this crack addicted turkey basting dried up old cow from Melbourne
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Idiot Prime
- I am Maja Schmidt
- I'm tired of idiots like Sara De Las Heras
- Peter Ross Anderson Smells Worse Than Vomit Breath
- peter stop harassing these kind folk
- peter stop harassing these kind folk
- Tommy Balls Is On The Case
- Peter Ross Anderson's So-Called Cousin's Kids Were Molested By Him
- Peter Ross Anderson Physically Assaulted His Mother
- Fuckhead
- Peter Ross Anderson's Full Address
- I am ending my time on forums after Summer Game Fest, permanently.
- Bogans need to read the manual...
- phone home
- RE: I may stop using escorts, etc...
- I want to take out a restraining order against this stupid, Australian bogan...
- Happy birthday self!!!!
- I want to take out a restraining order against this stupid, Australian bogan...
- It's best to move on, so have fun spamming the dead forums, James!
- The Dulvey Saga The ultimate in terror!
- GoFundMe Requirements to receive funds
- Jodie Matheson v Peter Ross Anderson
- The Stupidity of Peter Ross Anderson
- By the way. James Berich. I am not Gimpy and can prove it.
- James Berich is a tool!
- i am me not that idiot james u scottish tosser u tool
- Nice to see you took my user ID, thesaunderschild. I bet you felt jealous of me.
- i am thesaunderschild
- Ponder made all of these accounts this past month...
- James Berich. Once I contact a suitable lawyer, you'll be in trouble.
- follow the stairs the bus pass will gain you entry
- Yo Selfie Yo backstabber
- I will not stand for being lied about. I'm not this "James" fruitcake from Australia
- Australia is shite!
- "Thesaunderschild" (aka James Berich) is not the real "thesaunderschild" - at all!
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Sex Offender
- *Breaking News*
- i am the original thesaunderschild the real one
- pedro pedro pedro
- the dope is the person kakapo aka the scottish pedro aka peter anderson
- Gllitch
- hurry up peter catch the james move ur ass boy
- peter i am in melbourne too
- opera browser is a pile of crap it leaks
- peek a boo gimpy
- Ghlitch
- the game is over gimpy
- ThE BIG WaRniNg
- I am back and I will never leave I love it here too much
- Gimpy you have to go.
- Gimpy is not on IMDb. Another obvious fail.
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Fuck Off Already
- i am the original the one and only thesaunderschild
- i ate all my haggis today it was very yummie
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Headed Back To Court
- i am so sorry i cant find the door at the top of the stairs
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Wanker And A Pedophile
- peter the dope wanker think everyone is gimpy
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To See A Dentist To Treat His Grotesque Teeth
- Peter Ross Anderson's Family Has COVID
- i am getting a lawyer in western australia
- do i get a lawyer or a series x i am just so torn between the 2
- Peter Ross Anderson's Home Address
- jb you have been reported
- the police are onto you gimpy
- dem smokin titties help where the door
- The Australian twat.
- When The Doxer Becomes The Doxee
- Peter Ross Anderson Used His Retard Check To Purchase A PS5
- i am 36 but look 56 and act 12
- Whose Getting Doxed Right Now? Peter Ross Anderson
- i report gimpy to every forum in the world over and over and over and over
- yo da nob why u take so long
- James Berich sucks...
- James Berich, the fake thesaunderschild...
- Is that you, John Wayne? Is this me?
- hurry up yo nob where are they i keep waiting but no one arrives
- peter he go all hysterical when he see me
- I am the real thesaunderschild
- peter shake with excitement and shoots off sparkly moons from his head when he see me
- Peter Ross Anderson Had COVID-19
- dem burner phones cheep and good
- But trust me. This James is a complete psychopath.
- wos dat u james who told the sherrif u nob
- ResetEra bans me without an explanation NeoGAF bans me for telling the truth
- dem dam australians james u r a nob
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