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- Glitch.🕷🐊
- peter do poo on redcon1 set.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- peter do poo on bus.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝S
- peter do big poo on GameCube.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&
- peter do big poo on loanhead railway path.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- peter see flask mom fart 14 times wid da big poo.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠
- peter see flask mom fanny get bent out of shape,then huge fart.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̛̣̇̽̋̚
- peter see flask mom poke finger in electric soket, smoke then huge fart.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝e
- peter see flask mom huge fanny go all bent out of shape, then big fart.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝e̷
- flask mom blew big fart across room, boom.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- flask mom ejected tiny retarded test tube called peter.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄̉̈́͠
- flask da sun of da bum whole.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&
- peter was reported vis da telephone.
- flask do da big pooo.🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻
- Johnny Mnemonic said: ↑
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- thesaunderschild is pulling the plug soon... hurry up and do it.🄿🄰🅃🅁🄸🄲🄺 🄲🄾🄽
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- peter do da big poo in pants.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&
- Gimpy I can't wait to shackle you and drive long rusty nails into your head.
- Gimpy, I order you take this down immediate! You are in big trouble.
- Glitch.🕷🐊Glitch.🕷🐊Glitch.🕷🐊
- Jodie Matheson
- peter sniffs farts in jars.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- Knight Plug + too much sugar + not brushing teeth = dentist.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t
- peter has HIV.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝N
- peter not no where scotland is on unmarked world map.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗̄̉̈́̓͠
- peter got brain candida.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝
- peter get 2 rotting teeth pulled out.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- peter got anus fungus and warts.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛R
- peter got 2 rotten teeth pulled out.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- peter = Clown shit. That’s all I think when I see your posts.
- peter + sugar toffees = rotten teeth.
- I hear what you're saying, Shagger.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛&
- Siberian Jukebox 3000 = clown poos.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛&
- peter saw big poos in da mailbox today.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- peterhoping to find big clown poos in da forest.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e
- peter dressed as a chicken laid large clown poos in da woods.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚
- peter is funny.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝
- a sea cruise the salt air is very refreshing.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e
- peter da fat rektum sniffer not no how to type.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e&
- hurry up wid legals..🕷🐊
- Glitch the end..🕷🐊
- nemesis game over..🕷🐊
- I'm handing in my well deserved OG Resident Evil badge
- ⛅ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 ✈ 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- take da train to wombat flats station._ _🚋
- wombat flats simply gorgus this time of year.🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- stinky. ༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- Os/2. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- OS/2 Warp 4.. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- in da big house.༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- Glitch.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- coffinns and gammees, 9999999. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ ▀̿&
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- Eduardo Guerrero is parked at da bus stop. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- The Foreskin Saga
- even in death the looney looks for someone to blame..Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peterstalks me.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 27923
- sue da nhs.. Glitch.🕷🐊
- YUL Brynner said - DON'T Smoke.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peter do da big poos in pants today..p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- PPP://peter poos pants.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- PDF:// 🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- tumeric is good for the tummy.
- The Carnival is Over.
- acyberlove important dates.
- reading what the loon says everyday is hugely entertaining. a laugh a minute.
- Meet the Andersons of Skootland.
- da LOON has no money to go anywhere.
- Surfs up, and i will be at the beach for the next 6 months. No time to be on here.
- The Foreskin Saga The Black Cat.
- The walk down the Royal Mile is now a waddle.
- Smelloroama
- Well, when I go onine, it is 123movies or Prime Video that I visit.
- The folk at JAYFREAK are not worthy of my time.
- My name is Peter and I come from a family of inbred loons.
- Blackballed.
- peter left da big long hard poos at da bus stop. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- "hasta la vista, baby."
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- That's it. I'm done with forums. I'm pretty much throwing in the towel now.
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- peter has a head like goofy. p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- Meet the LOONs. The most dysfunctional family on Skootland.
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘
- I am the real thesaunderschild. There are no alternatives.
- da LOON is a Little Billy no friends.
- he is Peter A again. A male who is the biggest pest the forum has ever had. htt
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- Peter Anderson is: @Strawberry Banana Sundae
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- da cryptic clue for today is Dungarees.
- da clue for today is. I can play da didgeridoo. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- da clue for today is Humpty Doo. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- da clue for today is everything is upside down. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- da extra clue for da day is I like driving Ford Mustangs. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- SNAP -- Stegosaurus -- Setanta
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- peter left 2 small square poos on da dentist chair. Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- well huloo newbies at da joeyfrook. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- thesaunderschildaustralia#1.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- thesaunderschild annoys the hell out of da LOON.. Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀
- just another anoying post 4 da LOON 2 read today and anoy them. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗_
- da LOON collect small hard poos from Rose Street.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- today we are told peter da LOON has some negro blood. Well hello sambo. Honk! _ _ _ _
- SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- GolliwogFatLoserPeter, SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- GollywogFattyPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- SamboFattySniggerPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- time is running out at da pooters hoose. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- The foreskin has finally come home to roost.
- da LOON just can not figure it out. dey are at a loss. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Black lives don't matter...
- thesaunderschild is Roman Catholic...
- Well this went well did it not. da LOON loses again. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- PeterAdafattyTummyOhHowMuchFatterUarEtOday.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk
- HippoLaura + PhattyPeter = LOL. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- LadyBellaBird lawyer in Tayside, Scotland
- PhattyPeter + grunt grunt = long hard poos in kitchen sink.
- PhattyPeter + boyfriends = 0. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Social Reject = Yes. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peteraactor poospantsleithlittlestinkyboy + sherlock = can no find da door. Honk! _ _
- peterpoos left 10 wee parcels of dried poos at asda. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- The Foreskin Sneezes.
- The Foreskin Bankrupt.
- peterpoos left da long hard yellow poos at da hospital wifi. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Ho
- LadyBellaBird was gifted a bag of small poos coated in orange chocolate by peterpoos.
- LadyBellaBird has a fat arse.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird Escort wide dry vagina.
- peterpoos + how many birthday cards = 0.
- peterpoos = captchanowork4socialrejects
- peter anderson Pay £LadyBellaBird on Cash App she wants your money now!
- peter anderson you owe LadyBellaBird £1000 pay now!
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- PeterPoos get no Christmas cards, 2024 will be pish 4 peterpoos like 2023. Honk! _ _
- PeterPoopoos cry today, no christmas cards. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peter anderson left da big hard poos on da telephone today. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Hon
- sarahk is a fat hag
- Peterpoos do da big long hard poos into da bath. hoooonk
- like da million firecrackers da peter bum hole explode in tesco, set off fire alarms.
- digitalpoint sucks, led by some fat dry old lesbian.
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- Which one of you assholes is it who sends my privatel details to directors and police
- living inside da head of peterpoos rent free, a bedsitter in da frontal lobe.
- walking around inside peterpoos head day and night, nothing to see here.
- this is the best game ever, 10 years and still going.
- da game annoy peterpoos RE has been given funding 4 da next 10 years.
- da little red book is open at page 4
- my acting ambitions, but then the parts were severely trimmed down It feels pointless
- peterpoos wannabe actor replaced by AI. da future is here.
- SpoiltDiva is a dried up old cow.
- French condoms always leak.
- Perfect, an instant reaction. Honk
- looking, can no see dem legals on da horizon. Yeeha. Honk.
- lovely day today in da north of scotland.
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊
- peterpoos do da big hard poos on the new samsung phone. honk!
- mcdanel suckes hooooooooooooooonk
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊
- That Australia bogan. What films have you been in? Eh!
- peterpoos on da register. hooooooonk.
- peterpoos forces women to like her.
- Glasgow the summer of 24
- Lemon Zing do da big poos on da resident evil video tape.
- banged up again
- Livingston Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court is part of the West Lothian C
- Livingston Sheriff Court Tuesday 26 March 2024
- patrickooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- sherlock = 30,000 pesos
- Goofey do da big poos in da pants today.
- Goofey Honk Honk
- peterpoos do da big long poos into da can of predator coke.
- do you play games no, are you james no
- are you nearly 40 and getting fat.
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- ExpertLaw, duma dan da dum. Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- ExSpurt Law, Legal beegales, peterpoos. honk
- Mojo + North America = FAIL - HONK
- go granny go wid danny wot a hoot dat must have been in Australia, go granny go.
- SpoiltDiva uses da red ribbed dildo every night.
- Jodie Matheson, from Glasgow Rainbowtoast123 .. HONK.
- How would you rate
- I am an Interplant thing.
- peterpoos = a failure at life
- peterpoos ia a member of da extra wide rektum club
- peterpoos do da big hard poos at home street.
- PeterSpankyBottom is a member of da Red Bottom Club.
- run RedBottomPeter run, RBP is on da run.
- 404 Sorry, Page Not Found...
- The foreskin fights back.
- The foreskin all aboard leaving soon.
- The foreskin waves in the wind
- peterpoos old and fat = still smells as bad.
- thesaunderschild is very happy today.
- poosiseverywherepeterissmellypooypeter
- everywhererpetergoesthesmellstays poooooooooooooooooooo
- we is still waiting 4 da legals, where is dem?
- Midnight Cowboy
- The Godfather, epic film, epic theme music.
- Kojak, a crime drama we really enjoyed.
- All in the Family, a sitcom that started off good but lost the way.
- The Sound of Music, a wonderful film we enjoyed very much.
- F Troop, that was a real funny show, we loved it.
- The Love Boat, we loved that show.
- Petticoat Junction, we loved that show, watched it regular.
- Dr. No, the first 007 film we saw when it first came out. One of our favorites.
- Yes we are lovers of romantic comedy and cowboy films.
- The Onedin Line, a wonderful romantic drama we loved.
- Sleepless in Seattle, one of our all time favorite films.
- Frogman spy, the incredible case of Commander Crabb. A true story.
- Buster keaton, one of the greatest comedians ever.
- The Beverly Hillbillies, one of our favorite TV shows.
- Life's Too Short, we loved this TV show. Very funny.
- I win!
- Please Don't Eat the Daisies. we loved this TV show.
- Paris 2024, who is going to be there for the Olympics?
- We will take the train from Geneva to Paris.
- Michael Does Life is a crack head.
- You are a creep Michael Does Life.
- Michaell Does Life is dumb and stupid.
- Michael Does Life is a transvestite.
- @Michael Does Life is a tragic ugly transvestite.
- eek what? there's more than 1 thesaunderschild on the web. this is a disgrace..
- eek what? there's more than 1 thesaunderschild on the web. we are in danger.
- i am the real thesaunderschild, only me, only listen to me no others.
- Virginia Woolf Was More Than Just a Women’s Writer
- 7 Key Steps to Climb to The Top of Google Search Results
- Warning da lethal gas emiter has enetered da town from Leith walks.
- Greenwich Village NY is lovely this time of year.
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- peterpoos wot a crybaby reporting thesaunderschild on forums.
- stop reporting peterpoos stop! my credibility is at stake, stop!
- El Smello is on the run.
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