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  1. #1

    Can smoking weed cause/worsen anxiety?

    I never smoked all that much for me to consider it a suspect but I remember the first time I smoked it was some synthetic shit a friend of mine acquired and I was pretty fucked up for that evening. My problems with anxiety came a few months after, all the while I smoked a couple of times a month.

    I was just curious if this could have caused or helped elevate my anxiety, it has been a while since I stopped.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Yes. Not cause but aggravate or heighten anxiety. Anxiety came first. Made me anxious so no more weed in my life since I was 17 or so. Alankay

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Personally, I don't think it can CAUSE anxiety by itself alone. I think that the potential for anxiety has to be there in the first place. It can definitely bring on panic and anxiety to people that are already susceptible to attacks.

    I experimented with weed for a long time - like 5 years without any problems at all and I used to smoke a LOT. It helped me relax and pretty much got me through my tertiary education. I didn't drink a lot and by smoking I never got hungover!

    But after I developed anxiety I had a lot of problems with it. I stopped for a while
    When it first happened, thinking it was the cause or a trigger and then I started again and would experience anxiety about 50% of the time I would smoke.

    Then that percentage started to rise until I started to expect an anxiety attack when I smoked. This attitude led to my most severe, longest attack ever and an ER admission from
    The most pathetic minuscule amount of we'd ever.

    Now I haven't touched the stuff in over 9 months and I honestly know that I never will again. The symptoms of the high; the dry mouth, elevated heart rate, fuzziness of thinking and hypersensitivity are too similar to fear. Even being around people that smoke makes me anxious - although I don't have an issue with others choosing to smoke.

    I really don't miss it at all - the only aspect that i do I miss is the ability to enjoy being bored and lethargic without feeling guilty.

    People's opinions on this issue will vary. I know that weed is prescribed in certain states of the US to treat anxiety and depression, but I certainly wouldn't recommend doing it if you have an anxious mindset to start with. In my experience it can elevate anxiety and lead to panic attacks - I have seen it in at least 3 of my close friends as well as myself.

    I hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    I think it is possible to worsen anxious or depressed people. I smoked it for 7 years. Had 2 panic attacks towards the end of smoking it. The first made it difficult to enjoy it after, tight chest, worry etc. The 2nd panic attack made me quit outright. Since then been tackling daily worsening anxiety pains every single hour of every day. But starting CBT soon. I'd say it's best to just avoid drugs entirely, whether legal or illegal, it'll mask symptoms and probably create new ones.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    1. Asian spice, sprayed with a lab created marijuana chemical which appears similar to cannabis on paper..isn't even close even though the molecular structure is near the same. It can cause permanent brain damage and is marketed and sold as "incense" here in the States. Stay away from that product by all means. Very dangerous..
    2. Yes, weed can heighten anxiety but it can not cause a permanent condition or disorder.

    Best bet, avoid it..


  6. #6
    Thanks for the replies! . Like I said I haven't smoked any in a long time and there's nothing that makes me want to go back to it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Los Angeles
    you smoked spice? (street name for synthetic marry jane)

    that can in turn kill you.. after smoking spice, anxiety attacks are likely to happen even when not under the influence.. the thing about spice, is that its synthetic.. So you DONT KNOW WHATS IN IT. gets you fucked up really bad.

    you can even die instantly from smoking it. so what I can conclude is that smoking weed and spice caused your anxiety

  8. #8
    I don't know what it was. People we got it from called it 'heaven'. Everything we had after was the organic.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Los Angeles
    okay. what matters is that you smoked it once.. the chemicals used to create spice can fuck you up really bad, even if you only take one puff.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Indiana, USA :)
    Yes, tis true..it can cause permanent brain damage and death. Our local gov confiscated all of it within the county and banned it because 3 or 4 kids ended up in the ER. 1 of them is permanently f**ked up, feel bad for him and his family to have to suffer through that from some Asian imported and misused bullshit that no one can find the source of nor do they really know wtf is even in it except 1 idiot chemist ideas the spray on some "marijuana like" psychotic..

    Stay away from and steer clear of the left handed cigarettes!




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