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  1. #211
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - really, really, mean it this time. No backsies.

    Spudanus's regular monthly quitting the internet, quitting forums, never discussing RE again post, this time on Neoseeker.
    Hilariously, someone 'cool story bro'd it and the fuckwit took it at face value, as encouragement.
    Even for potatoface, it's a long-winded rambling turd of a post that doesn't justify wasting space quoting it in full here; The usual delusional pap, and wouldn't normally warrant a mention, but I was genuinely confused by this bit:

    Quote Originally Posted by Highland Spring
    But in all seriousness, the fan community for these games is so queer.
    Now, if this was anyone else, I'd assume this was just reflecting the regular baseline homophobia native to the incel communities that fuckface likes to post in, but the cuntwomble has been quite notable for its lack of homophobia up to this point.†
    The smegstain obviously struggles with communication and often resorts to weirdly anachronistic and archaic slurs. I would speculate that this is possibly because its only significant socialisation seems to have been via its demented late grandmother, console game NPC interactions, and early 20th century horror movies. Given that context, I'm wondering if this was meant to be 'queer' in the 19th century pejorative sense of the word?

    † I don't think that the fucker showing no signs of homophobia is in any way a redeeming feature - I think it's just that Spudanus' misogyny is so extreme, and objectification of other people so entrenched. I suspect that the odious little shit just wants a hole to fuck and is somewhat vexed that these fuckable holes come attached to other people, especially if those people are women - so the concept of an asshole it can fuck without the unpleasantness of it being associated with a woman is intrinsically appealing to the cunt.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 05-08-2023 at 06:09 AM. Reason: Serendipitous screencap was too good not to add

  2. #212
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Reading age of a seed potato

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    It never ceases to amaze anyone as to how unintelligible your insults are, James.
    Hush now, little potato. Talking about you, not to you - otherwise I would have used short words that you could understand, and maybe used a crayon.
    (Also, still not James.)

  3. #213
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - two nuts short of a sack

    Quote Originally Posted by Kate Bush View Post
    It's not, because I can still post.
    Thick as a post, perhaps.

  4. #214
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Such sophisticated repartee...

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    Why is Peter suddenly spamming the forum with pictures of Tania?
    I can certainly see the family resemblance though.

  5. #215
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Playing with its balls.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    It's a bit ironic of James Berich to come back to bitch about seeing poo emojis, when his shit from his sock puppet profiles was already all over the forum.
    So much wrong in one sentence.
    * I'm still not James;
    * I wasn't bitching, I was mocking you. There's a difference. I realise words are hard to comprehend with a starch based noggin;
    * If you want to post gifs of your mother all over the forum, by all means, crack on - it's more coherent and less unpleasant than your usual nonsense;
    * I only post from this account.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    The old case of one pot calling the kettle black.

    It's essentially your MO, dude.
    Ummm... nope.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    And I'm not Peter.
    I can see why you would desperately not want to be Peter, but unfortunately you are what you are, Spudanus. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be an eight year old girl.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    If you're not James, then I'm not Peter.
    No matter how hard you wish, neither those things will ever be true. Still, at least you know you'll be able to get a decent game of pool next time you're on the protection wing.

  6. #216
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Two nuts short of a scrotum.

    Aside from (literal) shitposting here, Potatofuck has been busy working on getting banned elsewhere.
    What starts as an update on Peter's sex offender pals, segues into the classic potatorant:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 3:16 PM

    I only know him from playing pool. It was years ago, when my friend and I were in college.

    I quit going to the competitions because the people from the leagues were way above us.

    I met these guys in jail years ago when I got remanded for contacting my ex support workers, when they were being lying pieces of shit.

    These gentlemen were my cellmates for a spell. Those support workers were morons regardless.
    No Peter. You got remanded for repeatedly breaching the court orders forbidding you from contacting the women you abused, harassed, and assaulted.
    Stop blaming other people for the consequences of your actions.
    Stop blaming your victims for not tolerating your abuse.
    Try, just once in your life, to consider taking responsibility for your actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Man thought child sex images were 'consensual'
    A man who admitted possessing images of child sexual abuse told a court he thought it was ok as the victims ‘didn’t look…
    www.helensburghadvertiser.co.uk www.helensburghadvertiser.co.uk
    Racist who torched mosque admits slashing terror chief in Scots prison attack
    Thomas Conington admitted attacking African warlord, Ahmed Al-Faq Almadhi, in HMP Shotts, last December.
    Scots sex offender jailed after sneaking on sunshine holiday in Spain
    Paul Scally was able to spend a week on a foreign holiday despite being recognised pre-flight in the airport by an off-duty police officer.
    Paul Scally – Lochgelly
    March 2015 Paedophile abused two girls, aged five and nine, by making them pose for horrific child abuse images A babysitter who groomed his two young victims with treats and trips has been jailed.…
    They are knobs, for sure. I remember Mr. Scally complaining, "I am here because they found one image."
    Fancy a sex offender refusing to accept responsibility, or show remorse. Sound familiar?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask

    Other than that, he didn't like my taste in 80's music. He said I talked too much. But he was okay sometimes. I got moved cells because sentenced prisoners aren't supposed to be put with remanded inmates.

    Don't abuse kids. Simple.
    Don't sexually harass support workers. Simple
    Don't stalk people. Simple.
    Don't assault people. Simple
    Don't breach non harassment orders. Simple.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Thomas is absolutely sound, though. He wasn't keen on folk picking on me. He and I used to enjoy the morning ads about this fitness program we saw on TV.

    I can't remember what it's called. Insanity, I think. But I never got out for recreation when I was remanded the first time, because it was a non protection wing. They relocated me a week before my hearing, as all these halls have different names.
    Fancy Peter getting on with a psychopathic racist, like a house on fire. (Or Mosque, apparently in this case.) Whoda thunk it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    I had another co-pilot. Willy. When it was my day for court, I hid under the bed. The officer came and said, "Where's Anderson?" He just said I was in the can.

    Ha-ha. I went 'boo' and the guard said, "You need a kick in the nuts." Then I heard two guards saying, "You can just feel the vacantness in the air!"

    Nah. That's probably just the scent of the soap that dropped.

    Willy thought it was funny. He made me coffee each night we were up.

    As for the support workers...

    One of them was this spick who got the seniors in charge to lie and fuck me about for months, then they called the pigs and pretended to have no knowledge of having done so.

    Autism Initiatives is a shitty company anyway. A guy working there sent me emails, saying crap about my ex-girlfriend, and a wrestler who passed away in 2005. But all of these people never did me any good. They're just scumbags.

    P.S. James from Australia still blows ass.
    Hiding under the bed. Genius. They'll never find you there.
    And, finishing with the classics, eh Peter? Racism and delusion.

    Then, like a drum sting on a punchline, we have this gem:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    Today at 4:17 PM
    Well, I honestly don't know what guys like him see in commercial sex. I don't judge people's lives, but I just don't like the seediness of these people.

    I don't look down on women who are doing it because of financial struggles, so long as they treat you nicely when you meet them, as I believe you should at least try not to be an arsehole when someone is egging you on for bait. Because I understand it's a tough world we live in with a lack of caring individuals, and I think so as long as you're nice to a prostitute (within reason, but this must be done mutually), it's okay, without being okay in the stricter sense of the term.

    Unfortunately, I think the worst ones let it go to their heads. It's like you feel sorry for them a little bit, and it's a fool's move. I still haven't met one woman I remember supporting on OnlyFans over a year ago. A whole year ago.

    That's because when I have the money to see her on her booking profile, she's just not ever available. Seems to be quite the part-timer.

    Again, I think they see guys as nothing more than simps to withdraw from. Luxurious and without limits.
    That is almost beyond satire.
    I suppose technically it might be true that Spudanus doesn't "look down on women who are doing it because of financial struggles", but only in so far as the fucknut looks down on all women, regardless of socioeconomic factors.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-09-2023 at 04:54 PM. Reason: Typos. Punctuation

  7. #217
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Potatoes gonna potate

    Oh dear. Spudanus is going into full meltdown mode now. In response to being questioned on the use of the (incorrectly spelled) racial epithet:

    Quote Originally Posted by Flask
    3 minutes ago

    Yeah. I'm in Edinburgh.

    It's a racist term towards Spanish people. The key worker I had in 2013 is from Spain.

    I typically don't care where someone is from, but I just don't like her for genuine reasons. I guess it's unfair to use that term in any case, for it could offend someone. But oh well. I'm sure people have heard it all anyway.

    In fact, I don't agree with my mate mocking the United States over the September 11 tragedy. He does it all the time. He said things on YouTube in the past, like "America. Nine, one, one. Self-inflicted."

    The reason I hate those support workers is because they come to these jobs, absolutely clueless about your condition, and then just fuck around. And I didn't appreciate getting these nasty emails from this Patrick guy. Oh, God.

    This bullshit continued for 2 years. Then he admitted he was the one doing it. He only knew about me looking for my ex because my very first key worker must have told him about my obsession with wanting to find her. So he was aware of my adverts on Gumtree, because at the time you were allowed to post these 'desperately seeking' type adverts, before the site must have been revamped.

    It's definitely a major breach of the boundaries, even if you can take it on the chin when someone is being an asshole. Because to be honest, I am so used to getting trolled online. However, rules are still rules. If a support worker does that crap and you know he is the man behind the abusive communication, shit like that would get most care staff of this kind blacklisted from the industry.

    But saying shit about how one should go "shake off their mortal coil" is totally out of order, especially if you send things like that in emails to somebody you work with because of your profession. He even got his IP address traced to a hotel near Holyrood Park.

    This was years ago. I really think they need to screen these workers better to make sure they are not recruiting morons to work with vulnerable adults. But it is what it is.

    Anyway, the court is bent. I know that much. My sister lost not one, not two, but three kids because of social workers telling lies. She has had years and years of hassle, dropping solicitors, going to see people for appointments that brought her no closer to success, and you name it. She did it.

    She wanted me to put money aside for a civil case about this Sara and Joanna betraying me. But it is not easy to prove if somebody deceived you verbally, because it is not as if you can just shout about it in a court. Then I had to lose my cool over it and fire off emails. But then they got the proof to get everything their way because these emails are stored.

    I went to see a psychic medium once, and she told me to watch what I put in writing. But I mean, that is advice anybody could give you.

    Unfortunately, the whole charade is a mess. My lawyer did not even say anything about this cow who stopped me being an extra in certain low budget films. Then when you call other firms, they just muck around, say they cannot help, hang up, or make you go on wild goose chases.

    You cannot even really call the court either. You can, but you would bece wasting your time. They just say stuff that is rather unhelpful. We do not give legal advice. There are no forms here. Everything you need is on this website.

    I understand things today are online. But with how useless they are, you just wish it was still 1995 when you did not have to go on the Internet to print off the paperwork. But that is only the first stage. It is an absolute nightmare.

  8. #218
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Smells like wee from pissing in the wind

    Dearie me.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    Just like you had a modest little meltdown fairly recently, when I got a few accounts deleted per my own request (dummy) and had a break from forums, then you apparently wondered where I had went, and then went bitching I was remaining "offline" when I actually tried sampling a new name to use in the weeks you assumed I was gone from forums.

    If anybody's mad about pointless incidents from yesteryear, it's you, mate. What you're continuing to do in your crusade is hilariously questionable, sad and bizarre. You can keep saying you aren't in Australia and that these crazy sock puppet profiles ain't yours, but we both know you registered them yourself.

    After all, James, you're clearly hung up on some dope ass Resident Evil opinions in 2004, or at least some pointless bullshit that went on decades ago. Why? Surely it's not worth following me around 24/7 online over, right?
    No Peter.
    I was absolutely fucking delighted when you fucked off. Even when you did post, you were mostly sticking to gaming forums and talking about games, which doesn't interest me at all. Why not do the world a favour and make that permanent?
    This has (once more with feeling) nothing to do with Resident Evil. Haven't played more than 10 minutes of it. Not interested in playing it. It's asinine shit. Saw a couple of Paul Anderson films, but otherwise had no contact with the franchise at all.
    The only poster here obsessed with Resident Evil is you, Peter.
    You may have noticed but this thread isn't called "Peter Ross Anderson is a beligerant archaic Resident Evil fanboi", and my username isn't PeterAndersonIsWrongAboutRE.
    It's called "Peter Ross Anderson is a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt."
    I only post when you directly contact me or demonstrate yourself to be a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt.
    Which you do, a lot.

    I haven't known you since 2004 Peter.
    I've only been interacting with you for two and a half years.
    On this forum, I only post from this account.
    (I have created others, but they are linked as friends of this account, and have made no posts.)
    The other users posting here are nothing to do with me.
    I'm not in Australia.
    I'm clearly not in Australia.
    Even the most casual observation of the times I post at would make it obvious that I'm not in Australia.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    I mean, if I offended your sorry ass many years ago because you're a colossal fool with thin skin, then I don't know what to tell you. But that's just low and behold, incredibly petty and stupid to boot.

    You're simply a dime in a dozen keyboard warrior, wasting your mental energy. You've been at this shit now for something like 6 or so years. Maybe you could do us the courtesy of at least being less vague here, and explain why any of my prior posts online offended you. Because you're an adult. I don't think I have came across anyone as stubborn and moronic as you, when the shit you do on here is highly disrespectful to the well endowed folk who had made this little community something they could kind of call home. But of course, you don't respect people's personal space, or really anything. Do you, James?

    Christ. You're not even relevant. What proof is there you are even known online outside of that singular Australian video games site you post on with that other nerd, Shannon? You even admitted in the past you reached out to Capcom for an interview. Although I can be fair and say this was not something you did recently. Nonetheless, you call me a Capcom fanboy. That's funny, considering I'm actually pretty opposed to their lousy remakes, sequels, and so on. So how does that quality me as one of their shills?

    I swear, if you avoid my questions one more time, this is the last time you can get a response that's remotely full of normality. Because I am not interested in bogans living Down Under who don't ever fucking listen. And with that said, this applies to anybody online.
    Still not James.
    Don't know anyone called Shannon.
    I've never been to Australia.
    I'm not a games reviewer.
    I only very rarely play games.
    It's only been two and a half years, Peter.
    You brought me here.
    I had no contact with you before I posted here.
    Don't worry about me. It doesn't take much of my time at all; I have a fairly efficient workflow and some of it is automated.
    (Also, got to love the cognitive dissonance of Spudanus sitting alone in its flat, surrounded by crates of DVDs, feeling in a position to judge anyone!)

    When has a response from you involved normality?
    I don't want a response.
    I want you to stop posting your vile shit on the internet.
    Fucking delete yourself.
    Start your own forum, make it private and invite nobody - you'll feel right at home then.

    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    So there you have it.
    What exactly?
    What is it that you think you have?
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 07-10-2023 at 02:45 PM.

  9. #219
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
    Quote Originally Posted by thesaunderschild_ View Post
    P.S. I emailed to complain about your harassment.
    What, do you want an irony award, or something?

  10. #220
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - A few crates short of a hoarder

    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Anthony View Post
    The sum of the idiots life, a box of dvds.
    More than one box though. Got to fill that void somehow.



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