Originally Posted by
The Scottish Pedro
Yo, fanny breath.
Those accounts were closed long ago.
oH nO, bUt HoW wIlL tHe AcAdEmY cOnTaCt HiM tO gIvE hIm hIs OsCaR?!?!?!?!?!??!?!111111
That's about the only thing the little wankstain is good at - closing accounts.
Aw, bless.
Just think, maybe in some long forgotten inbox there's an email sitting unread from Sylvester Stallone's agent
Dear Peter,
I hope this finds you well.
Sylvester has decided he will be filming "Rocky XXII: Milking Every Last Drop" this summer in and around Greendykes, Edinburgh and was hoping you would be able to take part.
The pivotal scene in the film involves Sylvester pleasuring himself into a crusty old sock while staring at a poster of Eddie Guerrero, and he was hoping you might be available to add your acting talent to the role of a discarded cum-encrusted tissue in the background.
Please respond ASAP
Yours sincerely
Rena L Fayloor
Hasbien Talent Management