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  1. #181
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Boiled potato

    Dearie me, the podgy little potato has worked itself up into a right tizzy, hasn't it?
    You'd think the impotent ragecunt would steer clear of making assertions regarding keeping things up....
    I'm assuming the illegible thumbnails attached are from its legendary horde of edivence?
    All it seems to be edivence of (apart from potatohead's inability to post screenshots) is the fuckface's stalking of a random Australian dude, and inability to generate a meaningful post about, well, anything.
    Presumably all this pent-up rage is residual anger from the lonely abandonment that was Peter's birthday. Not a single card through the door - not even from the police.
    Given the way the ungrateful fucker is going around publicly humiliating Tania (not just by existing and being a general cuntwomble, but actual public posts berating her), I'm guessing that she failed to pay suitable tribute too.
    For example:
    Quote Originally Posted by First Aid Box
    Yesterday at 5:40 PM
    So my mum is at risk of having an aortic dissection because of an abdominal aneurysm, but she prefers to smoke constantly. Plus, she has emphysema and high blood pressure as well.

    That's crazy!
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-03-2023 at 12:23 PM.

  2. #182
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - beyond parody

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    The posts will remain posted.
    The potato will remain potato

  3. #183
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - surely a null cypher?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    [...] That's a crime, by the way. Impersonating others online. [...]
    Fucking hell I genuinely lol'd at that one. Are we sure this isn't satire? No one can actually be that stupid - it's the sort of thing someone pretending to be stupid for comic effect says. Then again, Trump happened, so there is that president precedent)

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    [...] This moron is also now 37 years old as of today (in Australia, at least) and yet, he's still acting like he's in diapers.
    Now the fucknugget is even more confused - it was the Peter's spawnday a week ago. Clearly still in denial given teh lack of anyone caring

  4. #184
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Am I bovvered?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    I don't even really give a shit about birthday cards.

    With that said, how does your stupid ass know if I got one or not?

    See, that's creepy and obsessive when you pry into other people's lives like you constantly do.

  5. #185
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - making ChatGPT look more human

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    Your abhorrent methods are getting exposed now, Jimbo Berich.
    Still not James.
    I'm assuming that's based on a quote, because I'm not sure potatohead actually understands what any of those words mean - apart from 'are', and maybe 'now'.

    Speaking of 'now', while Potatoface is paying for a subscription, do we think it might watch some of the other good horror/sci-fi series on there - maybe try Lovecraft Country, Yellowjackets, Watchmen or Westworld.... (I particularly like the idea of the fucker's conflicted discomfort watching Lovecraft Country.)
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-04-2023 at 06:54 AM.

  6. #186
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - such a wrong'un

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    Mate, you're about as James as the ocean is blue.

    How was your birthday yesterday, by the way?

    Although I'm sorry to disappoint you once again, but...

    I still refuse to wish you a happy birthday.
    Only 36 words, and an emoji, and yet you still get so much wrong. It's impressive.
    Very briefly, in order:
    • Not your mate (nobody is)
    • Not James
    • The ocean is not uniformly blue - around these parts, for example, it's a dark bottle-green
    • FFS don't try smiling, even as an emoji - it reminds people of your teeth; Nobody deserves that.
    • Wasn't my birthday any time recently
    • You disappoint everyone, all the time - why stop now?
    • Yes, you are still a piece of refuse
    • Again, not my birthday

  7. #187
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Making toddlers feel superior

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    That green water must be what makes up the septic tank you splutered your ass out of.
    Grammar is not Potatoface's strong point, is it?

  8. #188
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - oozing apathy (well, oozing something...)

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    I don't care.
    Yes, you do, Peter.
    Yes, you do.

  9. #189
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Still racist, still misogynist, still a psychopathic cunt

    Potatohead's latest "I'm not a racist, honest" style incoherent whining drivel:
    Quote Originally Posted by SCT Guy
    Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City
    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by SCT Guy, Today at 7:42 AM.
    He's totally correct.

    The movie was utter trash. A waste of time, and probably even worse than anything Paul Anderson directed.

    The animated movies are average. I wouldn't say they are brilliant, even if they do help to re-introduce characters that have been absent for a long time. But this reboot of the live action movies was just pointless, with the race of the characters being the polar opposite to what they were originally. I have no idea why they keep on doing that, but if somebody is Chinese, you don't get an African person to play him or her, because then they're completely unrecognisable. It's just a fact. It is most certainly not anyone trying to discriminate them as people.

    Now... I suppose if something is technically not completely sticking to the source material because it's meant to be a more self-contained iteration, then that would be the main reason for altering so much. Obviously, right?

    Also, the way Hollywood personnel unleashes their inner George Lucas and deliberately ruins franchises in general. They didn't care about the other beloved franchises they wrecked in recent years. So this is really no different.

    Uh, man. It's crazy!

    Regards, from thesaunderschild.

  10. #190
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Standing up for the oppressed cis white male potato

    So having failed to get any engagement from the incel end of the gaming demographic, Potato is having another bash at the junkies.
    It kinda reminds me of one of those nutters you get on the upper deck of a night bus, that corners the first vulnerable person who makes the mistake of making eye contact with them, and then proceeds to rant at them for the entire journey.
    The fucknugget really doesn't like any hint of brown, does it - unless it's as an object of sexual attraction - then it's fine apparently.
    The "guy playing Tommy', for what it's worth, is an American actor from Texas but is apparently still too 'other' to play a character that is supposed to be, um, an American from Texas... I mean, fucking hell, he's even from the right city (Austin) - how more specific do you want your casting to be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plane N SIM Pill
    Today at 11:19 AM
    So I have been watching The Last of Us TV series since it started in January. I think it's great, but I really don't think it's as astonishing as some fanboys would make you believe. There's a lot of plot aspects they have changed. Also, the race of some characters is not that good in terms of how they're presented, good acting chops or not. For example, the actor who originally portrayed Tommy for the games is in it as a totally different character. He's a soldier who assists this crazy woman, and the Infected show up like they're Freakers from the game, Days Gone. LOL.

    The guy playing Tommy is hereby played by this Mexican, or at least some Latin related actor.

    I don't mind Spanish speaking people playing original characters, because since they're not playing the classic characters, it doesn't look too "off course" or whatever the right term is. Like the chick in The Walking Dead series that Eugene fancied, I think she's cool. The actress was really great for that role.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 03-07-2023 at 08:52 AM. Reason: teh --> the. Fucking hell, nearly as bad at spelling as the fat little potato



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