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06-14-2005, 08:49 AM
In an effort to see how people are coping with anxiety, I have setup this poll.

06-16-2005, 12:34 PM
I was taking paxil cr, but im off of it for the time being, but it does really seem to help a lot. I've also tried other medications without any success.

09-13-2005, 11:33 AM
I'm on Welbutrin. I know some people haven't had luck with this drug, but it seems to be helping me with some of it. I think it is time for me to talk to the dr. about upping my dose though. :roll:


09-16-2005, 09:22 AM
I was taking Zoloft, and that helped get me through a kind of depressed period, but it didn't do much good for the anxiety, so I stopped taking it. Now I am looking at alternative therapies to help me with the anxiety, because I just don't want to be on medication forever. There's got to be a way to deal with this without drugs!

10-16-2005, 12:53 PM
Hi I agree with you about the Meds. Im not saying they are bad and that people shouldnt take them, but I know there are medication free ways of beating this anxiety. Every person has a differnt story tho...and im only sayin what my doctor has said to me. I get the impression im not the worst off patient who visits him...but i have my moments :)

10-20-2005, 06:58 PM
I do not really cope with my anxiety at all. I have been given some advice on how to handle it but it has not worked. So far I have yet to find anything that helps me to calm down when I am extremely anxious.

10-20-2005, 07:33 PM
I have OCD and tis pretty bad right now. If t feels like I'm not taking anything for it.

10-30-2005, 07:42 AM
I was taking paxil cr, but im off of it for the time being, but it does really seem to help a lot. I've also tried other medications without any success.

Norvok, did Paxil help any? What is your age, and what was its side effects? I was prescribed that but did not take it bc I am scared to take meds since I am only 19...

11-11-2005, 10:10 AM
I am taking Lexapro, for my Depression/Anxiety it helps a bit with my depression, but not with my anxiety. My Counselor has showed me some Deep Breathing Techniques to help me relax when I get anxious, they help a little, but I still wish that I could get some pills for my Anxiety/Panic Attacks, does anyone know of any medication that they would recommend me taking for this that has worked for you?

11-11-2005, 08:47 PM
Hi Chris. I really don't have any answer to your question but maybe seeing your doctor could be a start as far as finding a medication that is not only right for your anxiety/panic attacks, but one that is right for you. Good Luck :)

11-13-2005, 09:28 PM
Thanks Angel, I sure do hope to meet my new Phychiatrist soon, and get me some meds for my Anxiety/Panic Attacks. :)

12-03-2005, 08:49 PM
I have taken medications in the past mostly for depression and early this year for anxiety in school. I do not take any more. I took buspar and another pill. I can't remember the name it was a little pink capsule.

Personally, I do not care for drugs and medications. This is based on how they effect me and studying about them.

I find the best method for me for my depression is/was journalling, poetry writing, talking abut what bothered me, and reading self-help books and things like this. I also like alternative approches or what I'd call companion apprcoaches( dont think they work alone but are good in addition to) like medtation, exercise, aromatherapy, etc.

01-02-2006, 09:32 PM
Sometimes I take the medication prescribed to me sometimes, which is Fluvoxamine (a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders) and Clonazepam (used to treat panic disorders). But they make me really tired so for the moment I've stopped taking them. I'm just trying to cope using self-help methods right now. but the medicine did work. I was going into stores and more comfortable around other people, but I was always tired. So I stopped taking it in order to see if I could find some other methods.

01-09-2006, 03:48 PM
I don't take anything regularly. I take a small dose of xanax occaisionally at night to help me sleep. Tried zoloft once and it made me terrible anxious and caused my first panic attack. I don't want meds, they are too expensive and just mask the problem. I do beleive they have their place, but there's just no money in healing us, is there?

01-25-2006, 09:22 AM
CBT and an SSRI.

For many years i wouldn't take meds. I was afraid I'd be an anxious zombie. I have a handful of friends that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and they went on an SSRI and had extremely good results. After a couple of months, they were able to do things that they hadn't done since their anxiety hit them. But i still didn't want to take the meds. After about 2-3 years i decided to try it, give it a chance because i saw my friends having a life with little or no anxiety. I read and researched as much as i could on SSRIs and felt that i needed more than just CBT (14 yrs of, at that time). I still remember the night i swallowed the pills! I had another friend who was taking it for the first time too that night. My close friend who had been on it for a couple of years stayed with us that night. I was nervous but very hopeful that this was going to help. The next morning i had no side affects, maybe a little drowsy or tired, but i don't know if it was from all the anticipation leading up to taking the med or the med. It's been six years now and I'm so happy i did decide to take it and wish i hadn't waited so long. It decreased my anxiety and wiped out my daily panic attacks within three months; and I am on a very high dosage of it.

But there's no way I would be where I am today without CBT. If I just had taken meds alone, i believe i would still be very anxious. The meds stop the physiological portion of my anxiety so i do not escalate, but therapy stops my emotional escalation. I will always be in therapy and want to be. It's were i began to learn why i have panic attacks and social phobia and how to control and defeat. I good therapist who specializes in anxiety and social phobia has been the greatest gift I could ever ask for. The combo of the meds with CBT is the best road for me.

But everyone is different physiologically especially when it comes to meds, so I'm not a big advocator on meds. This particular SSRI worked wonders on me and a few of my close friends - we had very similar anxiety and we must be physiologically similar for this med to work. I'm very sensitive to medications. I can't even take anything when im sick except certain antibiotics(if needed) or a couple of cough drops. The only thing I take if im in pain is aspirin or acetaminophen and i really gotta be hurting. Antihistamines make me freak out/panic and so do Rx pain killers. I had a serious neck injury a few years ago and the Rx from the doc was Percodan and half a pill threw me into panic.

For me, consistently working in therapy and meds.

Long-winded soshy

Maggie May
01-26-2006, 02:36 PM

You are never long-winded. People with unmanaged anxiety need to hear successs stories described in great detail, and in technicolor. I LOVED your story. You give us hope! So by all means, everyone, if you have had success with anything, tell us all about it!!

Which med was it that worked so well for you, if you don't mind me asking?



01-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Hi Maggie...and thanks.

I'm on the perfect, pretty pink ones!

Paxil - and I'M LOADED! 60mgs faithfully everynight. :yum:
I'm kidding about being loaded. I've never had any side effects, not even drowsiness.

I was on 40mgs, but because of some recent unfortunate events my doc upped me to 60mgs for now. I also take Klonopin on an as-needed basis.

It was great hearing from you. Hope you're doing well.

Sending you calming thoughts,


02-01-2006, 10:15 AM
I'm coping without medication. I was on it for a year or so but it didn't do anything for me. My doctor perscribed me something that the side effects were anxiety, which made no sense to me. I think I'm doing fine on my own.. even though it's very hard sometimes.

I don't believe in medication.. I wont take it again. I have never been to therapy or anything of that nature. I am my own therapist and the only thing I find that truely helps me with my anxiety is music, and my family.

I really strongly believe I can over come this without medication.

02-01-2006, 12:41 PM
i dont take meds for my anxiety/panic and dont plan on it, i take an all natural vitamin drink called Reliv which has actually worked quite well and i have seen results in the last few days thank god, i am also seeing a therapist which hasnt really helped much yet but hopefully will, what helps me is just keeping busy whether its jamming with my band, cleaning my room or just having a conversation anything of that nature usually seems to help

02-05-2006, 03:28 PM
i was taking meds for a little while just came off them 5 days ago cold turkey and i've been ok i still do take a klonopin here in there for extreme situations but i do the CBT it helps somewhat but i truly in my heart the only way your going to beat is just plain old will power i wanna beat this so bad i've always had that strong will it takes to overcome anything and in this situation its no different i am a help of alot better off now than i was 8 months ago so i must bedoin something basically my biggest tool is telling myself FUCK ANXIETY! this won't break me so i'm pretty confident i will beat this good luck to all

02-12-2006, 01:41 PM
I don't take anything regularly. I take a small dose of xanax occaisionally at night to help me sleep. Tried zoloft once and it made me terrible anxious and caused my first panic attack. I don't want meds, they are too expensive and just mask the problem. I do beleive they have their place, but there's just no money in healing us, is there? I take an extremely small dose of xanax as needed(only 1/4 of a .25mg tab),but it makes me too groggy at first and a little more anxious before it actually calms me.

03-09-2006, 08:10 PM
i am the exact same way with meds. What were you taking? I am thinking of going back on prozac but i am so nervous.

03-16-2006, 05:11 PM
im new to this forum, but i would like to say im not dealing with my anxiety that well, im on avanza 30mg plus valium (when required) and i still seem to be gettin panick attacks alot, but i like to write and record my own music, which makes me feel better, i express whats going on in my life through rhyme!

03-16-2006, 05:14 PM
CBT and an SSRI.

For many years i wouldn't take meds. I was afraid I'd be an anxious zombie. I have a handful of friends that suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and they went on an SSRI and had extremely good results. After a couple of months, they were able to do things that they hadn't done since their anxiety hit them. But i still didn't want to take the meds. After about 2-3 years i decided to try it, give it a chance because i saw my friends having a life with little or no anxiety. I read and researched as much as i could on SSRIs and felt that i needed more than just CBT (14 yrs of, at that time). I still remember the night i swallowed the pills! I had another friend who was taking it for the first time too that night. My close friend who had been on it for a couple of years stayed with us that night. I was nervous but very hopeful that this was going to help. The next morning i had no side affects, maybe a little drowsy or tired, but i don't know if it was from all the anticipation leading up to taking the med or the med. It's been six years now and I'm so happy i did decide to take it and wish i hadn't waited so long. It decreased my anxiety and wiped out my daily panic attacks within three months; and I am on a very high dosage of it.

But there's no way I would be where I am today without CBT. If I just had taken meds alone, i believe i would still be very anxious. The meds stop the physiological portion of my anxiety so i do not escalate, but therapy stops my emotional escalation. I will always be in therapy and want to be. It's were i began to learn why i have panic attacks and social phobia and how to control and defeat. I good therapist who specializes in anxiety and social phobia has been the greatest gift I could ever ask for. The combo of the meds with CBT is the best road for me.

But everyone is different physiologically especially when it comes to meds, so I'm not a big advocator on meds. This particular SSRI worked wonders on me and a few of my close friends - we had very similar anxiety and we must be physiologically similar for this med to work. I'm very sensitive to medications. I can't even take anything when im sick except certain antibiotics(if needed) or a couple of cough drops. The only thing I take if im in pain is aspirin or acetaminophen and i really gotta be hurting. Antihistamines make me freak out/panic and so do Rx pain killers. I had a serious neck injury a few years ago and the Rx from the doc was Percodan and half a pill threw me into panic.

For me, consistently working in therapy and meds.

Long-winded soshy

great to hear a success story but what is SSRI and CBT

03-24-2006, 04:06 AM
I have tried Stelzine/parnate for my social phobia/gad/depression. Have found it very effective to get through in the past. Soshy could you tell me how CBT works for someone with SP/GAD. I have never been to therapy just to the doctor.

05-18-2006, 07:07 AM
I'm coping without medication. I was on it for a year or so but it didn't do anything for me. My doctor perscribed me something that the side effects were anxiety, which made no sense to me. I think I'm doing fine on my own.. even though it's very hard sometimes.

I don't believe in medication.. I wont take it again. I have never been to therapy or anything of that nature. I am my own therapist and the only thing I find that truely helps me with my anxiety is music, and my family.

I really strongly believe I can over come this without medication.

Hell yeah, im med-free also.

AND i agree with your solutions, music and my family.

At was put on paxil a while back for minor anxiety. Then when i was hit with an intense episode, that never left me quite the same, i was put on xanax and zoloft. I took those on and off. Then stopped taking them, kause i started talking into the mirror, and someone else, that had my face. So i stopped taking them.

Then i was prescribed this anti-seizure medicine. But if you ask me, being on meds with the names "Anti-depressants, anti-psychotiks, and anti-seizures" wasnt a very good feeling. So i stopped. And started jamming more, and leaving my house more, and being more social, and hanging out with my familyu more, and just pushed myself and forced myself to do things.

now im med-free and am doing pretty fucking good.

07-19-2006, 11:17 AM
Healthy life style:

Eating properly
Family contact
Avoiding: caffeine, alcohol, cigarrettes, drugs
and a lot of effort, pushing myself, never giving up.

09-18-2006, 01:45 PM
I just started taking Lexapro about 6 days ago and I am new to taking any type of SSRI. I tried and tried to resist going on any meds for my GAD and mild depression that I've had for the past 5 years but WOW and I glad that I decided to. The very first day that I took the Lexapro my anxiety disappeared and my mood was much better. i found myself not hating the mornings as I usually did, listening to music again, talking much more at work and just overall not stressing or caring too much about the small things that used to mentally wear me down. The first day I took it I did feel pretty spacey so I right away wasnt sure about it but decided to keep it going - sometimes I do feel a little desensetized but not always. The weird thing is that I can feel my increased heart rate as I did when i experienced my anxiety but I dont feel the uneasiness or inadequateness that comes along with talking to others or worrying about what they think. Kinda strange still feeling the physical symptom or the anxiety but not the mental crap that goes with it. other than that I have been pretty lucky with the side effects. I have had a little jaw clenching but that seems to have disappeared, decreased appetite (who can complain about that as long as you dont become a toothpick) and the very worst thing has been complete loss of orgasm (even the first day on the med and I am usually someone who never had a problem here) - hopefully it will be as they say and any side effects you do have will disappear within a few weeks because I know I cant live like a horny toad forever! Other than that, everyone is different but for anyone with GAD I would recommend this highly!

11-14-2006, 05:30 PM
Currently taking Lorazepam (hope I spelled that right). So far it's really been helping with anxiety attacks, especially ones relating to leaving the house. So far I've been able to attend work and school consistantly without too much trouble. However I want to start doing something that doesn't involve just meds. yoga or meditation or something but I'm not sure where to start. I think if I was trying to clear my mind it would just start going into overdrive! Any suggestions on how to get started on calming exercises and if they help at all?

01-05-2007, 06:08 AM
I've Tried SSRI's and Tricyclic (not sure about the spelling) Antidepressents in very high doses due to the SSRI's making me feel zoned out and tired I came off them. However being my arrogant self I just stopped taking them. Big mistake I should of come off the dose slowly over the course of three months or so. I got electric shocks in my head, fear, my heart beat became irregular. I finally went to a doctor and he was worried I was having heart trouble, right up until I told him what I had done, after which he said it was a text book response and that it should ease after a few days. Now I take a very low dose 50mg of Dosulepin and self help.

Because as the song says "the drugs dont work they just make you worse" and mask your problem.


01-05-2007, 11:17 AM
I do a little of everything: hot bath, tea, reading, classical music, Zoloft, meditation, computer games.

01-07-2007, 02:53 PM
I take Klonopin and Cymbalta, and while I do attend therapy, I rely more on the meds for treatment of anxiety. Therapy is helpful, and I also like to have my meds for immediate help when needed.

01-20-2007, 04:05 PM
I am taking Buspar - have been for 6 mo. It seems to take the edge off my costant anxiety but doesn't do much for the incresing agoraphobic tendencies I am having as I get older (I am 37). I also have to take Clonazapam at night in order to sleep through it - if not, I have anxiety attacks during my REM sleep cycle an end up awake and in full blown panic over things. I also keep Xanax around when needed but have not had to take much lately. I have tried so many of the daily type meds but have had a variety of reactions to them - I actually began to fear trying anything new because the thought of meds made me have anxiety attacks. I finally did ok with Buspar - which is known to have very few side effects but can take weeks to feel any effects from it. :P

02-16-2007, 07:54 AM
Hi, i am doing a combination of treatments. I take a beta blocker called Half Inderal LA and also go to a counsellor once a week for an hour. Additionally, i am investigating deep breathing exercises and meditation techniques to clear my head and calm me down. [/quote]

02-22-2007, 08:09 AM
I was taking SSRI's but they left me so doped up and nauseated that it made me worse. Needless to say, I stopped taking them.

I've been taking vitamins, excercise, doing puzzles, my friends, music, and got prescribed Ativan on a PRN basis. Just the thought of knowing that I have something if I need it makes me feel better.

Sleep is a big thing for me. I notice that the days where I sleep longer are the days where my anxiety doesn't bother me.

I'm starting therapy in a couple weeks and I'm glad I made the step in scheduling it.

02-27-2007, 06:12 PM
Well I've been on a number of SSRI's, mostly all helped with my anxiety, but the side effects sucked.... sooo... Right now I just have clonazepam when I need it, although im excercising religiously and eating properly, my anxiety is as bad as it ever was...... dunno what else im gonna try..

it feels so stupid, to be all wound up over nothing all the time, so tense...

02-27-2007, 07:24 PM
I had cbt last year and it did wonders for me. It really is great if you have a good professional who knows their stuff and you are willing to work at it. I am; however, going to see a psychiatrist for some type of meds(like xanax to have on hand or possibly a daily medication). While cbt has helped me with anxious and racing thoughts I still have full blown panic attacks sometimes. When i am in the middle of panic like that no self talking, writing, meditating, etc. will help me. The only thing is time so I want to be able to help during the worse times. i also find that when I avoid alcohol, eat healthfully and exercise most days of the week I am less anxious.

04-15-2007, 04:51 AM
hi, i'm new :) (kind of a btw ;))

i go to therapy; which was originaly for my depression. But when i got through the depression (i used to be practicly constantly depressed i would sink into depressive periods that would last for 4-10 weeks) what i noticed however when my dep. was lifted, it was anxiety that was my MAIN problem. so i go to therapy for that and for learning how to deal with my childhood.

also i do some of self help stuff, i've had to learn how to open up to people about this (like friends and family. though my brother and sister are the only family members that know.) Also i'm getting really good at calming myself down when i feel very anxious.

i'm not gonna go on meds though, cause i just won't feel comfertable with that... (my mom has a problem with pills, she is a pill adict.)

06-13-2007, 08:49 AM
For people who feel this unpleasant Anxiety, for this emotional state that involves a complex combination of emotion that includes fear, apprehension, and worry are really a pain that a person can carry all the time.

In my high school days, I mine experience this kind of situation...I have been told by many people about medications for it...But for me, I will never take any medication, coz depending on it is not good...I'd rather go for alternatives medicines, for they are all natural, came from the extracts of plants.

06-24-2007, 01:22 AM
For me, some of the best anxiety relief is found at over 12000 feet.

http://inlinethumb60.webshots.com/3835/2538148910084183502S500x500Q85.jpg (http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2538148910084183502AxUXiD)

06-27-2007, 09:20 AM
For me, some of the best anxiety relief is found at over 12000 feet.

http://inlinethumb60.webshots.com/3835/2538148910084183502S500x500Q85.jpg (http://travel.webshots.com/photo/2538148910084183502AxUXiD)

Hi Robbed,

I love this picture you just posted in here...I gives me a feeling of relief.

Thanks for this. ;)

Hey Guys
06-27-2007, 03:53 PM
3 things that have helped me the most:


06-29-2007, 02:22 AM
Dealing with it for many years, Ive found a few methods.

Guitar. I put my headphones on and start playing and everything disappears usually instantly. I dont know what it is about it, maybe because it takes so much of my concentration and thought.

This might sound silly, but watching / listening Mega Man cartoons. I was able to find good copies of this older show and for some reason having it playing while I play and work on the computer is completely relaxing. I guess its one of those safe zones.

Video games. Another thing that takes my concentration away. I seem to do good when my mind doesnt wander. Sitting down on the couch, surrounded by soft pillows and a controller seems to be the spot.

YouTube videos. There's alot of funny videos there, and laughing seems to be a good remedy.

Space dot com. I love the images of galaxies that they have there. I can spend hours looking at them, and it usually calms me down really fast. Space intrigues me.

If you arent able to find anything to help you, try some of the above. My biggest help has been the guitar, something that doesnt bring along any stress to me. Talking is also very helpful.

07-17-2007, 01:14 AM
ok i think i went through a hard case of anxiety im only 19 healthy and think im pretty fit, but wat helped me was not stopping the things i normaly do. at the start of it i stopped everything and just stayed home dwelling on what i went through whitch only made it worst, so i decided to get out there and try and find out and understand what im going through, i red a book called LIVING WITH IT , it was a major help to stop alot of the things going through my head and rethinking the right way. I just wanna say that it is a very hard thing to go through but never give up its all worth it in the end, u learn alot of stuff about u and change alot of things in a great way, it is life changing..........JUST STICK IN THERE

08-22-2007, 11:30 AM
I am on cybalta now for about 5 weeks and its alot better for my anxiety than zoloft was!!!!!!!!! I also set aside a couple hrs each afternoon for relaxation. I usually lay in my hammock and watch the hummingbirds at the feeder!!! besides that try to think posotive thoughts, which isnt always easy!!!!!!!!

08-27-2007, 04:36 PM
the only way, that im going to deal with this other than self, is therapy.no offence to the people who takes medicine, but im not going to rely on a drug everyday, to keep me from having a panic attack.i understand that some of you have tough lives im sure and just dont have the time to try and use only self help.i guess im just am lucky im having this now at 15, and have more time on my hands.i havent taken therapy yet, and i dont want to either,i believe everyone is strong enough to get over anxiety on their own, but you just have to faith in yourself.

11-03-2007, 12:43 PM
I totally get the sensitivity to medication. I am the same about taking anything prescribed or otherwise. I can take 1 tylenol and feel it whereas, a long time ago I would have taken 3 and not felt a thing....it's frustrating because there are so many drugs out there to help and they don't do that for me.....but it was nice to read that someone else goes through this....I'm not as looney as I thought. Thank you so much for sharing! whoo-hoo!

11-24-2007, 02:25 PM
I take Venlafaxine ( not sure If i have spelt it right ) it helps alittle

01-09-2008, 10:22 AM
Well I'm not on any medication. I haven't even been to the doctor. I reckon if I went to the doctor they'd just try and give me counselling/therapy, my anxiety seems quite mild in comparison to some peoples'. The most important thing is to accept it and then find methods of dealing with it.

01-31-2008, 04:35 PM
I finished a cbt group last summer and keep doing my TEA exercise and I'm feeling great now. Life's a beach :D

02-12-2008, 12:29 PM
I am a firm believer that Anxiety must be treated not only with medication but also with cognative therapy. However..each person is different...this is just the combination that has worked best for me.

03-06-2008, 10:53 AM
im trying medication, some selp-help therapys, and buddist meditation to fight anxiety. i don't know exactly what helped me, but lately my anxiety level seems to have lessen a bit. i've found that chewing gum also relieves my anxiety for some extent :D , because i feel it draws the anxiety from my other body parts to my hyper active mouth :lol:

Hey Guys
03-15-2008, 11:33 PM
25mg Zoloft daily, going to my rent-a-friend (therapist), going out with friends, enjoying life, and keeping my mind off of all the nonsense. 8)

04-16-2008, 05:21 PM
xanax is givin me headaches I think.. which sucks because it's awesome.

05-02-2008, 05:10 PM
I am taking Lexapro, for my Depression/Anxiety it helps a bit with my depression, but not with my anxiety. My Counselor has showed me some Deep Breathing Techniques to help me relax when I get anxious, they help a little, but I still wish that I could get some pills for my Anxiety/Panic Attacks, does anyone know of any medication that they would recommend me taking for this that has worked for you?

I take Lexapro also and still have anxiety. I have taken clonopin (SP?) and it does calm you down but make you very sleepy and zombie like. I only take it when I'm really having a bad time.

05-26-2008, 08:35 AM
I've been taking 750mg worth of meds. For about 5 years now. Including Zoloft, Respridal and god knows what else. I stopped asking because it makes me feel sick. It's so difficult dealing with this. It's like a never ending nightmare :(

06-29-2008, 03:21 AM
when I was diagnosed with anxiety my doctor didn't discuss medication/therapy or anything.
I was already taking a beta-blocker called propranolol, which helps with my palpitations, but nothing else.
My doctor recommended that I read a book called overcoming anxiety, but it was useless, it was all about diary keeping and writing things down and I just don't have the time to do that sort of thing.
That was the only piece of advice I got from my doctor 4 years ago!
I've basically had to try and cope with it on my own, I've tried meditation and relaxation but I just can't switch my mind off!
I didn't want to go back to the doctor as I felt it was a waste of her time, but this last year has been very difficult for me and I've found my symptoms getting worse, I now tremble almost constantly and cry all the time about nothing, I just can't stop crying, so I finally made another appointment but I've got a 2 week wait to see my doctor.

07-28-2008, 05:22 PM
Kimifan, i can completely relate with what your going through. I was exacty the same for 4 years... however I'm completely fine now.. perfect.. I can help you.. add me on msn : [email protected]

08-13-2008, 06:09 AM
i suffer chronic anxiety which has totally debilitated me. i was on meds five years ago for vertigo and left on too long, i cold turkeyed and i was so very poorly and suicidal. i am loathe to go on meds again cos i know what they can do. they only mask the problem not help you to deal with it. if you are on them and coming off them, then wean off very slowly as they can give you withdrawal which is the same as the anxiety symptoms posted on this forum.


08-19-2008, 08:17 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this forum but I am not new to anxiety, stress, depressions, and panic attacks.

For a long time I suffered with all of these symptoms and tried to deal with it. I never took any prescription medications because I never admitted to myself that I had a serious problem.

It happened during high school at about the age 15. I moved to a new area, didnt know anyone, and developed sever acne which caused me to start having my problems.

You see, my problems were the result of what happened to me physically, my skin problem, and as a result I had to deal with these problems mentally. Im not going to get into exactly what I went thru because we all have similar issues, but lets just say it got real bad.

On top of that my brother developed the same problems but had nothing to do with his skin, he just got hit with it and hit bad, worse than me.

Needless to say he missed out on about 10 years of his life because he barricaded himself in his room.

Anyway, to make a long story short, we are both much much better now and we did it without medications.

We still feel anxious from time to time but it is nowhere near the hell we were in before.

Anyway, I would like to contribute to the discussion as much as I can and offer my best advice to anyone who seeks it.

09-01-2008, 11:12 PM
I used to suffer from some pretty hardcore depression, anxiety, and stress. I had heart trouble by the age of 18 and was admitted to a psych ward shortly after for suicidal tendencies. I've been on effexor, paxil and a slew of other anti-depressants. I've read self-help books, listened to self help seminars, and even went in for therapy.
Did any of it work? Yes, but only in the short term.

All I was really doing was treating the symptom and looking for a crutch to help me deal with it. What happens when you do this? You constantly look for the next best medication, book, seminar, or therapist. You become more and more anxious when you lose faith in these things because you believe that they were helping you...but they weren't. They were just helping the symptom while the cause grew worse by the day.

I've been anxiety, depression, and stress-free for 6 years now. I don't mean that I have the occasional "flare-up"...I literally mean that I don't feel these things anymore At All. There is only one way to truly deal with Anxiety...to take responsibility for it.

I was not anxious because of my life circumstances or the because of what other people did...though I certainly convinced myself that was the case. I was anxious because I chose to let my thoughts make me anxious...I kept focusing on the thoughts that were making the condition worse. When you pay attention to a certain thought (rather than other thoughts) you give it strength and it breeds new thoughts. Eventually it becomes an addiction and you forget there was ever anything else to think about.

This is how I got rid of my Anxiety. I realized that I need to breathe to live. Simple, right? You don't have to think to breathe...you just need to breathe. Focus on your breathing and you find that you are not focusing on the thoughts that cause you anxiety as much. Keep doing this and eventually you find that you will forget why you were anxious at all (don't try to remember! let it go)

From breathing I found walking, from walking I found meditation. Now I spend my days thinking about things I WANT to think about and not things I feel compelled to think about. Remember that your thoughts need your attention to grow...they will constantly try to keep you thinking about them. Breathe and live...it doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

The 27th Orphanage
09-04-2008, 08:42 AM
I too suffered from anxiety. I was scared all the time. My friends and family wouldn't know it but inside I was constantly thinking of worst case scenarios. Then I'd research about my fear and would feel better until I thought of something new to fear. When it rains it pours, the more I feared the more anxious I became... the more anxious I became the more I feared. It was a vicious circle, it drained me emotionally, physically and mentally. I had another major panic attack a few years ago and I decided I had enough, I wanted to make a change.

I sought out resources to help me get passed my debilitating thought process. I went to a few therapists and read a number of books. Over time, I became better at managing my inner dialogue. It wasn't easy, but it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

The book that help me the most spoke of cognitive therapy. Changing the way a person thinks. It taught me written exercises to complete when I had negative thoughts. I had to work hard, with lots of writing but it was well worth it.

I also created. I'm an artist and a musician and I put all my hopes and fears into my work. It did make for good songwriting even though I hated the preoccupation of anxious thoughts. Writing, singing, painting or anything helped. I created a character named Ir.Rat.ion.al. He is a rat that represents my fear and anxiety, I have many drawings of him interacting with other objects that are symbolic to my life and my struggles. For example in one drawing, Ir.Rat.ion.al is eating away at the base of a tree. The tree represents my inner growth and development. Giving Anxiety a face, has helped me overcome my disorder.

This worked for me, I hope it'll work for you too. If you're interested to check out my work, it's on my website... The 27th Orphanage. I wish I discovered this forum years ago when I was suffering really bad, because I felt so alone back then. But what I've learned is, I'm not alone...and most importantly...you're not alone either.

The 27th Orphanage

09-08-2008, 10:28 PM
I cope with an inner ear medication called meclizine. I took 1 pill 16 years ago and my anxiety dropped to nearly nothing. I have taken it off and on for 16 years (mostly on) and haven't had 1 panic attack since. I will be posting a message that talks about it in a few minutes. I needed to make 10 posts before posting a message with links in it. This message makes 10. It will be called "Panic/Anxiety/Fear and the inner ear.


09-23-2008, 01:26 PM
I used to cope with anxiety and I use to think I would have to live with it the rest of my life. The idea that you must cope with it and learn to more or less live with it is a myth that needs to be shattered. I posted another thread called the Linden Method which described in great detail what I did to overcome my panic and anxiety completely, 100%.

The people who say they overcame their anxiety by focusing on their breathing or by finding great relief with CBT are very close to the actual cure. Posture, breathing, and behavior are KEY. Its not the sensations, thoughts, and symptoms that are doing anything TO us but how we interpret them that is paramount. Once we change our interpretation of what is going on within our bodies with these conditions everything changes. The first thing to understand is that these horrible sensations and thoughts cannot harm you in any way. Its like a really bad itch that you cant reach. It is irritating but harmless. Never give sensations and thoughts credence by continuously focusing on them and diagnosing yourself. I used to do this a lot when I had anxiety. I would always moniter my heart, and pay great attention to all the sensations around my body and get frightened by the thoughts I was having. This behavior actually perpetuates the condition itself and the viscious cycling keeps going and going. The only way to change the way the subconscious brain behaves is by your conscoius behavior.

If you have a trigger, for example with leaving the house, the brain has learned that this is normal and every time you walk to the door your palms start sweating, you start to get the sensations of fear and anxiety, and you may even start to feel physically ill. The only reason that this is happening is because an autonomous part of the brain which memorizes behavior has learned that this behavior is absolutely normal. When it is given certain stimuli the reaction is always the same, but its a natural reaction due to you consciously feeding it the same behavioral patterns into it over and over creating these conditions. You no longer have to worry yourself or work yourself up into a state of anxiety or panic, it just happens automatically within the subconscious because it thinks its normal.

The subcoscious is an amazingly powerful thing, but the only problem with it is that you cannot speak directly to it or feed it medication to get the results you want. Again, the only thing this part of the brain understands is behavior, and you have to condition these behavioral complexes out of existence and render them obsolete. This really works quite remarkably. I used to be on all kinds of pills, saw doctors and non conventional therapists, and suffered for years on end without any lasting releif. What Im describing here has permanently erased my condition and I think its very important for people to know this information.

09-29-2008, 04:53 PM
'Onebeing' your absolutely right.. You will find in MOST cases of anxiety, people generally focus on being anxious, focusing on the thoughts which only strengthens the anxiety. This then causes other side effects such as depression, OCD, derealisation. etc, i could go on and on.. which then causes even more problems! The problem which people face at the beginning are generally quite small... but what people do is get scared, then obsess over the thoughts! This is EXACTLY what happened in my situation...

Now completely recovered from anxiety, i'm probably the most positive person you could meet, i'm happy.. at university, great family and doing well in life...

Please feel free to message me for advise and help :)

Ive been in your situation peeps..;..

11-03-2008, 03:28 AM
I had a panic attack last friday evening and i hadn,t had one for about 2 months.
I was suffering heartburn when all od a sudden i felt a heart palpitation i jumped off my couch and started panicking.
Whicj resulted in me having the worst panic attack i have had since my first one last year.
I am seeing a counsellor tomorrow and am currently being weaned off mirtazapine with a view to starting on another one when the mirtazapine is out of my systom.
Needless to say i spent the weekend in bed as i was exhausted.
I so hate the anxiety as i feel it has ruined my life.
Everything has to go in slow motion as i am always in pain,the one i hate the most is my arm going numb and tight and then tingling.
I have been on a heart monitor a few times and everything is fine.
I am so fed up with it and i am going to be a grandmother for the first time next year,and with all these pathetic symptoms and pain i cannot even look forward to it.
This has to be the darkest place i have ever been.

11-05-2008, 06:40 PM
Right now I'm just trying to release all the toxins from my body and taking a very low dose of Lorazepam to help me sleep at night. Cutting out the smoking, cutting out the drinking, the fatty foods, etc . . .

Really pisses me off, though, cause I love all those things. I love talkin' to friends at break while having a little smoke. I like to have a bottle of wine when the weekend comes around. I love having pizza on my diet-day-off. Now, due to my anxiety, I can't enjoy any of these things for fear that one of them might trigger an attack . . . and I hate having attacks. God, it's the most unpleasant feeling in the world to me.

Granted, it's a positive in the long run cause I'm helping my body, but when I see everyone around me who live their lives w/out adhering to any rules I can't help but be saddened by it. I miss the days when I was carefree, having a cigarette, a glass of wine, and some spinach and artichoke pizza before bed.

12-13-2008, 07:09 AM
Relieving anxiety is not an as easy task as it seems. The reason is simple: the root cause of anxiety is stress which is intrinsic to the life we live. It is caused by change and the only constant in this world is change.

So we are doomed to experience stress in our day to day life.

The key to manage it is to build effective stress management techniques in our life as a counter reaction to the stressors.

There are many sources in the net, which address only the effects of stress: headaches, backache, anger .... and recommend therapies easing them for a short period of time (massage, breathing exercise ...). But this is not the point because this is a reactive behavior: we have the bad effect stress has caused and then only we try to ease the pain.

The point is to act proactively: to deal with stress in the long run by addressing the true causes of it and avoiding the negative effects it creates.

Let's start from the point that stress is not really that bad. Certain doses of stress are even beneficial sometimes - during exams or at work for instance. We need it to mobilize and deliver the best we are able to.

So the question is not really how to get rid of stress completely but how to have the optimal stress levels in our lives. It is about effective stress management.

Effective stress management or the Science of Dealing with Change has one basic goal: to find out how to set up the basic activities we do in our day to day life in a way which guarantees minimal negative effects experienced as a result of stress.

Five simple steps guarantee us a good start towards a healthy life:
1 Mind your words
2 Keep smiling
3 Recognize your victories
4 Pay attention to what you eat
5 Move

If you stick to them there is a good chance that the events in your life will be only contributing to your ultimate success in the battle against stress.

12-20-2008, 08:05 AM
It's sooo true that focusing on the thoughts only strengthens the anxiety... I tried medical treatments (Lexapro) as well as self-learning (thanks to online courses like to ones I quote in the link in my signature below).

01-02-2009, 07:01 PM
I have my days some are good some can be dreadful.

01-02-2009, 09:52 PM
I had a panic attack last friday evening and i hadn,t had one for about 2 months.
I was suffering heartburn when all od a sudden i felt a heart palpitation i jumped off my couch and started panicking.
Whicj resulted in me having the worst panic attack i have had since my first one last year.
I am seeing a counsellor tomorrow and am currently being weaned off mirtazapine with a view to starting on another one when the mirtazapine is out of my systom.
Needless to say i spent the weekend in bed as i was exhausted.
I so hate the anxiety as i feel it has ruined my life.
Everything has to go in slow motion as i am always in pain,the one i hate the most is my arm going numb and tight and then tingling.
I have been on a heart monitor a few times and everything is fine.
I am so fed up with it and i am going to be a grandmother for the first time next year,and with all these pathetic symptoms and pain i cannot even look forward to it.
This has to be the darkest place i have ever been.

THe good news is that the panic attack sounded cued, which is not indicative of panic disorder.(according to DSM, which says it must be uncued) Do these always happen when you get heartburn?

01-25-2009, 04:35 PM
I know I have suffered with panic attcks since I was 13. I have been doing great for many years until last summer. I had a bad one on a trip and now I have been fighting with them since! I hate the fact that I want them to just go away because so many people around me don't get it! I know that it is a part of me, but I still hate it!

01-27-2009, 02:52 PM
I know I have suffered with panic attcks since I was 13. I have been doing great for many years until last summer. I had a bad one on a trip and now I have been fighting with them since! I hate the fact that I want them to just go away because so many people around me don't get it! I know that it is a part of me, but I still hate it!

We all feel that people think were wierd when we have an attack,but I look at it this way if they say something like why are you acting so wierd I just look at them and say because of you :D If you have good friends like me you should be open with them and share you problems with them it will make you feel alot better knowing that they know your condition,but never keep talking about it to your friends or they might get tierd of it!

01-27-2009, 04:15 PM
Well I got my first panick attack 9 months ago. It was weird because weeks before my body was trying to warn me to stop stressing. I couldn't breath well and I had constant spasms. Then I got my first panick attack that caused me to be in a state of DP/DR. I couldn't shake off the feeling. I think it was a two year stressful buildup that just exploded and my brain couldn't take it anymore :roll: Well I have been getting better gradually. I thought I was going crazy or insane initially. I went to the two docs of course, complete waste of my time btw!! I'm sorry but most of them don't know shit about anxiety. They just give you meds and tell you it's fine. I basically educated myself about anxiety through the internet. I saw a therapist one time and let's just say I know more about anxiety than he does.

Ya I have some good days, some bad and some really deppressing days when I feel so hopeless but it doesn't happen as often. I get advice from my mom and aunt who went through the same thing. It's wierd because my mom was the same age as I when she had her first panick attack. Like the same month!!!

The internet does not help much in helping me recover. I try to avoid it as much as possible but sometimes I'm curious. I hope I recover but I know it will take time.

Honestly, I haven't ever been in love and heartbroken but what I experienced within the last couple of months has utterly shattered my heart and soul. It has stripped me away from life. I went through many problems in my life in the past but these cannot even compare to what I went through.

I am only 20 years old and I don't understand why this has to happen to me so early in my life. But life is not fair, so I gotto deal with it.

02-16-2009, 07:45 PM
I am only 20 years old and I don't understand why this has to happen to me so early in my life. But life is not fair, so I gotto deal with it.

Hey,you're young. you still have a long way to go. Don't let your problems affect you ok? Deal with it step-by-step and talk to someone whom you really can trust.

Might wanna re-evaluate your take about this world. If you think its good, everything else will be good ;) It is a wonderful world..

Stay positive !

02-23-2009, 07:01 AM
I took lorazepam for a couple weeks when my anxiety was at its absolute height. Reading claire weeks book helped so did having some rescue remedy and then i started the linden method and its absolutely amazing i still have trouble sleeping but have gone from averaging 1-2 hours a night im up to 5 hours by taking a sleeping tablet.

04-06-2009, 08:40 PM
exercise, eating healthy, yoga, meditation, therapy, and reading self-help books helped me

05-05-2009, 06:57 AM
I still have problems with Dizzyness and unreality but my chestpains and Nausia are a thing of the past :)

Currently on Vitamin B complex which is helping a little, bought some Magnesium suppliment today to see how that goes.

05-05-2009, 07:39 PM
About six months ago, I started using SAM-e and a vitamin B complex. I felt that it helped to a certain degree but I stopped taking it after a few months because I felt that things had leveled off for me and I would be okay without it. Last weekend, after ending a particularly bad week at work, I was so stressed out that I couldn't eat so I decided to give the SAM-e another go. I've only been back on it for four days so I can't say if it's really doing any good yet. I still have almost no appetite and some other physical manifestations of the stress, including difficulty inhaling deeply and lots of nausea. I am seeing a psychologist tomorrow, for the first time in my life, so perhaps I will wind up taking a pharmaceutical. I don’t feel as though I’m coping with anything very well right now but I’m open to trying most anything.

05-18-2009, 12:08 AM
Reading cbt books and countering my thoughts in tea forms has helped me reduce my anxiety recently.

debra trotter
06-06-2009, 05:31 AM
Hi, i agree meds are not answer to anxiety problem.They have vary effect on different people of various ages.Alternative therapies can bring anxiety levels down and control them with much success, for instance yoga.

06-15-2009, 03:02 AM
I'm 19 and I worry about EVERYTHING. At the moment it's flying, because I have a couple of long flights ahead of me in the coming weeks. I'm not scared of flying and I've been on much longer flights but for some reason I'm freaking out about them. I've not been able to get them off my mind for months and I'm worried the same will happen when I'm away and will ruin my trip. More here: EDIT - Nevermind, I haven't posted enough apparently :roll:

Anxiety-wise, I have the worry. I get random pains all over my body. I went to a neurologist in February and I got diagnosed with Chronic Daily Headaches and Paroxysmal Hemicrania. I was given meds but I don't take them. The headaches have subsided almost completely since I was diagnosed, which makes me think that I was imagining the pain.
The other pains I don't know about. I got blood tests when I saw the neurologist but I haven't heard anything since.

I also get panic attacks. The neurologist referred me for cognitive behavioural therapy, but I still haven't got an appointment.

I really don't know what to do. I don't see any point in going back to the doctor about it since getting an appointment for anything where I live (Lanarkshire in Scotland) takes weeks or months. I'm moving to London in September so I may ask my doctor there.

Another question I have is diet. Does it actually affect my mood at all? I've heard some things saying it does but I really can't see how...

Does anyone have any advice for me on how I can stop things (mostly flying and my health) preying on my mind?

I'm sorry all of that is a bit jumbled but it is the best I can explain it. I hope I posted in the right place as well.

06-24-2009, 08:48 AM
I'm 19 and I worry about EVERYTHING. At the moment it's flying, because I have a couple of long flights ahead of me in the coming weeks. I'm not scared of flying and I've been on much longer flights but for some reason I'm freaking out about them. I've not been able to get them off my mind for months and I'm worried the same will happen when I'm away and will ruin my trip. More here: EDIT - Nevermind, I haven't posted enough apparently :roll:

Anxiety-wise, I have the worry. I get random pains all over my body. I went to a neurologist in February and I got diagnosed with Chronic Daily Headaches and Paroxysmal Hemicrania. I was given meds but I don't take them. The headaches have subsided almost completely since I was diagnosed, which makes me think that I was imagining the pain.
The other pains I don't know about. I got blood tests when I saw the neurologist but I haven't heard anything since.

I also get panic attacks. The neurologist referred me for cognitive behavioural therapy, but I still haven't got an appointment.

I really don't know what to do. I don't see any point in going back to the doctor about it since getting an appointment for anything where I live (Lanarkshire in Scotland) takes weeks or months. I'm moving to London in September so I may ask my doctor there.

Another question I have is diet. Does it actually affect my mood at all? I've heard some things saying it does but I really can't see how...

Does anyone have any advice for me on how I can stop things (mostly flying and my health) preying on my mind?

I'm sorry all of that is a bit jumbled but it is the best I can explain it. I hope I posted in the right place as well.

When it comes to living with panic attack symptoms, you know it can almost take over your life. Living in fear of whether or not you will have to suffer through another period of grief, pain, and discomfort is enough to put a panic attack into full action.

When it comes to treating a panic attack, some medications have been known to significantly reduce symptoms, enabling people to continue living a life that is not consumed with the fearful unknown.

But Medicines are not a permanent solution to this problem,once you skip them anxiety fights back.

06-25-2009, 11:52 AM
I hope this is not a duplicate post? I got booted off my connection after I submitted it a second ago.

You may want to try to teach yourself cbt. Therapists are just guides and you have to do the exercises to get better anyway. The cbt book by Sam Obitz is really short and simple and if you can get yourself doing the tea form exercise it will help you stop being a worrier and turn you into a warrior :mrgreen:

06-29-2009, 01:55 PM
I'm learning breathing and medtitation, and I think it is working pretty well:)

06-29-2009, 07:40 PM
I'm learning breathing and medtitation, and I think it is working pretty well:)

Those are both great and help with relaxation a lot, but to make lasting progress you have to treat the cause which is the inaccurate processing of events/thoughts.

07-15-2009, 04:09 PM
Ive got a counselling session tomorrow. I'm just wondering in what way do they help you. Is it just talking between each other telling someone how you feel or do they help you with techniques to help anxiety?

07-20-2009, 03:36 AM
I'm doing well now, mostly due to the support and advice from the wonderful people on this site.

I have also been studying de-realisation, which is my main symptom at the moment. Now i have set myself a program on how i think it will help me defeat it and im happy to say it is working well :)

For anyone else who has de-realisation, have a look at my post "de-realisation support" in the genral area, it may help you.

08-03-2009, 05:59 PM
Ive got a counselling session tomorrow. I'm just wondering in what way do they help you. Is it just talking between each other telling someone how you feel or do they help you with techniques to help anxiety?

Depends on the therapists specialty. Most are just talk, but CBT therapists teach you the coping mechanisms like thought countering in TEA forms etc to help yourself get better. I hope it went well for you.

Not sure I know what de-realisation is Coops? But I am glad you have found something that is helping you cope with it :D

08-09-2009, 03:05 PM
tmays wrote:

Depends on the therapists specialty. Most are just talk, but CBT therapists teach you the coping mechanisms like thought countering in TEA forms etc to help yourself get better. I hope it went well for you.

Thanks, yeah was pretty much what you said. But recently i feel she is going down the wrong path with me, she is telling me i just need to control emotions. Which i think is not gonna help the anxiety.

08-15-2009, 03:03 PM
tmays wrote:

Depends on the therapists specialty. Most are just talk, but CBT therapists teach you the coping mechanisms like thought countering in TEA forms etc to help yourself get better. I hope it went well for you.

Thanks, yeah was pretty much what you said. But recently i feel she is going down the wrong path with me, she is telling me i just need to control emotions. Which i think is not gonna help the anxiety.

You are paying her to help you so don't be afraid to tell her what has helped and what has n't. No one can control all their emotions but we can deal with them when they come up. Telling her you want her to work on coping mechanisms with you and not just advice about controlling your emotions unless she has steps to teach you to enable you to control them.

08-20-2009, 06:39 AM
My vote is going to - A mixture of any of the above ;)

I think self is is most improtant then Herbal Remedies and Therapy. and I also want to add here - "Meditation" - which develops the mind`s ability to stop anxiety at its source.

08-26-2009, 05:27 PM
A great poll, and I would like to take a minute and urge people to thiknk, aoput the natural therapy and remedies available, checlk out the reviews from my signature and I would love to heasr how you get on!!


09-02-2009, 06:31 AM
I am on a mix of desapane with chrioxpioxide I cant really spell it.
It does not even work its enough to knock out a elephant! but its still not even knocking me out, my body is powerless and my mind is ticking away. Which gets me in a state of confusion.
I have no idea where I start getting over this, its so hard!
I am not giving up but i am struggling to not let it take over my life the hallucations dont help!

09-06-2009, 08:57 PM
I'm not coping...and my dreams have meant that sleep is no longer a retreat!!!

09-07-2009, 03:49 AM
^ yeah my dreams used to be my place of solace but they've been taking a turn for the worse recently :(

09-07-2009, 06:01 AM
Basically being anxious is a negative state of mind and can be radially reduced by having your loved ones with you.
Try to get involved in things that bring 'smiles' to other around you and you will feel much better.

09-07-2009, 12:01 PM
Herbal things with a positive mental attitude is the best thing.
I believe in Ayurveda a lot and it really works.

09-14-2009, 03:14 PM
Basically being anxious is a negative state of mind and can be radially reduced by having your loved ones with you.
Try to get involved in things that bring 'smiles' to other around you and you will feel much better.

I think this is important but learning to fight the anxiety where it starts in your head by eliminating the thinking errors you make and correcting them in the TEA forms is the best approach. CBT really works if you work it.

09-26-2009, 02:30 PM
I am suffering panic attack for 5 years now and currently I decided to step forward and try to cure it. I didn't try any medication yet as I want to try to study more on anxiety related materials and try to help myself to cure it!! Really hope to cure my panic attacks without medications and hope I could do it sooner or later as it ruins my life really badly!

10-07-2009, 03:58 PM
Good for you Brian and it can be done, I am living proof of that. I would recommend reading the cbt book by Obitz and doing the TEA form exercises. They work really well once you get over the hump on doing them and I still do them all the time.

10-16-2009, 08:10 PM
1. I tell myself I have to take baby steps or else it will all be overwhelming
2. I try not to think too much before I have to speak in front of a group of people. Otherwise, I get too worked up and start to cry.

10-27-2009, 04:12 PM
Good for you Brian and it can be done, I am living proof of that. I would recommend reading the cbt book by Obitz and doing the TEA form exercises. They work really well once you get over the hump on doing them and I still do them all the time.

The TEA forms are what are helping me the most :D

11-18-2009, 10:26 AM
Marijuana seems to help my fiance a bit, but not enough.....

We have no resorted to prescription drugs, only been on a month so far and so far, no good results :(

11-25-2009, 07:19 PM
1. I tell myself I have to take baby steps or else it will all be overwhelming

Baby steps lead to bigger steps down the road. Good job!

11-25-2009, 07:21 PM
Good for you Brian and it can be done, I am living proof of that. I would recommend reading the cbt book by Obitz and doing the TEA form exercises. They work really well once you get over the hump on doing them and I still do them all the time.

The TEA forms are what are helping me the most :D

Good job beachgirl. With the holidays upon us I notice I am spending a little more time on them and they are still working great for my anxieties which are heightened this time of year.

11-28-2009, 06:08 AM
I dont cope with my anxiety, i have depersonlization and its so difficult im always thinking it my head when will it happen again and i end up worryin myself so much it happens..

12-05-2009, 12:49 PM
I dont cope with my anxiety, i have depersonlization and its so difficult im always thinking it my head when will it happen again and i end up worryin myself so much it happens..

Hi Sarah
Give CBT a try. The TEA form exercise is what helped me get out of my head and they helps me stay in the moment and keep my fears and worries away :)

12-09-2009, 10:08 PM
8 years ago...

Our minds are our own worst enemies. A bout of sudden dizziness caused me to lie down to rest in my friend's guest room. I was not prepared for what was to follow. No, it was not because I had one too many drinks and no, it was not due to exhaustion. I wish it was one of these options. It seems at times that anything would have been a more welcome diagnosis than the underlying disorder I was about to discover I had.

For more of my story, support and to know there are so many of us struggling to cope with this debilitating disorder, please follow my blog on blogspot... surrealgirl604

(excuse the "dot" and not "." as I haven't been member long enough for the system to recognize I am not posting spam ; )

Life is too short to suffer from something you can learn to control...

12-09-2009, 10:09 PM
8 years ago...

Our minds are our own worst enemies. A bout of sudden dizziness caused me to lie down to rest in my friend's guest room. I was not prepared for what was to follow. No, it was not because I had one too many drinks and no, it was not due to exhaustion. I wish it was one of these options. It seems at times that anything would have been a more welcome diagnosis than the underlying disorder I was about to discover I had.

For more of my story, support and to know there are so many of us struggling to cope with this debilitating disorder, please follow my blog on blogspot... surrealgirl604

Life is too short to suffer from something you can learn to control...

12-10-2009, 05:30 PM
Life is too short to suffer from something you can learn to control...

Well put :D

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Allow me to introduce my organisation properly. Our parent company is American pharmacy. We have 42
affiliates such as premiummedz, rx and so on. We are in fact the biggest pharmacy online.If you check American
pharmacy you can understand what I mean. I mean American pharmacy as a website only deals with dealers and huge
bulk orders not with customers individually. The other 41 affiliates sell the products at a higher rate
compared to what American pharmacy gives directly. Now vipmedz came into existence on 18th of October 2009. I being
part of forming it, when the (American pharmacy)company deals with these dealers they get access to real cheap
orders and extra privileges which a normal customer does not get for example the discounts, bonus %, free
shipping and handling, which I very very eagerly wanted to bring down to normal customers. I am leading a team
of 15 VIP agents and I have authority and privileges which you wouldn't normally get. For example I can bar
your info. going anywhr, If you do not want calls, it will be made sure that you don't receive any calls. If
you want to deal with only emails that will be honored (also no advertisement - it will be a simple personal
email written be me and not by any automated proto dialer) and honestly I am just at the brink of starting it.
I am trying to make contact with customers through online forums, live chats etc. I am trying to give whole of
this online concept of pharmaceutical products a human touch and not being some sales team with harassment on their heads.
Plz remember to reply back The email would be dariusatvipmedzdotcom since it would come incrypted. "At" simply means @(at the rate off) and dot means "."

01-08-2010, 09:07 PM
Generally I don't see the point in coping with something when all your accomplishing is NOTHING.

Most people pump drugs or herbs into their systems and end up with even more (bigger) problems.

That's just my two cents.

01-13-2010, 09:58 AM
I've been reading the works of Dr. Claire Weekes lately. They are amazing for anyone suffering from anxiety, depression, agoraphobia, etc. Great explanations of what is happening, and very simple methods to ease the suffering.

I also decided to start a blog documenting my anxiety, it's been quite therapeutic to be more open about it.

01-19-2010, 03:56 PM
Welcome to all the newcomers (except the drug pusher). Most of us can get our anxieties under control without meds if we are willing to invest in our ourselves and learn coping mechanisms. The TEA form exercise in CBT is what has helped me but there are all sorts of non med coping alternatives and you owe it to yourself to gie them a try before resorting to meds.

01-20-2010, 02:36 PM
I have terrible panick attacks and anxiety disorders, I also suffer from OCD, I have been on many meds throughout the years but the one I have stuck to is Lexapro, though any drug never really erraciates all the symptoms it does take the edge off and I find myself obsessing a bit less, I have to say that I have to get better at taking them relidiously, there are times I just forget and then I stop for a few days, I can really tell the difference when that happens, yes there are sexual side affects with Lexapro...about 2 weeks they will dissapear and you can function as normal again.

For Anxiety I take Ativan as needed, it does make me tired however Id rather feel tired than the unbearable fright I feel when I am having an anxiety attack, its more tiring and ultimately depressing that way so feeling a bit tired with the meds is not a bad trade off. These last few days for me have been Hell with Anxiety and I started my meds again this morning, I am already seeing a difference, I was dreading leaving my house today and now though I wish I didnt have to I know I can manage it.

None of us want to feel that we might have to be on meds for long priods of time or maybe even forever but we have to internalize that we have debilitating issues that if we didnt have these meds we would be worse off, we have to just know that everything in moderation and to take these meds as prescribed and we will be fine however if you do suffer adverse reactions then its time to change to something else, there are so many meds out there for these conditions now a days, it wasnt like it was before when Prozac ruled the market, sometimes its a shot in the dark to get the one that works for you but it is worth the investigation ultimately to be able to feel better and be able to function and get some positiveness back into your life. ;)

02-03-2010, 08:45 PM
Most people pump drugs or herbs into their systems and end up with even more (bigger) problems.

That's just my two cents.

No argument here.

02-03-2010, 08:46 PM
Welcome to all the newcomers (except the drug pusher). Most of us can get our anxieties under control without meds if we are willing to invest in our ourselves and learn coping mechanisms. The TEA form exercise in CBT is what has helped me but there are all sorts of non med coping alternatives and you owe it to yourself to gie them a try before resorting to meds.

LOL. Love the drug pusher comment :lol:

02-05-2010, 04:55 PM
I have found all the areas useful at one time or another but what i really wanted was to be able to be at peace without the need for any of them eventually.

I would say use what you have to and go for something if it feels right

02-11-2010, 09:21 PM
If used regularly and properly the TEA forms train your brain to think the way the TEA forms work as your normal way of thinking. I am not at that point yet but I have come a long way and some of those ways of thinking have become natural to me and I hope to be at the point I no longer need to do them at all eventually :)

02-26-2010, 03:13 PM
If used regularly and properly the TEA forms train your brain to think the way the TEA forms work as your normal way of thinking. I am not at that point yet but I have come a long way and some of those ways of thinking have become natural to me and I hope to be at the point I no longer need to do them at all eventually :)

Very inspiring thanks beach :tongue:

03-09-2010, 12:37 AM
Coping with anxiety is becoming more and more difficult for many sufferers as the pace and demands of every day life increase at an unequivocal rate. The challenges of every day life that many will take in their stride, can often be a massive hurdle for those with an anxiety disorder. Simple mundane tasks can suddenly and without warning take on a whole terrifying new dimension

Quoted from:

03-23-2010, 05:37 PM
Coping with anxiety is becoming more and more difficult for many sufferers as the pace and demands of every day life increase at an unequivocal rate. The challenges of every day life that many will take in their stride, can often be a massive hurdle for those with an anxiety disorder. Simple mundane tasks can suddenly and without warning take on a whole terrifying new dimension

Quoted from:

This is exactly why it is so important to use coping techniques like the TEA forms to put things into perspective and cope better. We all have to learn how to cope better and until we do we are doomed to letting anxiety get the best of us.

04-10-2010, 06:31 PM
coping with great difficulty, but trying to be positive, created my blog as coping mechanism. hypochondriac55

04-12-2010, 12:53 PM
so far coping not very well. slipping into usual patterns every now and then. hypochondriac 55

04-13-2010, 03:44 PM
Not a good day, tired and anxious, did not sleep at all...hope that tomorrow it will be better

04-13-2010, 03:45 PM
fear of sickness does not help either

04-19-2010, 06:55 PM
I think there was like one time in my life when I made a small effort to be more social. It was just too uncomfortbale though. One of my coworkers says she always does things that she fears because she can overcome the feeling of fear. I thought that was good advice, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

04-23-2010, 09:35 AM
I deal with anxiety mostly by medication, xanax. But I have also found that seeing a therapist and taking medication classes has helped a lot. Learning how to control your breathing and relax yourself plays a huge part, and has helped me not need my xanax nearly as much.

06-17-2010, 08:13 AM
ive joined this because i think my anxiety is just growing out of control and i just feel the need to talk to someone! i'm 21 and everyday i diagnose myself with some illness, for instance 20 minutes ago i had a pain in the back of my thigh( which is gone now) but at the time i was convinced it was a blood clot.
To everyone I full of beans and constantly happy which I generally am but instead its like my mind likes to put me down.
Ive never had a real boyfriend and all my friends do so i constantly make myself feel crap about that. I care too much what people think of me and after chatting to somone i always think they either think i never shut up and am too loud or was boring.
NO matter what my friends say its like it wont go through.
I just wanted to see if anyone else feels like this and what can i do?

Anthony DiClementi
06-24-2010, 07:28 PM
Some days are better than others. Definitely noticed caffeine makes my anxiety worse which sucks because some days I need it to get my day going. Came across a pretty informative free ebook called 'what you don't know about anxiety'. It's got a lot of interesting info on what causes anxiety and what exactly is going on in our bodies that is keeping us anxious.

06-25-2010, 07:28 AM
I've been suffering with anxiety for about the last 2 years..I take St John's Wort here and there, sometimes listen to some Control Stress/Panic stuff...sometimes I go for a drive and bawl my eyes out in my car when I stop.

07-01-2010, 04:17 AM
Im currently seeking help from professionals (first time in 14 years!) and im on Beta Blockers

i just hope some day i will be able to enjoy my life, i've looked at so many options as to why im not happy, what i own, who i am, what i do, i've finally realised its becuase im always on a knife edge with anxiety

good luck to you all, together we can do this!

07-01-2010, 04:21 AM
I paid my first visit to the Doctor's about my anxiety on Monday, I'm being tried on Propanolol beta blockers...if they don't work I'm having to try an anti-depressant but we'll see how these go :)

07-01-2010, 04:38 AM
kay, i was on propanolol, didn't work for me but everyones differant, let me know how you get on? :mrgreen:

07-01-2010, 04:41 AM
Well I've suffered with anxiety for about 2 years now...I could go a week feeling fine and then have a bad week and I was so stubborn to the thought of relying on medication I never went to the Doctor. But these last 3 weeks have been awful...I had a panic attack everyday for 8 days and I thought enough is enough. It's the physical symptoms that make me want to throw myself off the clifftops 3 miles along the road..so far so good, no panic attacks. I have felt underlying feelings of anxiety since I started the propranolol on Monday but no panic attacks at all...I'm hoping I'm onto something good :)

07-01-2010, 04:47 AM
Well I've suffered with anxiety for about 2 years now...I could go a week feeling fine and then have a bad week and I was so stubborn to the thought of relying on medication I never went to the Doctor. But these last 3 weeks have been awful...I had a panic attack everyday for 8 days and I thought enough is enough. It's the physical symptoms that make me want to throw myself off the clifftops 3 miles along the road..so far so good, no panic attacks. I have felt underlying feelings of anxiety since I started the propranolol on Monday but no panic attacks at all...I'm hoping I'm onto something good :)

thats good news its definetely working for you then, im on a form of beta blocker called bisoprolol fumarate and its similar to yours (just a differant kind of beta blocker) and it is doing the trick, i've been getting heart palputations from increased worries of recent events so i too said enough is enough and im now setup for therapy

when i take the beta blockers i must admin, 2/3 mins later i feel alot better and happier, its no perminent cure but its helping me deal with my life and my road to recovery

07-15-2010, 10:26 PM
Im new here with my main objective being to try to get off all my meds...
Ive been suffering for 9 years from a rape in 2001 and am on 13 meds right now. I am looking into other $inexpensive$ alternatives since Im disabled now and on SSI, foodstamps, etc. I have found this one thing I will give a try and I wanted to see if anyone has had success from it - Let me know - Im desperate and broke!

07-16-2010, 04:45 PM
Try reading the CBT book called Been There, Done That? DO This! by Sam Obitz and use the TEA form exercise in it everyday and I think it will help you. It's an easy book to read and you can probably read it for free at your local library :) The TEA forms worked great for me.

07-17-2010, 05:28 PM
I can find it at the library too? Is the exorsize called "Tea?"
Explain? Im not following, but I guess I will when I check it out - huh.

08-07-2010, 09:18 PM
I haven't gone down the anti-depressant road yet; took them as a teenager for depression, but not since then. Have just started a natural remedy that I got the go ahead from a naturopath to try: Omega 3, Magnesium & L-Lysine. Day 5 now...

I've also employed parts of the Charles Linden method.

08-08-2010, 07:43 AM
I had anxiety and depression for few years and it seemed to me that any meds didn't help.sometimes i had feeling that my hart is going to give up on me.i stopped going out and meeting people.then one day,surfing in the internet,i found a video what sounded interesting. i got their product.its been approx 2 months now and i feel that with their help,support and step by step instructions, im getting back on road :) And all that without medications

08-28-2010, 04:05 PM
I can find it at the library too? Is the exorsize called "Tea?"
Explain? Im not following, but I guess I will when I check it out - huh.

Hi kola,
If your local library does not have it I'm sure you can have them borrow it from another library :)
The TEA form is a thought countering exercise that teaches you how to think in a way that prevents anxiety from coming at you. They have worked wonderfully well for me and it has been lasting relief for me. You can read the foreword to the book on-line on the books website www.tao3.com (http://www.tao3.com) but they do not have an example of the TEA form on the site :cry:

08-29-2010, 02:39 PM
i use rescue remadey somtimes it works somtimes it doesnt it depends how soon i've caught my anxitey

09-13-2010, 07:30 AM
I'm not a fan of medication. I fear addiction or even side effects, and reading about them makes me even more anxious.
I first tried some self-help books that were full of fluff, then qigong which was fine and then a hypnosis CD.
It's annoying that they're not training more people to become skilled hypnotists.But it makes sense since pills are easier to make and they make more money.

10-23-2010, 11:40 AM
I take xnanx and go for long walks ...seems to help me.......for more information see my sig file.

10-25-2010, 01:43 PM
Hey Kola,
Did you read the book and try the TEA forms?
Lt me know if you have any questions?

10-29-2010, 08:35 AM
Medications can help reduce anxiety and behavioral therapy can help you control your disease or overcome. In behavioral therapy psychotherapist identifies your thoughts and beliefs so that he can then change them to make you understand that these beliefs are irrational.

11-02-2010, 12:19 PM
I live a healthy lifestyle. Eating good, getting enough reset, exercise. I drink some herbal tea in the morning that helps promote calmness (chamomile). I do read a few self-help books from time to time but generally reading any book helps keep my mind off things. Anything to occupy my thoughts seems to work for me. I constantly keep myself busy during the week and rest/relax on sundays.

I'm not a fan of medication at all.

11-18-2010, 09:38 PM
Hi All

Interesting blog, particularly the non-medication route in managing worry and anxiety.

I am completing my Psychology Clinical Masters at Macquarie University in Sydney Australia and
am very interested in worrying and the thinking and behavior styles that are associated with acute and chronic
worrying and those who worry only a little. It is hoped that the research will identify different thinking styles so that
these can be targeted more effectively in group programs for worry and anxiety. It would be great to have your input on this.

The research is anonymous and internet based and takes about 30 minutes answering multiple choice questions.
Anyone over 18 is invited to participate. The link below takes you to the survey which is hosted on the Macquarie University website.
There is an information and consent form which if you agree to takes you on to the survey. My own and academic supervisors details
are provided.

Thanks for any interest an I am also interested in discussing thinking styles and practices that people have found effective in managing their
worry and / or anxiety.



Link to Research (cut and past into browser line)

http://macquariehs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SI ... SXic4VYABe (http://macquariehs.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_5jYNlSXic4VYABe)

11-19-2010, 11:27 AM
This phase occurs when the danger is out of the fight or flight period. The body secretes several hormones that mobilize the body during prolonged stress.

01-28-2011, 03:22 PM
Im not really dealing with it. I have been taking Propanolol for a month now and it doesnt help me. I have only avoided situations which I cant handle due to my anxiety for decades. I am sick of feeling socially awkward and coming across strange when in social situations I cant avoid. I may have to give up on ever overcoming what I call a debilitating illness.

02-01-2011, 05:35 PM
I had one panic attack and went to a new doctor because my doctor doesn't take my new insurance. She didn't ask me any questions she just put me on Celexa 20 mg and it made me worse. Now I'm on Wellbrutrin 300 mg and I'm even worse!! Any suggestions?? HELP!!!

02-20-2011, 10:16 AM
i am on lexapro and am noticing its not working aswell as it used to,i am also considering moving to wales with my new job but am terrified that il loose control of my anxiety or wont be able to get my medication over there

02-21-2011, 03:16 PM
Some days are better than others. I played some church league basketball this past weekend and didn't have such a good weekend. Overall, I'm on the up and up though.

03-06-2011, 11:39 PM
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh just as I thought I was having a good day I have a small anxiety boost.fortuenatly the day is almost over.

03-22-2011, 03:30 PM
I am on sertaline 100mg and it has helped some but I wish it would do more. I try to stay relaxed as much as possible and I try to not get stress out very much but that is hard to do in this day and time. I rely alot on my wife and friends they help out alot I couldn't ask for anything more but to be rid of this S***.

05-19-2011, 09:07 AM
Is self help not a better method than drugs in coping up with anxiety?

05-19-2011, 11:36 AM
What if there were no symptoms, just varying states of happiness. No more search engines looking for "Why and What", no more wondering and monitoring, no more making lists, no more hopelessness, no more looking for people on the Web that are just as sick....and being happy when you find one, no more tests and waiting for results, no more hoping that you will find solutions on the web that is promised...for $29.95 a month, no more facing and getting through the morning, afternoon and evening, no more making your nerve endings quiver with your thoughts, no more...you get the point.
What if there was a website called Hope, where the emphasis was on creating happiness even with the "S..." word? Where topics like, "I saved 23 minutes today by not thinking about my S."
There will always be something, like my Mother would say. Well, if that is true and I think it is, why not make that thing happiness. 'S' are not the reference point for how you life is going, they are not the measuring sticks. Happiness Is.
Let me show you how easy this is. "I increased my happiness level this morning by writing about joy and happiness and it gave me an uplifting feeling." Here is another, my
joy was heatfelt when a girl named Jane told me she would go to a frat party. I remember how I felt looking up at the stars and thinking, no feeling that I was capable of anything. See what I mean.
No one may read this post and maybe I am posting in the wrong place. Doesn't matter. I wrote it for me and it mattered to me. I will do more.

05-23-2011, 07:33 PM
I've had GAD pretty much my whole life. Tried all the self-help stuff (made honest efforts), nothing worked. Took Celexa for 7 months and that worked very well for me. Had to go off of it due to major weight gain. Being on the meds and feeling "normal" for a short period of time gave me perspective. I'm able to cope much better now (not on any meds). I feel that if there's any way possible for you to experience what its like to feel normal for awhile that it can help a lot. Obviously a lot of my anxiety symptoms have come back, but I am able to tell myself its the anxiety and it will not harm me.

05-29-2011, 03:44 PM
In talking to a Psychiatrist recently he suggested that Neurontin (Gabapentin) --which is an anti-epileptic drug-- can be effective for anxiety. Anyone else use this drug, or hear about it being used for anxiety?

05-29-2011, 04:19 PM
Running helps me to overcome even severe anxiety, though the last thing i feel like doing when i'm anxious is put on my running shoes.

05-29-2011, 05:21 PM
Does anyone have an opinion on the following book?

The 10 Best-Ever Anxiety Management Techniques: Understanding How Your Brain Makes You Anxious and What You Can Do to Change It
by Margaret Wehrenberg

06-06-2011, 12:04 PM
Still spending a few minutes a day on my TEA forms and doing better than ever :)

06-11-2011, 09:02 PM
Since my anxiety is on and off I have tried natural remedies which have worked in the past but not for long enough ... am currently seeing a psychologist who is teaching me CBT and on Lexapro... It took me 5 years to get to this point and knew I needed something stronger than natural remedies as I was going round in circles. I'll probably go back to this as a maintenance once the med has 're-wired' my brain a bit, and once the psyc sessions have helped me learn coping strategies.

I don't regret going on meds, it's only day 4 and I can feel myself rationalising... I am a control freak by nature who obsesses and worries about everything, it's nice to see the world through different eyes (and it's still me and not scary)

I was scared they'd change me... but all they've done is make me more relaxed, cope better and make me see things in a more positive light. That's the whole point!

07-01-2011, 04:41 PM
Clearly I'm not coping well. When you're anxious to post on an anxiety message board. You know it's time to do something about it. :/

07-14-2011, 01:23 PM

Nothing wrong with taking meds. But most people try and rely on just meds but you are taking the right approach in learning CBT and coping skills while you are on them. That is the only way you will ever get off them. I'm living proof of that :)

Great job posting that note. I hope you get help and I highly recommend CBT and the TEA form exercise. You may want to read the CBT book by Sam Obitz (www.tao3.com) I think it will fill you with hope as well as teach you how to start doing the TEA forms.

Good luck

07-19-2011, 02:00 PM
Hello there,

My name is Simon Chittenden and I believe that I may be able to help you. I do not know the finer details of your personal circumstances and I do not claim to be the authority on all things anxiety related. What I do know from personal experience is that everybody who struggles to live with anxiety can often feel quite isolated and alone. You might even feel that you have nobody to turn to, or that the people around you don’t quite understand how you feel. This in itself can become very frightening and if it wasn’t for the support of the people around me, I do not know how I would cope with my own anxiety as well as I do.

You must remember at all times that you are not alone in all of this. A large number of people all over the world are living with the same things that you are and you must have faith that your circumstances will improve. Can I promise that it will go away completely? Unfortunately not, my journey has so far lasted 3 years and I’m still no closer to discovering the solution to the problem despite numerous attempts.

What I can offer you is a chance to find out for yourself that you are not alone in your struggle. Please visit my blog at simonanxietyandme.blogspot.com to find out how I live my life alongside my anxiety.

Hopefully it will be of some help to you.

Please feel free to contact me via the blog with any questions you may have and I will do my best to help in any way that I can. I know it’s tough, but you can learn to cope with anxiety like I have.

Simon Chittenden x

07-26-2011, 09:48 AM
i have found that taurine has an anxiolytic effect on me.

08-24-2011, 12:55 PM
i have found that taurine has an anxiolytic effect on me.

What is an anxiolytic effect? Thx.

08-28-2011, 10:43 PM
i was diagnosed with cancer and the anxiety and panic attacks began. ive had such anxious heart pounding issues....ive tried herbal and conventional meds and spiritual methods as well.

08-28-2011, 10:45 PM
i just signed up for this also. called panic away.will se how it goes

08-30-2011, 06:48 PM
I don't cope all that well :P I take Celexa and at night I take .25mg of clonazepam which is helpful. In stressful situations though I have a tough time coping. Sometimes distractions help, or exercise. Music is a good one. Talking it out with someone who gets it.

09-04-2011, 05:59 AM
The thing is, the effect of exercise on me is unreal. I go through hell for 3 nights, I do an exercise a day, and the next few days, I'm like nothing has happened to me before.

Anxiety beater
09-09-2011, 12:05 PM
I hope you do find something to help. Have you tried abdominal breathing exercises? It's a really powerful way to physically relax.

Anxiety beater
09-09-2011, 12:07 PM
I agree - distractions, exercise and music are all great therapies for anxiety - as is talking it over with someone who understands how you're feeling. Sounds like you do have some good strategies - give yourself credit for that, you're not totally letting your anxiety get the better of you, which is great!

09-24-2011, 04:15 PM
I believe that my main reason for anxiety is fear of failing. Ive been thinking back to times that I have failed at something, and I have noticed that I'm actually calm after it has happened, but before any kind of event that could cause me to fail at something (anything at all) I would worry days, even weeks before.

So I've started to say this to myself: "Andreas, when you fail at something, you are always calm after it happens. Actually it doesn't bother me that much after it has happened, I just focus on ways to do it better the next time. So why do I need to worry beforehand? If the fact that I failed at something doesn't bother me, why worry about it?"

I believe this has helped me a lot. I'm also trying to think as much positive thoughts as I can.

11-07-2011, 03:50 AM
Not always positive thinking helps at all for me, I have found that sometimes I kind of know that that the positive thoughts are artificial and that i am just trying to beat the anxiety away. I don't know, that me anyway....

I found a great self help tool while I was traveling in australia, It was recommended by a friend of a friend, they are coping cards that I can read whenever I feel the anxiety creep in on me. checkout, MindAid.com.au, they are cheap and really working for me.

11-08-2011, 05:46 AM
I am currently on Zoloft and Remeron. Remeron helped me alot with the depression, and Zoloft helps me with the physical symptoms of anxiety. I was going to therapy for a while, but didn't get much out of it. I am on the waiting list for a new psychologist, but right now I get the most out of self help books and sites, that people who suffered from anxiety and has overcome it have made.

11-10-2011, 08:38 AM
Oh god all these people on here talking about medication for anxiety problems like OCD.. Please don't do it! How many of you on here have over come your anxiety problem whether it be OCD, PURE O, with medication? None probably.. It just masks the problem and i don't know why doctors are still giving out tablets and sending people to therapists!
I haven't got a lot of time but basically my quick story is i have completely got rid of my OCD, PURE O and all of my anxiety problems which i had for years.. What i am saying to you people is that you are NOT ill. Anxiety is a learned behavior which can easily be unlearned, it takes determination but the results are amazing.. i don't have those crazy thoughts anymore i don't feel anxious in public, nothing anymore! Sorry i have to go but i will try get back on here later to talk to people, i don't know if you can private message me on here? sorry first time...

11-13-2011, 08:43 PM
I am currently taking ever increasing doses of Klonopin and plan to start a bit of counseling.

11-20-2011, 09:21 PM
Hey everybody, i dont know if any of you will see this, but im thinking of talking a bit about my anxietys. I've had it since late June and have struggled with it since. I am 15 years old and i did not tell my parents for the first whole month, that is something to avoid , seriously you need to tell your love ones how your feeling. After that, I got prescriptions for Zoloft, it is an anti depressant that is used for anxiety. I am not gooing to lie, the med helped me A LOT, without the medication, i dont know where i would be now, maybe still in INTENSE anxiety. I have been through insane anxiety, extremely frightening, I simply did not know if i was still on earth, or if i was in a dream. Yes, the feeling is TERRIBLE but you all need to keep your head up and take it day by day. I suggest all of you to go see a psychologist they could help a lot to coop with it. Remember, the medication cannot do all the work for you. Obvisouly, the higher the dose goes up the better you feel and the less symptoms you feel. Only in the first dose of 25 mg of Zoloft I dropped from 3 mg of Ativan to 0mg of Ativan. And then for the other doses, it was really the dreamy feeling that is going away more and more. You feel more in reality and less stressed. If you feel anxious caused by a sudden chain of thoughts, take deep breaths and it will pass. Keep yourself occupied... Always keep your mind off it or else it will overcome you. Go outside, socialize, stay occupied. If you are a smoker do not stop smoking cigarettes. Seriously, I might've started smoking cigarettes more because i stopped weed and cigarettes DO help. They make you relax and feels you make less anxious for a period of time. Of course, it is not a good idea to start smoking them frequently though. Do not smoke weed while having anxiety or else it will fu*k up your mind even more! Right now, I am on 150mg of Zoloft and I am doing well. It helps a lot and youjust need to remember that it will pass. Like I said, keep your head up, take it day by day, stay occupied, and coop with the little demons in your brain. It has been 5 months and I yet to give up even though it is annoying and frustrating. Stay strong people i know exactly what your living. :)

12-06-2011, 10:58 AM
I'm on medication (lexapro), but I'm also trying some "natural" remedies (vitamins and herbs) and some self-help type of therapy. I set up my first counseling appointment for Monday, so I suppose I can add that to the list.

12-18-2011, 10:18 PM
Xanax would help you!

12-19-2011, 09:31 PM
Medication has been a huge relief for me, but I know I'm not normal. I'm not sure if anyone else here experiences anxiety and panic with NO triggers (Genetics mainly contribute to this), but I did and it was severe and gave me no relief. It took me 20 medications to find one that worked for me (And about 4 years of going through the side effects), but it was well worth it!!!!

Also, now a days I still have SOME anxiety but I can easily get over it and it's very rare. To help wth this I began blogging on a blog called ged2md...it helps a HUGE amount to talk about the issues.

12-28-2011, 06:15 PM
I have also thought about starting a blog about anxiety. I am on WEllbutrin and Celexa.

01-09-2012, 04:06 PM
I hope you do find something to help. Have you tried abdominal breathing exercises? It's a really powerful way to physically relax.

Breathing exercises help but you need CBT exercises like the TEA form to truly move forward and put your anxiety probs behind you.

01-19-2012, 05:22 PM
This drug was awful for me, made me way worse....everytime I see it I get anxiety lol!

01-26-2012, 08:18 PM
I was on pristiq for two years. It definitely helped but I have decided to try to do it without meds looking for some self help books if anyone has any suggestions.?

02-06-2012, 01:45 PM
Meds can help, but important to combine them with coping techniques like CBT exercises.

02-08-2012, 12:05 PM
I'm on Medication - Cipralex (escitalopram)
I'm doing CBT
I try out any techniques that seem to work for other ppl.

02-08-2012, 09:45 PM
I'm on Medication - Cipralex (escitalopram)
I'm doing CBT
I try out any techniques that seem to work for other ppl.

That's a good strategy and I hope you get the results you desire :)
Remember the key to CBT exercises is putting effort into them daily if you want the best results.

02-10-2012, 12:46 AM
Does anyone feel superanxious when trying something new?? Always the first time for everything is hardest for me, someone feeling the same way?

02-10-2012, 12:00 PM
Sure we all get anxiety from new experiences but we also may get Anticipatory Anxiety from getting worked up over things ahead of time more so then most. Alankay.

02-10-2012, 12:24 PM
That is how I am Alankay! I overthink things all the time and get bent out of shape and take things to literal

02-14-2012, 01:20 PM
Yes fear and anxiety can put you off your food. You need help from a professional to help you overcome this fear an anxiety. Lack of appetite can result in Zinc deficiency. Zinc helps to give you an appetite so you can see how a vicious circle starts. Zinc can be bought from a health food shop or can be given out by a doctor. Good luck.

02-18-2012, 04:31 PM
im also not coping well with my anxiety either but today i have joined this forum and after reading a extremely helpful thread im now going to stop lying around feeling sorry for myself and try my hardest kick myself up the bum and get past this stage in my life and live a normal life again and hope every one here the very best because we all know what each one of us is going through its hard, its challenging, its emotional, its draining, its life changing and it makes us angry have mood swings and just change the people we once were and we should no longer let this drag us down and we can get over this with the help and support we need it may take some of us not very long to over come it once starting the healing process some it may take a while longer but we can do it, we can get through this. and be able to leave the house or even the bed lol. we can over come this we just need to think positive and think we can do this we once lived a life were this wasn't a problem and we will do it again. This website is truely a great place to talk to other people who have been or are going through the same thing, and read what they done and we can then try these steps or even asking people how they manage to cope with going shopping and try it out if it doesnt work its ok, there is always tomorrow the more confident we become the more we will be getting better, lets take the baby steps and get to were we want to be in the next few months or the next year how ever long it takes baby steps all the way and you will be there and this part of our lives will be our past! Good luck i wish you all the best. xxx

02-29-2012, 11:07 PM
Thank you Ashleigh! Thank you for such inspiring words. I am have came to this forum hoping to gain strength and knowledge to cope with my anxiety!

Fearful jen
03-02-2012, 07:40 PM
Hi everyone awake and anxious and sad at the same time. I am with my family and wish I could be more excited with them. Three weeks ago I had my first panic attack and I thought that was the worst thing that could possibly happen to me but it's not. Being around my daughters and husband and not feeling happy is the worst. Right now the doctor put me on xanax and it helps to calm me and lets me sleep but I feel like I am just getting through the day. I really do not want to feel this way everday and I do not like the fact that I have to take a pill to be able to fall asleep.

03-02-2012, 07:45 PM
hey jen, i cant sleep for the life of me, and i too hate that i depend on a pill to fall asleep. i take seroquel for sleep and i wish it worked lol. i can never sleep because i am never relaxed enough to actually doze off into dreamland. try meditation to relax yourself. or deep breathing before bed. im starting that and deep breathing done right actually works to calm the body down and the mind.

03-03-2012, 05:54 AM
I will be too starting today! What do you think of the combo of the two drugs?

03-03-2012, 05:58 AM

03-05-2012, 07:38 PM
Not only are the meds I'm currently on helpful at keeping me reasonably calm, but the side effects I'm dealing with are not a real problem. But best of all, they don't make my hands shake. The pills I was on a few years ago made my hands shake, thus making me look frightened to others.

03-06-2012, 03:44 AM
I am trying to cope with my anxiety without medication. It's not an easy method. Some days are easier than others. Having someone that understands what you are going through is the best feeling ever. I don't get much support from my husband. He just thinks I'm insane. I need to overcome thus and get back to my life.

03-10-2012, 12:19 PM
Just the fact alone that my hands no longer shake reduces my anxiety. With previous pills I was on, my hands would shake so bad that only people with Parkinson's could have their hands shake as much as mine.

03-17-2012, 10:30 PM
I am trying to cope with my anxiety without medication. It's not an easy method. Some days are easier than others. Having someone that understands what you are going through is the best feeling ever. I don't get much support from my husband. He just thinks I'm insane. I need to overcome thus and get back to my life.

Try and get some professional help preferably cbt based as those skills will likely help you immensely.

03-26-2012, 03:18 PM
Some people may be able to overcome anxiety without meds. However, I am not one of those people. Before I got on the right pills for anxiety, all the rational thinking in the world made no difference. When I was nervous, that was it, I was nervous, even though I knew my anxieties were way out of proportion.

05-02-2012, 02:32 PM
Hey I want to come out here and say I have had anxiety my whole life and right now I am taking klonopin which kind of has helped me. I also want to say I am into working out, bike riding, video games, and going dancing at clubs.

05-08-2012, 08:38 AM
I am taking Klonopin and seeing a psychologist, we are doing CBT. I am also bike riding, working out, going out with friends, family (mainly my mom who I love dearly), and playing video games. Seems like I am on the right track to success.

05-08-2012, 01:23 PM
I am taking Klonopin and seeing a psychologist, we are doing CBT. I am also bike riding, working out, going out with friends, family (mainly my mom who I love dearly), and playing video games. Seems like I am on the right track to success.
I would agree. The harder you work at the CBT thought countering exercises like the TEA form etc the sooner it will take hold as your normal way of thinking :)

05-10-2012, 09:49 PM
I use music therapy. I particularly enjoy jazz music, but the sounds of nature, rainstorms, waves, those all help me relax and refocus.

05-15-2012, 08:48 PM
For me it's a combination of Yoga, therapy and natural remedies (Tranquilene is my fave!). I was prescribed all sorts of meds for a number of years. It was awful! I had to keep switching doctors because each one just wanted to get me doped up on something. Then I went natural and I'll never go back!

05-20-2012, 10:42 PM
I went to a chinese/herbal doctor and acupuncture has helped me a lot in the past, but now my anxiety has come back, I am taking atarax for this but only makes me sleepy.

05-29-2012, 08:52 PM
For me it's a combination of Yoga, therapy and natural remedies (Tranquilene is my fave!). I was prescribed all sorts of meds for a number of years. It was awful! I had to keep switching doctors because each one just wanted to get me doped up on something. Then I went natural and I'll never go back!

I think finding a combination of things is great. For me it has been cbt/tea forms and exercise. Med free and feeling great for years now too :-)

05-29-2012, 11:30 PM
Hi evryone i 've diarrhoea phobia from last 4yrs..i am in a treatment like cbt from last 1 year...some how it help me ..but it still trouble me like when i plan to travel then symptoms starts and diarrhoea begins...in exam hall too i had fear of having diarrhoe..what if happend...lot of quest kills me....plz help me...

06-02-2012, 10:42 AM
Hi evryone i 've diarrhoea phobia from last 4yrs..i am in a treatment like cbt from last 1 year...some how it help me ..but it still trouble me like when i plan to travel then symptoms starts and diarrhoea begins...in exam hall too i had fear of having diarrhoe..what if happend...lot of quest kills me....plz help me...

That sounds horrible. Wish I had advice for you but not something I have ever experienced. Have you ruled out any medical conditions that could be the cause? It does sound like it originates in your head and I would think retructuring the way you think about it would eventually solve your problem. Good luck!

06-02-2012, 12:08 PM
I don't cope with anxiety although I have recently started CBT

06-11-2012, 06:22 AM
hi chris i am a 27 year old male and i found that xanax taken in small doses works for me.it is only temporary because they are hard to get off
but it can be done

06-14-2012, 12:24 AM
I used meds but I stopped and I'm pretty much fine now thanks God :)

06-15-2012, 06:11 AM
Hey guys,
I am get burn from coffee and my hand is totally burned could you told me how can I review from that it is not seeing well for me is that dr.is best for me please suggest

06-15-2012, 06:12 AM
m get burn from coffee and my hand is totally burned could you told me how can I review from that it is not seeing well for me is that dr.is best for me please sugge

06-15-2012, 06:22 AM
I am get burn from coffee and my hand is totally burned could you told me how can I review from that it is not seeing well for me is that dr.is best for

06-15-2012, 06:39 AM
I'm not really sure what you are saying micorny, but if you have badly burned your hand then you should go to the ER and get it seen to.

06-15-2012, 06:44 AM
e and my hand is totally burned could you told me how can I review from that it is not seeing well for me is that dr.is

06-15-2012, 06:46 AM
I was taking paxil cr, but im off of it for the time being, but it does really seem to help a lot. I've also tried other medications without any success.

it is really a good to get strong for me that you hould have a boullit

Lauren Marshall
06-25-2012, 04:37 AM
i can't cope with my anxiety, i'm too busy coping with my depression. :/

07-06-2012, 12:24 PM
I am taking Lexapro, for my Depression/Anxiety it helps a bit with my depression, but not with my anxiety. My Counselor has showed me some Deep Breathing Techniques to help me relax when I get anxious, they help a little, but I still wish that I could get some pills for my Anxiety/Panic Attacks, does anyone know of any medication that they would recommend me taking for this that has worked for you?

I was prescribed Ativan for my anxiety+panic attack. And it's sublingual (under the tongue). it works within 15-20 min and calms you down. However, you get very very very drowsy and your eyes literally start shutting. And I get very very exhausted and groggy when I wake up. I almost cannot function after taking Ativan.

I'm currently on Clonazepam. Was told that Clonazepam has shorted effect time, so I shouldn't feel as tired and groggy. i tried once, and was feeling ok after waking up. though it's pill form so it takes longer to get absorbed in to your system.

Both have helped with my anxiety+panic attacks. I would like to learn to not have to rely on pills to get over my attacks.

07-26-2012, 05:03 PM
Right now I am not doing anything, but what I have tried was taking a few medication and I went a couple times to see a therapist but now I am back at square 1 just trying to deal with it.

07-29-2012, 12:17 AM
Both have helped with my anxiety+panic attacks. I would like to learn to not have to rely on pills to get over my attacks.

Then you really need to try the CBT exercise called the TEA form. They have helped me turn things around :)

07-31-2012, 01:16 PM
The best resource I have found with information regarding coping with anxiety has been


08-07-2012, 11:25 AM
I try to stay away from benzos and have coped pretty well until late. I can't get past feeling scared of life and I have began drinking as an outlet. A glass of wine has led to a bottle of wine so it's not going in the right direction. I take Effexor for depression and anxiety (max dose), has anyone got some medication options that might be better before I kill my liver.

cat eyes
09-12-2012, 10:03 AM
In my case it is a mix of many factors for sure. What really frightened me is to see that a lot of you don't cope with it!
I can only give the advice to do something against it. I read a lot... forums, blogs or interesting journals online wikihow.com has a lot of interesting articles that address anxieties. You find a lot of interesting tips to try.
Further I see that not many use therapy help. I tried out a lot... psychiatrist, mental healer or how ever they called themselves. Some helped really and others less, but they give you all a total new insight.
I came across a new concept online on facebook: facebook/your24hcoach ... it seems to me a great option. You have assistance any time you need in real-time and with the coach you want to. Perhaps some of you should consider that option too!

I like that. How do I join?

09-12-2012, 02:49 PM
A combination of therapy and meds help me with my anxieties.

I try to only worry about things that I can control.

cat eyes
09-13-2012, 04:28 AM
Hey cat eyes
check out their media channels, I think they have others beside their facebook page.
You can register on their actual webpage your24hcoach.com! At the moment they have even a special offer. You get a free file about success in life advices and the first 10minutes of coaching free. I think they launch soon and then we get a notification.

Do you know the fee?

09-19-2012, 01:01 PM
Hi I have been diagnosed with anxiety and just been put on medication. I am finding help with hypnosis for stress and anxiety which you can get on ur phone via app, and they help to clear ur head and relax. Also have started to look at cbt treatment which is challenging ur thoughts as I do always think the negative and analyse everything, found that challenging my thoughts is helping, again app on phone is really good that you record daily. Hope this help.

09-25-2012, 02:55 PM
Hi I have been diagnosed with anxiety and just been put on medication. I am finding help with hypnosis for stress and anxiety which you can get on ur phone via app, and they help to clear ur head and relax. Also have started to look at cbt treatment which is challenging ur thoughts as I do always think the negative and analyse everything, found that challenging my thoughts is helping, again app on phone is really good that you record daily. Hope this help.
Hello. I am new to this. But have been having depression and anxiety for a year. Your tips are great. Thank you I look forward to gaining a lot of support from this site in times of need. X

10-28-2012, 12:49 AM
Since this is a mental problem, I like to calm myself down to music and a glass of fresh tea.

10-29-2012, 02:56 PM
I'll check it out, is it a forum or a product?

11-04-2012, 11:43 PM
I was taking lexapro but felt I had plateaued. I also was seeing a therapist. Moved, do new therapist I only saw once who was terrible and now on cymbalta bc of the help with pain. I can tell a diff when I don't take it, however, it's not enough to help. I need to go back to the dr for a new plan of action and a new pain management plan. Pain is a big cause of anxiety, so I take whatever painkillers I can. Not good, not healthy. Need to find something new, motivation lacks though, hence new dr appt.

11-07-2012, 12:22 PM
I believe anxiety is a mental state mediated through biochemistry, so essential amino acids, omega 3 and calcium and magnesium seem to be great remedies - alongside tackling the anxiety from the psychological side.. They are hand in hand remedies - therapy must activate a stable mode of thought and emotion, which can only be introduced if the sufficient biological chemistry is available too. The first step down the psychological remedy path is finding the strength to pull it out of your valuable mind into the objective world we live - tell people!! and the first step down the biological-nutritional remedy path are essential amino acids and chelated magnesium.

Poll results very interesting here, great to see!

11-09-2012, 01:38 AM
Medication usually. My anxiety is more a physical phenomenon than anything else. I get super anxious for no reason at all.

Right now, when I don't have anxiety? Alcohol. Which I know is really terrible. But my GP won't prescribe anything and I can't get back to see my psychiatrist for a few weeks.

11-13-2012, 01:37 AM
By searching for people like me. Just being on a thread app type thing like this on my phone has helped. It can feel very lonely living with anxiety. Just seeing loads of msgs from people helps me relax and remember its normal to worry and I'm not the only one going through anxiety, I don't have to be all alone. With no family or close friends, even when u do have this it doesn't always mean support and understanding, I struggle alone. Hello and keep going x

11-26-2012, 07:04 AM
I am taking Lexapro, for my Depression/Anxiety it helps a bit with my depression, but not with my anxiety. My Counselor has showed me some Deep Breathing Techniques to help me relax when I get anxious, they help a little, but I still wish that I could get some pills for my Anxiety/Panic Attacks, does anyone know of any medication that they would recommend me taking for this that has worked for you?

Xanax works great for me. It's extremely fast acting but alot of drs. I've seen are very careful with prescribing it because it can cause dependency with time and you may need a higher dose as your body gets used to it.

11-27-2012, 12:26 PM
Made it through one holiday with flying colors. Thank you TEA forms and CBT :)

01-11-2013, 12:49 AM
thank you!

01-11-2013, 12:31 PM
thank you!

Not sure who you are thanking but if it was me you're welcome!

Happy New Year everyone!

01-11-2013, 09:15 PM
Hello do u want to talk bout symptoms

01-11-2013, 09:34 PM
Xanax works great for me. It's extremely fast acting but alot of drs. I've seen are very careful with prescribing it because it can cause dependency with time and you may need a higher dose as your body gets used to it.

Erm have you tried setraline I use that it's quiet good buh I suffer wid difficulty swallowing ! Have u ever suffered them symptoms

01-12-2013, 03:47 AM
I take melatonin + L-theanie pills to sleep, and I see a therapist. I listen to music a lot and that helps. The kind of music I listen to usually causes people anxiety but for me it blocks a lot of it out.

01-31-2013, 01:57 PM
The most effective remedies for my anxiety have been the simplest - getting enough sleep, eating healthy and doing cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes three times a week.