View Full Version : How are you coping with anxiety?

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02-04-2013, 05:14 PM
Exercise! It's been the mainstay positive benefit in my life. You should include that in the poll, methinks.

02-10-2013, 09:28 PM
Exercise! It's been the mainstay positive benefit in my life. You should include that in the poll, methinks.

Me too. It's all that kept me going before finding relief with the TEA form exercise from CBT.

02-12-2013, 08:06 PM
Me too. It's all that kept me going before finding relief with the TEA form exercise from CBT.

What's that? I'm unfamiliar with both those acronyms.

02-25-2013, 04:38 PM
For my anxiety i take 1 mg Lorazepam (Ativan) and for my depression Nortriptyline and they bothe seem to work great for me my anxiety is what bother me the most and so ativan works great it calm me a lot and allow me to do and go places i wouldn't if i was not on it.

04-09-2013, 12:45 PM
Im new to this forum so hello to you all! I suffered from anxiety symptoms for almost 3 years with depression also. I am at a point in my life where I see these symptoms for what they truly are. An unrealistic representation of situations that my mind tells my body to feel.
I now feel stronger than before I had anxiety and depression mainly because instead of taking the medication that I was told to take (which made me feel worse! ), I didn’t just read about the ways that could help me become better, I actually started to do them and ignore what these symptoms were telling me. That’s when I realised that they are not real! Ive had every symptom, believe me! But I wanted someone to tell me and actually show me the ways, the food to eat, morning routines, ambitions! Well Im now feeling good and seek improvements every day. I willing to talk to people who feel like how I felt when I had nowhere to turn to, I want to give back. I appreciate my life and im going to give my time to people that want it. No cost. If you are interested then please let me know on this thread.

I am not a professional and not 100% anxiety free ( no one on this planet is! ) but I believe I am on the right path. just keep believing! Thanks for reading!

04-09-2013, 04:20 PM
Hey Onelife. I too amm seeking a more natural way to combat my anxiety, so please share some of the steps you took along the way. It would be very helpful.

04-10-2013, 05:23 PM
I have suffered from anxiety since I was seven years old. I was even in a mental hospital for a week when I was 17 years old for anxiety. The only life saving thing I have taken is Klonopin and I have been on it for four years. I have come to the conclusion I may be on this for the rest of my life but if I am I accept it, because it helps me get through tough situations and everyday life. I don't want to have to feel anxiety and feel that way every single day of my life. Doctors say its addictive and so do people but I told my doctor, its like taking a heart pill everyday for the rest of your life. If you need it you need it. I have done tons of therapy and counseling and now mainly I just talk myself through things. Besides the medication the one thing I have learn is you have to "BREATHE"

04-11-2013, 07:11 AM
Hi Cabcom

Yes of course i shall share a few of things i did and do on a daily basis. One of the first things i did was to understand that I am not dying! Yes the symptoms ( when given the attention that their looking for! ) feel like your about to pass out any second and your heart is going to stop if you walk up some steps. Well your heart is such a strong tool that it can beat at such a high rate for long period of time. Obviously we want to bring this heart rate down when not exercising or in situations where we need the blood to pumped around our bodies rapidly. The thoughts we think are the mastermind to the feelings we experience, rapid heart rate, excessive pounding of the heart, palpitations, Light headed feeling all the time, chocking sensation, breathing problems etc. It might not feel like it but thats where it has started and thats the first place to change it running patterns which sometimes were not even aware that are operating. When i used to see my front door my mind would create a thought that went something like ' oh no, that door leads to outside, im scared to go outside! ' and i would suffer all these restricting symptoms. What I started to do was spend some time with myself, with my thoughts, and just watched them in my mind. what were they predominantly saying? were they positive or negative? Was I holding onto something from the past that was stopping me living my life in the now? all these questions which I had never asked myself before. The answers began to come to me as I practiced silencing my mind through techniques such as meditation ( proven to cause wonders with anxiety and depression when practiced daily). Sometimes this can feel difficult when you are experiencing all these symptoms that stop you from living life. Well these symptoms wont kill you, you must push past that point where you wont to stop your current activity and embrace the feeling! yes embrace it! and what you will find is it will dissappear. What you are doing when you do this is training your mind to realise that you are not in danger and your body will begin to become more relaxed the more times you do this over time. This area is very important and each person will have different answers to these and many more questions so if you would like more help with this area then email me.

What we eat and drink is highly important. Do you drink 3 litres of water a day? not 2 but 3? if not then start today. and see the difference you will feel in one month. Our bodies are around 80% water! Try to drink filtered water. I use a filter which i bought for £10-£15, and i use it everyday. Try to eat more earthly foods, alot of green leafy foods like kale, celery, spinach etc. they contain alot of oxygen and clean out alot of the crap we have built up of the years by eating processed foods. Also look up 30 day raw food on youtube and have a look at some of the videos. Some of these people have adopted a raw juice diet and have had all the symptoms that we suffer/suffered plus diseases like cancer and they have made full recoveries!

Exercise is also essential ( doctors always say it but its true ). Go for a jog with a friend and see how you feel afterwards. I know its difficult to even get out the house but push past that thought that is telling you no, its just your mind trying to keep you safe from a safe situation! Once you do it your mind realizes theres nothing to be afraid of and will remember it for next time.

There are other areas to address also like ambitions and even spiritual beliefs but these are definitely great ways to start your path to recovery. The time you recover all depends on how often you attack these unrealistic fears. If you would like to talk more then please do email me using the email in my profile.

The greatest thing of all is that when you do recover from anxiety you will actually feel more courageous and grateful for the amazing things in life which you still have to experience. I believe the risks you will take after anxiety and depression you would have not done before when you were 'normal'.

Use it as a blessing, Your about to become a greater human being.

04-23-2013, 11:23 PM
I no longer take medication and haven't for 5 years, but I always have a low level of anxiety and sometimes if stressed it becomes very difficult. If I have a diversion I am much better, but it is when I am alone for long periods of time that I feel greater levels of anxiety and have negative thoughts. I also have an irregular heart beat which, when I'm anxious seems to lead to more symptoms. I think my problem is that I am alone to much, but being an American and living in S.E. Asia I do not have a support system. I have a partner of 8 years here, but he travels for work for extended periods of time. It is then that I find anxiety coming on. I don't sleep well and am restless. I go for walks and that helps, but then I come home to an empty house. I guess I feel a bit lost? I do not want medication again and need ways to exped energy while still dealing with my health issue. I think I know what to do, but I don't want to return to the U.S.????? I'm so confused!!!!

04-23-2013, 11:34 PM
Just wondering if anyone here is suffering from health anxiety? And if they have any suggestions to help. I always think something is wrong with me. Like right now I have myself convinced I have lung cancer. I've had a cold which is almost gone but I' st ill coughing some and still wheezing. Of course I looked on line and that's what came up. I am a smoker but I had a chest xrays three weeks ago that came back fine but I read that it doesn't always show up on xrays so now I'm scared to death. Sorry I know how crazy I sound but this has taken over my thoughts and life the last few weeks and I feel like I'm going crazy.

04-23-2013, 11:46 PM
Exercise definitely works - if only just a little walk and try mindfulness and look at trees, birds etc while walking and that helps you more.
But I know how easy it is to get so low you can't even sit in the garden and best weekend is when you don't have one thing you have to do outside.
A vicious circle because you then put weight on, or back on, and it gets even harder to go out because lose confidence. Lost 5 stone at least 4 times during my life, and then along comes hormone problem and depression each time and it all goes back on. I go from going to gym 3 times a week and swimming 40 lengths a week, wearing lovely clothes and confident, to not even being able to go out of the door.

04-24-2013, 03:54 AM
Exercise definitely works - if only just a little walk and try mindfulness and look at trees, birds etc while walking and that helps you more.
But I know how easy it is to get so low you can't even sit in the garden and best weekend is when you don't have one thing you have to do outside.
A vicious circle because you then put weight on, or back on, and it gets even harder to go out because lose confidence. Lost 5 stone at least 4 times during my life, and then along comes hormone problem and depression each time and it all goes back on. I go from going to gym 3 times a week and swimming 40 lengths a week, wearing lovely clothes and confident, to not even being able to go out of the door.

Thats exactly the way I carry on! It's like we need to be 'doing' so as not to be 'thinking'!
The depression that comes with anxiety is incapacitating at times. The two combined are horrendous and people don't get it even GP's.

04-29-2013, 01:07 PM
What's that? I'm unfamiliar with both those acronyms.

CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
TEA Thought Error Analysis The main exercise for fighting anxiety used in CBT.

04-29-2013, 01:10 PM
I no longer take medication and haven't for 5 years, but I always have a low level of anxiety and sometimes if stressed it becomes very difficult. If I have a diversion I am much better, but it is when I am alone for long periods of time that I feel greater levels of anxiety and have negative thoughts. I also have an irregular heart beat which, when I'm anxious seems to lead to more symptoms. I think my problem is that I am alone to much, but being an American and living in S.E. Asia I do not have a support system. I have a partner of 8 years here, but he travels for work for extended periods of time. It is then that I find anxiety coming on. I don't sleep well and am restless. I go for walks and that helps, but then I come home to an empty house. I guess I feel a bit lost? I do not want medication again and need ways to exped energy while still dealing with my health issue. I think I know what to do, but I don't want to return to the U.S.????? I'm so confused!!!!

I would try learning the coping skills taught in CBT like the TEA form. They worked amazingly well for my anxieties and are really effective if you stick with them. The book Been There, Done That? Do THIS! by Sam Obitz is the one that helped me learn how to help myself.

05-23-2013, 09:56 PM
I have also been recommended ACT (Acceptance Commitment Theory) by my mental health team manager - it is the opposite to CBT. So it is about accepting your thoughts and working with them and goes well with Mindfulness if you have been taught that.
Also just learning accupressure, but only can dip into the books, so learning slowly, but definitely holding my "worry" thumb when met new boss recently helped!

05-24-2013, 01:44 AM
Its Horrible !!!

05-28-2013, 09:17 AM
For people who are doing CBT, what does the therapist say about the anxiety? How does it help? Can you post things that you were told that you use?

05-29-2013, 06:05 PM
I no longer take medication and haven't for 5 years, but I always have a low level of anxiety and sometimes if stressed it becomes very difficult. If I have a diversion I am much better, but it is when I am alone for long periods of time that I feel greater levels of anxiety and have negative thoughts. I also have an irregular heart beat which, when I'm anxious seems to lead to more symptoms. I think my problem is that I am alone to much, but being an American and living in S.E. Asia I do not have a support system. I have a partner of 8 years here, but he travels for work for extended periods of time. It is then that I find anxiety coming on. I don't sleep well and am restless. I go for walks and that helps, but then I come home to an empty house. I guess I feel a bit lost? I do not want medication again and need ways to exped energy while still dealing with my health issue. I think I know what to do, but I don't want to return to the U.S.????? I'm so confused!!!!

In a very similar boat but i am home.Similar symptoms definitely.My anxiety is beginning to lessen in strength and frequency though.Exercise is very good i also tried diet change and reading? Its tough to read while having bad anxiety but the distraction helps tonnes to calm me down? Hope that was helpful!

05-31-2013, 12:44 PM
For people who are doing CBT, what does the therapist say about the anxiety? How does it help? Can you post things that you were told that you use?

It is not like traditional therapy. The therapist gives you exercises to do and you really make progress fast if you do them. The one that has helped me the most is the TEA form thought countering exercise from the CBT book by Sam Obitz and Michelle Craske. You learn how to think and react differently to your anxiety and it gradually loses all of its power over you. Highly recommend it if you are willing to do the work.

06-27-2013, 05:31 PM
Therapist. Meds. LOTS AND LOTS of reading on the net. And now this group.

07-01-2013, 03:21 PM
Therapist. Meds. LOTS AND LOTS of reading on the net. And now this group.

Welcome. It's a great site with lots of helpful people from all different forms of therapy. What helped me was CBT and the TEA form exercise (which I still use to this day).

08-28-2013, 09:06 PM
Does anyone use phone apps to help with their anxiety? If so what are they? Are they expensive?

08-29-2013, 01:19 PM
I like to use meditation, relaxation, and behavioral therapy.

09-06-2013, 04:31 PM
I was on every single medication listed on this page and more.....none of them did anything to permanently resolve my anxiety and panic attacks. The only thing that worked was when I took control of my situation and started walking, taking herbal supplements and deep breathing EVERY day. I also stopped taking all medication, including OTC, and now after almost 4 years I beat it! Not an easy journey, but very doable.

Great to hear! If you ever relapse try CBT and the TEA form exercise. I was skeptical initially but it really does build new pathways in your brain that prevent most anxiety. THe book by Sam Obitz and Michelle Craske is excellent if you want to read more about it.

09-06-2013, 04:32 PM
Does anyone use phone apps to help with their anxiety? If so what are they? Are they expensive?

I have not but there really weren't any when I was trying to get better.

09-09-2013, 12:34 PM
Thought tracing. I trace back my thoughts to the moment my anxiety/panic began.

09-12-2013, 08:58 PM
What have you tried as far as coping techniques?

09-13-2013, 05:31 PM
To cope, my initial method is to try and listen to music.. Distracting myself seems to be the real key. Basically trying to get my mind from thinking about all the dreaded "What ifs"..because if that happens, I start spiraling..

09-13-2013, 05:56 PM
To cope, my initial method is to try and listen to music.. Distracting myself seems to be the real key. Basically trying to get my mind from thinking about all the dreaded "What ifs"..because if that happens, I start spiraling..

Dude, I know how you feel. That's good that you listen to music. Now when I listen to music, I always listen to up beat, lyrical music (but whatever helps you man, go for it). Also go for walks. Trust me, it helps. Walk for at least 45 minutes to get the endorphin kicking. Plus, being outside makes you think about your problem in a different way. I read someone's post (I think his name is Kev. If you haven't checked out his post on irrational fears explained, then you must check it out) and found that anxiety is fancy talk for "high level of stress." So when we are anxious, we are actually really stressed. I know that what always works for stress is exercise. As humans, we are built to be on the move and not stay in one place for too long. Have you ever wondered when you did exercise or did any kind of physical activity that you felt happy? That's because your built for it. Trust me, I used to go jogging everyday, do p90x, swimming etc. and it was no wonder why I was ever stressed. Exercise is essential for getting your mind cleared. Once your mind gets cleared, it is easier to think about your problem and your able to do this from a different perspective. I haven't taken any meds and don't plan to. Your body is constantly striving to reach that level of equilibrium. So never think that your not making progress because you are. Like any other illness, it takes time to heal from it. Accepting that you have anxiety is a big step to moving onto the road to recovery. Always remember that the "what ifs" are just irrational thoughts; they make no sense whatsoever. I used to be very bad with my anxiety. I would think irrational thoughts and boom I would get into what I call "anxiety phases." And it was either I would talk to someone and let it take over and I would freak out, or I would have to avoid people and focus on breathing my way out of it. I would have trouble sleeping for weeks. I would have occasional panic attacks. Now I'm able to control my anxiety better but I still have to deal with it. I hope this helps man. Nothings worse than feeling alone in the struggle. If you have any questions then feel free to reply dude :)

09-14-2013, 06:43 AM
^Thank you for the advice, Sir :)

I had been excising for about a year and it was helping, but recently anxiety has been getting really bad (heart worries) and I couldn't exercise or walk extensively because I was afraid that I would pass out especially if I went to walk by myself..I know it's weird and irrational, but I couldn't help but fear being alone and something bad happening..and it didn't help when I would start getting dizzy.......Recently though, I've tried swimming and it seems to help a lot..I have been under a lot of stress and stressing definitely seems to make the anxiety worse...I checked out the irrational fears post, and it was quite informative and helpful. Hopefully I can use more logic and restore my brain to a better place.. thanks again.. :)

09-15-2013, 09:24 PM
^Thank you for the advice, Sir :)

I had been excising for about a year and it was helping, but recently anxiety has been getting really bad (heart worries) and I couldn't exercise or walk extensively because I was afraid that I would pass out especially if I went to walk by myself..I know it's weird and irrational, but I couldn't help but fear being alone and something bad happening..and it didn't help when I would start getting dizzy.......Recently though, I've tried swimming and it seems to help a lot..I have been under a lot of stress and stressing definitely seems to make the anxiety worse...I checked out the irrational fears post, and it was quite informative and helpful. Hopefully I can use more logic and restore my brain to a better place.. thanks again.. :)

No problem dude! I'm down to help anyone suffering from the same thing. The key is to not give your anxiety any power. Stressing feeds into it, and worrying about going for walks can feed into it too. It's all about being courageous, even though at times it may be hard to sum it up. It's a true battle of attrition. Never give in and always tell yourself that the feeling isn't here to stay, but it's there to pass. I would strongly recommend watching a motivational speaker called Les Brown. This guy's words are powerful and will hit you with extreme truth. He will empower you and if you find it hard to sum up the courage, he will get it out of you. You won't regret it dude!

09-19-2013, 05:10 AM
hi im 20 years old and ive just found out I have panic attacks I found this out myself as the doctors were a complete waste of time I am now on medication called lustral I don't no what to do really my panic attacks are horrible and that's why I thought id try speaking to others with this as im finding it really hard as ive got a 3 year old anyone can talk as im even finding it hard to eat and have lost 3 stone x

09-30-2013, 10:34 AM
self help is one of the best cure and help. it is organic

10-07-2013, 09:31 AM
I cut out caffeine. Its worked for me. :)

10-07-2013, 01:57 PM
I'm in therapy and doing self-help. I also am trying natural solutions like vitamins and trying to get enough sleep if possible. I'm thinking about medication.

Also, I'm trying meditation and hypnosis.

10-09-2013, 08:08 AM
There are quire number of ways to cope with anxiety... from self test, seeking professional help, reading positive thoughts, talking to oneself.
It depends how well one method may suit to one individuals accordingly. There's no one way cure or help for all anxieties.

10-11-2013, 05:37 PM
self help is one of the best cure and help. it is organic

So true and it builds your self-esteem at the same time as it is getting you better. CBT is what worked wonders for me and I highly recommend it for anyone willing to put in the time on the TEA forms and other exercises.

10-14-2013, 07:49 AM
I just learned how to live with it.

10-15-2013, 07:13 PM
I guess self-help in the form that I am fully aware of the things in my daily life that work for me in reducing anxiety. The problem for me is putting those plans into action. For me, the best remedy is exercise and working. Anything that physically requires me to take my mind off the fears that creep constantly into my mind. Running is great...it's hard and it makes me focus on breathing and putting one foot in front of the other and then I don't have time to think about anything else. On the downside all of these remedies, I tend to get obsessed with and sometimes that's just my problem manifesting itself in a different format. Like, I'll work out at the gym for hours on end because it feels good but I'll do it every day for weeks and weeks until I'm physically exhausted. Then, the anxiety sets in.

10-16-2013, 06:34 AM
taking small steps daily.
avoid all substance if can.
use all organic technique to help oneself.
its a struggle to unleash from this shell.
i believe i can.
rather suffer now and live later.

10-22-2013, 04:50 AM
Mixture of medication and hard work by myself. I believe in exposure therapy and I use it daily. Am classed as an agoraphobic. But I hate been in the house. How Irish is that for you. An agoraphobic who prefers to be outdoors. Way I see it, you can sit in and feel bad or you can go out and push yourself. You may feel bad out as well. But at least you went out and have good reason for feeling as you do. It does get easier over time. Was housebound for a decade. Took my time and started to put things right. Think I simply got fed up looking at the walls in my bedroom.

10-22-2013, 07:02 AM
Mixture of medication and hard work by myself. I believe in exposure therapy and I use it daily. Am classed as an agoraphobic. But I hate been in the house. How Irish is that for you. An agoraphobic who prefers to be outdoors. Way I see it, you can sit in and feel bad or you can go out and push yourself. You may feel bad out as well. But at least you went out and have good reason for feeling as you do. It does get easier over time. Was housebound for a decade. Took my time and started to put things right. Think I simply got fed up looking at the walls in my bedroom.

awesome. very well - done! if you can do, anyone can do it, i always believe.

James Valdez
11-03-2013, 06:31 PM
u try to meditate but its hard to get into ..i use cannabis to calm me down zanax and ativan are too fucked up of drugs for me to feel safe using them... and i used to talk to a counselor but that only helped on thaat particular day or week that i talked to them ...sometimes i feel like im going psychotic

11-07-2013, 01:02 PM
In an effort to see how people are coping with anxiety, I have setup this poll.

I take some prescription meds.

11-07-2013, 01:03 PM
Like Lorazepam.

11-21-2013, 04:40 AM
Hi, first time poster here. Have enjoyed reading this thread so far.

My biggest strength in recovery has been my motivation to not let this beat me. I just try and push myself every day to do the things which make me feel anxious and I now quite enjoy the adrenaline rush - I've had it so long I know it can't hurt me.

Taking pills to stop a thought just doesn't seem right to me and so have never tried them. I am sure they do help in the short term, but surely all they do is mask it and numb the mind, rather than actually help you beat it.

My thoughts are to beat it you have to face it, endure it and even enjoy it - I know that might sound weird!

11-27-2013, 01:27 PM
Good point about the difficulty of putting plans into action. Part of my early struggles with the TEA forms were centered around feeling so overwhelmed I could not bring myself to do them and now I realize that's when they would have benefited me the most. The good news is all my small steps still added up to a lot of relief over time.

11-27-2013, 03:18 PM
Exposure just makes it worse for me. I have to sleep and completely relax until I get so tired of sleeping and bored I feel like I have to do something.

Bill Burniece
12-12-2013, 01:26 PM
The key for me is good herbal teas, relaxation and breathing exercises, and living in the NOW and trying not to to be such a worry-wort.

The Valeyard
12-17-2013, 12:17 AM
Medication, meditation, therapy.

01-04-2014, 03:43 PM
I was taking SSRI's but they left me so doped up and nauseated that it made me worse. Needless to say, I stopped taking them.

I've been taking vitamins, excercise, doing puzzles, my friends, music, and got prescribed Ativan on a PRN basis. Just the thought of knowing that I have something if I need it makes me feel better.

Sleep is a big thing for me. I notice that the days where I sleep longer are the days where my anxiety doesn't bother me.

I'm starting therapy in a couple weeks and I'm glad I made the step in scheduling it.

Congratulations and it seems like you're on a wise path. Encouraging. Thank you

01-05-2014, 06:37 PM
Speaking of the "now". I read a great book by Eckhart Tolle called The Power of Now. There's a lot to be said for his insights.
Herbal Teas and relaxation, breathing are great too. Thank you for sharing.

Kyle Morgan
01-14-2014, 04:33 PM
I am taking medication for my anxiety. I have been feeling worse the past few days because I haven't been taking them for long.

01-25-2014, 01:19 PM
Therapy, self talk, self help, support from friends and family. Cognitive behavioral therapy, no medication at all, can't stand the stuff.... Keeping busy. Meditation, swimming, working out, spending time with my dog (keeps me out of the house) all kinds of things I do. Some days I still feel like I'm going nuts and the heaviness and tightness in my chest will never go away, and other days I feel ok.

02-03-2014, 03:12 PM
I only realised I had anxiety recently. Until now I thought I had a low threshold for coping with stress. My symptoms are palpitations, nausea, headache and fatigue which can last for several days. The first thing I did was go to the doctor. It made me feel better just knowing it wasn’t uncommon. I have some valium - 2mg and I usually take half of this to take the edge of the panic and anxiety. I have used 12 this last year so am not going to get addicted to them. I try to walk fast at least once a week and play tennis twice a week. I read on here about Buteyko breathing technique and am going to try it. Because I didn’t know what it was I found it hard to talk about it even to my family but I talked about it with my daughter today and it was much easier than I thought.
What I would like to do is to find out WHY I get them in the first place. Then I can unlearn that process that leads to having one. I sense its to do with fear of something - maybe failing or confrontations in my case. I always try to stay ‘on top’ of things when maybe I should just let some things go by and decide what the important things are. That way it might halve the stress I feel. Its my first visit to this forum so I hope to learn more from coming here. Thanks.

02-06-2014, 01:44 PM
Welcome to the forum, Laughing :) This is a great place to learn and share!

02-06-2014, 02:45 PM
I only realised I had anxiety recently. Until now I thought I had a low threshold for coping with stress. My symptoms are palpitations, nausea, headache and fatigue which can last for several days. The first thing I did was go to the doctor. It made me feel better just knowing it wasn’t uncommon. I have some valium - 2mg and I usually take half of this to take the edge of the panic and anxiety. I have used 12 this last year so am not going to get addicted to them. I try to walk fast at least once a week and play tennis twice a week. I read on here about Buteyko breathing technique and am going to try it. Because I didn’t know what it was I found it hard to talk about it even to my family but I talked about it with my daughter today and it was much easier than I thought.
What I would like to do is to find out WHY I get them in the first place. Then I can unlearn that process that leads to having one. I sense its to do with fear of something - maybe failing or confrontations in my case. I always try to stay ‘on top’ of things when maybe I should just let some things go by and decide what the important things are. That way it might halve the stress I feel. Its my first visit to this forum so I hope to learn more from coming here. Thanks.

GOLDEN ADVICE: DON'T GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS. EVER. If you do that, you'll go from 1 problem to 1000 problems.

You'll find everything you need here. Everything from supplements->medications->breathing techniques->meditation. Even if you feel bad or depressed, just come here and you'll not feel alone. That I can promise. Any questions? Just ask and you'll get a good answer always. I'm kinda "new" here too and the people here has been helping me aloooooot!

Welcome! :D

Fight the stress
02-08-2014, 02:33 PM
Although prescription medication may help us through the day the long term effects its doing internally is to me not worth it. what are your thoughts on that?

Fight the stress
02-08-2014, 02:34 PM
Yes it is, brings a lot of hope for everyone including myself

Charlie_ Barry
02-10-2014, 01:58 PM
Hey everyone, hope you are all staying strong! :)

Fight the stress
02-16-2014, 05:12 PM
Speaking of the "now". I read a great book by Eckhart Tolle called The Power of Now. There's a lot to be said for his insights.
Herbal Teas and relaxation, breathing are great too. Thank you for sharing.

Ah what a great author and book.

02-28-2014, 03:58 PM
I have a lot of worries and insecurities I try to talk to about with people but I keep getting told that I just need to do more and stay more busy so I wont worry. I really think talking about what bothers me with someone who will listen helps but no one wants to listen to a whiner like me

03-02-2014, 05:36 AM
Hi you all!

I can honestly say that almost all things I tried helped me but the most important thing is that I decided to change my mindset when I realized one thing- I created my anxiety so I can cure it too... I really don't recommend any drugs at all, I didn't find them helpful myself.
I'm writing a blog about my experiences, advice, thoughts etc so feel welcome to visit it, comment, share... :)
Just click on my homepage if you're interested.
I hope you can find some helpful information on it :)

03-02-2014, 05:41 AM
If you usually think it's helpful when you talk about your problems, maybe start a diary? And I actually agree with a part of what are people saying to you, overthinking is a common problem of all of us with anxiety and it's not good at all. I started feeling better when I decided not to think about everything so much :)

03-05-2014, 02:12 PM
I tried citalopram, sertraline, and Remeron. Nothing.

Xanax works for me. It is a God drug. I know it's addictive and I am working very diligent with my pdoc and therapist to try to find other solutions. But I love Xanax. Truly. I want to marry it and have its babies.

I exercise most days, I have cut out all caffeine and nicotine and alcohol. I eat well. All of those holistic approaches give me another boost, maybe 10% or so.

05-15-2014, 03:46 PM
[QUOTE=AliasEQ;156766]GOLDEN ADVICE: DON'T GOOGLE YOUR SYMPTOMS. EVER. If you do that, you'll go from 1 problem to 1000 problems.

I could not agree more, excellent advice above :)

05-15-2014, 04:06 PM
Exposure just makes it worse for me. I have to sleep and completely relax until I get so tired of sleeping and bored I feel like I have to do something.

Exposure without the proper tools is of little use...

06-01-2014, 07:35 PM
So many things you've said are also true for me. However I have depression/irritability so badly that I am on Prozac. I do believe that I have CREATED my anxiety and with some love, support, And tools I can choose something else! I want to visit your blog!

06-01-2014, 07:40 PM
I, too, am loads better than I used to be, when I did not understand anxiety and believed ii was a victim to it. After much effort, I have tools today. Breathing techniques, meditation, prayer. Exercise, sleep, non addictive meds, therapy. Still,,,,,, driving is difficult some days. That's my downfall lol

06-02-2014, 08:22 AM
Personally I talk to my anxiety (or my sub-conscious). I get mad at it and tell it to leave my body. You have to confront it and tell it to stop making you feel the way you are feeling. You dont need to depend on meds.

Thats just my way of seeing things though. Sorry if i sound ignorant haha.

We all have different ways of coping.

06-02-2014, 09:08 AM
I think your feedback is insightful and far from ignorant! Yes I am going to talk back to my anxiety. My job is relocating twenty miles further so now I have to be able to drive that. Time to see if this will work :)

06-06-2014, 01:09 PM
I don't really suffer from anxiety anymore and haven't had a panic attack in a long time (about 3 years) but I found a mixture of therapy and self-help was the best fix for me.

It took me a long time to actually realise that nobody else was going to fix this but me, so I started meditating, read some books, and bought an online course and was eventually (after a lot of work) "cured". Still though, it's great to say that the majority of my symptoms haven't reared their ugly heads in a while :)


Great job! I learned a long time ago that taking responsibility for getting ourselves well is a key to finding success :)

06-06-2014, 01:10 PM
Personally I talk to my anxiety (or my sub-conscious). I get mad at it and tell it to leave my body. You have to confront it and tell it to stop making you feel the way you are feeling. You dont need to depend on meds.

Thats just my way of seeing things though. Sorry if i sound ignorant haha.

We all have different ways of coping.

Not ignorant at all. In fact, what you are doing is a short-hand version of CBT and the TEA form exercise.

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:15 AM
Awesome thread :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:15 AM
I find meditation one of the best cures :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:16 AM
For anyone interested in natural supplements...valerian root :)

Jeremy Bennett
06-08-2014, 07:16 AM
I also find trying to go for as many walks as possible -- super oxygenating the body is always good :)

06-10-2014, 07:31 PM
I really appreciate everything you've shared. I am hardly anxiety-free on anti depressants. So my doc and I decided to wean off, after 15 years :o. I am doing it slowly and when I get tearful and isolate I am reminded that I'm weaning too quickly. I'm off most of the Vistaril for sleep and I'm taking Valerian instead. Biggest change? Taking a supplement daily of magnesium, calcium, k2 and d3. My recent lands showed I was extremely low. And....Ta Da...I'm joining a gym this weekend and starting yoga! Myextreme panic when I drive the freeways is better w/breathing exercises in the car. And a meditation CD I listen to when driving. Please share your blog with me, I'd love to find out what's going on with you. And btw, mmHg hormone levels were very low showing full blown menopause, I can't win lol.!

06-15-2014, 04:24 PM
I appreciate you posting this link on mindfulness. I am a strong advocate for mindfulness. Actually the name mind full ness sounds like uh oh, but it indeed is not that. As we stay present with that which we see, feel, hear, say, touch, walk, smell we enjoy the moment (or now as is popular). We become aware of what already is, and the subtle beauty we are as well as all others.


07-04-2014, 08:28 AM
How I cope with my anxiety is mainly through breathing and focus. Really, natural self-taught strategies are still the best. But of course, do carry on with medication while you find out what methods work and what doesnt.

God bless

In gratitude,
Ken A. Powell

07-05-2014, 04:48 PM
I do a lot of deep, slow breathing, I practice reciting positive affirmations, and right now I am not going to drink any alcohol or coffee because it seems like that might be making it worse. I also do a little yoga and try to get plenty of sleep. My anxiety is still pretty severe, but that stuff does seem to help :J I haven't really tried any meds for anxiety though.

T. Michael
07-23-2014, 05:14 PM
The other night someone in my family was having what appeared to be a anixety attack, so we found this music on youtube that really helped its called, Powerful Meditation by FinallyOM (it's a 3 song playlist).

I'd say to give it a try if you can, music can be very powerful. Best of luck!

T. Michael

07-28-2014, 09:35 AM
I've had panic attacks and anxiety 2 years ago, and I know one thing's for sure, panic attacks and anxiety are all a dis-order of the mind. That means to say, it originates from the mind, so the cure would have to be within the mind as well. What helped for me was everything you guys've mentioned - from music therapy to meditation to CBT, but all of that is linked indirectly or directly to the mind. So, the fastest way you could ever improve from any anxiety situation is to take care of your mind. That is, to feed it with positive thoughts and ideas on a consistent basis, to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones, to focus on healing instead of your symptoms.

Honestly, there's so much we all can do to improve our anxiety and panic conditions and the fact that you are reading this forum now means that you are already ahead of so many silent sufferers. Be happy, be grateful :) I have made remarkable improvement learning how to reframe my thoughts and heal over time using these techniques that I wanted to share them with you. If you were to go to my link in my signature, I have a guide up there sharing how I used these techniques to break free from the panic loop.

God bless and take care,
Ken Powell

08-01-2014, 06:56 AM
I've refused medication since the age of 12 (I haven't anything against them, I just prefer to stay as natural as possible as unnatural things can provoke my anxiety. for example: alcohol) and 8 years later I'm still learning little tricks to pull myself away from anxiety/panic attacks. Breathing and playing a game on my phone are my first reactions when I feel anxiety. Making sure I'm breathing normally is my first reaction to prevent my panicking becoming more violent and even passing out. I always make sure I have games on my phone, puzzles that are pretty difficult and you really have to think about. This helps me throw all my attention onto the game and stop thinking about panicking and what is happening to my body. This doesn't work all the time - sometimes the attacks are too violent - but it's been the most successful way for me, to pull myself out of an attack.

08-05-2014, 03:08 AM
I take Sobril 10 mg (anyone else familiar with this, or is this a medication that only Norwegians use?) for my anxiety. I become indifferent and very, very calm. Now, I'm addicted to them, and afraid of saying that to my doctor (as he said he really didn't want to prescribe me those, and that I had to use hem for emergencies only). I am seeing a therapist and doing cognitive therapy, which helps me a lot. My therapist has helped me seeing my own thoughts and behaviour in a whole different way. Also, taking long walks with music in my ears helps me calm down and forget my anxiety a little bit. It is also a way of challenging my anxiety, as I'm scared, and convinced that I have, a certain disease (ALS) that eventually makes you unable to use your body. Me walking and running is a way of showing my anxious Self that I'm not sick. Although the last few days, I've been feeling weaker when walking too, and this gives a lot of nutrition to my anxiety :(

08-05-2014, 03:24 AM
In an effort to see how people are coping with anxiety, I have setup this poll.

I haven't found the miracle cure yet, but have noticed that some things help. Mostly relaxation exercises and working on the things that hide underneath, like a low self-esteem. I am getting better every day. I hope everyone here may one day find themselves anxiety free.

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 09:10 AM
iam listening to this right now, to help relax my mind and body from my horrible sleep terrors.
thankyou all

The other night someone in my family was having what appeared to be a anixety attack, so we found this music on youtube that really helped its called, Powerful Meditation by FinallyOM (it's a 3 song playlist).

I'd say to give it a try if you can, music can be very powerful. Best of luck!

T. Michael

Autumn Hazel Rain
08-20-2014, 09:11 AM

I've had panic attacks and anxiety 2 years ago, and I know one thing's for sure, panic attacks and anxiety are all a dis-order of the mind. That means to say, it originates from the mind, so the cure would have to be within the mind as well. What helped for me was everything you guys've mentioned - from music therapy to meditation to CBT, but all of that is linked indirectly or directly to the mind. So, the fastest way you could ever improve from any anxiety situation is to take care of your mind. That is, to feed it with positive thoughts and ideas on a consistent basis, to reframe negative thoughts into positive ones, to focus on healing instead of your symptoms.

Honestly, there's so much we all can do to improve our anxiety and panic conditions and the fact that you are reading this forum now means that you are already ahead of so many silent sufferers. Be happy, be grateful :) I have made remarkable improvement learning how to reframe my thoughts and heal over time using these techniques that I wanted to share them with you. If you were to go to my link in my signature, I have a guide up there sharing how I used these techniques to break free from the panic loop.

God bless and take care,
Ken Powell

09-18-2014, 02:57 PM
I cope by listening to my favorite music or rewatching my favorite series. I go on walks to places I haven't been. A lot of my anxiety stems from feeling "trapped" so I go on "adventures" even if this adventure is as small as visiting a store I haven't been to before. Crying and letting it out helps. Hugs also help a lot too. I am considering practicing some form of meditation to help cope as well.

09-22-2014, 11:31 AM
Hi I was wondering if this forum is still going on?

09-22-2014, 02:14 PM
I really just cope by meditation, and deep breathing exercises.

09-23-2014, 05:03 PM
Great Poll! Thanks.

09-24-2014, 11:38 PM
Listening to soft music helps...also there is an association with acidity and anxiety...try taking some antacids....it helps

09-25-2014, 01:44 PM
I think that certain types of tea also help with anxiety. That and some mediation, deep breathing, and yoga too :)


Frank Grootveld
09-29-2014, 03:27 AM
I cope by applying to myself cognitive thought-therapy. I try to let be my thoughts and fears, and it works very well. I say to myself it doesn't matter, and guess what, the fears diminish in intensity! I can recommend this to anyone who fears the fear.

10-12-2014, 06:54 PM
Hi im new here, I just wanted to know I came off my Trofranil 12 months ago as I was feeling better 3 months ago I went to the doctor as I had unexplained weight loss. She did an FBC and it all came back normal but said im anemic due to iron deficiency and put my weightloss down to stress. So ive been on iron suppliments for the past 3 months, I dont seem to be putting any weight back on and im feeling sick and scared im going to die everyday. If I had something wrong with me would it show up in a routine FBC im so scared I sit in my room everyday as im frightened to go outside incase something happens to me. Its a real feeling. I dont have any friends to talk to im so alone worried this might be cancer or something serious. Not sure if ive posted this in the right forum still trying to find my way around

10-17-2014, 06:25 PM

I'm new to this forum, and am an app/game designer by trade. I'm starting to notice a general trend of people around me worrying more, partially due to the economy and global climate.

I recently ended a position at an educational tech company because, as part of user testing, I spoke with students who were very anxious about taking tests (SAT/ACT). I realized that maybe there's a way I could help ease everyday worries for people, and bring awareness to the fact that mindfulness and emotional learning can be, and should be taught.

My question is, in the realm of anxiety and coping, do you think an app could help you? I've spoken with psychologists to get their opinions on the subject, but I'd rather it be actually useful rather than an intellectual exercise. For self-help, what matters most? Is it something you'd prefer to tackle it on your own, or with others? What have you found to be most helpful for you? Was it stories? Or simply music and meditation?

What I noticed was, whenever I ask people "How are you doing?" The knee-jerk response I get is "Great!" But if I delve deeper, I realize that things are not necessarily okay, and while rumination can be harmful if done in excess, there's a strange stigma around the subject of "Not being okay". When I first entertained this idea, I'd ask my friends "Would you use an app that helps to ease your worries?" They would respond along the lines of "Not me, but maybe someone who does worry would like XYZ." But, of course, everyone worries, it's just a matter of magnitude, and the more I ask the more I realize there's an issue here with even being honest about the whole thing. In any case, any thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

10-20-2014, 09:47 PM
In an effort to see how people are coping with anxiety, I have setup this poll.

I haven't read through all of the comments yet, but I'd be interested to see a new poll that further differentiates between kinds of "self-help" that folks engage in. I'm not sure that what I do can be described as "self-help" exactly, but I guess I'm interested in tracking the stuff folks do informally to cope. I actually selected "don't cope" because I'm not sure that any of the strategies I've used have helped. It's possible, even, that many of the strategies I've developed are actually detrimental.

10-20-2014, 09:52 PM
Hi maxlab,

You raise some interesting questions. I'm not sure how to respond exactly yet, but I have thought that something like an "anxiety app" could be useful. I'm not sure that I've seen anything that takes that up head on. The more interesting questions for me relate to what that app or thing or whatever would look like/function/etc. I guess this is more a question of design principle. I've found that whatever the topic, apps tend to reflect one kind of design approach or philosophy. With something like anxiety, this might sometimes be problematic. It seems to me that at times, folks suffering from anxiety want something direct. At other times, the app might work best in more indirect or subtle ways. How to manage these competing visions?

10-21-2014, 01:59 PM
Hi maxlab,

You raise some interesting questions. I'm not sure how to respond exactly yet, but I have thought that something like an "anxiety app" could be useful. I'm not sure that I've seen anything that takes that up head on. The more interesting questions for me relate to what that app or thing or whatever would look like/function/etc. I guess this is more a question of design principle. I've found that whatever the topic, apps tend to reflect one kind of design approach or philosophy. With something like anxiety, this might sometimes be problematic. It seems to me that at times, folks suffering from anxiety want something direct. At other times, the app might work best in more indirect or subtle ways. How to manage these competing visions?

Thanks for the response, always_with_me.

I'll reach out again once I have a more solid prototype, if you don't mind providing some feedback. It's given me some more to think about. The way I had envisioned this is an app you can access on your mobile device, so it can be as private or public as you'd like. Right now I'm struggling between making it more like a checklist/to-do list, or a game/story, and want to make my decision based on what's more impactful.

10-26-2014, 09:02 AM
First I went to therapy, then I started smoking marijuana. Although both were helpful, I must admit that the therapy helped me much more than the weed did. Once I learned how to properly cope with anxiety, marijuana simply magnified that affect, thus helping my anxiety even more.

Before I did cognitive behavioural therapy, weed just made me more anxious because it magnified the anxiety itself instead of the coping mechanism (that I hadn't learned at the time).

11-05-2014, 09:04 PM
I coped with mine by reading posts in anxiety help forum. I don't know how it helped me but I realized that (after months of doing it) I will feel calmer and it becomes manageable after an hour or so reading through posts in forum like this. I think it has to do with the fact that I am not the only one and that this things happens and that I'm not going to a mental asylum.

11-20-2014, 02:48 AM
Used to be on medication for it (which did help a bit, especially with OCD symptoms) but couldn't handle the side effects like weight gain which only worsened my social phobia. Now I try to practise CBT (I HATE IT IT'S SO HARD) and 'mindfulness' and also try to see a therapist about it. Generally I suffer through it. The social stuff is not as bad as the general anxiety stuff, which I hate. I have catastrophic thinking :(

11-24-2014, 01:08 PM
ANXIETY, Somebody help me!! Author: Sara Burillo. This book saved me... What book saved you? :)
EXCELLENT!!! Fully Recommended!

12-01-2014, 02:03 PM
How am I coping with anxiety? Right now I'd rather have a real disease like Lymphoma or leukaemia. Yes they are scary, but anxiety is pure fear all the time the only difference is that with anxiety there is no apparent reason for the fear. Fear is fear whether its fear anxiety or fear of cancer.
Lymphoma and leukaemia can kill and yes that's scary but every time you have a panic attack you fear death.

At least with lymphoma etc in Britain you get medical attention within 2 weeks. I've been waiting nearly 5 months for CBT therapy!

Secondly yes Lymphoma is physically painful BUT anxiety is mentally painful. Pain killers will quickly reduce the pain of lymphoma. SSRI Anti anxiety drugs take upto 6 weeks to reduce that mental pain, they are unpredictable make some peoples mental pain worse and only work in some people.

Finally with Lymphoma or leukaemia you can enjoy the rest of life. It dosn't stop you enjoying Xmas shopping, being amongst crowds etc. panic attacks and agoraphobia shut you away from the rest of the world :(

Few people have looked at panic attacks and agoraphobia from this perspective. Every day is a battle.

12-19-2014, 08:22 PM
Well, for people who wants to take social anxiety test, there are some websites that do offer that.

Of course, a lot of people can greatly benefit from the Social Anxiety test, most especially those who are hesitant to see a doctor. Some people are actually not aware that they are probably suffering from this condition. And as you know, the effects of social anxiety can be extreme. Others end up hurting themselves or committing suicide. This test will help individuals to know if they are indeed suffering from anxiety and if they need to see a doctor immediately. Companies and organizations can also benefit from the test as this will help them to understand the psychological conditions of their employees and members.
Indeed, there are lots of advantages in taking this test. However, there are also disadvantages. Sometimes, the test does not provide accurate results and the people taking the test are not sometimes sure with their answers. While these tests are truly helpful, seeing a doctor or a psychologist is still the best way to diagnose and treat anxiety disorder.

01-18-2015, 05:16 AM
For an attack, I take a breath in while counting to 8 and release it while counting to 8. Over and over again. Maybe 100 times until an attack is over.
It works for me.

01-31-2015, 08:49 AM
Often, it really does help to just relax and be by myself without others being around me. I feel that when i meditate I often lose thought of whatever bothered me and I get well very soon.

02-03-2015, 07:40 AM
Relaxation. I am learning new techniques and try deep breathing on occasion

02-05-2015, 02:47 PM
I sweat.. a lot

02-07-2015, 01:06 PM
I'm doing better than ever. It's a learning curve with anxiety. When you realize you control it and not vice versa, you're the one in the driving seat.


02-08-2015, 08:13 PM
I'm doing better than ever. It's a learning curve with anxiety. When you realize you control it and not vice versa, you're the one in the driving seat.


How's the pain, Ed? I believe the last I heard from you, you started on Gabapentin -how is that working for you?

All the best,
Dr. Dan

02-09-2015, 01:44 AM
Ahh yes, the epididymitis hasn't been half as bad. Comes and goes, mainly after intercourse. Then I take 300mg of gabapaentin as and when needed. it's really helped with the pain down there and thankfully I don't have to take the Gabapentin constantly, only when my girlfriend visits. Even then it's not always needed after we have sex, so things have certainly improved.

Thanks for asking :)


04-05-2015, 04:50 PM
Hi there. I have never posted in a forum before, nor have I talked to anyone in depth about my issues, except for my therapist. I've had severe panic disorder for four years; it seems like forever. I do take medication and see a therapist and some days I'll be fine, then some days I will have intrusive/disturbing thoughts that shouldn't cross my mind. It's embarrassing, in my head. I feel like I can't even talk to my therapist about it. I feel like if I'm taking Zoloft and Klonopin and I'm still having anxiety, then nothing will help me. I really dislike my psychiatrist - she has this thick book and tries to make me try all different kinds of medication and makes me feel like I'm a crazy person. I feel alone. Anyone know how to cope with intrusive thoughts/bad anxiety days when you're alone?

05-12-2015, 04:04 PM
I went to counselling for 8 weeks and I used to try to use a lot of self-help stuff like long baths and thinking about that bus with thoughts on it, but it hasn't really worked in the long run. I feel like I'm bothering the doctors with the amount I go to them so I'm just sort of taking it as it comes and hoping it goes away by itself.

05-12-2015, 04:46 PM
I am currently just going day by day with my anxiety.. Not taking any meds or see someone about it.
I'm trying to learn how to control my anxiety and not let it control me.. I have good days and I have bad days..
But I am doing a lot better than I was 5 years ago... it takes time but I am figuring it out...

05-14-2015, 05:53 PM
I take zoloft, and it's helped me use self-help and therapy to actually get better. IMO, you can't have just one thing. It needs to be a combo of what works best for you. For me it's, meds, healthy diet, therapy, exercise, and breathing/yoga routines.

05-21-2015, 10:42 AM
Used to have huge problem coping with my anxiety until i got "cured" and now i feel fine. But back then i really could not cope...

05-25-2015, 03:14 PM
My primary doc was the one to increase my dosages of Prozac and Trazodone after I was released from the hospital. The meds continue to NOT HELP and I'm slowly weening myself off each of them. I reported to her that the Trazodone wasn't working and she recommended I just stop taking it and try Clonezepam. I told her that I'm not interested in trying a bunch of different pills.....my brain hurts, lol!
Also weening off Prozac, that's one I know I can't just stop taking. I've felt the effect of not taking it for 4 days and I was all messed up.
I'm staying with my family right now, so I have support and people around me to keep my mind from getting too creative.
I've been reading, exercising, drinking lots of water - however sleep is still an issue 👎

Bridget Goddard
05-26-2015, 08:12 PM
I see a therapist, I exercise regularly, eat healthily and at times I have been on various medications. Eventually, however they seem to grow ineffective, even exacerbating the problem. Most recently I was on zoloft and I felt consistently fatigued and even put on about 15lbs. It really contributed to my initial misery so, I stopped taking it. Now I'm just taking anxiety one day at a time and hoping it improves instead of getting worse. It's exhausting but I try to stay positive.

05-28-2015, 09:27 PM
Taking some supplements can help a lot! it did for me!

Bridget Goddard
05-29-2015, 02:38 AM
struggling1234, can you be more specific? What types of supplements?

06-03-2015, 12:11 PM
I have anxiety and depression.

Every day I take Omega-3 supplements, plus one multivitamin and also a Vitamin C (500mg). Once a week a take a capsule of Evening Primrose for the GLA (an Omega-6) it contains.

These supplements are suggested in the book "The Depression Cure" by Stephen Ilardi. (Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the book. I am just a sufferer of depression and anxiety)

The author in book first and forecast suggests consulting a medical doctor before taking any supplements.

For the Omega-3, the book recommends getting the type that is "moleculary distilled" and/or "pharmaceutical grade." As suggested in the book, I take an Omega-3 that contains roughly a 2-1 ratio of EPA to DHA, which are types of Omega-3 fatty acids. Also, I am taking enough Omega-3 capsules to equal 1000 mg of EPA. The author writes that the effective dose is at least 1000 mg of EPA per day. The book and articles you can find online describe in more detail what supplements and how much to take.

The supplements seem to lift my depression pretty well. I feel I can concentrate better. I also seem not to have the cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods like I used to.

I still have quite a bit of anxiety. For that I joined a support group, which has been very helpful. I reach out to friends who are willing to listen to me talk about my anxieties. I am starting with a therapist who practices Schema Therapy, which was created by psychologist Jeffrey Young in the USA. I spoke to someone who said they have been helped using Schema Therapy, so I'm hoping for good things.

Thanks, and all the best to everyone!

Vincent Miller
06-04-2015, 02:21 PM
My struggle with depression began when I was just 18 and it was a bad one. Somehow I managed to cope with my first major depressive episode, but there were next ones. This battle lasted over 15 years until I started following the awesome simple and natural steps to overcome my depression. It worked for me, so why shouldn't you try also?! Send me a message if you'd like to know more about natural depression cure.

06-11-2015, 05:08 PM
In an effort to see how people are coping with anxiety, I have setup this poll.

Hello. ..I am currently on 60 mg Cymbalta daily and 300 mg of wellbutrin daily. I also see a therapist every two weeks and use cbt techniques (deep breathing. ..challenging negative thoughts). The medicine works but it takes awhile to kick in. I get so bad when I am not on anything that in pretty sure I will have to take medicine the rest of my life, and I'm okay with that. There are worse illnesses to have! I also do alot of Journaling as well as seeing small goals for my days and accomplishing them. At night I have to take an over the counter sleep aid (just the equate regular strength from walmart).

06-12-2015, 10:43 AM
I find that closing my eyes and focusing on my breath can help with the attacks and anxiety. Unfortunately, I cannot always remove myself from the situation.
I take herbal supplements, like hypericum which is supposed to help fighting depression, and I have taken the habit of falling asleep holding under my nose a tissue with a couple of drops of melissa or lavender oil for additional relaxation. Ambient sounds / white noise also help. I'm trying to increase my physical activity as well.
On a number of occasions when the anxiety got pretty bad I have taken bromazepam, but I'm trying to avoid medication.

07-05-2015, 10:58 AM
I am 23, and my anxiety has only come on relatively recently (last few months), think its kicked off because my grandad died this year- the first close relative ive lost, but also from a very stressful job and living alone etc, my mum and older sister also have problems with depression and anxiety.

I dont want to start on any kind of medication as ill start relying on it etc, so far ive found keeping myself busy is the best thing-but doing that constantly is tough especially when ive a lack of energy constantly, I should exercise more as ive been told that is effective, ive tried to improve my diet a bit and cut down on the coffee and lager but its tough, talking about it helps a lot I find.

07-06-2015, 10:59 PM
I embrace, talk to it, and constantly subject myself to sitting in it.

As a musician, it's all about stage fright, and the adrenaline that comes with that.

I've also used tons of hypnosis and NLP techniques, and they've helped enormously.

The main thing I use today are thought loops. I use super confident, sometimes arrogant thought loops to turn the anxiety into positive life fuel! So when I feel anxious, it's a sign telling me, "Go for it! It's time to create a new story in your awesome life!".

I've also had many supportive friends push me and I keep their voices in my head as well.

Diane Beck
07-07-2015, 06:09 AM
Hi, In addition to or even instead of meds- there is a new therapy called Havening. It actively produces serotonin, oxytocin and delta waves instantly on application which changes the amygdala response. I trained in this with its creator Ron Ruden MD and with Paul McKenna in London. Im a therapist and coach and I use it with my clients. Look up Havening online. It puts you back in control.

Diane Beck
07-07-2015, 06:10 AM
Im a therapist, NLP, Hypnosis and Havening. You're right. You are in the driving seat. You are ultimately in control.

07-07-2015, 10:39 AM
I try to find something good about every situation. I realized that, while I may have anxiety issues, this will mold me into a much better person, plus imagine the feeling when you finally conquered your anxiety.

07-09-2015, 05:45 PM
My anxiety is not in control right now. I've tried therapy for depression and anxiety and it helped temporarily, but now long term. I've also tried herbal supplements which helped for awhile, but I've gotten to the point where they don't help anymore.

Vikki Long
07-11-2015, 05:34 PM
im on citalapram 40 mg for my depression and propranolol for my anxiety. and i try self help as well and have had counselling as well.

07-12-2015, 09:11 PM
Medication helps my bipolar, but I'm absolutely convinced that nothing will help my health anxiety. I just don't think it's possible. That's something only the medical field can solve, and so far not even that has helped. To keep me distracted, I play video games and write poetry.

07-12-2015, 11:11 PM
I mostly just ignore it and play video games, is that self help?

07-13-2015, 10:16 AM
Dwizzite, I hope this forum allows responses to posts. It's my first time.

I am impressed with what you have written. First, you found the "cause" of your anxiety and dealt with that instead of suppressing the symptoms, like herbal remedies and medication. Nothing wrong with herbs or medication, I know they can help. I just prefer your approach at this point in my life, that's all. It makes sense to me because, IMO, anxiety is fear based and you choose to conquer your fear with courage. I like your way of thinking!

I would greatly appreciate your ideas, or anyone else's ideas, on your approach tailored a bit to fit my situation. Suppose your professional career and family's livelihood was based on your band's fabulous lead singer, which had a continual propensity to over do it on serious drugs such as the amazing Amy Winehouse, how would you handle that kind of anxiety?

I stay paralyzed in fear that my adult son will overdose, he has had numerous close calls. I have tried to get him in rehab and all legal
avenues, but nothing works. I stay in a constant state of dread, anxiety. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

07-14-2015, 09:21 PM
Zen Buddhism sometimes and just trying to stay stable and be strong.

07-14-2015, 09:38 PM
For me, I have had things that have taken my mind off of things, such as running and other sports. I am a very fast paced person, which is one of my faults. Until recently, I haven't really taken "me" time. Everything has had some kind of goal, due date, etc, attached to it. My goal now is to just sit back and relax when the time calls for it. We as humans were never meant to just go go go all the time.

Jaime Lyon
07-15-2015, 06:25 AM
Right now, a mix of actual face to face therapy, herbal aromatherapy, and my art and writing keep me as stable as possible, though with the severity my GAD is, actual medication has been recommended. Sometimes, though, it's just too much to cope with at all.

07-20-2015, 05:37 AM
I tried for a long time to see my anxiety as a characteristic and something I could use in my favour and I just had to accept and learn to live with it. I think it failed.

07-24-2015, 11:31 AM
forcing myself to exposure and lots of exercise

07-26-2015, 12:45 AM
Gotta realize something's going on, can't play it down

07-26-2015, 01:04 AM
Tried Lexapro, Cymbalta, Zoloft, and CBT with no positive results. Lots of weight gain and fatigue, though.

Lately I've found that the Tao Te Ching-cannabis-daily exercise-lack of caffeine-fresh foods-doing more art combination is working wonderfully for reducing my panic attacks and general anxiety. It hasn't done away with it entirely, but certainly makes it more manageable and less a part of my life. I know medicine helps a lot of people, but I also think that it's a matter of developing a lifestyle full of components you find relaxing that ultimately does some good.

Wishing lots of relief and happiness for all of you. <3

08-19-2015, 01:32 PM
I generally try to exercise when it gets bad but finding the will to do that when it is very bad is nearly impossible! I have just started taking herbal tablets called "stressless", but have yet to see if they will help or not. Has anyone else tried them?

08-20-2015, 09:27 PM
:/ I answered "I don't cope" only because at the moment I really don't. I don't have health insurance, so therapy or medication isn't really an option. And I haven't found a good "self-help" method yet. So at the moment I don't cope. But I hope to change that.

09-29-2015, 06:25 PM
I'm not. It's getting out of control & is debilitating. :(

09-29-2015, 07:39 PM
I'm not. It's getting out of control & is debilitating. :(

I had a period like that. After a period of getting better, I was getting so much worse. I think my confidence has been a real denominator in it all. When I lack confidence in myself, my anxiety skyrockets. I try to live my life as normal as possible now. Anxiety or no anxiety. I'm an agoraphobic and heading to a Thunder concert in February. You may think I'm mad, but at the end of the day I do not want to miss out on life because of fear. I know it can be so crippling to the point you can't even move. But I'm at a point now where I had enough. I'm thinking what's the worst that could happen. I could faint? Puke? Well they do have a first aid section so I'll be fine. I still feel fear, but it does not have such a hold on me any more.

Still, confidence in yourself fades when you can't seem to get a grip on yourself. I know this very well. Maybe it's time to believe in yourself again and give anxiety the middle finger.

10-02-2015, 11:35 PM
Hello, the first time I write in the forum, I have 11 months that started with GAD, I deal with Lexapro 20mg, several months Lexotan of 1.5mg and currently 15mg of propranolol instead of Lextoan apart I have once a week CBT and obviously my psychiatrist, I have generally been quiet with good gusts up to three weeks asymptomatic but I must admit that from time to time have relapses of mild to moderate which makes me fall in despair that I do everything I'm told, according what I read I get the idea that this disease is so and always recaes cyclically every so often, you think?

10-09-2015, 01:33 AM
I never wanted to be on prescription. So my doctor gave a some exercises to do, a few vitamins and herbal mixtures. So far it's going pretty well.

10-19-2015, 04:52 AM
My anxiety attacks stopped. I'm now fully in the state where I can't connect my memories to the feelings that rise up. It's very annoying especially since I don't feel like myself. I feel like living in the paralel universe, same timeline, different experience. I can hardly produce feelings except unnoticable anxiety. I'm ok, but deep under I'm anxious, I hate this, so basicly I could say that I'm in the full state of anxiety. I'm not always anxious, but it is very uncomfortable and I can't wait to get back to feeling myself. I'm going to see a pharmacist today to help me pick supplements.

Nervous Ninny
10-21-2015, 04:49 PM
I have been taking relaquil. I just can't take it during the day cause it makes me sleepy.

11-12-2015, 06:50 AM
if I could change one thing about my situation, I would loose the panic attacks but it happens every time I am reminded of my past.....especially when I cant do anything about it, however friends and my wife (ex wife?)(#separated) are currently holding my past over me and not letting me forget it.

11-12-2015, 07:53 AM
if I could change one thing about my situation, I would loose the panic attacks but it happens every time I am reminded of my past.....especially when I cant do anything about it, however friends and my wife (ex wife?)(#separated) are currently holding my past over me and not letting me forget it.

The is where CBT can be of great help, as well as mindfulness meditation.

Your past is exactly that, it's your past. One saying I like is:

If your depressed, then your living in the past
If your anxious, then your living in the future
Live in the moment

Basically, live for now, don't worry about your past, you can't change it.

And why worry about the future? It rarely turns out how you imagine.

Hang in there buddy..;)

11-12-2015, 10:29 AM

thanks for the quick response

If your depressed, then your living in the past - because I behaved badly towards my wife and really hurt her and theres nothing I can do
If your anxious, then your living in the future - I have to believe that my marriage can be fixed and that my world can have some sort of sense of normal/real but after 6 months of hardly (if any communication from her) how the heck am I supposed to not?
Live in the moment - This is the hardest challenge of all....trying to get on with my life...having to live a life I don't want/doesn't appeal. this whole alone/single life is so far from what I thought it would be and now im just trying to get through every hour/minute etc

you can't change it. = I wish I could - I would change every part of my past if I could. I really hate who I was, what I have become and how other people see me :'(

Thanks for helping me try and hang in there, im just hoping people such as yourself don't do what others have done and give up/walk away

kindest regards in sadness


11-12-2015, 10:48 AM
if I could change one thing about my situation, I would loose the panic attacks but it happens every time I am reminded of my past.....especially when I cant do anything about it, however friends and my wife (ex wife?)(#separated) are currently holding my past over me and not letting me forget it.

Hello there!

Oh I can relate. :( I had a bad day a few days ago, I was all in agony. I also have problems with my past - things that I haven't done, things I'm not to blame for, but happened to me and things that I haven't done which I should but didn't because of what happened. I also blame the people who are directly or indirectly connected to it and I also despise people who say bad things against me which isn't fair because they got all, but I didn't even get the things I needed. A little abstract, but still, I think you can get the picture. Anyways... I'm also preoccupied with my past and it still pisses me off, doesn't really cause my attacks, but it does cause anxiety and anger. I cannot fall for the fact that past is the past and you can change your future... Yeah well, I'm not a dog you can throw a bone. Especially because how can you change your future, if my past made me the way I am...

That's my problem. A big one. Probably not the same as yours. I have figured that I feel low, bad, not competent, with lots of low self-esteem and bad self-image when my serotonine is damn low. Ta-da!! I figured that out while treating myself. So, what did I do? I took matter into my own hands. The doctors wanted to pump me up with anti-depressants again but they haven't worked as they should the first time I had anxiety attacks, so I googled around - professional articles from either doctor, pyschologists, nutricionists, pharmaceuts, food technology engineers... I figured I can do what the medication can in no time. So, the story goes on...

I bought L-tryptophan (capsules) - it contains tryptophan and that's an amino acid that is essential - you need to ingest it - and this amino acid produces serotonine. (You can also ingest it with food, but you have to adjust your diet to start producing more serotonine than you usually do.) So the serotonine is produced through tryptophan you also need vitamins B6, B9 and B12 - so I bought the B-complex. You also need some vitamin C and Magnesium. I bought vitamin C and Magnesium as effervescent tablets and it works just fine. So I was set. I have to tell you, I FEEL GREAT NOW! Please, do try. It's true that positive behaviour and all that crap helps, but in such a state I don't think many people are capable of it. It's perfectly natural, no side effects (except bright urine - body excretes excess vitamins). I recommend it because I feel awesome and it happened in no time.

However, in such a state, do things for yourself. Take yourself out, enjoy yourself in anyway you see fit, take up a new hobby... Whatever. That helps a lot as well. Consider yourself a parent to yourself and nurture the child inside you. I do that when I'm a lot under stress and it's awesome. :D

Take care!

11-22-2015, 12:01 AM
Most days I wake up just hoping I have a good day. Good news and alcohol helps.

11-24-2015, 09:48 PM
right now i'm looking for help. i've been close to beating my anxiety before. once was when i was early in my anxiety and more hopeful and i met a cute young girl at work. it was great, it even got my me physically active again, sex. after that fell through, the next portion to stop my anxiety was getting a super stressful teaching job. i had no time to have panic attacks or anxiety because i was busy making lesson plans and just thinking about the stress of that job. now i'm kind of lost working in a job i don't like with coworkers i don't have much connection with. All i do now is think about my problems, and i need a mental fulfillment

11-26-2015, 02:53 PM
I was put on anti depressants but were giving me bad heartburn so i have just stopped taking them

12-01-2015, 12:43 AM
Medications and Therapy...
My anxiety problems are reduced a lot and panic attacks are stopped now... Healthy eating and exercise is also needed to improve your mental strength and fight with anxiety.

Katie Hall
12-05-2015, 05:02 PM
The best methods I have found to cope with anxiety are: counseling, coloring, cooking, and exercise.

12-08-2015, 03:24 PM
Hi. I am new to this forum. I find there are a few behaviours I naturally do when I have anxious thoughts, for example I compulsively feel the need to move, tensing my legs etc. I also find out there are phrases I instantly say when I though I dont like comes into my mind, for example I speak french and I always blurt out random phrases or the same phrases in English. Is this normal? Does this sound like an anxiety disorder or some form of OCD.

cloudy black
12-08-2015, 05:13 PM
Hi. I am new to this forum. I find there are a few behaviours I naturally do when I have anxious thoughts, for example I compulsively feel the need to move, tensing my legs etc. I also find out there are phrases I instantly say when I though I dont like comes into my mind, for example I speak french and I always blurt out random phrases or the same phrases in English. Is this normal? Does this sound like an anxiety disorder or some form of OCD.

hello gbev yes i am constantly moving as i have constant anxiety. i get so busy that i reach a point where i feel i need to scream which i do using a pillow so i dont freak the neighbours out!! as for tensing the legs ive ended up with plantar fasciitis (foot problems) because i used to walk miles but can no longer do this. and so i spend more time indoors and on the computer. and yes i have my regular sound bite negative dialogue. for me it kinda starts with me putting the world to right commentary. now i tell myself to shut up!! which helps and usually after that i get the sound bite negative dialogue. which is harder to stop but stop i do but it takes time and just now as i am typing this i realise that i havent done this for a while! best to be vigilant with your thoughts dont allow them too much room nip them in the bud

and its my feet and racing thoughts that are keeping from the land of nod

cloudy black
12-08-2015, 05:31 PM
Hello there!

I have figured that I feel low, bad, not competent, with lots of low self-esteem and bad self-image when my serotonine is damn low. Ta-da!! I figured that out while treating myself. So, what did I do? I took matter into my own hands. The doctors wanted to pump me up with anti-depressants again but they haven't worked as they should the first time I had anxiety attacks, so I googled around - professional articles from either doctor, pyschologists, nutricionists, pharmaceuts, food technology engineers... I figured I can do what the medication can in no time. So, the story goes on...

I bought L-tryptophan (capsules) - it contains tryptophan and that's an amino acid that is essential - you need to ingest it - and this amino acid produces serotonine. (You can also ingest it with food, but you have to adjust your diet to start producing more serotonine than you usually do.) So the serotonine is produced through tryptophan you also need vitamins B6, B9 and B12 - so I bought the B-complex. You also need some vitamin C and Magnesium. I bought vitamin C and Magnesium as effervescent tablets and it works just fine. So I was set. I have to tell you, I FEEL GREAT NOW! Please, do try. It's true that positive behaviour and all that crap helps, but in such a state I don't think many people are capable of it. It's perfectly natural, no side effects (except bright urine - body excretes excess vitamins). I recommend it because I feel awesome and it happened in no time.

However, in such a state, do things for yourself. Take yourself out, enjoy yourself in anyway you see fit, take up a new hobby... Whatever. That helps a lot as well. Consider yourself a parent to yourself and nurture the child inside you. I do that when I'm a lot under stress and it's awesome. :D

thanks for this post it is very interesting. it has made me think that i should do this. i am not usually into supplements but i am so tired of feeling one dimensional and every day life a blur. yes it is impossible to do the "fix it things and you will be better," when you are in the pits. the best i can come up with at the mo is to keep pushing through but i quite often skirt with brittleness and that is just so hard to keep managing day in and day out. its become kinda normal for me. the last time i went to the doc was 16 months ago as i have given up on anti-depressants. however i am taking what the doc prescribed to me 15 months ago and seeing as i have tried 4 maybe 5 different types i kinda know that this is just futile to keep trying different ones. the only thing is that i dont get any worse but i dont get any better either

12-27-2015, 09:46 PM
I'm coping by checking my blood levels seeing what vitamins I'm low on which in my case was vitamin d and terminating to issue by taking good vitamins no more anxiety no more panic no more unrealistic feelings

12-28-2015, 05:04 PM
When the combination of medication, therapy, and self-help all manage to fail, so does my coping mechanism. I don't use herbal remedies, but not because of any beliefs I have about them. I have tried many (I'm the only person I know who won't wince at licking a blend of glycerine and valerian root off an eyedropper because I've had worse) and don't use them because they don't seem to be strong enough to deal with the advanced challenges I have.

12-29-2015, 10:45 PM
Hi everyone!! hey! please give me also suggestion to cop on anxiety

01-03-2016, 05:11 AM
I find running and or other exercise really helps. Always makes me feel better.

01-03-2016, 05:16 AM
I also have a great psychiatrist that I see on average, every couple of months. If you don't find a councellor that you trust and click with the first time, keep shopping around until you do.

01-08-2016, 07:36 AM
I went for a run and I never fail to feeling happier, more motivated and uplifted after a run. I wish I could go more that every second day.

01-21-2016, 09:55 PM
I do a lot of things; when my anxiety is kicking up I immediately recognise it and get out of the situation/environment as soon as possible. I also try and live a structured lifestyle, doing lots of different things in order to keep my mind busy. I try and throw myself into social situations; most of the time it's good for my confidence but if it fails I still have the satisfaction of saying "At Least I Tried."

I also drink camomile flavour tea, and exercise three times a week, but more importantly I try and do something other than being glued to my computer screen, too deflated to do anything productive.

Hope this helps <3

01-26-2016, 09:11 AM
My coping mechanisms are: CBT ,Colouring, Walking, Medication (looking into herbal), Cleaning, Writing, Shopping, Gambling.

salvator here
01-27-2016, 12:29 AM
Not very well unfortunately. I have been off my medication since December and am struggling badly. The medication guesswork was just getting old and I needed a break.

02-17-2016, 03:24 PM
Medication and vitamins for me

salvator here
02-22-2016, 03:19 AM
Sometimes I think I'm coping alright, then I go and watch the news and get triggered about things I have no business worrying about. The media is filled with triggering propaganda shit that is designed to upset people with anxiety. It think it may very well be time to cut the cord!

Other shoe
02-28-2016, 02:11 PM
I have had good success with Buspirone. The stuff has been around forever and it does take the edge off.

03-12-2016, 09:24 PM
Honestly, I've had about 5 different therapists. All of them give ok advice, it's probably everything we're aware of anyway. The only thing that helped me is being strong and going through it day by day. Find something that takes you away from it all. Whether it be taking a breath of fresh air, watching a movie, simply eating ice cream, day dreaming, listening to music, going to a cafe, writing something and ripping it. For everyone it's different. If you can find someone who you think can relate to you or someone who's willing to listen to you- definitely take advantage of it. At least you'll feel relieved you told someone and maybe you'll think of your situation in a different way. Or you can write in forums. I cope with my anxiety by asking : "what's the root of my anxiety" , "what's really going to happen".. etc. Sometimes you just take a second , breathe, and say nothings going to happen. ok?

03-14-2016, 05:22 PM
I've tried a few methods so far, but for me the absolute biggest (most difficult) step has been admitting how I feel to my friends. I sort of hint at it with my family but admitting to my parents that I have been to a therapist and feel the need to continue therapy seems impossible at the moment. I think it is the right direction to be telling other people-every time I've mentioned it or exhibited obvious symptoms I have received empathetic responses. It's taken me years to be so open about it with anyone at all, and it continues to be a struggle. Despite continuing symptoms I at least know that I have people I can talk to. For anyone who hasn't done this yet, choose a trusted person and confide in them.

I tend to be highly introverted and stubbornly assert that if I "man up" I can deal with it myself, but I realize this is not the way to get better. I think posting here is a way to deal with it as well, since most of my writing has been kept personal. (I started to do this on my own and was encouraged by a therapist as a way to express and process emotions, as well as a way to document positive and negative days to keep a record of improvement).

I haven't been good about doing breathing and muscle relaxation exercises, usually opting for the distraction and self medication method which only makes things worse, so I intend to return to therapy and perhaps think about setting up a lengthier therapy schedule. (I am currently in graduate school and can go to the campus counseling center).

I find that watching shows or movies about characters struggling with mental illness/addiction has been a way I've... managed? I guess I just relate to those characters and it's much easier than talking to real people... I see now why I do this...

03-22-2016, 07:42 PM
I take medication, a mood-stabilizer (Fluoxotine) which also helps with my concentration.

I also minimize contact with people who tend to ignite my anxiety attacks. Unfortunately these are mainly my mother and mentally disabled people, so I don't exactly look good to the rest of society.

I also do many different things to relax, like reading in the bath or walking while listening to music, but I don't tell everyone about that either because I'm afraid they'll just start lamenting about how "I wish I had time/money to listen to music or take a bath or read, too bad I'm a single mom with four kids..." or something like that.

David J Sullivan
03-23-2016, 04:37 AM
Every day I wake up to hear the screaming of my children, I feel guilty as my wife has to go to them and feed them. As I wake up I play with my phone as yes it does get me excited, a little joy sparked inside me as I download a new app! I know it’s stupid and selfish and I know my children do need some attention but, that leaves my head. My thoughtless, self-centred brain switches on and I look for a new app! Then, I think how much Wife gets sad if things are messy or not done around the house. I rush into getting them ready and my head goes into thoughtless mode. I often miss something like a shoe or even loose some socks. Usually I do something “half a job” and this upsets Wife. I don’t listen it should be done a certain way and I just forget. I sometimes hit my head hard after I haven’t done something because I want to make my brain wake up and listen!! I want to do it right! I usually leave the house with guilt as I’ve done something to make them upset or made Wife day harder, I have usually done something have heartedly and not thought about it. I do try so hard! I’m just selfish and thoughtless. As I walk to the train I hear a message go off in my pocket, my heart sinks as I Know I’ve done something stupid again. And I know I am self-pitying right now but, I have to write it down as its killing me inside. I am just about to break! The message usually reads something like “You used my towel again! Yours was in the bathroom on the floor ready for you” Something so stupid, but I feel I’ve let her down again! I just feel selfish and thoughtless. I know I am hard work, everyone says it even in two places I’ve worked “your wife must be a saint to put up with you” .Even my Mum has said you wouldn’t ever find anybody else who could put up with you. I know…… She is a saint anyone who has to talk to me are saints, anyone who has to work with me are saints! I know this! I am just hard work, a disaster waiting to happen. As I get into work the only thing that is on my head is…. What have I done today to upset someone (I know this is very ego centric, but it’s always true). Even to the point of leaving doors open, my brain switches off and I plunge into a world of thoughtlessness! I try so hard to get what is needed done. I think the best way to explain it is. My brain is fighting between thoughts. Everything enters my brain but gets lost and muddled. This leads to my actions being either slow or non-existent. I feel this does have an impact on the children I teach as at times things do get overwhelming and my brain just stops! I can’t explain it any other way, this then results in annoying people (the welsh advisor for example). I don’t mean to seem unprofessional and as if I haven’t listened, I am not lazy! Thinking is hard for me, even when I am with my friends I prefer to walk alone when they are all talking, I can’t take it all in. And then I end up blurting out something stupid because I want to be noticed. I know this is ridiculous but I have to get it out! I am always disappointing or letting down everyone around me. I let down people in work, and Wife… Wife, how the hell does she put up with me??? I leave things all over the house; she has to look after the kids and me! I do nothing, pathetic! When I do, do something it’s usually half-hearted and I do something stupid because I haven’t listened. Lately I was talking to a friend about the garden and I was supposed to tell him he had to finish it as we had paid him. I lied to my wife, which I am so ashamed of. I just didn’t want to lose him as a friend as he was very similar to me in his thinking. I was hinting to him rather than telling him straight. Wife read my phone messages and found this out, she shouted at me and said I was a liar and she couldn’t trust me. Why couldn’t I just tell her, maybe I was embarrassed, ashamed that I could not do it. I was trying to save her the hassle of this by doing it myself as I know she was stressed at the moment. But, she was right it wasn’t because of this it was so I could look good to others that “I” saved the day and got all the attention. I can see why I am untrustworthy, I will eat a chocolate bar when she is not around and this is not right! Its sneaky! And IT HAS TO STOP!!!!! Last night we had a couple of drinks, when she had gone to bed, I had two more cans! I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts and alcohol does help my thoughts slow down, but she counted the cans the next morning and shouted at me, that money could be spent on the family and she’s right……. How could I be so selfish! What was going through my head???? I had to go to work tomorrow and I knew someone would shout at me, I didn’t want the evening to stop. I spent the evening looking at old photos and remembering how life was so easy. That is such a ridiculous, self-pitying way of looking at things. I avoid everyone at the moment in school I don’t dare venture to the staff room as I know I will annoy someone. I just say things and don’t think and I end up pissing people off! We went on a school trip the other day and I forgot the first aid kit another teacher shouted at me in front of the other kids “it doesn’t have legs and walk away”. I just annoy people and lack common sense!

James Waide
03-23-2016, 12:16 PM
I found a Natural remedy for Anxiety that really works. CBD oil is a Natural remedy for Anxiety.
A month age we found a mint breath spray that has CBD oil in it.
The great thing about CBD is has many medical benefits and no side affects.

James Waide
03-23-2016, 12:19 PM
I found a Natural remedy for Anxiety that really works. CBD oil is a Natural remedy for Anxiety.
A month age we found a mint breath spray that has CBD oil in it.
The great thing about CBD is has many medical benefits and no side affects.1664

04-05-2016, 03:06 PM
So when you do return to a state of calm, what is it that actually allows you to go back and reset yourself? Therein might lie the answer, unless it simply just takes time.

04-10-2016, 12:28 PM
I've put distance between myself and my mentally ill mom (who is the main cause of my anxiety disorder).

I don't tell anyone about my disorder or my mommy issues until I get to know them; this weeds out most of the ignorant assholes who would judge me as an "ungrateful brat."

I cut down on coffee. Down to two cups a day max, often only one. (Replacing it with Gadorade much of the time.)

GOT A PET (very important, more than you could imagine)

Be mindful of little things, like opening the blinds to let in sunlight, and getting fresh air at least once a day, and eating (mostly) healthy

Come to this forum to talk about anxiety and not keep it bottled up

Try to maintain a social life

Keep a moderately busy schedule with chores and creative projects; I'm trying to find a balance between overworking myself and procrastination

James Waide
04-11-2016, 05:53 PM
I am coping with anxiety with the Natural pen. It has been a God Send.
I got tired of the "happy pills" and knew there had to be a all natural remedy for anxiety.
Try it

04-16-2016, 12:54 PM
most people is with medication

04-16-2016, 02:02 PM
Medication is a temporary solution to a permanent problem, and more than that it's easy for doctors to prescribe you something and just get you out of the office. You need to talk to someone who understands anxiety because they have it, not just because they say they know what medication can fix it

04-24-2016, 07:33 PM
Medication never worked for me, so i practice self help. I try to do things I enjoy and keep myself busy to distract myself.

05-14-2016, 05:23 AM
For me it's been mainly self-help but I've tried a lot of things.

What I've found though is that getting to the root of it and tackling anxiety on all three levels of existence; the mental, the emotional and the physical level, is the only long-term solution that worked for me.

And in my experience, many people neglect the physical aspect of anxiety but that's probably the easiest area to get some progress in.

For me it's been running and jump rope. If I have time, I go for a run. It provides a great change of pace and the scenery and the fresh air is a big mood changer. If I don't have time for that, I grab my jump rope and do a quick 30 second - 1 minute burst to drain my frustrations and short-circuit my stress response. It works every time.

If you haven't tried trying physical exercise, I recommend you give this a try.

06-02-2016, 11:46 PM
I strive to improve myself and seek out stressful situations to make myself used to them. I don't really have other people to rely on so it's all I can do. I did try medication once but it wasn't my thing. Didn't feel like it had any effect on the anxiety, but made my mood very "flat".

06-03-2016, 01:41 AM
Anxiety: Self help,Depression,Phobia,Disorder,Social anxiety,Fear (Road to True Happiness Book 1)
by Prince Jmal

I have a book on kindle that talks all about anxiety and if you need more info you can message me (:

06-27-2016, 06:41 PM
YES! I totally agree! I loved the news, I wake up early and the first thing I would do is turn on my local news. Have my Coffee and left it on in the background as i cleaned or did work... that's been my routine for a good few years now. My anxiety has been triggered by moving soon and health scare (which is no longer a scare). From there other things came into place. Just always worried for no reason, anxious and just bursts of adrenaline! I noticed the news was far from help real quick. From floods to fires and everything in between, my anxiety got worse. I have not watched the news in about 4 days now. Sitcoms for me. Also breathing exercises & started up on magnesium chloride from a post I found on here that seemed to help so many! I'm not going to lie, I was not taking care of myself. Asleep by 11:30p-12am, awake by 4a-4:30a. News, coffee, no breakfast until noonish, then lunch at 2p causing me to overeat. Not much water. Fast food, soda, teas lots of it. No exercise, always sitting, always at home inside out of the sun. IT ALL CAUGHT UP TO ME!!!! Lots more water now, eating way better (even though my appetite is shot) and walking 1-2 times a day with my sister. This forum has also helped immensely! It's day 1 of magnesium for me. I already feel calm, it could be placebo or it could be a mixture of taking better care of myself. Best wishes to you and to all! Sorry this got so long... I'm a newbie here and ... yeah... lol

06-27-2016, 07:16 PM
I generally try to exercise when it gets bad but finding the will to do that when it is very bad is nearly impossible! I have just started taking herbal tablets called "stressless", but have yet to see if they will help or not. Has anyone else tried them?

Hi! Exercise has been helping me as well, and I know what you mean by some days having to find the will to do so can be impossible! Some people suggest pets , like a dog to take for a walk or a cat to feed, in return they give great therapy. I plan on getting a cat after I move in about a month or so. Speaking of moving that has triggered my anxiety worse than ever. I've always moved but this one has separation anxiety combined. Anyshoo, I have started taking magnesium based on a sticky I found on this forum! It's only day 1 and I already feel calm. It could be just a wave like I have been having... one minute laughing and joking back to my old self, then anxious with adrenaline and worry the next... I can't wait to see how I feel in a week of taking magnesium, it seemed to work for many people replying on original post! If you are interested I'll try to link your up with the topic! I'm new here so I'm still getting used to even replying and hoping I'm doing it right! lol Best of luck to you! I'm curious about the stressless tablets, I will be googling them for sure!

06-27-2016, 07:24 PM
I never wanted to be on prescription. So my doctor gave a some exercises to do, a few vitamins and herbal mixtures. So far it's going pretty well.

Hi! What vitamins/herbal mixtures did your Dr recommend, if I may ask? I've been talking magnesium and slowly introduce B complex supplement as well. Also eating better and exercise, no caffeine and more water. It's only been a week since the worse of my anxiety struck, but now i'm beginning to feel better day by day. Baby steps. I've been told I have no patience when it comes to getting better. I totally see that for sure! Guilty! Day one on magnesium and I already feel a sense of calm. I know for sure I have all kinds of deficiencies thanks to my fast food and caffeine only diet! Therefore this new lifestyle with eating better and moving more along with the supplements are totally helping! Best of luck to you and to all!

07-04-2016, 05:42 AM
I am taking Zoloft and do some mindfulness exercises and therapies. I thought it was really getting better but recently it felt like anxiety has overpowered me and I am not quite sure anymore that I am successfully coping with the disorder. I get myself into conflicts because I just snap at people (I am jumping to conclusions and before I actually get time to respond sensibly I snap). I think it is getting out of my hands... :(

07-08-2016, 02:17 AM
I'm using mindfulness techniques on Headspace

07-14-2016, 12:22 PM
I want to say I've tried everything, but when I started to feel better, I quit any kind of help and enjoy that I don't have to be worried anymore. For obvious reasons, that's a mistake. I stopped medication a year ago and everything went well until I had a couple of stressors in my life and I went back to full blown panic. Now, Im trying to do things differently. I want to combine medication with therapy because even if you feel better, you have to work the root of the problem. I can't say Im fully recovered, even with medication Im still having panic states and anxiety, but I think the medication hasn't completely kicked in. I've been on Celexa less than 2 months. There are days when I even question if the medication is even working, because I feel panic like I had nothing on my system. But there are good days where I feel completely in peace and able to function with no problem or worries.

07-18-2016, 08:46 AM
Most of my help has been medicine but I am also seeing a therapist and trying my best to work on my circumstances as well. Being in a hard point in life doesn't help anxiety disorders.

09-21-2016, 08:49 AM
im taking 20mg lexapro in morning and 25mg phenergan at night time.

09-21-2016, 09:58 AM
The only thing that helps me to cope with it is music, thats how i get thru the day. I dont leave the house without my phone and my headphones.

10-21-2016, 07:16 PM
I'm not on drugs yet but I fear that I will be eventually.

I asked my GP for drugs and he told me no, because I have Panic attacks, possibly due to PTSD and drugs aren't that successful for that condition.

I ask myself if I should just try weed at 12 bucks a graham. But to get weed legally I need a Dr's note and I can't even get a Xanax from my GP so no way will he endorse Medical MJ.

Then again, my condition seems to be getting a little better with diet/exercise changes and supplements and some CBT. So I am also thinking I should be patient.

It's been 11 days since I started my own detox (no caffeine, alcohol, sweets, lots of exercise, supplements like 5-HTP).

I am giving it a full 30 days. If I don't feel at least 80-90% like my old self in another 19 days, I am changing GPs or I'm going to self medicate with Marijuana at a grey area dispensary.

10-31-2016, 10:38 AM
hey everyone, i have been really struggling with panic attacks, and they are the worst, the medication i am taking is not working. I was just curious if there is any physical things i can do to help me deal with the panic attacks while they are happening. thank you so much!

10-31-2016, 12:26 PM
hey everyone, i have been really struggling with panic attacks, and they are the worst, the medication i am taking is not working. I was just curious if there is any physical things i can do to help me deal with the panic attacks while they are happening. thank you so much!

Hey, I've had panic issues for years. I'm currently in a rut now because I switched from Clomiprine, and it's sucked the life out of me. And I get bad anxiety when l'm tired. The depersonalizations and derealization are awful 

What medication are you on? As for coping, I'm keeping comforting objects near my bed. They tend to bring out happy thoughts. It's a bit childish, but it helps. Staying away from the TV and computer also helps me. My symptoms get worse when I'm staring into screens (I the only one?)

Praying you get better fast!


11-19-2016, 07:11 PM
I think one of the biggest keys to coping with anxiety, panic attacks and depression is to have a good support network. I've been off medication for approx 10 years, but I still have my ups and downs.

11-21-2016, 09:32 PM
I had panic disorder. There are a few things you can try. The first is to carry around ice water with you. When you feel an attack coming on. Dunk it on your head. Sounds stupid, but for me it worked. I'd run to the shower and freeze my head when I felt one.

Secondly, there is a breathing technique that can slow your breathing that I found on Youtube. Just do a search for it.

12-07-2016, 11:02 AM
Lexapro, Latuda, Therapist.

12-08-2016, 02:27 PM
LOL teafrenzy - that'll nip it in the bud for sure - haha! Thanks for the laugh - though I think you might be serious?

12-08-2016, 08:11 PM
Hmm yeah I was being serious. And no one laughs when I tell jokes. It's enough to get anxiety! :)

Seriously though try the ice pack/ice water trick.

12-11-2016, 05:01 AM
This past Friday 12-9, I was at work, all was fine, felt perfectly normal, then boom it hit me like a ton of bricks out of the blue. I got light headed, felt like I was going to pass out, my chest got tight with pain (that was new), never had "chest pain" with an anxiety attack before. I was convinced it was my heart and I proceeded to freak out. I tried my best to calm down and went about my job after taking a break and drinking some water. It was a full blown anxiety attack that I never saw coming, and it scared the crap out of me. Needless to say, Friday was a long day. When I got home that night I went to bed early and woke up the next morning feeling great. This disorder really sucks, I wish I could just make it stop.

Marie Lends
12-21-2016, 05:36 AM
Opinion please...

Marie Lends
12-24-2016, 09:27 AM
Need good support?

12-25-2016, 12:07 PM
Im a hypochondriac

05-05-2017, 06:51 PM
Haven't started medication although I would be open to it. But definitely just talking to someone and therapy helps alot. Along with finding ways to relax yourself with music which helps alot or reading etc

05-15-2017, 02:58 PM
I have been able to beat anxiety without meds using tools and techniques backed by the latest neuroscience :-)

Not everyone responds well– 50% of people who take these medicines do not benefit; they have no effect.

And according to Dr. Sharron Moalean in her book "Inheritance - How our genes change our lives and our lives change our genes" as many as 10% of individuals of European descent and up to 30% of North African descent are ultrarapid metabolizers of certain drugs due to the versions of genes they have inherited. so a few of the drugs that are prescribed for anxiety such as Diazepam can be lethal.

If you want a link to an article on "Anxiety Relief Without Medications?', send me a private message, the forum won't let me share the link, since I am new and haven't made 25 posts :-(

05-15-2017, 03:20 PM
"For me" medication does not work - BUT that's just me ... I am however very active in my Stability. The following have been the main things I have been "doing"

Basically changed my outlook and overhauled my lifestyle:

1. Socializing with PEERS through a mental health centre.
2. Eating Real Food that I prepared myself
3. Ensuring a routine that allows for enough quality sleep
4. Getting the right amount of UV from the SUN (go outside)
5. Breath Fresh Air (seek out places with the less toxic fumes)
6. Keeping ACTIVE (exercise and or at least find activities I enjoy with MOTION in them)
7. WALKING (deserves a place in my RECOVERY on its own - MOST POWERFUL point actually)
8. Seeking out positive experiences - (rewires the brain better than any meds I've known)
9. Laughter
10. Self Hypnosis
11. Meditation
12. Yoga (need to do more of it ... don't do enough of it!)
13. Focus on Family Relationships ... Wife and Kids
15. Actively Participate in Group Therapy (mental health Center)
16. 5 + Year of Ongoing Phsyco Therapy.
17. Learn from Spiritual Teachers such as Echkart Tolle and Alan Watts
18. Have on online Journal in this forum
19. Started doing Youtube Videos as another form of self expression
20. My next idea is Mirror Gazing
21. Sun Gazing ... I do not recommend this ... I now do without looking into sun. (I know sounds crazy but not what you think)
22. MUST play with grandson - PLAYING full stop
23. PC Games
24. Learn and Research things I enjoy
25. Read
26. Listen to Podcasts and Make TTS (text to speech Books) for when I am out walking
27. Watch mindless TV ... mostly Sci-Fi!!!
28. Play Chess
29. About to start playing guitar again
30. People watch ... helps me become an observer in otherwise constricting situations.
31. Say Hello (when I am feeling on tack ... very effective even when I am not)
32. Shake peoples Hand ... (as above)
33. Help run a charity and volunteer from time to time.
34. Make the effort to get off this chair - walk around then come back and take a seat

Talking of which I stand up now and head of to the Gym ;)

edit 35. ...I started last night - Transcipting text from audio files ( I do manually myself) Teaching me speed typing at the same time as as further embedding topics of interest

05-15-2017, 09:28 PM
Ponder, what's your current diet? Have you ever tried Paleo or any of its varieties? I've heard it mentioned in a few places but haven't given it a crack.

05-15-2017, 11:38 PM

I’ve tried all those food ideologies martin. Just my view but here we go:

List of thoughts missing and surmised: What works for me is all:

-10% Meat (avoid red and know how it was raised and slaughtered) +90% Fruit and Veg / Mix Cooked Food with RAW – Eat RAW – adjust Heat / Process – Predigest / Digestion Is Key!!! No dairy for me!!! Dairy is sludge and adult humans are naturally lactose intolerant. Don’t believe the Medical industry. They support the food industry and so too … the drug Industry … which is where all the roads lead. I also avoid Grains ... but do cook wild rice and sometime mix in brown to make it go further. When I am naughty (sigh) I will cook toast two very small pieces of rye bread. (bread is a no no!!!) Anything pulped like that is a no no … especially when baked. Vitim D from the sun (I do take the odd supp from time to time as liver affect - works overtime) ← [why we need to know about our broken anatomy as it relates to food and the environment ... diet is not what it seems] Each to their own. Probiotics are like the protein and dairy/calcium myths - Each to their Own (the right mix of raw foods with the right space and hydration in the gut helps with a healthy gut) ... once you get serious (sick enough) and learn about food as medicine you will see ... is now all publicly documented but not sold off like Paleo/Vegan and so so. Oh Yea ... Carbs to sugars ... lets not forget about that baby as well. lol No Fats or Sugars but Tones of Bad Carbs. Nothing like a Carb Spike ... MMMM mmmm now time to sleep and grow. hehe


INRO … (srry [long winded post] is a passion of mine … this is my medicine)

With regards to the wider aspect to Paleo I have reservations, like I do with everything! Like it or not … we are not the same humans we used to be. I tend to think the historical comparisons or reasoning sort when contrasting like so is not relevant to today’s society. To many variables – not only have humans changed/evolved … but so too … the environment and the way we do things. It all sound good on the home page; but my experience has proven the hype is not always as told/sold.

Birds and various animals have optimal digestive systems when it comes to eating highly concentrated fats … such as seeds and nuts. (among other things) Add to that … science has now revealed an array of antinutrients (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=what+is+Paleo&rlz=1C1AVFC_enAU739AU740&oq=what+is+Paleo&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39l2j0l3.2452j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=antinutrients)that in fact not only lead to gut disorders but also stop us from absorbing the many wonderful vitamins and minerals of said claims. This is just one aspect of many that negatively impact on our digestive system and is not just linked to the paleo way of doing things. Generally speaking I find the Paleo way, healthier than VEGAN (which I now see as generally unhealthy – Very much so - Processed Processed and processed!!!) … But my advice is to see the bigger picture and subscribe to none!

IMO - Here is the crux of the matter … this relates to how I manage my current meals:

Digestion Is Key to Everything! I pick my Natural whole Foods based on their digestibility as well as nutrient content. Sure Nuts and Seeds have their place. If they were not already rained on and dried out, you can be sure that even our ancestors would process them to some degree before shoveling them into their guts. Enough on that point.

PLANTS – Plant based diet is what has been healing me. Not Vegan! Can’t say that enough. Meat for sure is proven to cause cancer now. No doubt about it. But that too is not something I invest all my emotion into. Not that simple. Is more a % thing and again the key is all in how we digest. I still find myself eating a little meat. Like less than 10% … the rest is 90% Fruit and Veg.

When we check out of the grocery store, we are viewed as radical!!! “WTF”- is the look on others as they stand there with their trolley full of creams, chesses, sauce, chocolates, chips, sugary drinks, breads, pasta & sweets … I'm sure you get the drift. :) By the time I finish unloading all the fruits and leaves, we may have a tiny piece of meat that slips on by. OK OK! … Sometimes … just sometimes … I’ll let some Dark Chocolate Slip! … but you get my point.

Seriously … What saved me from a heart attack and now replaced my meds is going 90+% Fruits and Vegg … with -10% Meat. I have fine-tuned the meat issue by avoiding red meat and getting by small amounts of carefully selected fish. Unless organically raised, chicken is as toxic as red meat. Now … I know that’s going to be hugely challenging for many. Red Meat and Chicken is like a drug … like cooked food which is yet another factor in learning to eat raw. Also there are a lot of MYTHS re Iron and Protein. I can absolutely say now because I have tried for myself and been checkout out by my doc … that all that hype about no meat being the kiss of death is total BS. It’s all in the sourcing of products, how you process the food and your gut (time between meals and size you make) and of course balance of Fuit and Veg Vs meet … as in that balance being 90+% to -10%. Typically, the average plate for most served up today is 90+%meat with a tiny spec of veg … If we are to be honest … let’s just say; mostly just pasta and sauce. Meat is kind of like a trigger to me the same way chocolate is … I don’t miss it until I start eating … but getting better the longer I have been without it. Meaning I can sample it here and there. I know I will be on our holiday – but generally speaking you now you should have a good run down on what I think.

I’ve barely or adequately covered how it is that I eat … but then again … I have.

The China Study (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_China_Study) is what really spurred me on to eating the way I do now. Other than eating a Plant Based Diet (meaning I still eat a small amount of meat from time to time – just bugger all) Eating RAW is as important to me as predigesting/processing my own foods. Cooked has its benefits for some foods, but also creates an environment for producing a drug like effect … gluten … lines the gut with unnecessary sludge and yadda yadda … just another factor into the mix. MIX … speaking of which … putting in some Raw with Cooked helps off set … but no offset to be had if your selecting food that are optimally prepared with optimal temps. See what I mean … all of this kind of processing to the thinking is not advertised when one food ideology makes a claim over the other or just preaching that theirs is the only way.
I also don’t eat garlic or Onion … Flavanoids that are of the pungent. One you really start eating clean … garlic starts to affect the good bacteria which is actually good amounts of bad which we need. We use garlic like an antibiotic because we can. We just don’t use in like people eat meat. There is a balance to that description that does not disown garlic or onion. I hope you understand. Some foods are just best utilized for medicinal purposes whilst other food make good for staple medicine.

I don’t know it all and I don’t mean to preach. Not at all. I’m just passionate about my food as is my medicine. Admittedly I still need to work on all those other things … but food is at the top … the rest is in my approach is all. All things considered. All 35 of them. Lol

Has taken years for me to refine – not bad for 2 years works. As you get older in this toxic world, you either get smart and evolve … or you die a very painful death … lest one be fully pacified and continually seeking more options to offset the chems that eventually reach a dead end. Speaking form my own perspective. It’s a pain in the but having to learn what works with food because its not as easy as all those producers would have us think. BUT …

You can’t go wrong with eating plants. You just have to learn which ones make great fillers as well as have nutrients. Just be careful what you eat with them as other foods can ruin the mix when it comes to the absorbing. Our Society has complicated things. It will take a lot of trial and error … just like with chemical medication … You have to try for yourself rather than go on what others say.

Legumes are awesome … they are like my meat. I make my own beans … but that’s another story.

All this just depends where you are at. I was sick and had to save my life. Plants Plants and more Plants is where it’s at. But you do have to know more than just the nutritional content. You need to become your own guru and practice practice. Once you fast/detox (many types of fasting) long enough which in another way to get to a point where your clean enough to know what foods effect you … well that’s just it … you need to get clean enough to know what foods affect YOU. It’s different for different folk.

I hope I was not too bias … Paleo is a cool story … but that’s all it is to me … just like the vegans, fruitarians and vegetarians and any of the other pockadotted aliens.

I guess I am a plant based nut. As for Organic … I can’t afford it … You still can’t go wrong making less harmful choices. Exercise helps to break down the toxins and clean out the lymphatic system.

Just make the best choices you can … it takes time … a lifestyle to get to that point before you can really gauge. That’s how sick most of us really are … but it can be done. Start with what’s in your fridge and get rid of most of the stuff in your pantry.

It’s time to give up them drugs. : )

05-15-2017, 11:50 PM
That was easier than listing all the foods I eat ... and also more relevant to general selection. Srry I was unable to answer concise. Lets chalk that down to some kind of label. :)

05-16-2017, 11:09 AM

Honestly this is exactly what I do. From eating healthier, to living in harmony with the plants around me in the yard, in the woods. Nature can be very calming.

05-16-2017, 12:23 PM
Oh Yea. 36 - Nature!!! :)

Well Said.

05-16-2017, 07:32 PM
Taking Meds, for Anxiety/BP or my BP would be through the roof from Anxiety and generally!!!....Although i don't like taking them.

05-16-2017, 10:30 PM
Taking Meds, for Anxiety/BP or my BP would be through the roof from Anxiety and generally!!!....Although i don't like taking them.

If there working for ya Jatzcarackers, then mores the power to you. :) What other things do you like doing to keep yourself in tune?

05-17-2017, 05:24 AM
I try to keep my mind occupied with constructive and enjoyable things.

05-17-2017, 02:44 PM
I try to keep my mind occupied with constructive and enjoyable things.

Just out of curiosity but what are some of these for you?

For me:

Playing my tuba, listening to music, getting work done, cooking, and watching my favorite TV shows. I also enjoy nature, walks, hiking, and scenic views.

05-18-2017, 09:11 AM
Thanks for the well thought out reply, Ponder. Eating plans have always confused the hell out of me. Different diet plans have become like cults, what with people swearing by them and citing conflicting pieces of evidence in favor of them. I always start to eat better, then the paranoia comes in that I'm doing it wrong lol. Too many carbs, wrong types of meat, etc etc.

I remember getting the China study a while ago, but haven't flicked through it yet. I'll have to give it a read!

Boo Bass
05-19-2017, 12:11 AM
If an anxiety diet works for you, power to you. I believe that a good diet helps depression but I cant say what that diet consists of.

05-19-2017, 07:41 AM
I keep my mind occupied with work, watching youtube, collecting sports signatures, hanging out and talking with friends, going out to dinner with my family, listening to music, watching TV, etc.

05-27-2017, 01:52 PM
I cope with my anxiety by talking about it. I make videos where I discuss issues. Having a podcast where I speak with another person on issues also help tremendously. I feel that, with everyone being different, it's a constant struggle to find what works and what doesn't. Talking about these issues often make me learn more about myself so I can better handle anxiety.

salvator here
05-27-2017, 07:07 PM
Lately when out in public, I have to find an escape even to use the bathroom to recuperate. I went out today and had to do that twice and it did help me to 'pull myself together' enough to prevent a full-blown panic attack. Going out is exhausting for me though with enormous social phobia. I'm always hyper alert of my surroundings and rarely enjoy the experience. I guess I should be somewhat proud though, as I used to drink to cope with anxiety, and I've been totally sober for almost 5 months. Sometimes its not easy at all and I don't cope well at all.

06-08-2017, 07:21 AM
i just dont know how to be around people, this is causing issues in my relationship because she wants me to have physical friends/people i can go to.

06-19-2017, 11:27 PM
Exercise is always a sure bet for me, problem is I'm often too lazy...

06-26-2017, 10:29 PM
I think that many say they aren't coping but are indeed making progress, but because they haven't resolved issues in a snap or to their liking, they feel that they haven't at all, or that their methods do not work. Don't be discouraged guys :)

06-28-2017, 09:17 PM
Breathing techniques have helped temporarily but I am also having a hard time with my panic attacks and anxiety. My doctor gave me Lorazepam but I refuse to take it because I don't believe in heavy medication. Maybe if I live with these feelings long enough, I will start to believe in medication but until then, I will do other ways to deal with it. I talk to others, yell in my pillow, cry in my back yard, train my mind to not focus on any and all triggers. If anything triggers my episodes, I will do anything to discredit that stimulus. I think about work in great detail, I work out in such a way that my focus shifts. And lastly, I take benedryl to go to sleep it off since I think a good night's sleep helps me more than anything.

Good luck.

07-05-2017, 03:17 PM
I'm in my 20s and have had anxiety for as long as I can remember. Taking medication for it to me is a big no no. What other ways do you guys manage your anxiety?

07-05-2017, 03:19 PM
I read somewhere OCD sand anxiety are quite common together. I am like that too.

07-05-2017, 03:42 PM
I didn't think that I had OCD, but I have noticed that if things aren't in an order or fine exactly like I want, it drives me crazy. Why? Maybe I don't want an answer, I just want a cure.


Barong Baj Baj
07-09-2017, 05:19 AM
Medication heped me, talking therapy, bit of the old CBT, trying to get into mindfulness, Tai chi and of course just being open and talking to your friends x

07-12-2017, 06:52 PM
I just restarted Lexapro, so I'm trying to get through some of the initial side effects. I went to a new therapist for the first time. I'm trying to actually let myself feel, but being anxious makes me scared of panic attacks and it's a vicious cycle.

07-15-2017, 10:37 AM
It's quite possible you don't have OCD, perhaps you just like things done a certain way which is great! If something isn't in the order you like, depending on the circumstances - it would be fine to change it to how you prefer.

07-30-2017, 12:12 AM
Im new to the anxiety world. Its been happening for a good 6 months. Ive had a cloudy mind for maybe 5 months i forget Im not myself and I'm in my head a lot. I need help and i was wondering if any of you could help me? I've been to a doctor he said it was in my head and i don't think it's just in my mind and i may need HELP with dealing with it

07-30-2017, 03:28 PM
Im new to the anxiety world. Its been happening for a good 6 months. Ive had a cloudy mind for maybe 5 months i forget Im not myself and I'm in my head a lot. I need help and i was wondering if any of you could help me? I've been to a doctor he said it was in my head and i don't think it's just in my mind and i may need HELP with dealing with it

Hey and welcome :)

Uh, yeah it's "in your head" or "in your mind" but not in the sense of you're imagining it or making it up :rolleyes: I'd sack that doctor and find a proper one (if you have the strength). Posting/lurking here can help a lot too though.

Gypsy x

07-30-2017, 10:14 PM
Hey and welcome :)

Uh, yeah it's "in your head" or "in your mind" but not in the sense of you're imagining it or making it up :rolleyes: I'd sack that doctor and find a proper one (if you have the strength). Posting/lurking here can help a lot too though.

Gypsy x

I just came in from the hospital about 2 hours ago. I took an edible im pretty sure and went to another universe thats what started my anxiety attack back in february but then I smoked a dab. I haven't been to work in 2 days because I'm afraid its going to end up with me having a bad anxiety attack because Im at work again. They gave me clonazepam at the hospital.

Does anyone recommend any prescription?

09-19-2017, 06:09 PM
I just came in from the hospital about 2 hours ago. I took an edible im pretty sure and went to another universe thats what started my anxiety attack back in february but then I smoked a dab. I haven't been to work in 2 days because I'm afraid its going to end up with me having a bad anxiety attack because Im at work again. They gave me clonazepam at the hospital.

Does anyone recommend any prescription?

Clonazepam is Generic Klonopin and according to my Doctor provides about 6 hours of relief from those moments of high anxiety.
He also says it is not a long term solution and is addictive.
You need to speak to your doctor about starting you on one of the many anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds that are on the market such as Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, etc.
These drugs all work in a similar fashion however different people respond differently so it may be trial and error on which one will work for you, again, speak to your doctor.

I was on 40 mg's of Citalopram (Generic Celaxa) for 10 years and it started losing its effectiveness and I am now on 150 mg's of Zoloft which works GREAT for me.

You may also want to consider counseling.

Good Luck and I hope your anxiety subsides at least to a point that you can function.

09-21-2017, 11:11 AM
My fellow researchers at Penn State University have created a free app called Mood Triggers that helps people identify things that can trigger their worry, panic, anxious feelings, or depressed moods.


Features of Mood Triggers:

Mood Triggers can help you keep a diary of:
1. Your anxiety and depression in your daily life

2. Health behaviors including your heart rate, number of steps, and sleep duration (all collected by the app)


Mood Triggers can also figure out why you are anxious or depressed based on data in your daily life. Mood Triggers will use your own data and run statistical analyses on them to tell you what's associated with your anxiety and depression.


I believe this could be useful for you. It's extremely private and you can work through it at your own pace without the judgment of others. I hope this helps.

09-28-2017, 07:23 AM
We are going into the season that makes me worse. I want more out of life so it is hard to manage.

09-28-2017, 07:23 AM
Where do I find this?

10-06-2017, 09:24 PM
My fellow researchers at Penn State University have created a free app called Mood Triggers that helps people identify things that can trigger their worry, panic, anxious feelings, or depressed moods.


Features of Mood Triggers:

Mood Triggers can help you keep a diary of:
1. Your anxiety and depression in your daily life

2. Health behaviors including your heart rate, number of steps, and sleep duration (all collected by the app)


Mood Triggers can also figure out why you are anxious or depressed based on data in your daily life. Mood Triggers will use your own data and run statistical analyses on them to tell you what's associated with your anxiety and depression.


I believe this could be useful for you. It's extremely private and you can work through it at your own pace without the judgment of others. I hope this helps.

10-27-2017, 11:45 AM
I was on medication but it made me feel weird so now I use Mantra Magnets. They're earrings you clip on that vibrate as a neuro therapy tool and reset your amygdala. I love them! They really help.

11-23-2017, 08:42 AM
It's really hard but trying my best.

11-28-2017, 02:27 PM
Does anyone have any experience with Paxil?

12-17-2017, 06:40 PM
Not very well lately