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  1. I probably know why I have a phobia - But there is no exit
  2. Trouble making eye contact
  3. Hello to my old friends!
  4. Full on panic!!
  5. Hello, any advice is appreciated.
  6. Do you think Therapy is useful?
  7. Im tired of how I am. What does this sound like?
  8. Therapy
  9. Feeling "normal" finally
  10. Chat room?
  11. Magnesium: does anyone use it? Is it helpful?
  12. Anxiety, story of a lifetime
  13. Not sure what to do about anxiety...
  14. Borderline Personality Disorder
  15. The Written Word
  16. Holy Shit
  17. Obsessive Checking on my faithful girlfriend
  18. Some anxiety advice needed
  19. How to stop isolating
  20. Am I the only one?
  21. My most consistent trigger is repetition.
  22. Not feeling like a rock star
  23. repeating phrases out of anxiety
  24. Admin please delete this profile
  25. Tickly, tingly almost like itch sensation under my in different parts of my body!!!!
  26. why does nobody ever answer
  27. Do you ever feel like nothing is really fun anymore?
  28. Fatigue vs. Routine
  29. A Key to peace: Gratitude, 5 day challenge
  30. Intrusive thoughts
  31. Confusion about what/how I feel.
  32. Bad anxiety, heart palpitations etc.
  33. Social Security Income is Charging me 2x when I already Re-Paid them $737.00!!!
  34. Explosion of anger through anxiety :(
  35. Can we ever overcome anxiety? Is it really a brain glitch or a lifetime of...
  36. Happiness and Contentment
  37. Any books/apps recommended?
  38. Still doing good, but extremely anxious around Grandparents
  39. Family Anxiety
  40. The good days and bad days with anxiety
  41. How To Get Over Dirt Anxiety?
  42. Is it too late? Am I messed up?
  43. Holy anxiety
  44. University Life...
  45. Gaslighting Made Me Who I Am...
  46. Opinions on my 12 year old brother
  47. Does anyone else suffer from work related anxiety? please answer
  48. panic attack sufferer and Started taking "pre work out" and supplements...
  49. Feeling Let Down By Health Professionals at MIND (UK)
  50. Breathing Article
  51. Physical symptoms manifesting from chronic anxiety and stress?
  52. worried
  53. I can't sleep!
  54. Panic attacks... possibly panic disorder
  55. Need a little help with confrontation
  56. Looking for people who lost weight coming off SSRI's
  57. Running and Varicose vein
  58. Should I see a psychiatrist???
  59. Victory of the day!
  60. I Need Assistance ASAP.
  61. A Little Discouraged
  62. Catholic guilt
  63. Toxoplasma Gondii = Anxiety?
  64. Deep Breaths
  65. not able to be myself
  66. Hair loss?
  67. question about hayfever
  68. What is your distraction?
  69. Is this anxiety????
  70. is this anxiety or something else?
  71. Intro/I need some help/advice.. I intrusive thoughts getting to me tonight :(
  72. three steps forward, one step back...
  73. Insect Bite
  74. Anxiety, Paranoia and Fear - I am suffering, I want to break free!
  75. Questioning reality
  76. Ex-Wife Keeps Popping Up
  77. What is happening to me? Please help? Really scared!
  78. Anxiety is Weird, dammit
  79. Stop caring what people think of me: the best decision I ever made
  80. Anxiety and fear of suicide..?
  81. Staying up late and anxiety
  82. Sick :(
  83. Power through or surrender?
  84. Exposure Vs Self Punishment
  85. Blurry vision and spacey feeling the last few days - Feeling terrified and sick
  86. Ultimatum
  87. Headcrush ....
  88. always messing up...significant others
  89. Need help NOW
  90. Heart related panic attacks
  91. Feeling hella wack
  92. Are you (like me) a perfectionist, control freak, or dependent on approval?
  93. It woke me up this time
  94. Just an update
  95. Anxiety in the morning
  96. I'm having a bad night :(
  97. A survey with an obvious conecction about anxiety disorders
  98. Old AF Friends
  99. Nightmare
  100. Do my symptoms sound anxiety related?
  101. Depersonalization
  102. The Book that Helped Save Me
  103. Big update!!!
  104. Anxiety & dating
  105. New here and desperate. What is wrong with me? Symptoms all over the place
  106. Returning to work after stress leave
  107. I wish
  108. To Med or Not to Med, That is the Question...
  109. Bigfoot
  110. I can't make any decisions any more
  111. Can't leave my apartment on weekends
  112. Weird anxiety habits
  113. What I'm going through right now - please help
  114. Happy Fathers day!
  115. I have a bit of a situation going on, Help?
  116. Did i have some form of panic attack?
  117. How to manage anxiety at work..
  118. very sleepy and lazy.
  119. What Motivates your Actions?
  120. Joint Pain and Anxiety
  121. Soda!!
  122. First appt with mental health tomorrow :S
  123. Having a hard time right now
  124. An Update
  125. Question about GAD - Please Reply
  126. The Linden Method Forum. Help discuss on Facebook!
  127. Tips from anyone who has overcome agoraphobia or anything similar.
  128. please help, fear of brain tumor
  129. Study on Attitudes towards People with Mental Illness
  130. Having a tough time
  131. Migraine auras?
  132. Anxiety from loss of purpose and left with own thoughts
  133. New and wondering if people experiencing what I am
  134. Anxiety and smoking like crazy
  135. Lyrica
  136. Odd worries
  137. Does anyone else have the same kind of anxiety?
  138. Is it anxiety or something else?
  139. Broken hearted again
  140. Deciding on diagnosis and medication
  141. Anxiety over stupid triggers - can anyone relate?
  142. update
  143. Potential causes for sleep issues??
  144. Chest Pain/dizzy/neck pain/cant see properly!
  145. anxiety without depression?
  146. Please Can Someone Explain This
  147. Pretty Sure I'm Going To Die This Weekend
  148. Anxiety and Acceptance
  149. Dizziness/light headed
  150. Introduction/Scary Symptoms
  151. Experiencing anxiety for the first time, any ways to helps cope?
  152. surge of anxiety
  153. Emotional
  154. GAME ALERT - Finally a Game with Meaningful Purpose!
  155. Anxious and trying to find the right treatment and medicine
  156. "Anxiety Episode" - Please Read
  157. Free CBT help?
  158. hi i just need some help
  159. Hypochondria
  160. Have you ever felt this?
  161. olanzapine 5mg
  162. New and a hot mess
  163. Need more copeing skills for body anxiety symptoms.
  164. I need help I feel like I'm losing control
  165. Effexor
  166. My Anxiety Story
  167. Update on my anxiety episode
  168. Men
  169. Sae the Mope Queen
  170. Feeling Very Anxious Today :(
  171. Can You Relate? - Please Read
  172. a couple of things
  173. My kind of anxiety...
  174. GF has anxiety and I just made a textbook mistake
  175. Terrified about being bipolar
  176. My Anxiety is Ruining My Love Life
  177. Internalized Shame and Anxiety
  178. My Struggle
  179. Canada day!!!!
  180. Wake up call
  181. I'm such a freak!
  182. Holidays for people with Agoraphobia and panic attacks
  183. Speech Slurring, Dystharia, Really scared
  184. "Just be yourself!"
  185. Anxiety in lecture theatres affecting my education
  186. Anxiety Help
  187. Something good happened and I was stupid also.
  188. Health Anxiety
  189. Traveling
  190. Teenaged son - ASD, OCD and now anxiety - questions
  191. Coincidences and Anxiety
  192. Could do with some advise
  193. Finally have an appointment with a psychiatrist
  194. Brain Eating Amoebas in Lakes???? I'm freaking out
  195. Off Schedule
  196. Does anyone else have difficulty thinking clearly?
  197. Anxiety on the weekend
  198. Tics and twitches
  199. Gf with anxiety
  200. A Serious Lapse in Treatment
  201. I can't stop my panic attacks?
  202. Kik anxiety friends
  203. Trouble swallowing
  204. Don't Stay in School!
  205. Anxiety and my relationship...
  206. Please read-any help is appreciated. I have anxiety but don't know what to do to help
  207. Tips on Battling Hypochondria?
  208. i need a new job
  209. Still pretty anxious... Cant tell if my meds are working
  210. My Lump, My Lump, My Lovely Lady Lump
  211. HI =) Ways around anxiety and panic. How I came right. Anxiety no more!
  212. Medication causing anxiety?
  213. Insomnia
  214. please help, i have completely lost control over my anxiety
  215. Documentary about health anxiety
  216. labile hypertension
  217. Best Guided Meditation Ever
  218. Nervous Ticks?
  219. Help with hypochondria
  220. lexapro nausea? please help
  221. General Anxiety and Unpredictable Episodes
  222. Please Help. I've had enough.
  223. Help! Am having spasms, pain, shaking, nausea off and one last year and a half
  224. Update: first psych appointment
  225. cell phones
  226. The balace of thoughts
  227. Stepping out..wish me luck
  228. Dental Phobia
  229. Increased Meds to 40mg daily... Experience..
  230. Propranolol 40mg
  231. Mother daughter relationships ( Girls dont be mad )
  232. Got an interesting issue.
  233. Health anxiety: purple underneath eyes
  234. Holiday anxiety
  235. Generalized Anxiety? Borderline? OCD? A mess.
  236. "Rut" Of Anxiety, Can Anyone Relate? - Thanks
  237. Wondering about Anxiety
  238. missed opportunities
  239. bad experience with people
  240. I'm Screwed
  241. Coping with sensory overload
  242. Omg HELP! Anxiety to the max
  243. super freaking out
  244. mild symptoms but mega anxiety!
  245. My YouTube Channel For Anxiety
  246. Anxiety and toilet issues
  247. My mom's addiction
  248. How does Drinking effect you
  249. Spacey or Derealization? Any success stories with Derealization?
  250. Anxiety medication