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  1. My anxiety video
  2. Anxiety/depression/insomnia
  3. Bad weekend, i need some cheering up!
  4. F***ing anxiety... Can't enjoy anything!
  5. had to make new account
  6. Feeling bad, needing to talk
  7. Does facing your anxiety fears make anxiety go away? If so, why is medication used?
  8. Bad weather anxieety!!! Anyone else?
  9. Anyone needing some uplifting words
  10. spirit guides
  11. Sigh
  12. Prozac question
  13. Need to talk
  14. As of today i have lived anxiety for 1 year
  15. Bad/funny dream about this forum - now awake from sound of freezing rain
  16. Storm.
  17. ugh... im back
  18. freaking out!
  19. Terrible anxiety right now
  20. Learning to breath with the belly* help
  21. Sleep and anxiety
  22. someone to talk to
  23. someone to talk to...
  24. Should I seek help? :(
  25. Adrenal Fatigue? Is this real?
  26. Recommended !!!!!!! Check this out.
  27. Food and Xanax
  28. Help getting the old me back
  29. Mental symptoms
  30. shower anxiety
  31. i havent posted in a while.
  32. Would you use an anxiety management tool ?
  33. no one understands
  34. Just trying to get through
  35. Nervousness and negative thinking
  36. For those of us just starting on meds :)
  37. Being alone
  38. Horrible anxiety
  39. Anxiety attack
  40. Idk whats going on
  41. Missed my dose!
  42. Can anyone relate?
  43. Hypochondria
  44. All of a sudden..
  45. Evening/nighttime anxiety thread
  46. What the f*** is this??
  47. What makes a man......(venting)
  48. I Dressed Up To Go To The Oscars!!
  49. Tonights been rough..
  50. Somethings changed
  51. Hmmm
  52. Hi
  53. Relapse
  54. Women!!!
  55. Need to chat
  56. Panicky and depression
  57. Hey guys i am back
  58. Anxiey and illect drug use..
  59. Wake up feeling awful...
  60. Wishing everyone a good day!
  61. I need friends!
  62. "Do you need meds?"
  63. Does anyone no this man???
  64. Messages
  65. Book
  66. Dizziness and palpitations?
  67. Its a better day
  68. leaving for awhile
  69. Facing the fear..
  70. Sick every morning
  71. Just back from doctors!
  72. Getting into a therapist is f***ing hard!
  73. Frustrating..
  74. Theres is hope!
  75. Horrible feelings
  76. Does anyone else get sensitive in their eyes?
  77. can't stay asleep, help!
  78. Terrified
  79. Weird pulse
  80. Having a meh day
  81. Feeling like sh*t... :(
  82. Great anxiety book rhat helped me
  83. Starting to feel blah!
  84. Can't face anything. Will this pass? If so when?
  85. Therapy
  86. Advice
  87. Problems with the ladies :P
  88. Full-blown panic, please someone talk me down!
  89. Girl issues
  90. I wanna..
  91. So ironic i had to laugh
  92. Mind over Matter
  93. Employment Worries
  94. Feeling better
  95. Wellbutrin
  96. Really???
  97. Not smart..!
  98. eating issues???
  99. Where is everyone from!
  100. Hypnotherapy
  101. Fellow Xanaxerrrrrs
  102. How to initiate counseling/ therapy
  103. Cant sleep
  104. How do you cope with your hypochondriac episodes?
  105. how I cured my anxiety and OCD with supplements
  106. My left side of my body (upper side - arm shoulder) froze up yesterday and I had..
  107. Do a lot people with anxiety feel like they're in hell sometimes? Like a hell on eart
  108. Does facing your feels in all instances work with anxiety?
  109. Faced my fear
  110. Too anxious to sleep
  111. Does facing your fears in all instances work with anxiety?
  112. Just a spacey feeling
  113. Bad night. Flashbacks (?). Won't go into detail
  114. Pushing 3 days without Zoloft and a bit worried??
  115. Feeling lost
  116. Pain in chest when breathing in
  117. I'm done with this. How am I supposed to handle this??
  118. Flying today
  119. Good morning all!
  120. High anxiety
  121. labour and anxiety
  122. Does it ever get better
  123. Having an attack
  124. What's you bpm when anxious?
  125. Today is going by so slow...
  126. Extreme drowsiness and fatigue?
  127. Arm pain
  128. Breathing
  129. Wah :(
  130. Having an attack
  131. Therapy sort of a bust. Wellbutrin increase a hit?
  132. Posts?
  133. St. john's wort?
  134. strange physical symptoms, possible anxiety?
  135. Anyone here get an attack fter taking antibiotic?
  136. Checking in convo
  137. Ugh bed time yet??
  138. Long explanation on my anxiety and depression
  139. ER again
  140. feel shit today
  141. Urghh not myself today :-(
  142. this is the worst symptom for me my god
  143. Giant Panic Attack at Work
  144. How to change your attitude?
  145. Wondering......
  146. WHy can't I get back to normal????????
  147. Health anxiety!
  148. Fatigue?
  149. Anxious
  150. Today is the day!
  151. And i thought things couldnt get worse
  152. "happy light"
  153. anyone else..?
  154. Mother of two with anxiety
  155. Bad sleep
  156. Forum - Negative or positive?
  157. Dr.google isn't evil if you use it right!
  158. Has anyone here tried Welbutrin combined with Zoloft?
  159. admitting the real fear
  160. Just an attack?
  161. Help please
  162. Yay!
  163. Waking up many times during night with nausea and in a panic
  164. Wretched insomnia
  165. Stop being the anxiety police
  166. Top of head is burning
  167. Roaming thoughts
  168. Lorazepam or Xanax
  169. Go home?
  170. What made you happy, smile or laugh today.....
  171. OCD breathing
  172. So...hear I am. Again.
  173. Lonely :( . And what is a psych test?
  174. So much shit to do
  175. Can Anxiety cause Bladder Problems??
  176. <3333333333
  177. I feel like a rollcoaster
  178. living in constant fear
  179. Alcohol and Anxiety
  180. I'm back...
  181. Grrrr!
  182. When can I say "I've overcome anxiety"?
  183. Feeling like I'm constantly on a bad high
  184. Think my cold is causing my DP to flare up, not sure what to do? :(
  185. Face ache!
  186. sertraline query
  187. Advice plz
  188. Facebook
  189. Weird question
  190. Why during the day? (Mostly)
  191. Quick question
  192. Progress!!!
  193. Pain in sternum
  194. I'm so tired of it...
  195. :(
  196. it won't let me reply to threads. grr
  197. I'm gonna post a serious thread. on...self confidence.
  198. I'm currently very scared, would just like some encouragement.
  199. Meds. So. Sleepy 😴
  200. Recurring Symptom
  201. Up at 3am again... Argh
  202. Need to talk!
  203. Will it get better?
  204. Anxiety and wars.
  205. Feeling like im losing my mind
  206. wish me luck today!!!
  207. Do you always think the worse?
  208. Motorway anxiety!!
  209. Came back from the doc
  210. arghhhhh
  211. Muscle Problems?
  212. I'm posting an update
  213. Ideas?
  214. Depression only at night?
  215. why depression...why now?
  216. My throat feels like its closing in on me!
  217. First Post - Dull Heart Ache Pains?
  218. As I Write This..
  219. Anyone else take .5mg lorazepam?
  220. Is there a recommended medication for anxiety?
  221. Faint feeling (underated expression(
  222. 19 years old and major anxiety
  223. Losing hope...
  224. Gluten free?
  225. feeling Blah!
  226. Hi
  227. Happy international women's day
  228. Why do you think many of anxiety suffers have stiff back and neck?
  229. hand twitching anxiety
  230. Another accomplishment
  231. anniversaries
  232. Major, life ruining issues at school due to my anxiety?
  233. difficulty breathing
  234. Going to party till the sunshine
  235. Anxiety: distraction is good?
  236. How Long Will It Take?
  237. socialy anxiety holding me back from success...
  238. palps yet again help
  239. Symptoms
  240. Emotional breakdown argghhh!!
  241. feeling scared
  242. Feeling useless and disappointed..
  243. :(
  244. Would you say these are perfect ingredients for a panic attack?
  245. What are some anxiety related dreams you frequently have?
  246. Is this Anxiety or...?
  247. Making Anxiety My B****
  248. Champix?
  249. No xanax..
  250. Terrified of the future